Maybe Stef and Lena didn't give birth to Jude; maybe they weren't in his life from the time he was born; maybe they don't always do what he wants but they are his moms and Callie makes sure that he knows it.

(Four part story based on the Promo for Makeover (517) where Stef and Lena confront Jude about his new job.)

"Do you have any idea who could be watching these live streams Jude?" Stef asked in disbelief. Thanks to Jesus raving about how he passed a level in some game or the other Stef decided to check out her youngest son's latest endeavor but she was definitely not proud or pleased with what she saw."

"People who like games, or…" Jude shrugged. He couldn't see what the big deal was.

"Talking about hitting it and asking what your favorite position is is not funny, it's an invitation for online predators." Stef warned sternly with a reprimanding look.

"I… i… it's not real." Jude tried to defend. "We just gotta… play it up."

"Well, you're not doing it anymore." Stef ordered flatly. She was not at all happy with the things her son was saying and she wasn't willing to let it go even a step further.

"That's not fair." Jude argued angrily. "You can't just take it away. It's a job, I'm making money."

"Yeah, well so are the girls that I pull of the streets everyday." Stef retorted sharply.

"Stef." Lena chastised. She did agree with Stef on all counts but she didn't think that Jude making a few jokes while playing a video game equated teenage girls selling themselves on the streets.

"I'm doing nothing like that." Jude replied angrily. Nothing he was doing was illegal, secretive or even direct. Even their jokes were kept between him and Declan. It wasn't like they were asking their viewers these types of personal questions. It wasn't even part of the game, it was just to add humor to the conversation, especially during parts where nothing major happened on screen.

"You settle down." Stef said warningly, not liking his tone of voice.

"You settle down." Jude said, his own temper rising for he believed that his mother was being more than irrational about the entire thing.

Stef gave Jude a reprimanding look. "You better watch it young man." She warned. "You're on very thin ice."

"You're only fourteen years old, Jude." Lena added. She didn't think that they would get anywhere if it ended up becoming a contest between Stef and Jude.

"You promised nothing like this would ever happen after the gay app incident." Stef reminded him. She recalled how afraid Jude admitted to being and how relieved he'd felt when he was out of that man's house so she couldn't imagine why he'd put himself in a position like that again.

"It's not the same thing." Jude argued again. "We don't meet any of these people, we don't even discuss this stuff with them. It's not like it's some sex site. It's just some teasing between me and Declan."

The back door opened and Callie and Mariana walked in - sticky, sweaty and teasing each other, but laughing none the less, about how Mariana needed to practice running in order to keep up with Logan who she was still trying to impress. Callie agreed to go along to help motivate Mariana but she swore that it wasn't going to become a regular thing. The two were still panting exhausted and headed straight for the water that they didn't realize that their moms' and Jude were having more than just a general discussion.

"It's still dangerous." Stef responded. "You may not mean it but the people watching it get ideas and they attack."

"It's no more dangerous than your job." Jude continued to argue, determined to hold on to this job as hard as he could. Not only was he earning his own money but he was having fun and he was actually good at something for a change. From the day he entered this family he was the youngest kid with four older siblings that were all talented at something or the other - everyone always raved about Callie's photography and drawings, Mariana had her dancing and then the robotics team and now derby and Jesus got a full scholarship for wrestling and he was good at pretty much any sport he tried and Brandon was just overflowing with musical talents but Jude never had anything until now. "This is my job; it's part of being a G-A-Y-mer." He emphasized. "There has to be something gay to it and it's not like we discuss things we do or like, we're just teasing each other."

"On the internet." Stef finished what Jude didn't consider. "We aren't talking about you teasing each other in school, we are talking about a place where anybody and everybody can watch and listen and possibly harm you as well and that is not a risk I'm willing to let you take."

By now Callie and Mariana had picked up the gist of the conversation and were listening intently. For one, they were both too tired and still panting from their run but apart from that they were also inquisitive about what would happen. Jude had evolved a lot since he'd first come to live with them - he was bolder, braver and a lot more confident of himself but even he had never talked back to Stef so boldly before.

