A/N: Hey, how you doin'? Hope you enjoy this, it's obviously going to be an AU about Salem and her search to find her son, you can probably guess who. It's something I'm testing the waters on here. Let's get it.

I don't own The Loud House or RWBY

Within the heart of the Grimmlands, there stood a castle, its only inhabitants were a woman and a child. This woman was different from the rest of all human and Faunus kind. She was wearing a black dress that reached down past her knees. Her skin, as well as her free flowing hair, were as white as snow, with black veins crawling throughout her body, and her eyes were a mix of blood red and jet black. Her name was Salem, but it wasn't the name she was given. She was called a monster, an abomination, and a mix of other terrible words from the day she was brought into this world. And to make her situation even worse, she had ability to control the creatures of Grimm, and people thought she was a Grimm herself. It got bad to the point where everyone in her village, even her own flesh and blood parents, wanted her head on a pike. She ran, using her abilities to control Grimm to distract the mob, to the place she resides now. Salem never wanted this life, she wanted love and affection from her loved ones, before they turned on her. Over time, she used her abilities, along with some outside sources, to create something to give love to and give right back.

And thus, her son Jet was born, and when Salem saw him, it was love at first sight. He never failed to bring a smile to his mothers' face, and everytime they spent with each other, Salem slowly forgot her miserable past and looked to a better future with just her and her child. She even created pets for them to play with, two large black wolves named Onyx and Obsidian, seeing as how Salem herself desired a pet in her early years, and now she and Jet could have pets of their own, as both had wanted. Everything seemed to be looking up for Salem, and so far, nothing could possibly go wrong.

Until the day, he arrived. And Salem's life came crumbling down.

It was another day of playing with her son, and Salem took him to his room to sleep. As she entered his room, a crashing sound was heard, stirring Jet awake, and Onyx and Obsidian to growl in defense, but Salem calmed both of them. "Shh shh. Mommy's going to be right back, my sweet" Salem whispered in his ear. She gently laid him on his bed and turned to the two wolves. "Stay here and watch over him. Deal with any intruders if they get to here" she ordered. She then went to the source of the noise. Upon inspection, she found her door was smashed open, indicating someone may be inside. Growing concerned for Jet's safety, Salem searched every inch of her castle to look for the intruder, so far coming up empty.

Coming up at the last room, a library, Salem looked around for a moment, not noticing the figure lurking in the shadows in a corner. Before she could turn around to look at that part of the room, the figure struck at Salem, knocking her down and raising his sword. Salem rolled out of the way however, and went up to punch the assailant, slightly fazing him. Salem then confronted the figure. "Who are you? Why are you here?!" she yelled. The figure took a moment to respond at what she demanded. "I am Oscar, and I am here to end your life, creature" Oscar snarled. Salem growled and attacked him, only to be blocked by his shield and kicked to the ground. Salem dodged another strike from Oscar's sword and punched him in the face. Salem grabbed his neck and slammed him against a shelf, knocking him out cold. "He's dealt with. Now to check up on Jet" Salem said. She left the library, unaware that Oscar was waking up. Salem went to Jet's room to find him sleeping peacefully as if nothing happened while Onyx and Obsidian lay at the foot of the bed. "Guess all that time playing really tuckered you out, huh?" she said with a chuckle.

"So, the truth is revealed" a voice said. Salem's blood turned cold as she turned around to find Oscar at Jet's bedroom door, sword held tightly in his hand. "If you want to fight me, so be it" Salem said. "But you will NOT lay a finger on my son" she snarled. Onyx and Obsidian came to her sides and growled, their blood red eyes glowing in fury. That did not detour Oscar, as he charged at Salem with weapon held high, intent to fulfill his duty. Fury glowing in her eyes, Salem tackled the huntsman with enough force to push them out of Jet's room. She then grabbed Oscar's sword and forced it against his neck. "All I want, is to live a peaceful life with my son, away from the hate and malice of the outside world! Why won't you leave us alone?!" she yelled. "Because you are an abomination, with inhuman abilities. You are too dangerous to be left alive. You must die!" Oscar yelled. He moved his foot to Salem's stomach and kicked with force, knocking her to the wall and leaving her gasping. The two black wolves came charging after opened their mouths, ready to rip his throat out, but Oscar was faster, as he kicked Obsidian in the gut mid air and grabbed Onyx and hit him against the wall, putting him down as well.

