It was a short kiss. They were in public after all, and Abby was not a huge fan of PDA.

Although the auction was over, the night was still young and they decided to grab another champagne before leaving the bar. Abby and Buck both wanted to walk around and talk to more people, but together this time. There were a few other firemen that Buck wanted to introduce Abby to.

They were walking towards to back of the ballroom when detective Marks decided to go in for another conversation.

He walked up behind them, "Hey Abby, we never got to finish our conversation," he slurred, clearing having had a few more drinks since then.

They both turned around.

"Oh, ummm, did you have something else to say", Abby said politely, but defensively.

Buck could tell she was uncomfortable and stepped in between her and this drunk dude.

Just then detective Marks said, " Huh, looks like you really do know the dick fireman. I thought you were just saying that to make me jealous. Do you mind buddy", he said gesturing for Buck to get out of here. "I'm trying to talk to her and you're being a cockblock". He whispered to Buck, thinking that Abby couldn't hear him.

Buck was shocked.

"Listen man, you need to go sober up. She doesn't want to talk to you." Buck responded calmly. Despite his physique, Buck was not the physical type. He was trying to diffuse this situation gently for Abby's sake. He could tell that she was super uncomfortable and a little worried.

"What the hell kid, she has been flirting with me since we met. Why don't you just mind your own damn business", detective marks said aggressively.

"Well, this is my business seeing as you're talking about my girlfriend." Buck said as he stepped back towards Abby and grabbed her hand. He hated seeing Abby this tense and was trying to comfort her.

"Girlfriend? What do you mean, she's twice you're age" he practically shouted.

While true, it was something Buck would never say in front of Abby because it didn't matter to him. He could tell that she was insecure about their age gap, which is why it really pissed him off that this jerk would bring it up like this.

Buck let go of Abby's hand and stepped towards the guy, "You're out of control and you're out of line. I'm trying really hard to stay civil right now, but if you say another word to Abby I will kick your ass. " Buck said right in his face. His tone was low and serious. It must have been enough because detective Marks decided to walk away.

Buck turned towards Abby and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry," she said to Buck.

"Why are you sorry? That guy was a drunk asshole." Buck said. "That wasn't you're fault. Come on, let me take you home", Buck said as he kissed the top of her head.

In the car, Buck was driving and Abby was starring out the passenger side window quietly. Her entire demeanor was different since the encounter with that jerk. She seemed so worried and uncomfortable. Buck was trying to think of the right thing to say to break the silence.

Abby on the other hand was struggling to gain silence inside of her head.

'That detective is right. Buck is half my age. What does he see in me? He would be so much better off with one of those young girls from the auction. Maybe the one who won the date?" Abby was feeling so foolish for thinking her and Buck could be together. This was clearly something he will get over quickly.

When they arrived at Abby's condo, Buck said, "Do you want me to stay over tonight?"

Abby replied, "I'm ok really, you don't have to."

"Ok, but I want to." He said as he turned off the car.

Once inside, Buck took off everything down to his underwear and crawled into bed and Abby went into the bathroom to take off her makeup. She still hasn't said much and Buck was getting concerned. He got out of bed and walked into the bathroom.

"Hey, is everything ok. You still seem off." Buck asked as he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm… I don't know. I feel like detective Marks might be right. I mean you are half my age, and there were so many young girls there tonight that would literally pay to be with you. I just… I guess I don't know why you're here." She said quietly.

Buck was shocked for the third time tonight. He couldn't believe she was saying this.

"What! Abby are you kidding." He said as he physically turned her to face him.

"I'm here because I really like you and I don't care about the age difference. You are the most beautiful, caring, amazing woman I've ever met. I don't care about any of those girls tonight. I only want you." He said looking into her eyes.

"What do I have to do to prove that to you? Tell me, honestly, I'll do anything" He said desperately.

Abby looked at him and then closed her eyes. He could tell that she was about to cry.

Buck reached down and grabbed her thighs and picked her up. He walked them over to the bed and laid her down o her back. He climbed on top and leaned down to kiss her.

"Abby, you are so sexy. I'm so turned on by you," He whispered to her.

"But it's so much more than that. I'm falling in love with you." He whispered to her before reaching at the zipper on her dress. In this moment, he was planning to show her just in love he really is.