(Author note: Hey readers! Here is a new story for NCIS LA I hope that you enjoy! Comment what you think. Thanks! ~Potter-Weasley-Granger1)


I go running every single morning. I like to stay in shape. This particular morning my more than partners, partner Deeks decides that he wants to run with me. Deeks isn't much of a runner. He's fit and in shape, but he rides his bike or goes surfing. I can here his feet as they pound into the pavement and his heavy breathing, but he is still only two strides behind me. I'm actually impressed. We get back to the car and I open the trunk to grab two bottles of water. "Kens, what the heck do you live in your car," questions Deeks coming up behind me. I turn to look at him and glare as I toss him a bottle of water. I drink half of mine as I walk to the driver's side of the car and Deeks closes the trunk and makes his way to the passenger side. I start the car in silence and Deeks say, "Kensi, I was only joking. I love you." I try to suppress the smile that tries to sneak onto my face as I reply, "I love you too Deeks." Deeks jokes often about how I am messy. Sure, I have a bunch of clothes in my car, but I know that I will never need clothes and not have them. I like to be prepared. I'm hoping that we will get to work early enough so that I can take a shower and get a quick shooting session in before everyone starts showing up. We make our way into the building at work and find that it looks pretty empty. There is only one car in the parking lot and it's Nell's and she either stayed last night or caught a ride with Eric.

I have mastered the two-minute shower add to that a minimum of four minutes to dry my hair for a total of six minutes spent in the bathroom giving me more time to practice shooting. When I am shooting it's like I am in my own world. I don't have anyone else telling me what to do. Now I realize that isn't completely true. People all the time order me to shoot this person or to shoot that person, but the shot that's all on me. I am the one that chooses between killing a person or shooting them to hurt. For the most part I like to see the good in others, but sometimes you can't. When you see certain things, there isn't much good to see. I originally joined NCIS because of a personal vendetta, to find the man that killed my father. Now here I am in a job that I love with the man that I love. This team has become my family and I am overwhelmingly happy every time I get to see them. I lost track of time and stop shooting when my phone dings with a text from Eric. I press the button and my shot paper is brought to me. I did pretty good. I head upstairs to the Ops center where I know Nell and Eric are. I get inside and see that Deeks, Callen, and Sam are all standing around the computer monitors behind Nell and Eric. "Alright," says Hetty as she enters the room behind me, " Mr. Deeks you and Agent Blye will be going undercover as an international assassin couple." I look over at Deeks and he looks like he is so excited. Deeks loves to go undercover. "We have been monitoring this contract killing business for several months and you two are to go in as new killers for them. Your mission to get in, get close and infiltrate," say Hetty, "Mr. Beale get them set and you two will be reporting for duty soon after." Eric gets us earwigs and prepared for going undercover. Deeks and I leave to get dressed and prepared to meet with the other members.

I go change into a simple but beautiful dress. I make my way back to the desk as Deeks is coming in dressed in a nice suit and white shirt without a tie. Looking quite handsome if I do say so. "Wow," I start, "You clean up nicely." That famous smile of his comes across his face and he says, "You don't look too bad yourself. "You ready for this," I ask as I reach out to take his hand. "Heck yea! I love going undercover and I especially love going undercover with you," Deeks says taking my hand and pecking my lips. "Heads up," Eric says tossing us a set of car keys that go to a BMW. "Look now we are high rollers," jokes Deeks. "Time to go," I smile as we make our way to the black BMW that is parked in the car garage. These cars are only used for undercover assignments.

"I'll drive," I announce. "Uh, no you won't. We actually have to get to this in one piece," Deeks argues. He already has the keys, so I go with it. We drive to the address that Nell and Eric gave us and see that it looks like a gas station that's been abandon. There are no cars parked that we can see so we pull to the back and see one car with blacked out windows and no plates. We get out of the car and walk towards the boarded-up gas station. Deeks pulls the door handle and the door opens right up. One good sign. Inside is dimly lit and the shelves are still up without anything on them. In the aisle between the shelves sits one chair with one guy and two bodyguard types standing on each side of him. "Finally, you are here. I have heard that you two are the best. Here is your mission," the man in the chair says handing Deeks a piece of paper. "Mr. and Mrs. Warren contact me on this when you have finished the mission," the man says. I nod, and we exit the building and head back to the car. The paper that the man gave Deeks is folded twice and I put gloves on before I open it to try to read it. Written in block letters is an address, a first and last name and the type gun we are to use. We both put our earwigs back in and start our drive to a hotel. Hey Eric, he gave us a piece of paper. You won't be able to match handwriting, but you might be able to lift a print. We have a name Karl Paul. We are supposed to call when we finish the job. I think our best bet is to put him in protective custody and fake an obituary," I say through the earwig. "I'm on it," says Eric and Nell on the other end. "We are going to get set up in the hotel and go from there," Deeks announces to the team.

We quickly get to the hotel and move our 'luggage' into our room and prepare for the next step. I start to rearrange our fire arms, then Deeks arms are around my waist, "Melissa, what are you thinking?" "That I love you," I say leaning up to put my lips on his. We don't know if our room is bugged since they made the reservation we also don't know if they are watching us, so we must go by our undercover names. Melissa and Justin Warren. Our kiss escalates and before I know what is going on we are on the bed and Hetty is in my ear saying, "remember the mission."

(Author Note: Hi readers. I hope that you enjoy this chapter let me know what you think. ~Potter-Weasley-Granger1)