As Oscar went to Salem, he raised his sword for the killing blow, but a child's voice stopped him at the last second. "Mommy?" the voice called out. Oscar lowered his sword and headed to the voice, finding Jet on the bed. The 5 year old child looked a lot like Salem. White skin, white hair, blood red eyes, black veins, but no diamond on the forehead. This disturbed Oscar a bit, but he shook it off and approached the boy, causing him to run to the corner in fear. "Die!" Oscar yelled as he once again raised his sword. Salem and the two wolves recovered and looked at what was happening in the boy's room. "NO!" she yelled. She grabbed Oscar and threw him out of the room. The three then ran up to Jet and looked around for injuries. "Jet, did he hurt you?" she asked concerned. "No, Mommy. Who is that man?" he said. "Someone who wants to hurt you and Mommy really bad, son." she answered. Oscar charged again, this time striking Salem with his shield, knocking her to the ground. "Mommy!" Jet yelled in concern. But before he could get to his mother, Oscar grabbed him by the neck and raised him to eye level. Onyx and Obsidian charged again, but were again met with a strike and a kick. Oscar then turned to the boy, tightening his grip. "First your mother will die, then you will die. Then the threat of the Grimm will be gone forever" the man growled as he raised his sword at the young boy's chest. Salem looked on in horror as her son, the one thing that brought joy to her life, was about to be taken from her. In front of her very eyes.

It was then something snapped in her. A darkness no living being has ever bared witness to, nor should they ever. A dark aura engulfed her body as her veins grew and covered her white skin. Her hands grew claws and extended and her teeth turned to razor sharp fangs. Oscar looked at what the scene in what could only be described as unholy, a scene that would send even the bravest, most battle-hardened huntsman running for their lives, if they don't freeze up in terror and get themselves mauled. The monster that was once Salem swung its massive claw at him, releasing his grip on Jet and hurdling him to the next room. The boy looked at what his mother had become and quivered. "M-Mommy?" he asked in fear. The beast paid no mind to him, as Oscar was its target. "Onyx? Obsidian?" the boy whimpered out. The two wolves just stood where they were, unsure of what this beast would do if they tried to interfere.

The beast made its way through the hole he went through. Oscar got up and readied his weapon to fight. "Come on!" he yelled; the beast complied and charged at him. As if Oscar was a piece of paper, it slammed him into the wall. Dazed but not defeated, Oscar recovered and attempted to strike again, but the beast was quicker and grabbed the hand holding the sword and snapped it with a sickening crunch. Oscar yelled in pain, but he did not falter. He swung his shield rapidly to get a hit on the beast, only for it to grab it and shatter it, leaving him defenseless. It struck its claw at him, breaking half the bones in his body and forcing him out the window onto the ground outside. Despite his injuries, he got up and attempted ran to get away from the beast, but could only limp. It wasn't long before it jumped out the window and caught up to him. It forced him on his back, and let out an inhuman roar right in its face. "W-W-Wait" he tried to say to it, only to receive a blow to the chest from a claw, knocking the air from his lungs and leaving him gasping. He raised his left arm to protect him with what little remained of his shield, but it got ripped from his body in a shower of blood. Letting out a blood-curdling scream, he tried to kick the beast off him, but his right leg was torn off as well. On the verge of death, the beast raised its claw for the killing blow, but like before, a voice stopped it.

