DISCLAIMER: Anything you can recognize is sadly not owned by me

They were going home for the holidays, Percy had noticed that the closer it came the twitchier Harry had become. He wasn't sure whether he wanted to bring it up but the others in their group had noticed the same thing and wasn't willing to let it rest. "Harry, are you okay," Damien asked hesitantly.

"Fine," He returned almost blankly. Not one of them believed that he was fine.

"Okay that's bullshit," Oliver stated. "We are friends, what's wrong?"

Percy however had a feeling that they did not know a lot about their friend's home life, he had suspected that since he saw the scars. The constant howlers also bothered him. He clearly made his grandmother angry and if she had caused the scars it worried him. How would she react to her defiant grandson returning home? "Harry, you live with your Uncle Regulus right?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah so?"

"Does he have custody of you, because you mentioned your papa was in Azkaban and your da was sick," Harry froze slightly and Percy paled realizing as he didn't respond that he never had custody, which left only one option. The very woman he had spent months pissing off. "Your Uncle Regulus doesn't have custody of you does he? Your grandmother does."

Harry couldn't bring himself to look at them. "So?"

"Wait, the same grandmother who...oh merlin," Oliver said horrified.

None of them had heard one good thing about the women, "Did she put those scars on your back," Percy asked causing everyone to freeze. The moment it left his mouth, the way Harry paled showed that he was right, and Percy wished more than anything he wasn't.

Harrys face went dead cold, just like it had been before he got to school, "That is none of your business."

"Can't you, I don't know tell," Damien asked worriedly.

Harry went to leave but Percy blocked him, "We are friends Harry, don't hide this from us. Please."

"It's none of your business."

"But we are your friends," Percy stated and Harry hesitated. "Why didn't you say something."

"It's no one's business but mine."

"If you tell the professors they have to do something," Damien protested.

Harry rolled his eyes, "your showing your muggle upbringing Damien, wizarding world doesn't work that way, at least in the case of those who are extremely wealthy. Someone must contest my guardianship. Blood relative most likely in order for anything to be done. In the wizarding world, my Gran pretty much owns me."

"Your uncle, you talk about him like he is practically a saint wouldn't he protest it," Oliver asked. They had all heard good things about Regulus Black and had thought he was his guardian.

Harry growled slightly, "She'd win."

"How I've seen the scars Harry, you'd just have to show them," Percy stated not wanting his friend to go to where he was being hurt.

"She could claim I got them some other way," Harry said. "She's a lady and head of my family at the moment. No one would believe me over her. What she says goes."

"Can't you claim who you want to live with, your eleven," Damien stated.

Harry gave a bitter laugh, "I say Regulus and she demands he bare his left arm and I am stuck with her and no one on my side," Harry returned coldly.

Damien was the only one who did not get the significance of the left arm. "He's a death eater," Oliver stated.

"I'm half black," Harry stated, "My cousin Bellatrix is in Azkaban for torturing two people into insanity, my other cousin Narcissa married Lucius Malfoy and everyone knows he has the mark, my entire family excluding my father bare the mark or financially supported the cause. Except those who were disowned for being traitors. My Grandmother would toss a few thousand galleons at the right person and it would disappear, it has in the past and the person who made the complaint disappeared with it."

Just the way he said disappeared implied everything he had intended it to. "By disappeared...do you mean..." Percy couldn't even bring himself to say the word. They were talking about people going missing or even killed.

"No idea," Harry stated, "however my piano teacher did not agree with what she saw and well, one day she just disappeared and is still reported missing. There is nothing anyone can do to beat my grandmother."

"So, you have to go back," Damien said cringing.

Harry nodded. None of them wanted him to go back but what he was saying made sense, everyone for the most part knew that the Blacks were very dark and very untouchable and had gotten away with murder throughout history. "That sucks, bloody hell," Oliver stated angrily. To the eleven-year-old, it just wasn't fair. His friend was going to likely be hurt and they couldn't stop it.

"Why do you antagonize her then," Percy demanded wondering if he was insane. Harry had gone out of his way to antagonize her and he clearly knew the consequences. It didn't make sense. "Why push her if you know she's going to be angry enough to hurt you Harry?"

"It's not that bad," Harry said returning to his goofy grin, "Besides, I know who won."

None of them understood what he meant by that. How was he winning anything when he was going to go home and likely be beaten? "What?"

Harry shrugged, "her goal in life was to turn me into a proper Jr. Death eater pureblood. I won not her, and I will be damned if she thinks otherwise. Seven more years and I am free. I turn seventeen, I tell her to go fuck herself and walk out. It is as easy as that."

"Gryffindor, bloody Gryffindor," Oliver muttered angrily. "You're an idiot, but I get it. You definitely beat her in that regard."

