
The dark warrior cursed under her breath, straining her muscles to cut through the hide of her kill. Her hunting knife had dulled to the point it was getting harder and harder to cut safely through animal flesh. Which means she needs to visit a town, and soon. She hated the presence of other humans. Well... not exactly all humans but the general squabble who would gasp and stare at her with disgust and fear. If she worked with a regular steeled blade it wouldn't be a problem to sharpen it herself with a standard pumice rock. But Obsidian Southern Steel was much harder and needed a blacksmith to tend to it. It required less maintenance but needed to be tended to by professional hands from time to time.

She gave thought to maybe purchasing a backup blade of generic steel but her ego and love for her homeland's material was too great to not use most of the time. But still... She knew she should get one to use in cases like this to make her life a little easier. A low whimper bellowed through the air. She turned her ice blue pupils to the large direwolf that perched patiently on a rock by the rolling stream.

Patience... she snorted. Grunting as she cut through cartilage, tendons and muscle until the deer's hind leg was finally free from its body. The woman stood up and swung the mangled limb towards the wolf. The snow white beast caught the flesh with skill and immediately went to work ripping and consuming the venison, dark growls of gratitude rumbling in its throat.

Korra returned to working her kill, skillfully ripping the hide off the animal, cutting away the skin from muscle every now and again to make it give way with more ease. When she finished stripping the corpse she then cut strips of meat from the bone, draping the pieces over a weave of twigs fashioned like a small tray.

When finished the tray of meat was carried to a teepee structure and placed inside then worked at the bottom to light a small fire. When the smoke became hot with fresh timber she closed the tanned hide of the teepee's front wall. Now all she had to do was wait for the meat to be smoked and properly preserved for travel.

As night fell, the hunter built herself a proper fire for the evening and stuck a venison roast she saved on a spit. She was famished. Processing a kill and smoking meat always took a lot of energy. Her appetite portrayed by her rumbling gut, she quieted it down a little by splitting a leg bone to suck at the marrow.

She was beginning to miss the provisions from the towns. Bread, cheese and wine danced in her thoughts for a moment. She usually stocked up on other types of food but she ran out weeks ago and had been surviving on her kills and foraging for a while now. She longed for the ease of simply slapping a few pieces of silver on a tavern's bar top in exchange for sustenance. Maybe going back into town wouldn't be completely unpleasant.

Her mind retreated from her food fantasy when the direwolf's jaws crunched down on the remaining skeleton of the deer nearby.

Slipping her hand in a leather pack, Korra produced a manilla scroll, opening the parchment with careful fingers.

"Okay, Naga…" she mused to her wolf friend while scanning the map of the Earthen Empire. "Looks like we need to find civilization… there is a small village a couple of miles from here… I wonder if their blacksmith can work on my knife… if not we'll have to make our way towards the Republic Capital a bit more south…"

A chilly wind suddenly rustled through the area, making the warrior shiver slightly with the sudden temperature change. "Winter will be upon us soon, my friend." she proclaimed. "We might have to settle down and wait it out this year… if I have to eat jerky for every meal again I'll go absolutely insane." Korra sighed and plopped the map on her thighs. "It will be hard to find a place to stay… especially with you. You might have to stay in the woods without me…."

Naga whimpered in disapproval and rested her chin on her paws. Korra sighed and rolled the scroll back up to be placed in its leather home and checked on her roast.

When her belly was full, Korra loosened the messy tail of her chestnut hair letting it cascade down her broad shoulders. Yawning she stretched out the day's tension from her limbs. Making a clicking noise with her tongue, she summoned her beast friend to join her. The large white wolf settled down behind her back and the hunter sighed as she leaned into the softness of snowy fur. Her eyes felt heavy but she kept herself awake to stare up at the glittering night sky. Patches of stars greeted her vision with wonder. No matter how many times the dark hunter laid before the cosmos on clear nights, she was always awe stricken by it's all expansive beauty. In a sense it always made her feel small but connected to the earth when she slept on the rocky ground. The heavens twinkling above filled her soul with promise, brought on by the infinite cycle of constellations.

Out here in the wilds felt like home. The trees didn't care about the color of her skin nor her difficulty properly pronouncing the language of the white men that settled throughout the lands she wandered. Naga was free to roam with her without the pointed spears that dripped fear. The wilderness provides food, water, and spiritual tranquility that the others did not understand, but the comfort and bounty of the summer was coming to an end. The sun must cycle into the sleep of winter to let the land recharge before blooming into lush green once again.