"Mommy!" Jet called out. The beast turned to see the boy run up to it. "Mommy, please this isn't you. You're not my mommy. Come back, please" he begged. This would prove fruitless however, as the beast roared again and struck him with its claw. He was sent flying back in a heap while it turned to find Oscar at the edge of a cliff. He turned to face it one more time. "Rot in hell, beast" he said before fell off the cliff, disappearing. The beast let out one more roar and started to turn back to Salem. She grabbed her head in pain as she fell on her knees. "Ugh, that was awful" she grumbled. "Ugh-wait, Jet, where is he?" she asked desperately. She looked around and what she shortly found horrified her to no end. Onyx and Obsidian sniffing the unmoving body of Jet. Fearing the absolute worse, she ran to his body and cradled it, finding three deep claw marks in his chest. "No" she whimpered. Suddenly, Jet moved a little and slowly opened his eyes, finding the eyes of his mother. "M-Mommy" he struggled to get out. "Yes baby, Mommy's here" Salem said. "Stay awake for Mommy, Jet. Stay awake" she whimpered, eyes filling with tears. "I-I can't, Mommy" Jet barely managed to say. "No, no you stay awake, Jet. Please" Salem begged. Jet, however, couldn't, as his eyes slowly started to close. Salem took notice and nudged him to stay alive. "Jet, please, don't die. I need you in my life" Salem said bursting into tears. "I lo-love y-y-" the boy tried to say it, but couldn't muster the strength. "Jet, I need you! I can't live with out you! Don't die!" Salem yelled. "I... love... you" he finally said. Then, he went limp. Jet had died.

Salem looked at his now dead corpse, then nudged it in a vain attempt to wake him. "No, no!" she said hysterically. "Wake up. Jet?!" no response. He was dead. By her hand. "Jet..." she realized what she'd done. What she became, and what that lead to. She wanted only to protect him, but in doing so, she took his life. The life of her son. The most precious thing to her. The one person to love her, and take away her past feelings of hate and sadness and give her the chance to feel happy and loved. Nothing was supposed to get in the way of that. She yelled out a gut-wrenching cry:


Salem was now heartbroken over the loss of her son. For what seemed like days, she mourned the loss of her most precious, and it had a profound impact on the Grimm. Beowolves howled to the sky, Ursai roared in sadness, and the Grimm never attacked any villages for a time. Huntsman took note of this, saying that when they approached the beasts, they never attacked, or did anything, but they instead had this look of sadness, like they had lost something dear to them. Little did the huntsman and huntresses know that it was all due to the loss of a woman's son that the Grimm were now in this state of sadness.

Later on, Salem had a mausoleum built and made a coffin to place Jet to rest. With both constructed, she moved Jet to his last resting place, a forest, far away from any civilization and near impossible to get to. She placed the boy in the coffin and looked at him one last time. "I'm sorry, Jet" she said. "I never meant for this to happen. To have your life taken so soon by my own hand, something I will never forgive myself for. But just know that I love you so much. I love you more than anything in the world. Goodbye, my beloved son." She kissed Jet's forehead one last time and the lid of the coffin closed, sealing him in and putting him to rest. She then turned her attention to Onyx and Obsidian. "I will put you two to rest as well, only waking if there any intruders who make it to his grave. Then you are to show no mercy on them" she said. She placed her finger on Onyx's forehead, causing him to fall on the floor. She did the same for Obsidian, and both wolves lay resting, with the intent of killing any trespassers. She exited the mausoleum and closed the entrance, taking one last look at her son's resting place before saying, "I love you, Jet." She summoned multiple Grimm to guard the mausoleum and to make sure no one, if they ever managed to get to it, would disturb Jet's tomb.

Salem returned to her castle and sat on her throne, contemplating on her future. Without Jet, what else could she do? All the time she had spent previously was playing with him, nothing else, no future plans, just focusing on her and her son. She then thought back on her battle with Oscar, and she became enraged. The dark aura returned, and she noticed her hands growing claws. Fearfully, she shook her head, causing the aura to dissipate and her hands returning to normal. "No, I can't" she said. "I can't become that monster. The same monster that killed Jet. It was that fool, Oscar that made me transform. He was sent to kill me by his allies. It was because of them that I lost control, that made me into the monster that killed my son. It was because of them and him that my life is ruined. They did this to me. All of them." She clenched her fists so hard, blood started coming out. The glass on her windows cracked, then shattered. Her hate was growing, for all those that caused her heartache, for those that made her into a monster that killed Jet. She knew now what she must do.

"They must pay for what they have done. Yes, they must pay with their lives. I must kill them all."

A/N: That's a wrap for this chapter! Like I said before, I'm just testing the waters here, so let me know what you guys think. Once I finish my Halo/RWBY crossover, I'll focus on this and see where I'll take this. Maybe I'll do one of those "No Such Luck" fics, but I'll look at some alternatives. Peace out everyone.