Hey there, Dragon Riders!
Welcome to my first Fanfic !
It's going to be kind of short because it's my first time writing, but still, be sure to leave reviews, likes, and follows.
Without further ado, let's begin!
Story Summary: After a long war for the King of Dragons, the riders finally get to leave Dragon's edge and go back to Berk. But during the journey, Hiccup falls sick, while some unexpected enemies come in their way. Set after the last episode of Rtte Season 6. [Hiccup!Whump]
Chapter 1
"Where's Hiccup?" Astrid asked while she looked around the clubhouse. "We should be going now. Berk's waiting."
"Must still be sleeping," Fishlegs said. "Guess he's tired."
"But Hiccup never sleeps for this long… and especially not on the day we're going back to Berk. I should go check."
Astrid arrived at Hiccup's hut and placed her ear on the door. There was a soft mutter, followed by a harsh cough.
She couldn't hold it any longer. She slowly opened the door and stepped inside. "Hiccup? Are you alright?"
Hiccup panicked for a few seconds and cleared his throat.
"Yeah, Astrid? What are you -"
He was cut off by another cough. Man, that felt bad.
Astrid looked at him and winced.
"Are you sure? You don't look fine."
"I'm sure. Just… stop worrying!" Hiccup attempted a laugh. "Come on, let's go get breakfast." He took Astrid by the hand and headed outside the door.
Even though Hiccup was up, Astrid could feel that something was wrong. Very wrong.
—A few minutes later—
Hiccup sat across the table, staring at his food. He barely ate anything, and his face is becoming a bit pale. Toothless nudged his side and purred.
"Don't worry bud, I'm fine."
Astrid had a bad feeling about this though. "Hiccup, maybe we should wait a while before we fly back to Berk. Y'know, just to… make sure that everyone's ready."
Hiccup raised a eyebrow. He could clearly see that Astrid's worried about him. "You're worrying too much, Astrid. Nothing's wrong with me. I promise."
"Gang, are we good to go now?" Snotlout shouted impatiently, "I'm dying already!"
"Yeah," Hiccup replied as he stood up from his seat and mounted Toothless.
Astrid still wasn't so sure about him. She quickly caught up with his steps and held his hand, "Are you sure you want to go flying? And not just for hours - but for days?" She asked worriedly. "I think-"
Hiccup coughed again, this time worse than what she heard in the mornings. He winced and placed a hand on his chest.
"Hiccup! You- You're not fine. You're sick. Rest, and we'll inform Stoick that we're going to be a day late. For now, please just listen to me."
"It's just a cough, Astrid. Everyone coughs once in a while. Doesn't mean I'm sick!"
Thor, help him.
"Fine. But if anything goes wrong during the trip, we stop. Deal?"
"Yeah yeah, Milady."
Astrid sighed. She just hopes that Hiccup wouldn't get himself into trouble again.
I was never good at writing but... Umm, at least I tried. The next chapter will be a lot longer!
Tell me what you think in the reviews.
Thanks for reading and see ya later!
- Tracy [NightFuryTL]