Korra's thoughts started to drift as her heavily lidded eyes finally sank close letting sleep overcome her while soaking in the warmth of Naga's fur.

When the sun broke dawn, Naga rolled away from her ward, the action making the human groan harshly as she was torn from sleep. Korra snorted while the wolf attacked her face with eager licks only to be swatted away by a bronze arm. But Naga was stubborn… she whined and pressed her giant paw over Korra's face.

"Fine!" the hunter groaned like a babe and rolled to finally greet the new day. She broke down the campsite, collecting the smoked meat and hooked a harness over Naga's back. She tied her hair up into a tail, leaving the two wolf tails in place by her tan cheeks. With her quiver and bow strapped to her back, she swung a leg over her wolf, riding her like a steed. Naga was much larger than an average wolf, her impressive length rivaling that of a horse, though coming up short in height. Standing next to Korra the stunning direwolf's head came up only to the woman's shoulders, though regardless of her shorter stature she rivaled any high ranked stallion in strength. Korra actually preferred to travel this way. Riding a horse always fatigued her legs and arse, the way their hooves clodded heavily into the ground while Naga's paws struck the earth softly with a quiet grace.

Before long, the hunter and wolf found the small village. It hugged along a riverbank promising residents the bounty of fish and drink. A large mill towered over the other houses cranking it's wheel slowly in the water's gentle current. It croaked loudly like a sack of toads, protesting against the movement of the bubbling brook below. Korra's nose burned with the smell hearth fires and pig pens as she rode along the dirt path. They came to a hault in quiet observation as they neared the bridge into town. Korra needed always to remain cautious when it came to other humans. Many villages didn't like outsiders, especially one like Korra. A dark skinned warrior from the South steering a giant arctic direwolf was something only heard of in storybooks. A warm welcome from villagers was extremely rare.

Korra took a deep breath before urging her wolf forward. She steeled her chin up and angled her shoulders back in a stance of confidence. Portraying strength was her best weapon against unwanted attention. Her outfit always helped in that department. She normally wore a sleeveless blue tunic with dark brown trousers strapped with leather boots. Gray and brown fur adorned her shoulders in a small cloak with a matching skirt belted across her waist. The skirt was open in the front for ease of movement and riding. Her forearms always bore blue dyed leather bracers for protection.

Gasps met her ears as Naga padded over the bridge carefully. The hunter squared her jaw and looked about the town but ignored the shocked faces that lined the streets. Children squealed in excitement and pointed in her direction until worried mothers scooted them away. Each time Korra made eye contact it was immediately broken by the receiver.

Korra took note of how new this village looked. Brightly shingled rooftops gleamed with the sunlight adorned with freshly plastered walls. The shop signs were all new too with plaquered wood and gold lettering. Even the people looked fresh and clean.


Korra looked across her path at a young burly man with two ale kegs upon his shoulders staring at her with awe. When his green eyes met her he immediately spoke.

"Is that a werewolf dog? Are you some mystical guardian of the forest? Are you married? Oh my god, please don't be married!"

Korra sat there in shock at the stampede of sudden and seemingly friendly curiosity. Her mouth hung open slightly for a moment before it transformed into a toothy grin.

"She's an Arctic Direwolf. I'm a hunter from the Southern Tundra and no, I am not married, good sir." She commandingly held up a hand before his mouth started to ask another question. "No, I'm not here to look for a husband.. but a blacksmith I could use… do you have one in your village?"

"You are in luck, m'lady!" the young man rolled the kegs off his shoulders for a moment. "One just opened up this week."

Korra slid off Naga's back to properly greet him. She patted her friend's neck before approaching him and bowed her head. "Please, call me Korra… and you are?"

"Bolin!" he snatched Korra's right hand and bowed while fingering her knuckles. The gesture made the female hunter chuckle out loud, bringing her free hand up to her mouth in an attempt to mute it.

"Such chivalry, Bolin…" she took her hand back gently from his grasp. "Pardon my amusement… I don't get such good manners, normally… would you be so kind as to point me in the direction of this blacksmith?"

