A/N: Well. This idea came to me last night and I finally had the time to write it. F!Takumi in Heroes definitely dragged me back into this trope and I can't really complain.

Just some notes:
*Corrin is female and is named Kamui.
*As the Hoshidan family is sort of Japanese in this, Takumi typically addresses them with honorifics, where Anankos would probably just say their names as is.
*Anankos's friend, the first king of Valla, is named Cadros in English and Ryuurei in Japanese. I decided on using Ryuurei because it fits with the other names of the characters and a young Takumi wouldn't question it.

Anankos always had a back up plan in mind. It would be idiotic to throw his life away in some botched attempt at claiming the world for himself, and although he trusted in his vessel's ability to kill his daughter, there was always the possibility of failure.

So when the second Hoshidan prince was struck down in the throne room, Anankos was pleased that he had implanted part of his soul into Takumi's. By binding their souls together, whenever Takumi was to be reincarnated, the Silent Dragon would always be a part of him. He would lay low and gather his strength once again - he would be able to get his revenge on humanity after all that they had done. But for now, he would have to wait.

Many lifetimes went by and the fleeting life of Prince Takumi of Hoshido was merely a memory. Lives full of happiness and love passed in what felt like a blink of an eye and Anankos grew tired of the repeating cycle. Cradle to tomb was quite boring through the eyes of someone not living it, and the lifetimes spent waiting made the dragon question if it was worth it in the long run.

However, after his 28th - was it the 29th? He couldn't remember - life with the soul, Anankos could tell this life would be different. There was something about the mother holding him, the father standing by her bedside, the son, the two daughters...

This couldn't be. Was... Was it about to happen again?

The woman pressed a kiss to his forehead, eyes just as bright as they were all those lifetimes ago.

"My sweet baby boy... I'll name you Takumi."

Since the first lifetime he bonded with the soul, the dragon found himself sleeping to conserve his energy. There had been no incentive to watch the lives that followed. The bodies he inhabited served the purpose of protecting him until he was strong enough to reek havoc once again.

However, when his newest vessel was named Takumi and the names and appearances of his family were identical to how they were in that first life, Anankos could not help but watch what fate had in store for them. There had to be something ahead of the family if they were being reincarnated just like their first iteration; things as coincidental as this did not just happen for no reason.

From what he could hear from his surroundings, it was the turn of the century and society had advanced substantially since the first life. Ikona seemed to always be holding a device that would flash every now and then when pointed at Takumi; Sumeragi would bring home new toys and devices to entertain the boy. Magical boxes with people trapped in them littered the home and the dragon was off-put by what they called "technology".

Takumi was four. Even though he had the constant affection of either Ryoma, Hinoka, or Kamui, Anankos found himself finally revealing himself to the boy after all these lifetimes spent together. For being together hundreds of years and not acknowledging his host once, the dragon took this strange occurrence of fate to acquaint himself.

Takumi? It was soft, a mere whisper in the boy's mind. Anankos had decided on a day the rest of the boy's family was preoccupied so that he could have the time by himself. Dealing with the once-royal family would be a headache for another day.

Takumi whipped his head around, short bangs splayed messily on his forehead. "Who said that?"

The childish voice was almost cute. He scolded himself for such frivolous thoughts; Anankos could not consider the boy cute after seeing the pitiful creature he became in that first lifetime. Hopefully he would grow out of childhood soon.

Anankos debated on telling the truth but came to the conclusion that telling a four year old he was an ancient dragon that intertwined their souls hundreds of years ago would be too incomprehensible. It made him wonder; what is something a child would believe?

Think of me as your protector. No one else can see or hear me.

Takumi perked up, a grin tugging at his lips. "You're my friend?" The way he said it with such enthusiasm and genuine happiness inspired something in the dragon he had not felt in a long time.

Why was he feeling attached to the child? It was a fact that he would grow up and die just like the rest of them. He was to be another vessel, a stepping stone for when he would finally return to his original form and eradicate humanity.

Yes. I am your friend.

Anankos could not grow attached to this boy - he would just be betrayed and scorned by humanity again. His goal was to destroy humans, not care for their well being and hope they grow up healthy and strong and loved-

"I'm so happy!" Takumi's smile was contagious. Seeing him happy after what happened in their first life together made Anankos almost feel giddy. There was no way out of this. The dragon nearly regretted revealing himself to the boy.

The smile on his face lessened and uncertainty crept into his tone. "Um, what is your name? I can't just call you friend..."

His name? Perhaps giving the boy his actual name was a bad idea - at least for now. Maybe one day he would tell the truth, but children have big mouths and Anankos did not need the risk of being found out. Not when he was so close to being back to his full power.

He said the first name that had come to mind: the name of his first friend.

Call me Ryuurei.

At the age of seven, Anankos was mildly surprised to see Takumi already practicing archery. The child was a young school boy, nowhere near royalty, and there was no imminent war. The fact that his affinity for archery withstood the test of time was believable, but it did not offset the surprise the first time he wielded a bow and arrow.

Raise your arm slightly and move t- yes, just like that.

No matter what body it was, the boy's soul was a quick learner and talented in many aspects. How he felt inferior to his siblings in that first life was surprising to Anankos. He had been the best archer in the land, chosen by the divine Fujin Yumi, and proficient in sword and lance as well. Not to mention, he had a sharp mind put to great use in strategizing.

The arrow was shot and it just missed the bulls-eye by a hair.

