Disclaimer: Anything you recognize I do not own. This will be a slash story. Sirius/James as well as Harry and someone else to be decided at a later date. Also, Mpreg as James and Sirius are Harrys father. I hope you enjoy

Harry had been an accident, a snog between James and his best mate that went a bit further than planned, and left his best mate getting pregnant at 16, it was a surprise to everyone since the illustrious playboys wee gay and together.

They were happy together despite there trials, Sirius moved in with James and his family and they happily raised their bright-eyed son together. Getting married when they graduated school. They were happy even if life was not exactly as they planned. They were a family and they loved their son. There happiness did not last long as all too soon, there family was destroyed. James Potter was poisoned and Sirius Black went to prison for the crime as well as others leaving Harry to live with his closest relatives. His grandmother Walburga Black and his uncle Regulus Black.

Today was the day he started school, September 1st and they were heading for the train.

Platform 9 3/4 was filled with people, the normal morning rush. One women looked down at everyone in disgust even the boy who looked to be about 11 years old whom she had a tight hold of.

He had a cold expressionless mask on his face, everyone with one glance at him knew he was a shoe in for Slytherin. "You will hold our house with honor," She warned, the threat clear in her voice.

"Yes Grandmother," he drawled boredly.

He didn't seem at all fazed by the way her grip on his shoulder tightened though the man who approached with them looked slightly worried. "You know what will happen if you shame the Black family."

"Yes Grandmother," he drawled once again. He had heard this time and time again. What would happen if he shamed the family. It wasn't a new threat and she was just repeating herself again.

"I expect nothing, but perfection understood?"

By now, her demands had drawn a slight audience, after all it wasn't the sad teary goodbyes of wishing your child a good school year. "Yes Grandmother," he said causing some of the other kids snicker since they caught sight of an eye roll.

She sneered but the man with her crouched down, so he could whisper into his ear, "make your da and papa proud Hyperion."

The command was by far the complete opposite as what his grandmother had given. After all, there is no one she disapproved of more than her eldest son. "Yes sir," he said getting a mischievous look on his face before he whipped it clear of emotion."

"Nothing less than Slytherin," she growled as everyone rushed to get on the train.

He unlike the majority of kids never glanced back to his family. Instead, he did mutter a response to her demand, "like hell you bitter old goat," He said as the boy beside him grinned slightly.

"So not a Slytherin," he asked since it was clear what family he was from. He was a Black and they were all Slytherins.

"Highly unlikely," he returned as they grabbed a carte, "Hyperion Potter-Black."

"Oliver Woods," the other preteen returned easily. "Oy Perce in here," he said seeing a redhead.

The redhead entered joining them and Oliver helped him place his carte. Percys eyes immedietly went to Hyperion, he had seen the other boy on the platform. "Percival Weasley," he offered, "I prefer Percy."

"Hyperion Potter-Black, I much prefer Harry," Harry said easily. "Pleasure to meet you."

Oliver rolled his eyes at the formality. "And my name doesn't shorten as well," Oliver stated.

Percy smiled lightly, "Sure Oli."

"Git," Oliver returned without hesitation. "So not Slytherin Harry, where do you think you will end up then?"

He got an extremely mischievous grin on his face, "Gryffindor and proud of it," he said without hesitation.

"I don't think your grandmother will be too pleased, isn't the black family usually in the Slytherin house," Oliver asked having not expected him to claim the complete opposite house as his grandmother had requested. She seemed slightly terrifying so he guessed that if he was willing to disobey her then he deserved Gryffindor.

"All but the smart ones," Harry said without hesitation. "My da and my papa were proud Gryffindor's. My grandmother can get bent for all I care. She's just a bitter old hag...no wait that's an insult to bitter old hags."

Oliver snickered but Percy looked at him wide eyed not use to such a blatant disrespect to an authority figure. "I think we are going to be great friends," Oliver decided.

"Sounds brilliant," Harry said offering his hand which Oliver shook. "Do either of you like pranks?"

"Yes" Oliver said at the same time that Percy groaned. "Ignore him, his younger brothers fancy themselves pranksters. I personally love a good prank and it has become my life goal to turn Percy into a troublemaker."

"This is the beginning of a brilliant friendship," Harry declared pleased, maybe he would manage to create a group similar to his fathers had in school. The new generation of Maurauders. "We will have you in detention with us by Saturday mate."

Percy groaned again but Oliver just high-fived Harry as they enjoyed their train ride to Hogwarts, feasting on snacks and discussing potential pranks which had Percy shaking his head.

It was a shock to everyone when Hyperion Potter Black was placed in Gryffindor, except for the staff who all too readily remembered his parents and that mischievous grin he had on his face when he went to sit on the stool.

He went to Gryffindor with his head held high. He had done his parents proud. His grandmother would be livid and their would-be hell to pay but his dad and papa would be proud of him. So, would his uncle Reggie.

After the meal they were introduced into the dorm and told where they would be sleeping. "So we room together," Oliver said as they grabbed a fourth boy and went to their dorms.

He got a grin in return, "I'm Damien Mackenzie."

