Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing

He was not in control. He knew he was no longer in control. That night played over and over in his head and he found he could not comprehend.
No one had ever turned him down. Not only had she ignored him, she kissed him heating his beast up, then threw cold water in his face.

That kiss was haunting.

It was hot, it was cold, it was wanting and needing, but rejection at the same time.

Cold showers did nothing for him, nothing. He tried to find his own release, but that just pissed him off more. For once in his life, he gave up, and damn did it hurt.
But what was worse, was that she showed up to work the next day, like nothing ever happened.

How could she be so calm? When did the tables turn on him? When did his mind become plagued by her? It was supposed to the other way around, but then again, she was always good at chopping it up and faking it. She did it with his brother for years, but she wasn't sleeping with this brother and thankfully, he could tell, no one else.

Unlike him, she was faithful.

Can it be called that if they were not in a relationship? He wasn't actually unfaithful, right? Dog demons were super loyal to their mates and she wasn't his mate, they had an agreement.

When the hell did it become more than just sex? He tried to think back. His home? Her home? During the 3 limo rides? He would admit the limo was exciting for him and deemed that it would be their thing, but the desk was their thing too… at least it was then.

So when had it become more?

He closed his eyes sitting at the mentioned desk.

He replayed the first time.

That's when...

He filled her womb with his seed. Something he had never ever done before. Why? Because she was safe, he could trust her, she was his past and his future.
He bent her over like she was his bitch, took her purity, and touched her like no other had. Maybe deep in the back of his mind, he decided no one ever would.

She was his bitch.


Now she acted like nothing ever happen. Was that to spare his feelings, because it didn't. Having her so close and yet not, just made him mad.

He needed to get laid.

5 o'clock hit and he walked out of his office. She shoved the paperwork in her desk and stood.

"I'm going to eat," He told her

"Okay, do you need me to call ahead?"

Was she stupid? He wanted to eat with her. They had eaten together before a few times, not a date.

"I want you to come"

He watched her swallow,

"I have some stuff to do at home for the holidays, rain check?"

She tilted her head to the side, baring her neck. His eyes darted here and then back to her.


"What?" She asked like she was clueless "Are you getting sick?"

Yes, he needed his drug. His jaw set tight. How could she just act like they were nothing, even if it was just sex.

She walked home, he watched her go before getting into his limo, he would not chase her, at least not today.