He is more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.

There are fifteen different types of love. Infatuation which is simply fantasy and idealization. Romantic Love an already build up, deep feeling for a partner. Eros very sexual sensation. Companionate Love warm feelings towards friends. Unconditional Love you plainly do everything for the other. Conditional Love the term explains itself. Puppy Love innocent crush. Maternal Love is accepting, nurturing and protective. Paternal Love prepares offspring for the outside world. Soulmate Love is related to as something that has survived multiple lifetimes before. Divine Love is a gift given to everyone from God. Love of your country or patriotism loyalty for the place where you were born or live in. Self-Love is accepting yourself and everything you are. Brotherly Love is given to everyone by yourself. Tough Love selfless behaviour for someone dear.

Only fifteen terms for love, it sounds so easy but when confronted it's difficult to categorize. I'm a simple minded person, my beliefs are mostly founded on logic and research. Love at first sight is something the Hollywood industry made up to sell Ingrid Bergman movies. True love is something the Hollywood industry made up to sell Celia Jonson movies.

A simple and capitalistic thought, isn't it?

I was comfortable with my theory of this warm feeling called love. That is, until him. The simple breeze of instigation turned into a full-fledged storm of constant turmoil, confusion.

I always made fun of my friends whenever they would tell me 'I feel this chemistry between us' or 'It's like our bodies communicate on their own'. Well shit, now I'm the one who should be laughed at.

I'm a hypocrite but upright. Passionate then again apathetic. An all-inclusive package.

All because of him.


Classical pieces in the background, murmurs which let assume everyone was having a good time, dancing folk. The beautifully illuminated ballroom beamed. Walls adorned with golden tones on occasion some white shined, even the floor seemed too precious to step on.

The carefully planned banquet blossomed with happy driven higher-ups, everyone present felt honoured to the bone.

Conclusively, the Uchihas wouldn't invite a Mr. Nobody from Nowhere. So when someone receives a gracefully ornamented, tiny silver plate with pretty written adjectives on it? Then that certain someone would damn well be a fool not to come.

That's the very reason of my attendance, and because I was trusted with the quest to monitor Shishou's liquor level. We were here as Tokyo Hospital officials after all.

After the initial hours of chatting, plotting and doomed boredom I found some solace in the corner of the hall, owlish eyes never failing to check on my superior, until my back tingled with weird unexplainable electrical tendrils of I don't know what's. As if I was being watched and my body decided to set off an alarm in my head.

My propped up head turned and this electric sensation was all over and inside me. Long luscious eyelashes blinked slowly, mesmerizingly back at me. I felt my eyeballs spy him over the dozens of people, occasionally blocking my view. The pressure I felt in the back of my neck while swanning to its maximum capacity was the last thing I had on mind. We were like magnets, unable to dislocate. I'm not sure whether it was him, the one that cruelly robbed my attention, creating these vibes or perhaps the cause was unexplainable. This unimaginable pull, it was as if the Universe wanted me to close the distance between us and reduce it to nothingness until we were glued to each other.

My brain received the order from my neurons to become one with him.

My feet swept slowly over the floor, surroundings blurred out. I wished to see more than just glimpses of him. Impregnated deep in my bones was this current. I wanted to explore it.

The distance closed in on us, tingles arouse in my stomach and I had to remind myself it's not love. There's no love between us. Only pulling.

"Sakura are you feeling well?" I didn't even as much as looked at Sasuke.

"I'm good, why?" My eyes desperately tried to locate him, to no avail. He was already gone. As was the electricity between us, as were his piercing eyes on me.

"You had this weird daydreaming face on, you're not drunk are you?" Sasuke now moved and blocked my view of pretty much anything besides his Smokey clad chest.

I glared at his honest face. "Of course not. You know as well as I do, whenever Tsunade-sama plans to drink either I or Shizune need to supervise her." He really couldn't listen, with him it just enters in one ear and exits through the other. Men.

"Alright. I need to go, Karin might spot me." His face covered in an embarrassing scowl. The Uzumaki wanted to dance with Sasuke but he not so much with touchy-touch Karin.

"Of course we need to prevent that." With the mischief already mirrored in my eyes, I grabbed Sasuke's arms then made him dance with me. I needed a little bit more action, a friendly dance served just well.