"You go out there every day with the risk of something happening to you." Jude pointed out, actually pointing at Stef. "That's your job and no one stops you."

"You are a child." Stef said angrily. She was more than done arguing about this but Jude just kept on pushing. "This is not an acceptable job for you and it stops now. That's it."

"You can't do that." Jude argued. "You don't have the right."

"Oh yes I do." Stef stated through gritted teeth. She was well and truly reaching the end of her tether and Jude was still pushing.

"No, you don't." Jude shot back. "You're not even my real mother." He said without really thinking; his anger taking over.

Stef was just about to say something as was Lena but before either of them could even open their mouths a very angry, very determined Callie walked passed them and slapped her brother hard across the cheek even though he was now quite a bit taller than she was.

"WHAT THE FUCK CALLIE!" Jude yelled with a frown as his left hand covered his stinging cheek. "What the hell is your problem?"

But Callie's eyes were filled with a fiery rage and nothing was going to calm her down. "Don't ever say that." Callie said, gritting her teeth in anger. "Don't you ever even think it." She warned.

Stef and Lena were both right next to the two children, trying to calm them both down but neither of them could even hear a word they were saying for they were both more than angry. Mariana was now also standing up and watching but she was also nervous for she'd never seen Callie so angry or violent for that matter.

"They are your moms and you are damn lucky to have them." Callie continued, pointing in Stef and Lena's general direction. "We were nothing Jude; after mom died we meant nothing to anyone but Stef and Lena took us in and loved us anyway and they saved us from hell so don't you ever say that they aren't your moms because there is no one alive who will ever do more for you than them."

Colleen was dead; Donald didn't even bother to come looking for them when he got out of prison and Robert, of course, wasn't Jude's father. Yes, he would have taken Jude in along with Callie if he had known about them but it would only have been because of Callie. Callie was all that Jude had ever had since he was six years old and now that there were other people to love him he was taking them for granted. It was the first time she'd ever admitted that she had, in fact, taken a back seat in Jude's life. She had long since stopped trying to parent him; let go of worrying about him constantly and accepted that the two older women would, not only do everything in their power to keep him safe but probably also do a better job of it than she had.

"Callie, honey, stop." Lena said, trying to get the younger girl to take a step or two away from her brother who was still holding his now red cheek but had calmed down considerably after his sister made him realize just what his words truly meant.

"No." Callie continued, shrugging out of Lena's grasp.

Stef suggested that Lena give them some space. As long as no one was getting violent then this possibly could turn into a healthy conversation if it meant that they would get a little insight into what the kids were feeling.

"No, I won't stop." Callie continued, oblivious to what was going on around her. "I won't because you don't know what it's like to be mad at someone and never get the chance to apologize; to make things right and to tell them that you love them." She said to Jude as tears now filled her eyes as the pain she'd been filled with for the last seven years once again consumed her. "You just admitted that everyday Stef walks into danger with the risk of never coming home again and still you can bare to say something so nasty to her? She's already been shot once and she has a high chance of getting cancer. Lena was in a school with a gunman; at home with one too and apart from all of that there are drunk drivers and murderers and diseases and god knows what else that could take them from us tomorrow and you won't even know that the end is coming; you could never even imagine it." By now the girl was once again breathing heavily and shaking and just barely holding it all together.

Stef finally took a step forward and wrapped her arms around the sobbing girl while Lena rubbed a hand up and down both Callie and Jude's arms, offering both of them some comfort.

"They are your moms." Callie finished in a small voice, wiping her eyes thought the tears kept falling. "Don't ever forget that."

The entire room was silent after that as no one said a word. No one was sure of what to say or do. Callie had had her say and was finally satisfied and so with one last gulp of air she headed upstairs to shower, leaving behind her mothers, brother and sister to figure out what to do.