Harry gave them a devilish grin. "If you need anything," Percy said as Harry nodded realizing they were going to leave it at that, he was happy they accepted him even once knowing the truth. He appreciated that they weren't pushing him or didn't seem to think less of him because of what his gran did or the fact that he just confirmed that his uncle was a death eater. It had been one of his biggest fears but apparently, he was worried for nothing. The holidays were going to suck but he had Hogwarts to come back to.

They stepped off the train and quickly said their goodbyes as Harry approached His grandmother who grabbed him roughly by the shoulder. "A Gryffindor, I thought better of you, I should have known with your fathers. Friends with blood traitors, I've never. What were you thinking," She demanded roughly?

Harry glanced towards Percy who stiffened as his own family approached, his eyes on Harry. Harrys were twinkling mischievously, and Percy knew without a doubt that his friend was going to do something beyond idiotic. "I don't know, I was thinking of asking him to marry me," Harry said without hesitation. "Oy Percival my love, marry me."

Percy and the majority of Gryffindor's just rolled their eyes used to Harry by now. "That is the absolute worst proposal I have ever heard," Percy returned shocking his younger siblings and parents by playing along. "Try again and make sure you bring flowers. Also, I like chocolate, I need to be appropriately wooed and expect fine jewelry Hyperion."

Harry snickered ignoring the tightening grip on his shoulder. Oliver caught the look in his eyes, they didn't like it but he wouldn't be Harry if he didn't push things. They all knew what this meant to him so they would play a long and pretend that he would be okay in the aftermath. "I am hurt Harry, you've broken my heart, I don't think I'll ever recover," Oliver said dramatically.

"Don't worry my dear, we can become a triad," Harry returned easily. "I would never forget you."

'Make that four," Damien returned easily.

"But of course, Dear Damien," Harry agreed.

"But don't think we are easy," Damien returned. "You don't get nothing until you put a ring on it, my mama never raised no fool."

Harry grinned as all the parents/relatives turned amusing colors, Regulus just bit back a snicker.

Percy shocked his family by blowing Harry a kiss, "To remember me by," Percy said mockingly.

Harry grinned, "I think I'm in love," he said before fainting dramatically.

His grandmother gave him a rough tug and he was drug after her and through the floo. Her shrieking a lecture as they went. He gave his friends a wink before being tossed through it.

They lost their joyful grins and cringed as he went through and disappeared from their sight. Percy looked to Harrys uncle, then towards his left arm before making a decision. He quickly ran towards him before he went through the floo. The man froze seeing his approach. "Take care of him, please," Percy requested.

Regulus nodded, "I will kid. If he doesn't pull too many foolish Gryffindor moves."

"Then he's doomed," Percy said dryly.

Regulus chuckled, "he might have some Slytherin cunning, we can at the least hope. I had best go before he forgets that."

Percy could only watch as the man left, and he then returned to his family. "Percy do you know who that was," Arthur demanded once they got home.

Percy nodded, "Regulus Black."

"He's a death eater," Molly growled, "What were you thinking going towards him, are you crazy?"

'Molly he probably didn't know," Arthur stated.

Bill and Charlie froze knowing that he knew exactly who it was. "I know that he is a death eater," Percy stated causing everyone to freeze.

"You knew he was a death eater," Arthur asked as the younger kids just looked mostly confused. "And you still went to him?"

"He is Hyperion's uncle," Percy said without hesitation. "He wouldn't hurt me."

"Who," Arthur asked confused not recognizing the name.

Percy took a breath, "Hyperion James Sirius Charlus Potter-Black," Percy stated. "Merlin, he has a long name. I know who he is, he's Hyperion's uncle and I know what he's accused of, but he wouldn't hurt me, I am one of Harry's best friends and even with the mark on his arm, Regulus Black loves his nephew too much. I just wanted to make sure he would keep Hyperion from doing something stupid. Something like asking a bloodtraitor halfblood and muggleborn to marry him in front of his bloodist pureblood death eater sympathizing grandmother who is his guardian. Besides, we were in the middle of the train station he wouldn't have done anything there."

"Who's Hyperion?"

Bill looked to Percy, "Didn't you write mom and dad at all," Bill asked.

"Hyperion is Harry's full name," Percy stated as there was some recognition. "I'll admit the whole asking us to marry him was amusing but he did it to spite his grandmother since she's focused too much on blood purity and Harry likes to annoy his family as much as reasonably possible."

Charlie chuckled, "you don't have that wrong, your friends insane."

"Certifiably," Percy said not trying to deny it. "Worse, Oliver and Damien feeds into it."

"What was it, 'Try again and make sure you bring flowers and chocolate, I need to be appropriately wooed and I expect fine jewelry Hyperion,'" Charlie mocked. "Are you claiming you don't encourage them."

Percy glared, "I do nothing of the sort."

"Sure, you don't," Bill said ruffling his hair. "I still owe you for September."

"You have no proof of anything," Percy returned easily. "I thought we learnt with Professor Snape that it does not do well to blame someone without proof. I'm going to go take my things upstairs." He ran up saying nothing else, leaving a shocked family behind him.