"It's just down the road there!" Bolin smiled while scratching the back if his black spikey hair. "Sato Smith just opened up a new location. One if the master smiths is there to complete the training of the apprentice before handing the reins over."

"Sato Smith." Korra repeated and gave him a nod. "Thank you, Bolin. I shall take my leave now."

"Oh! Korra!" He called out while hoisting the kegs up again. "If you have time you should stop in at the Tavern. I'll buy you an ale."

Korra smiled at him and nodded again before remounting Naga and set off further down the road. Meeting Bolin raised her spirits about being in town. Maybe this village wasn't as prejudiced as the others. Naga carried her through a market street littered with crop sellers and trinket peddlers. She got a lot if onlookers and the vendors were by no means too shy to try to get her attention and her silver.

"Wolf girl! Over here! I got the Earth Empires freshest apples!"

"Take a look at my wares, stranger! Maybe your wolf would like a new collar!"

"Shampoo for any type of hair! Use it on cows or horses - even that wolf! You want to keep that beast smelling fresh, now!"

Korra snorted at the calls of the salesmen. They would say anything to get her attention but Naga was getting most of it.

"Fresh meat for even the most ferocious of appetites!"

Suddenly, Naga made a sharp turn towards the meat stall nearly tearing Korra off her back with the sudden movement.

"Whoa! Naga!" Korra groaned as Naga sat and thumped her tail on the ground, her nose nearing the boar legs dangling on the awning. Korra quickly placed her hand over her snout with a grunt. "Later! We have plenty of venison in the satchel, you know!"

"Looks like she's tired of deer, Miss!" the vendor laughed. Naga whimpered with disappointment at Korra's protests.

"We don't have any money right now…" Korra sharply proclaimed. "I need to sell some furs first." The man rubbed his chin in thought for a moment.

"How about you hand me that fox pelt for a loin?"

Naga barked.

Korra sighed and unhooked the orange pelt from the harness. No arguing when it came to her wolf's hunger. She placed the pelt in the vendor's hand. In return, the man tossed a sizable chunk of meat in which was caught with grateful jaws.

"Thanks! This would make a great purse for my wife!"

Korra nodded and pulled her beast away to finally reach the Smith. She left Naga by the front, not bothering to tie her up at a post as she entered the facility. Brimstone and oil plumed through the air, the sound of hammer on steel echoing loudly. The hunter approached an empty shop counter. She looked around the front and noticed a guard leaning against a wooden beam.

"Um…" Korra wasn't sure if she should approach him. His fiery eyes glared stonily in her direction, he kept his arms folded over his torso while he grumbled.

"Smith's in the back…" he grunted. "Go ahead and go back there… but no funny business!"

Humph. Korra ignored his attitude and proceeded toward the recognizable sound of metal being hammered. Two workers were hunched over a large anvil. One held a long piece of steel while the other swung a large mallet down onto the red hot metal. Sparks flared upon each impact to shape the steel to a point. The hunter wasn't sure if she should disturb them just yet. So she watched with patience.

Both workers had scarves covering the bottom of their faces for protection against the heat, smoke and soot invading the air. Both smiths dress similarly with grey tunics and dark slacks shielded by thick leather aprons with a cog symbol tooled on the chest. When the final impact was contacted on the metal, the spotter quenched the steel in a basin of water making it hiss from the sudden change in temperature. Once he removed it the spotter carefully looked over the steel for any imperfections while the other who had yielded the mallet wiped sweat off his brow with a cloth.

"Good." the spotter nodded. "I think you will have no problem running this place on your own soon." Korra noticed the spotter's feminine voice which peaked her interest. Women in this land rarely took the occupation of smithing if any occupational trade at all. The hunter cleared her throat to get their attention.

"Pardon me… Are you open for business?" Korra implored.

"Yes!" The hitter quickly approached the dark woman. "W-what can we help you with today?" He pulled his black scarf down to greet her showing a well trimmed brown beard. His grey eyes gleamed with excitement not caring about his soot covered appearance. Korra unsheathed her hunting knife and presented it.

"I was wondering if you had the equipment to sharpen this. It's a harder type of metal than regular steel so I need someone who knows what they are doing."

"You came to the right place!" He smiled and took the knife to inspect it. Korra watched the other worker approach with interest.

