"You wanted to see me, Chiron?" Jason asked, peeking his head into the old centaur's office. Chiron was in his human disguise, so he was seated in his wheelchair by the window, gazing out among the campers in their activities. His beard was slightly more trimmed for the summer, but it still had bits of grey streaked through it.

"Sit down please, Jason, and close the door." He stated, not bothering to turn around. His voice seemed heaver that usual, which caught Jason's attention. Jason shut the door behind him before pulling up the chair by the computer desk and seating himself a little bit behind Chiron. The centaur turned around to look at the young hero, and Jason could see the age in his eyes, as if he was watching the past three-thousand years pass right before his eyes. He folded his hands over the blanket that covered his fake legs. Jason shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Chiron had a way of seeming like he was looking through someone, not just at them.

"I'm sending you on a quest-" Chiron began,

"Great! I'll go get Piper and we'll-" Jason interrupted, already getting up from his seat, but the old centaur cleared his throat to get his attention.

"-alone. Normally I'd send…." He faltered. Jason slumped back down into his chair; he might've stopped himself, but Jason knew what he was going to say. Normally he'd send Percy. No matter what he did, or how many quests he undertook for the good of the camp, he would always be in the 'great' Percy Jackson's shadow. Once he saw the look of disappointment on his face, Chiron quickly backtracked,

"Normally I'd send more than one camper, but this is something I want to keep quiet, if at all possible." He finished. Jason took this in, and he didn't like it. Either this was too dangerous or too secret to send three campers, and that didn't bode well with him. He didn't dare get his hopes up, but a small idea played with the back of his mind.

"Sir…do you think…maybe I'll find Leo on this quest?" He asked, absentmindedly fidgeting with his hands the way he always did when he thought about his best friend. Ever since that holographic scroll came in on the wind, he would constantly check the skies for Festus, and began searching every place he could think of that Leo might go; Houston, Chicago, Camp Jupitar, and even parts of the Underworld…but no such luck. It's been six months since then. Chiron must've seen the desperation on his face, because he put on a smile that seemed a little fake,

"Maybe, but who can be certain?" He replied. He grabbed a small map from the desk that housed the computer and passed it to Jason. It was an old map written on a papyrus scroll, faded and cracked with age. He carefully opened it and laid it across his lap, that way Chiron could point out his target.

"As you know, when Western Civilization moves, so do key mythological points. I hoped this would not move, but alas, we are not so lucky." He stated, using his "teacher" voice. He pointed to a mountain that was a little higher than the others, and circled it with his finger. Jason's hand instinctively went to the golden coin in his pocket, as if ready to flip it into weapon form. Chiron leaned forward a bit and continued,

"It's the entrance to a place known as the Underground. It's where mortal magicians sealed a society of monsters thousands of years ago. It was after the fall of Rome, a little more in medieval times actually, but for some reason it relocated as with the other locations that moved when the West did. Surprisingly, it's hidden under a mountain that holds the same name as the original, somewhere in the Sierra Nevada mountain range "

"What's it called?" Jason asked, already getting a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He remembered hearing stories of monster infested mountains since he was a little kid at Camp Jupiter, but only one really stuck out in his mind….one where the monsters could attack your very soul.

"Mt. Ebott…Jason, have you heard of it before?" He asked, his eyes doing that look through you thing once more. Jason nodded. Chiron just gently folded the map up and set it beside Jason.

"I'm asking you to take a look and see what you can find. See if the rumors are true. Maybe we could stop a threat before it forms."

"But sir, the story goes that they were sealed underground by a magic barrier…how could they even get out?" He asked.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I'd rather be safe than sorry." Chiron sighed heavily; letting his age show slightly, which wasn't like him. Jason took that as a sign that he must be extremely worried. The old centaur handed him the map, which he folded up and put in his pocket. He nodded, encouraging his teacher to continue,

"I want you to go to L.A with Piper; as you had already planned, but once you get settled in, find an excuse to go check out Mt. Ebott by yourself. Once you're there, try and assess the threat level, and report back to me." He stated. Jason nodded once, then stood up and turned to the door.

"Jason, one more thing." Chiron called, and he turned back to see his teacher's weary eyes fixed on him,

"If you do end up finding Leo…please, bring him home." He said, and turned back to looking out the window. Jason didn't reply, and left silently. He wondered how many times Chiron had sat just like that, hoping a lost hero would return home safely, that never did.