"So tell me," I started casually "how does it feel to be the brother of the new Superintended General?" My eyes and the smug look I had on my face were indication enough that, yes, I was teasing Sasuke. The slight pinch of pink on his cheeks and the scowl made it worth.

"Come to think of it," I continued, Sasuke would definitely not collaborate further on that subject. "it's weird."

A tiny twitch of his eyebrow told me I had his attention "What is?" he asked.

"Well I went on several shopping-dates with Mikoto-san, ate about a hundred times dinner at yours and visit very often but, " It was my turn to scowl. "I've never met your brother." With my freshly lit curiosity I asked "What is he like?"

I wanted to hear his answer, weird as it was I've never even seen a picture of his oh-so-brilliant sibling. "His name's Itachi and he's older than me." Sasuke sent me a clear back-off look. I did what any sharp-minded individual would do right then; I sulked.

"Come on, that's too obvious!" All he did was to release this infamous grunt of his, with that the battle was over; the winner Sasuke.

The silence between us grew once again, it was clear my best friend wouldn't say anything further. The music hit its climax and Sasuke swung me gently back, I swirled two times then found myself hit against a sure male chest. I opened my eyes, wanting to congratulate Sasuke on his social skill but the words were stuck inside my suddenly tight throat.

I was in his arms. Him. The one, whom I had that perplexing glancing match with just a few minutes back.

Having him in front of me only ensured my theory; he was gorgeous. The black in his eyes under closer inspection turned out to be not so black after all, it had tendrils of blue and tiny yellow specks around his irises. His face screamed royal heritage as did his well-build Smokey clad body.

Just like that I was lost, yet again. Certainty whispered gently it's not love, to which I agreed. Neither a crush, infatuation or any other romantic profanities. It didn't matter though, for I was lost in him.

"Nii-san? Why are you holding Sakura?" Like that the spell broke, world back in motion. I blinked, still mesmerized by these dark orbs with stunningly long eyelashes. He took his arms back and I was left missing the warmth of his hold. I touched my arm on the exact spot he did, wanting to feel that magnetism once again.

Wait, what?

"Otouto. I was merely helping out."

I looked quizzically between the two. "Aniki? Otouto?" Somehow, I had a feeling where this headed to. My eyes searched frantically Sasuke's. Where was telepathy when a girl's got a need for it?

"Sakura," Sasuke's eyes avoided mine. "meet my brother Itachi." He gestured towards me "Itachi, meet Sakura." How graceful, Sasuke. My compliments.

I was puzzled. Should I play Lady in waiting and bow elegantly, or maybe pull off a ballerina-worthy salute? Mr. Superintended General here rescued me from my contemplations, he reached out a hand in greeting. Handshake, of course. Why haven't I thought of that?

Still dumfounded I shook it. "Nice to meet you, Superinten – , Itachi-sa – , err, Uchiha-sama." Nothing works better than some good ol' humiliation to get one's mind back on track.

"Please, Itachi is fine." He smiled charmingly and I bit into the inside of my cheek to keep myself from squealing like a fan-girl. He had a perfectly white and perfectly straight set of teeth. I blushed, nodding weakly.

A butler clad in the usual penguin ensemble appeared, "Itachi-sama, Fugaku-sama wishes to have a word with you." He informed in a clipped, protocol ish way. Sasuke coughed, taming his laugh with it. Since I can remember he's found their chief butler funny, always cracking silly jokes about his snobbish attitude. Itachi, apparently having similar issues, smiled humorously at the older man "Of course." He sent us a parting glance, holding my gaze longer than dictated proper protocol, and they departed.

"So.., uh.., your brother, huh." He raised an amused eyebrow. "What's wrong? Minutes ago you were so eager to steal updates about him." He grinned boyishly. "Disappointed?" Damn him, always holier than thou.

I challenged him with my own raised brow "I don't know what you mean, Sasu-kyun." His grin fell instantly, eyes narrowed. Bingo.


"Yes, Sasu-chan?" He growled. "Aw. Come on, don't be a party-pooper." He sighed dramatically and turned to leave. Stopping, he stared back at me, only half his face turned.

"I'm not, billboard-brow." At the prize worthy expression I probably must have made, dumbfounded fish and all, he smirked devilishly. I didn't know whether I should be mad at him, or moved he actually remembered the nickname I've so loathed in my youngest days.



A new story, won't take a lot of chapters. Might glue it together at some point. Leave some feedback, please! PS: The Chosen One is still an active story.
