Chapter 2

Disclaimer: Been feeling a pull to write this so I decided not to ignore it anymore.

Six Months Later

Six months had passed since Harry Potter had been brought to Nanda Parbat by his Uncle, Al-Owal. And in those six months, he had proven himself very capable despite the harshness of the training he endured. Training that had even involved learning other ways to use his magic without his wand thanks to the Priestess that lived within Nanda Parbat. He had also even become something of a favorite amongst the Tibetan Snakes the LoA kept and bred for the use of their venom. However, he had yet to be sent out on his first assassination and Harry wasn't sure if he should be happy about that or not even as he dreaded its eventual arrival. "Come now, Al-Nahab, you are hardly providing a challenge for me in our run." Came the teasing voice of one Nyssa Al Ghul, daughter and heir of the Demon himself, Ra's Al Ghul, as she and the teenager formerly known as Harry Potter made their run through an endurance course that also doubled as an obstacle course.

Al-Nahab being a name Harry had personally chosen for himself since all who came to the League took on a new name once they became part of the League. His name meaning 'The Marauder', something he chose as a means to honor his father, Professor Lupin, and Sirius. Ra's and his Uncle had thought it to be rather sentimental but had left it alone. Though Ra's hadn't stopped calling Harry 'Boy' much to his annoyance but it did continue to give him reason to one day prove why he shouldn't be called that. "Maybe I'm lulling you into a false sense of security, ever think of that? As after all, a member of the League must utilize whatever is available to his or her advantage." He replied with a slight eyeroll and a grin as he jumped over a big rock.

Nyssa smirked and flicked a rock at her friend's feet, causing him to stumble momentarily before continuing on. Of all the changes to his life, becoming friends with the Daughter of the Demon was the last thing he had expected to happen due to how standoffish she'd been in the beginning. But it was something he was happy about none the less as he'd managed to get past the walls she had built up thanks to her father's ways of handling her. Along with the training she'd had since a young age and like him, had yet to take a life as well. "I believe I just did such a thing, Al-Nahab."

And to further mess with him, she attacked him as several arrows came flying past them as he defended himself. An attempted leg sweep that she ducked had him taking off for the rest of the course and even barely avoiding being hit by several daggers with a paralytic venom that was coated on the blades. Nearing the end of the course, the two sparred with one another again and both had grins on their faces. Despite the fact that a year ago, Nyssa wouldn't have ever been doing such a thing but her new found friend had taught her the little he knew of being a normal teenager. "Oh, I seem to have one foot across the finish line to speak." Declared Nyssa with a pleased smirk as the two grappled with one another.

"I bloody think not." Retorted Harry as he attempted to drag her forward but she was giving it her all to not be dragged.

Only to find himself with two daggers that were coated in a certain paralytic venom in his back. His eyes widened as she let go of him and stepped over the finish line. "Blimey..." Muttered the young man as he fell to his knees and then to his face, unable to move.

"Hmm… Enjoy your resting spot, my friend."


But she said nothing as she walked off with a pleased grin on her lips. "The venom will wear off in two hours!"


That is officially 7 to his 2. Thought the young Heir to herself in a pleased manner.

Who knew having a friend could be so… Rewarding? His muffled words continued to call out for her but she ignored them as she happily sauntered away. Even looking forward to what her friend might do next to finally get a third win against her. Not that she would make it easy on him of course!

Author's Notes: Heh, that was enjoyable. Next chapter, whenever that is, will more then likely be more serious.