"Harry Potter-Black."

"Oliver Woods"

"Percy Weasley."

"Muggleborn," Harry asked causing the other wizards to freeze but Damien just nodded. Percy and Oliver however knew that the Black family wasn't too fond of muggles or muggleborns and they worried about what their new friend's reaction would be. "Cool, thought so, don't recognize the last name. Who wants which bed?"

"Don't matter," they said deciding just to take the ones with their trunks.

Oliver looked to Harry, "you are nothing like I was expecting when you said your name was Black. I was expecting a jr. death eater no offence."

"Potter-Black," Harry said slowly, "I'm the Black family bastard child...okay actually not a bastard cause they got married when Papa was six months pregnant but still. Both my parents were purebloods sure, my papa ran away from the family at 16 moved in with my da and his family. Da was from a light family and both were auroras, Papa was innocent of any crime he was accused of...even if he is in Azkaban. Will that be a problem? I ignore lectures on pureblood propaganda."

Oliver shook his head, "Nope just wanted to clear that up now while I had the chance. Figured I'd say it first before we hex anyone else who has the balls to."

Harry realized what he said, they would hex anyone who gave him a hard time over it, that was a very big statement of friendship or at least alliance. "What's a death eater," Damien asked hesitantly.

"For about 20 years, the wizarding was at war," Percy stated, "A man we call he-who-must-not-be-named."

"Or Voldemort," Harry said getting flinches from the wizard raised. "People get all flinchy if you use his real name. He was a nasty prick, decided anyone who was not 'pureblood' was not worthy of magic, means he went about killing muggleborns. The people who fought beside him were death eaters. Majority were from dark families. Majority came from the Slytherin house. Black family is a known dark family. Majority of the Black family were death eaters or at least loyal to the cause. Black family was also mostly Slytherins so me being in Gryffindor's a big no for most of the family. They are worried I will start shrieking mud blood, but we are cool. You seem like an okay bloke. Do you pull pranks."

He seemed to take a second to take all that in before focusing on the last part. "Pulling pranks, well not really, never had the opportunity."

The horror on Harry's face was clear, "You poor child," Harry said patronizingly. "I will corrupt you I promise. I'll have you in detention by Sunday."

"Oh, and why does he get to stay out of trouble till Sunday," Percy asked remembering the comment but he had gotten told till Saturday."

"Cause they will never suspect a black working with a muggleborn," Harry said lightly, "Means they'll be caught off guard and never suspect him."

Oliver laughed, "Or a Weasley."

"Right but he is going to be lookout while we raid filches office, the old man has something of my da and papa's and I need to get it. You in Oliver?"

Oliver wasn't at all bothered by the idea of breaking rules so early in the year. If anything, he was excited about the opportunity. "Sounds like a good time."

"Da and Papa," Damien asked confused. "What about your mum."

All three of them realized that he was a muggleborn and therefore wouldn't understand the intricacies of magic…and men being able to have babies. They had all grown up with it being common knowledge but a muggleborn wouldn't have the opportunity. "Wizard sex one-oh-one," Harry said getting blushes from Percy and Damien though Oliver seemed to take it in stride. "Wizards can fly, turn into animals...men having babies is easy. Same sex is good sex."

Oliver tossed a pillow at Harry who caught it laughing, "Same sex is good sex?"

"What it must be, there are a lot of same sex couples in the wizarding world so I don't see why it can't be really great sex," Harry said snickering. "Percy, you're as red as your hair."

He turned even more red at Harrys observation. "I don't think that this is appropriate conversation," Percy stated.

"Sure it is," Harry said easily. "We are just getting him properly accustomed to the wizarding world. Men can have babies."

Damien looked at them in disbelief, "please say your pulling my leg," he bagged, "men can't actually have babies right? That's..."

"You don't even need a potion or a spell," Harry stated, "Your magic does it for you. Why don't ever want to be pregnant."

"God no," Damien said horrified. "You're...you're serious?"

Even Percy had to laugh at the complete horror on his face. "No that was my papa," Harry returned easily. "I'm Hyperion."

"What," Damien asked.

Harry chuckled, "My papa's name is Sirius Black, my da's name is James Potter."

"Punny," Oliver offered amused. "I think this can be a lot of fun."

Percy groaned knowing that that was not good. "Cheer up Percy, at least we all get along, what's a bit of rule breaking among friends," Harry offered.

"Rules are there for a reason," Percy stated.

Harry nodded in absolute agreement, "Your right, rules are there to break of course," harry returned easily. "The only reason to make rules is to break rules."

Percy shook his head, "They are there for our safety."

"No," Harry said without hesitation, "They are there for the illusion of safety. It's all propaganda, do this and you will be rewarded, do that and your punished. Adults can make a rule whenever it pleases them. My papa always said that rules were made for breaking...then da would smack him saying that he was just asking for trouble once I hit double didgets."

"And clearly they have it," Percy stated, "we should probably get to sleep."

They all agreed semi reluctantly. Damien however was interested if a bit more reluctant to the idea of rule breaking. Harry and Oliver had full plans to involve them both.