AN: ok everyone! Im back! Ive been pretty sick the past year. Im almost done with my freshmen year of high school and i just finished my drivers ed class yesterday! So im gonna try to revive this story over the next few days/weeks as im on a

Road trip!

It will jump up some time bc is has been awhile and i dont have the same vision anymore but im gonna continue it!

Love u all! Thanks for the favorites and reviews. I told u i would never give give up on this story! Im a bit rusty so give me some slack. :)


It has been 7 months sense we found out what America and I will be welcoming into the world. Im overjoyed still!

Over the last few months, Stravos, Aspen, and the rest of my security advisors have been discussing alternatives to the draft and we finally found one after 4 months full of meetings and yelling matches. We will have a volunteer opportunity for people to enlist. If that does not work we will draft the men who do not have children to be taken away from, they will be able to go back home at certain times aswell.

Sadly, I have to go tour the provinces to keep our approval ratings up, even though my beautiful princess is nine months pregnant and 2 weeks overdue.

I must depart to Carolina tomorrow early morning for my first stop. The tour will be 2 weeks away from home. I dont know if I will be able to do it without Ames, shes my rock and biggest supporter. Without her I would be nothing.

And my child, oh my child. I cant miss their arrival. I must be there for my wife. She has already been through hell and back during this pregnancy.

I am pulled from my thoughts when I get punched in the arm.

"What was that for!?" I exclaimed.

"Im trying to talk and you were off in your own little world! Im trying to say im gonna miss you." America said tears almost falling from her perfect eyes.

I dont even know what to say, im going to miss her more than the world itself! "Ames, you are my world. Trust me, I will miss you more than oxygen if I was drowning."

She looks out toward the luscious landscape that our private balcony overlooks. I can just tell by the look on her face that something is bothering her.


"Yes love?"

"Can you promise me that you will be here when our baby arrives?" At this my heart sinks. Because I cant. I cant promise that to her. I dont know where I will be when it happens.

"Baby, I know this isnt an ideal time for me to go away. But 2 weeks after you give birth our coronation will happen. I know we have basically taken over, but we still need our approval ratings a little higher for the changes that are coming. I will do everything in my power to be here, but I will make sure my mom never leaves your side during labor." I choke out. This is the worst. Low-key hating Stravos at them moment.

Her eyes meet mine, " I know you will. I just want the baby to be welcomed by the both of us."

"And they will be. I will do everything possible, My Dear." A little funny to liven the mood.

"Dont ever call me that." She says as she walks back into our room and tosses her body down on the bed to lay down in her spot for the night.

I follow her in as I say, "Oh come on it was funny!" trying to play with her a bit. I guess playing with a hormonal women is not the best idea.

"Maxon. Im not in the mood for your games. Your child has been in me for almost ten months, im hella uncomfortable, im always hungry, I have to pee every two minutes it seems, and im fricken emotional all the damn time!" She says in her pissed off, red head tone.

"Im sorry. Can I have a goonight kiss at least?" I beg of her.

"Hell no. You lost your shot. Maybe if you do not call me that again youll get one in the morning before you leave." She says hastily.

"Oh ok." I express with a disappointment full sigh. "Well I am going to change for bed. Ill be back in a little bit."

"Have a dandy ol' time Prince Charming." She mumbles into her pillow.

I walk away chuckling a bit. I go into the bathroom, take a shower, leaving my hair in the messy form the America loves. I find a pair of gym shorts to throw on, brush my teeth. Than make my way back to the bedroom to join Ames.

I join her in bed, wrapping my arms around her sound asleep body. Damn I love her with all my being. My mind starts to wonder again. Finally I am able to bring my mind back to the present, soaking up this moment with my wife. Its crazy to think that this will be my last time sleeping her with by my side for two whole weeks. We have never been apart for more than a few days. Even during the selection. And this may be my last time falling asleep with her in my arms until our child makes their grand enterance. Crazy.

"Goodnight Mrs, Schreve. I love you." I whisper to her before I let sleep consume me.


AN: ok everyone! I am a bit rusty. Yes it was short. But necessary to the story line. Im so sorry if it sucked or if there are typos i didnt catch. I just need to get back into my groove and well be good! Anyways plz


With love,

-Emilyn R