Chapter 06

"All done!" Sakura sang as she showed her papa the empty cup. Sakumo smiled down at her, "Well done my dear, would you like some more?" She held her cup out, knowing her father would fill it up a little more with the juice she just had.

Kakashi watched from the opposite side of her. In a few short months, his little sister would be two years old, and already she had a few phrases and melodies memorized. 'All done' being one of many.

The boy picked at his food, momentarily distracted in his observation of the little human. Sakura picked up a piece of sausage from her plate and put it in her mouth. Chewing with her baby teeth and swallowing, in his opinion, a little quickly. She took to solid foods very well, easily eating a few eggs and sausages all on her own. It was almost like she was a bottomless pit.

She eyed something on her father's plate and her hands stretched out, making a grabbing motion, "Pickle!" she said, her enunciation not quite on point, given that she was still not even two. Her father handed over the largest piece of pickled daikon on his plate. She smiled wide and began to chew on it.

"Kakashi," his father caught the boy's attention, "If you don't finish your breakfast soon, you'll be late for class." Kakashi glanced at the clock and made quick work on his breakfast. Not soon after, he waved goodbye to his family and headed out the door.

"Now then," Sakumo turned back in time to catch his daughter 'dropping' some sausage on to the floor for one of the ninken. With a fond smile he watched her push another piece off on the other side of her high chair for another ninken, "If you keep doing that, the pups will get fat."

Mirin and Mochi, the ones who ate, licked the bottom of the girl's feet, elicity squeals and laughter from the babe. "Non-sense Sakumo-sama! There isn't an ounce of fat on us!" Of course there wasn't, he thought idly to himself, not with the running they did around all day with his baby girl.

"All right, little lady," Sakumo hoisted the girl into his arms. Clearly if she was playing with her food, she was done eating for now. "Let's get you changed shall we? Granny Saihara wanted to show you her garden." At the mention of the elderly lady, Sakura smiled. She loved granny!

Her father carried her up the stairs and into her room. He rummaged through the drawer until he found what he wanted. Today, papa was going to put her in a duck onesie. The other day it was a cow onesie. Sakumo had found a good deal the other day at the market and bought an entire animal set. He was definitely excited to have her wear them all eventually.

"Quack quack!" she sang, imitating what Granny Saihara read to her from those colourful books. "Yes, indeed, Sakura-chan, it's a duck," Sakumo praised easily and dressed the toddler with efficiency. He set carried her back down the stairs and set her down, "Want to hold daddy's hand?" He held his hand out to her.

"Un!" she grabbed hold of his fingers with her tiny hand and together they left the house. Little as she was, Sakura was quite capable of walking on her own now, and liked to do so as much as possible. Stairs were still a little tricky, and her father preferred to hold hands with her when they were out, to keep her safe of course.

Granny Saihara only lived a few houses down the street, so they arrived quite quickly. Sakumo lifted her up so she could push the door bell, "ding dong!" she sang again, in time with the bell.

Grandpa Saihara was the one to open the door a moment later. Sakura practically beamed, "Jii-cha!" Grandpa Saihara's heart practically melted at how adorable the little girl was. "Why hello Sakura-chan. I see today you are a duck."

"Quack quack!" she sang again and giggled to herself.

Grandpa Saihara stepped aside to let them in, Sakumo closing the door behind themselves. He took of his shoes and placed them correctly at the entrance. Then he helped Sakura with hers. She watched intently as her father explained basic manners. She didn't understand much, but it made Grandpa Saihara and her father happy, so maybe one today she would be able to do this too.

Grandpa held out his hand and Sakura took hold of what fingers she could as he led her towards the backyard door. He slid the screen to the side and Sakura marvelled at the sight on their garden. Beautiful flowers everywhere, some much taller than herself. Her eyes didn't know where to rest, her scanned the yard and eventually found granny with a big straw hat on her head, gloves over her hands. "Baa-cha!" she exclaimed and the elderly woman turned and smiled. "Hello Sakura-chan, welcome to our little garden."

Grandpa helped her down the steps and once on the grass, Sakura let go and ran straight towards granny, softly crashing into the woman's legs, and hugging her.

Sakumo helped grandpa prepare tea and snacks, and helped the elderly man carry it back to the porch where the men sat as they watched the women in their lives interact so lively amidst the flora.

Sakura moved from one plant to the next, examining the different flowers. Her eyes eventually caught on a little honey bee resting on the hydrangea. Granny explained to the fascinated little girl. Eventually Sakura patted her belly and looked at granny, who knew instantly what the girl wanted. She guided the child back to the porch, where the men met them with ice tea and cookies.

Sakura hauled herself up onto the porch, seating herself in her father's lap, half a cookie pushed in to her hands. She cast a glance at the tray of food, maybe she could convince her papa to bring some back for nii-chan.

Little Sakura felt so much love, and couldn't wait until she was capable of speaking bigger words to let them all know just how she felt.


Author's note: Trying to get something in as it's been a while, and the next two weeks are going to be busy as heck. I work at a bakery. Why do people love to celebrate Christmas with cake? Thank you for the business, but I wish it wasn't essentially hell-breaks-loose- for us. Maybe there will be another chapter or so in the next little bit. I had some scenarios I wanted to write out.