No Beta so all spelling/grammar mistakes are my own.*

*Check out my profile for upcoming stories!*

*Disclaimer – I don't own Supernatural. ): I only write about them and hope one day to move to Texas so I can somewhat stalk them. *

*If anyone knows where I can get a beta to review my chapters, then please recommend them! I can read my own work one-hundred times WITH auto-correct, and mistakes will still come out. ): Unfortunately writing and math are not my strongest subjects. *

*This was a request from a reader.*


The spring Sam turned 15, he went from being short and awkward, to incredibly tall, awkward, and uncoordinated. Not as tall as Dean at 6', but damn close. This leads to what was supposed to be an easy werewolf hunt gone wrong.

John, Sam and Dean were set in the woods, getting ready to take down what was to be only one werewolf. Sam didn't even need to be there really, but John had insisted that the more experience Sam had, the better. The only problem?

There were two werewolves.

The first one attacked as planned. The three hunters shot their silver bullets at it, but it started to run. Sam being a bit clumsy with his new found leg length, tripped for just a second. It was that one second mistake that could have cost him his life…or depending on who you ask, his ankle.

While Sam was getting up from the ground, a second werewolf attacked Sam. The force of it running into him knocked him back to the ground, knocking the wind out of him. Before he could react, a hard bite came down on his ankle, making him yell out in pain. He kicked out at the assault, which only made the second werewolf's teeth slide his ankle, and stop at his foot. He looked around and saw his gun several feet away from him, but every time he tried to reach for it, the werewolf seemed to bite down harder, and was even dragging Sam backwards into the forest. He tried to grab at whatever he could, branches, roots, leaves, dirt, small rocks, anything to use to hit the creature, or to grab onto and stop his voyage deeper into the woods.

At every drag, Sam would cry out in pain. He was about to just pass out, when he heard the familiar sound of a gunshot, then a shout from a very angry older brother, followed finally by the release of the pressure on his ankle.
He was trying to control his breathing while the throbbing in his ankle continued, and barely realized it when Dean was kneeled down in front of him, worry etched all over his face.

"Sam…Sammy? Hey can you hear me?"

Sam could hardly catch his breath while he was trying to concentrate on the safety that his brother always brought him in time of duress. He opened his eyes, and tried to control his breathing.

"Dean….I can't….Oh god it hurts!"

Sam closed his eyes again and put his head down on the ground.

"Yeah it looks like it hurts. Did it hurt you anywhere else?" Sam shook his head 'no'. "Alright look, with my help, can you make it to the impala?" Once Dean finished that sentence, Sam was already passed out. Dean ran his hand down his chin. "Aw shit Sammy. You're way too tall for me to be carrying you." Once Dean realized that Sam wasn't going to wake up anytime soon, he decided to go ahead and take action. He braced himself before leaning down, and putting one arm under Sam's back, and the other under his knees. With a grunt, he lifted his little brother into his arms, adjusted him to comfort, and started the journey to the impala where the first aid kit would be.


Sam woke up noticing a throb in his ankle, and something soft under him. Could he really be back in the motel room? That's right, Dean found him. Before he could open his eyes, he felt something grab onto his un-injured ankle, and out of instinct kicked out hard. His foot connected to something, and he heard a shout and some swearing coming from his brother.

'ut oh…Just kicked Dean.'

Sam slowly opened his eyes, and peeked over at the floor his brother was currently laying on holding his nose.


Dean looked up at his brother, and tried to talk while holding his now bleeding nose.

"What the hell did I ever do to deserve to be kicked in the face!"

Sam knew Dean wasn't really mad at him for the most part. It was an honest mistake, but it didn't stop Sam from flinching at the tone his brother used.

"Sorry Dean. I felt pressure on my ankle and just, panicked I guess."

Dean looked up and made eye contact with Sam. He knew he didn't mean to do it, but god did his nose hurt.

"If my nose is broken, YOU have to explain to all the ladies what happened!"

Sam rolled his eyes just as Dean got up off the floor, and was making his way to the bathroom sink. He took his hand away to reveal a bloodier than bruised nose and face. After inspecting the area for a couple of minutes, Dean came to the conclusion that he would live, and his nose would be fine in a week. He turned around and made his way back over to Sam, who was on his side looking innocently up at Dean.

"When you're feeling better I'm so beating the crap out of you for that." Dean's eyes softened as he sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at his brother. "Let's try this again, how does your ankle feel?"

Sam looked down and noticed gauze wrapped around his foot, almost all the way up to his kneecap.

"It's throbbing. That second werewolf was not about to let go."

At the mention of the second werewolf who was using Sam's ankle as a chew toy, Dean let out a small laugh before giving his brother a serious look.

"Dean what's so funny?"

Dean was trying not to laugh while remembering the incident.

"Um….that werewolf that took you down and made you pass out like a girl? It was…" Dean could hardly hold back the laugh that was about to escape. "It was…It was a werepuppy." At his admission Dean started laughing uncontrollably, leaving Sam confused.

"Wha? What do you mean werepuppy?"

"I mean, the second werewolf, was just a baby. In human form couldn't have been more than ten or twelve years old. Sorry little brother, but you were taken down by a werewolf pup."

"No way! That thing almost ate me!"

"I'm telling you, it was a little guy. I shot at it, but it ended up dropping your ankle and running away. Fast little bugger."

Sam was not as amused as Dean was by being taken down by a puppy of any kind.

"Oh cheer up little brother. Dad said he found a case that he can do with Caleb, which means you and I are going to Bobby's while that ankle of yours heals. I don't think you'll be fully walking on that leg for a while. You did need more stitches than I thought you would, so you will have to take it easy for a while."

"Bobby's hu?"

"Yup! Dad even left me the impala while he is riding with Caleb. Saying that, we are all packed and ready to go whenever you are."

"Yeah let me just relax for a little bit before I have to endure the bumps of the roads."

Dean smiled as he pushed 2 muscle relaxers and a glass of water Sam's way, who graciously took it. Little did they know the troubles that were waiting in Sioux Falls.

*Thanks to the 'Guest' reader who pointed out the formatting was weird. The FF web-site has been acting up on me tonight for some reason.*