He hurried out of the Big House and ran back to Cabin One to finish packing for his trip with Piper, already having some plans of what to do once he got to L.A, and Mt. Ebott was not the first thing. As he made it closer to the cabins, he slowed down and smiled.

Piper was playing tetherball with a kid from the Athena cabin; she was covered in sweat, but she was still stunning. Jason had a few ideas of ways for her to get cleaned, and he had to mentally scold himself for thinking like that. He's been hanging with those Nymphs too long. She hadn't seen him yet, so he walked up and sat off to the sidelines, watching the two spike it back and forth. Despite all the hassles with daily demigod life, it was nice to remember you could take it easy for a bit.

"Hey Pipes." Jason called, and chuckled a bit as Piper spiked it a little harder than she may have intended, driving it right into the other camper's nose. His amber gold eyes widened in shock, and his blonde braid flew around his head as blood began to leak from his nose.

"Sorry, Edward!" She yelled as he held his bleeding nose, but he just waved it off saying, "It's cool." and going off to get himself some tissues. Piper then threw her arms Jason, nuzzling herself into the crook of his neck. He spun around with her in his arms for a few seconds before setting her on the ground,

"You ready to go?" She asked, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. He felt his face flush with heat,

"Uhh, not yet. I just got a few more things to pack, but I'll be done in about half an hour. Promise." He said, trying to ignore her pout. She sighed and gave him a playful shove, obviously telling him to go and finish.

"I'll meet you at Half-Blood Hill." He called over his shoulder, watching her go and apologize to Edward again. He smiled to himself and entered Cabin One, making a conscience effort to avoid looking at Hippie Zeus as he rushed around, packing clothes and other necessities. It wasn't until he almost rushed out the door that he spotted Thalia's alcove, and the pictures that he hung up there. He walked over and looked at the one hung on top. It was a picture of Piper, Annabeth, Leo, Percy, and himself aboard the Argo II.

They took that picture a few days before the battle with the giants. Leo suggested that they take it and send it back to Chiron via Wind Nymphs; although nobody mentioned it, everyone knew Leo wanted a photo of them together just in case they didn't make it, that way Chiron had one of his camp's heroes to look at before the world ended.

He carefully pulled it down and put it into his pocket. He promised himself that they would be together like that again…Frank and Hazel included, of course. He finished packing the rest of his things into a random duffel bag that one of the Stoll brothers had "commandeered" for him. He slung the duffel bag over his shoulder and turned off the light to the cabin, and as he walked away, he got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach that he wouldn't be seeing Cabin One again for a very long time. He marched up to Half-Blood Hill, where Piper was waiting. Coach Hedge had drove all the way to Long Island from L.A in one of Mr. Mclean's convertible sports cars to pick them up.

"Alright cupcakes, let's get a move on!" He shouted from the driver's seat as Jason reached the top of Half-Blood Hill, flinging his duffel bag into trunk that Piper was holding open for him. She kissed him on the cheek before jumping into the back seat.

"Come on! Dad's waiting!" Piper yelled, looking at Jason. He gave the camp one last look over his shoulder before climbing in next to her. He put his arm around her as Coach Hedge sped off, listening to the goat man hollering along with the engine as they made way towards L.A.

Author's Note: Guess what Guys, I'M BACK! Sorry I've been absent for…what, a year or two now? I had a lot of personal problems I had to deal with before I was ready to get back into my normal routine. That, obviously, includes writing stories for you guys! YAY! I'm planning to do A/N's after each chapter, in order to sort of make up for being gone so long.

This story began as two separate stories I started a couple months back on regular ol' pen and paper, they were just some dabbles to pass the time. I mixed up the papers one day on accident, so it was a scene with Jason right before a scene with Sans.

'Hmm' I thought to myself, 'this could be an interesting crossover.' I was goofing around at first, but soon it grew into a story I became VERY passionate about. I'm glad I'm finally able to share it with all of you! I know this is a very long note, but I figured some of you would be curious about where I've been. This ISN'T information I plan to publicly put out, since anyone can read this without me ever knowing, but I'd be willing to tell y'all privately. I trust you. You guys are actually very accepting and, if I'm honest, sweet and awesome people! Alright, signing off, until next time!

BONUS: Anyone who can guess which "Edward" this is, will get a cookie!