It was summer vacation for Tony and the boy had begged his father to let him spend it at the vampire's new castle. Well, he can't really stop himself from giving in to those puppy eyes. His son really enjoyed Gregory and Rudolph's company and spent a lot of time talking to them through video chats when they were apart. Really, they were the best of friends.

"Thanks so much dad, I love ya!" Tony glomped his father, making the older man grunted in pain, and then scurried off to the entrance of the new vampire castle with his suitcase.

He didn't even get the chance to say I love you back. He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck, a fond smile on his face. He certainly was cheerier than before.

He was about to turn and head back to the car when he heard a deep voice that sounded like the sound equivalent of dark chocolate.

"Going so soon, human?"

With a shout, he turned around to face the older vampire with wide eyes, his hand on his heart to stop it from beating out of his chest. It was Frederick.

"Don't DO that!" he grumbled and crossed his arms, giving the vampire a small glare.

"Don't do what? Greet you?" The vampire raised a single perfectly shaped eyebrow.

"That wasn't greeting. That was you scaring a decade out of my lifespan." the human sighed and rubbed his temples. He was never going to be used to the vampire.

"Well, you were leaving so soon. You've only just arrived." the vampire floated closer and waved a pale, smooth hand to the castle, "Why not stay a few minutes? Surely you are tired from your flight on your... airplane."

The human glanced from the castle, to the trail leading back to his car, and back to the vampire. He wasn't really sure what to do, but the other man was right. He was actually exhausted. He never really went well with planes.

"Sure, I can stay for a night or two."

The vampire smirked, a hint of a fang peeking out from his somehow red lips, and with that same voice he said, "Perfect." he gently took his hand into his own and allowed the both of them to fly into the castle.

"Whoa!" he quickly grabbed onto the master vampire, started by the sudden height between him and the safe, safe ground.

"Would you like some tea?" Gregory asked politely, a teapot cradled in between his hands.

"If it's real tea, sure." he joked, but apparently the other vampire didn't get it since he just stared with another raised brow. "Ah, yeah. I'd like some. Thanks." it was hard to communicate with him, wasn't it?

With a huff, the vampire gracefully poured tea into a delicate cup. How was he able to put such fluid motions with every single movement? Was it vampire thing? Were they all able to move that way? How did he even know how to make tea in the first place? Didn't they like live on blood? Did they even have a kitchen?

There were so many questions running through his mind that he was barely able to register the fact that Frederick was handing him the cup of tea.

"O-oh, uh, thanks." he quickly took it into his hands, flinching a bit when the cup's heat stung his palms.

"Humans are rather jumpy creatures, aren't they?" mused Frederick, his blood-red eyes gazing his body from top to bottom. It was rather unnerving.

"I guess so?" any human being would be scared around a creature that's supposed to feed on human blood.

What continued afterward was an awkward silence, broken once in a while with him sipping his tea. It was so hard to look at the vampire with how Frederick was just staring at him so intensely.

"S-so... what do you think the boys are doing?" he asked in order to start a conversation. The silence was suffocating.

"I think they're enjoying themselves quite well," Frederick replied almost immediately, his face expression not changing.

"Oh, really? Why do you think so?"

"You can't hear anything, can you?" Frederick looked at him with judging eyes, his gaze flickering from the ceiling.

"Hear what?" to say that he was confused would be an understatement.

"They're having a lot of fun right now." was his bland and absolutely empty reply.

"Is that so...?"

and then once again, another awkward silence.

"So, um... I'm curious, what are vampires really like?" somebody better give him a fruit basket for how hard he's trying to make an actual conversation with the man. He was starting to regret saying that he was going to be staying for a few nights.

Frederick brushed his fingers against his chin, his eyes looking up in thought. His slick black hair glistened with the candles' light as he crossed his leg and leaned back against the armchair in a relaxing manner.

Was everything about this guy attractive? Is that like a vampire thing? He was almost jealous. Almost.

"I'm not sure how to describe vampires for a human such as yourself."

"Oh, well. What do vampires like to do in their spare time?" he asked, placing his cup of tea near his lips as he readied to take another sip.

"Fucking." And there went the tea.

He spits out his tea, letting it spill over the laced table cover and sprinkle over the vampire. What did he just say!?

"W-what!?" he stared at the vampire dumbfounded, his eyes wide and his jaw slack.

The vampire had his eyes closed, an annoyed expression on his face. Slowly, he took out a silk handkerchief from the inside of his vest and wiped the tea from his face. Frederick threw away the kerchief and grimaced at the tea-stained suit he was wearing.

"You are quite the sputtering human, aren't you." he commented. Was he really not going to say anything else?

"Can you repeat what you just said before tha-" but he was interrupted when the vampire began to strip off his suit, "W-what are you doing!?" he screeched flustered and surprised.

Frederick looked up and gave him a small glare, "I'm removing my stained suit?" he placed the jacket on the said of his armchair and sighed, now only wearing his waistcoat as his outer layer.

He steamed red and wanted to slap himself for reacting so weirdly. "R-right..." he coughed into his hand and wiped the remains of the tea dribbling down his chin.

Frederick had his legs crossed and his chin resting on the tips of his knuckles. His eyes had a new shine to them, and his lip quirked as if he found something amusing.

"What are you looking at?" he finally found that courage to say.

"It's interesting. Perhaps this was what my sons have mentioned." he stood up and floated closer until he was able to hold his face in his soft hands. "Humans certainly have interesting reactions towards a vampire's appearance."

"What?" that seemed to be all he was saying lately.

"Tell, me, human. Do you find me attractive?" his eyes were half-lidded, red eyes glowing brightly with the force of his gaze, and lips parted to reveal sharp fangs.

"Y-yeah...?" was all he squeaked out.

"Interesting." the vampire repeated. "You smell absolutely delightful right now. I had thought that humans were appalled by the idea of the same sex engaging in coitus."

"C-coitus? What even is that?" God, he felt so stupid right now.

Frederick allowed an amused smirk to grace his features, his fingers slipped away from his cheeks leaving a burning feeling. "Sexual intercourse."

He was not gay for a vampire right now. Nope. No way. Nada. He was married to a human woman. Granted, he was bi, but that's all in the past.

"I'm n-not attracted to you in that way!" he yelled, standing up and trying to meet his height, but the vampire was like two inches taller than him so that was difficult.

He raised a single brow, the same smirk still on his face, "Is that so?" he chuckled, a sound so heavenly perfect to his ears, and said, "Because your scent says the opposite." the vampire leaned in closer and slipped a hand around the human's waist, "Where you not the one who asked what vampires usually did in their spare time?"

His brain was so close to short-circuiting and completely shutting down. "I-I did ask that but-"

He was cut off when Frederick's lips ghosted over his, "Don't you want to know the answer?"

His eyes were swirling, his cheeks were flushed red, steam was smoking from his ears, and all he could stutter out was a quiet squeak of, "W-what?"