"That's the fourth time I've missed, Ryu! I'll never be good with this," the boy whined. It all sounded a bit too familiar.

As Anankos was playing the role of friend and guardian, he decided he would help the boy with whatever he needed. Besides school work, of course; the dragon had no knowledge of those topics. Fighting off bullies and teaching his peers who was in charge was another story.

As long as you practice, you'll get better, Taki. You know that.

The pet name failed to faze the boy, or perhaps he simply accepted it. If Ryuurei could become Ryu, Takumi could become Taki. It gave a sense of familiarity, something completely new to the two. Never had Anankos thought he would be concerned over something as pitiful as nicknames, but lives spent bound together seemed to change that.

"I know, I know," he said while retrieving the arrow. He bent down to grab another from the grass, his short ponytail swinging in his peripheral vision. It wasn't nearly as long as it was in his first life, but the boy certainly held the intention to grow it out. "But I feel like I need to be good at something. Ryoma-nii is great at football, Hinoka-nee is great in volleyball... Kamui-nee is the best at making friends and Sakura is so smart and kind, even though she's so young."

Takumi tightened his grip on the arrow, biting his lip to staunch the tears beginning to well in his amber eyes. "I-I just want to be good at something! I want Ka-chan and Tou-san to be proud of me...!"

Don't cry, my child. You are already making such good progress. You will be an amazing archer. You will do great in anything you set your mind to.

The dragon had not expected the random breakdown but children are unpredictable. The original Takumi was the same way, if he recalled correctly, but the crying surprised him nonetheless. Anankos was not good with children but seeing the boy cry filled him with guilt.

Takumi sniffled, wiping away his tears with shaky gasps. "I-I can't- can't help it-t!"

You will do fine, Taki - don't worry your pretty little head over it. The dragon hummed, exerting some control over the boy to induce drowsiness. It's getting late, you'd better sleep. I'll bring you to bed.

Takumi could barely think past the sleepiness clouding his thoughts. His eyes felt as heavy as lead and he could barely hear the lulling voice of Ryuurei. "O-okay," he yawned before finally submitting to sleep.

No more than a minute later, Anankos took control of the body. As of right now, he had no destructive desires; his intention was to finish putting away the archery equipment and to get Takumi to bed. It was summer so the sun was nearing the horizon, but that did not mean the boy had to wait until the moon to head to bed. He needed a good night's sleep while he could get it.

With their souls entwined, Anankos knew all of Takumi's thoughts and feelings. This included experiencing dreams together - whenever Anankos would sleep at the same time as him of course. Seeing how terrifying the child's nightmares were first hand, the dragon made it a point to join Takumi during the night to protect him from such visions.

After returning the targets, the bow, quiver, and arrows, Anankos began to walk towards the Shirasagi house. Why Takumi's family would allow the seven year old in the woods without supervision was beyond him, but it at least gave the dragon time to talk with his partner. At this point, Takumi was smart enough to converse through thoughts while other people were in their company, but when they were alone, it was easier for the boy to speak out loud.

As he walked back, he felt fear build in his chest; Takumi must be having a nightmare. Anankos unconsciously quickened his pace, finding himself at the porch door at the back of the house. Thankfully, it was unlocked, and to keep the boy from getting yelled at, the dragon locked up before heading upstairs.

The thought of Takumi suffering alone clawed at Anankos and he remembered why he had stayed away from humans in the first place; he was afraid of becoming attached. If Takumi were to betray him one day...

He shook his head, reaching for the doorknob. No. Takumi would never betray him. He wasn't like those humans from that time.

"Oh! Hello, Takumi!"

And there was Mikoto, sitting upon the foot of Takumi's bed. The woman had been an aunt figure to the boy, but not too long after Ikona died from birthing Sakura, Sumeragi allowed her to stay with them. Although Takumi acknowledged her as a mother, Anankos could only see her as his first love and the mother of their child.

He swallowed past the lump in his throat and considered his options before speaking. How well could he impersonate his partner?

"H-hello, Ka-chan," it was shaky, but it was something. Hopefully he could convince the woman to just leave and allow him to sleep. Takumi was alone and Anankos felt the growing urge to accompany him and protect him from those nightmares. "Do you need s-something?"

Mikoto pursed her lips together, as though she was still turning over her thoughts in her head. Leaning back slightly, her gaze was slightly unnerving as it settled on him.

"You... You're not Takumi."

Her deadpan tone and blunt way of saying it surprised Anankos. Perhaps some of her clairvoyant ability remained, or maybe it was simply a mother's instinct. Nevertheless, he needed to find out a quick solution to get Mikoto out.

"What do you mean, Ka-chan?" He attempted doing puppy dog eyes but stopped a half second later, realizing his red irises would give it away instantly. Of course, Anankos doubted Mikoto would recognize Not-Takumi as the Silent Dragon, but he would have to do his best at acting.

"You-" she stopped abruptly, perhaps reconsidering her choice. Instead, she got to her feet and walked to the door, passing by Anankos in the process. Without looking at him, she stated, "Don't even think about hurting him, or I'll see to dealing with you myself."

And with that, she was gone.

Taking a moment to process what had occurred, the dragon reached for the doorknob and stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. Throwing off the dirtied clothes, he slid on the pajamas left in a neat pile and climbed under the covers.

Thinking about his interaction with Mikoto could wait. Takumi was suffering alone and Anankos had already wasted enough time.