"Hmmm," the woman took her smithing gloves off and ran her fingers over the material. "This metal is very rare… Where did you get this?" She asked turning her gaze to the customer. Korra was taken back by the color of the woman's irises. They pierced into her with a pale shining green that reminded her of spring ivy. She had never seen such eyes before. Korra felt her cheeks warm in embarrassment when she noticed the woman asked her a question.

"Oh! My father gifted this blade to me… Southern Obsidian might be rare around here but I am from the south…" Korra didn't know why she was suddenly nervous and finding herself talking really fast. She hadn't even seen all of the woman's face yet, but she was flustered by the look of those eyes. They were strikingly beautiful despite the black soot that covered the rest of the smith's visible skin. The Smith turned her gaze back to the blade for a moment.

"What do you think, Master? Can we sharpen this thing up?" the young man implored.

"Well…" the master looked back up to the hunter before her. "I'm not sure if we have the equipment here to do it. I'll have to run a couple of tests… It'll take a little while so…"

"Take all the time you need. It is precious to me so I want it done right. How long will the tests take, do you think?"

"I will know by the end of the day," she answered with a sharp nod. "Will you be close by? I'll come to you."

"You can find me at the Tavern tonight." Korra stuck her hand out to her. "Korra is my name… and you are?"

The Smith stared down at her hand but refused to reach out to touch it. "Sato." Her voice shot out coldly before swinging away from her with the blade in tow.

Rude. Korra grumbled and turned just as sharply toward the exit, stomping out of the workshop fuming with rage. The guard at the doorway continued to glare in her direction. Her eyes bored straight back at him with menace all across her features

"Come on, Naga!" Kicking up dust as she barreled down the dirt road with her direwolf right behind her. Her next mission was to find a merchant to buy her furs. Then it was off to the Tavern. The thought alone reminded her on how long it's been since she quenched her thirst with ale.

Sato Smith

Asami stared intently at the blade before her. Never had she seen a weapon made from Southern Obsidian Steel before. The metal was black and almost glasslike in appearance, the blacksmith could see her own reflection gleaming back at her. It was certainly a sight to behold and she counted herself lucky for being able to handle such a rarity. The top of the blade hooked in for the intention if cutting the thickest of hides easily. It was curved so elegantly that the etched walrus handle arched along preserving the graceful shape. The hilt held a round spectrolite; a gem that contained the colors of the polar auroras.

A blade fit for royalty.

The blacksmith wondered if it was stolen but she didn't know anything about the strange woman who happened into her shop. So who knows? But that really wasn't her concern at this point. Upon inspection the blade really needed a good sharpening. The grindstone at this shop was new but generic at best. She decided to test it out anyways. Even at top speed against the abrasive surface, the knife was too hard to be properly dealt with. She then took it to a quartz wetstone. Which did a better job but it would take Asami hours to even get one edge complete. No… this needed diamond.

It was the hardest material she had at her disposal that could do the job. Problem was… she didn't have a diamond grindstone here.

"Looks like I'll need to take this home…" she mused. Asami didn't really want to leave this town yet but she was determined to complete this task. She sighed and placed the hunter's knife down on a folded cloth. She sat there staring at it with intensity and found herself thinking about its owner.

Those eyes…

Blue, deeply intense eyes. The way they stared at her was unsettling. Asami felt like the hunter's gaze contained such raw emotion that she herself could be swept up in it just as an ocean tide pulling a harsh current. It was hard to keep eye contact with her… she could only bare to do that task for a few seconds before her gut twisted in response. She inwardly cursed at how it affected her. To think that some wild savage could have such an impact on her, the most extinguished woman in the land was simply sickening.

"Master, I'm closing up shop… anything you need before I leave?" her apprentice called from the front.

"That'll be all, Cal…" she said. "Tell Mako to wait outside for me."

"You got it!"

Sweet golden liquid flooded Korra's tastebuds with every gulp. She chugged her pint with ease as the other patrons cheered her on to finish the ale in one go. About half way, she peeked over to Bolin who sat next to her at the bar who was swigging down his own pint as fast as he could. The kid's adam's apple pumped violently to win the race. Korra's competitive spirit flared up just as fierce. Her fist slammed onto the bartop as she forced her throat to swallow the remaining half of her beverage in three giant swills. The empty mug hit the bar in a loud clang, announcing her opponents defeat. Two seconds later, Bolins own empty mug smashed down followed by an impressive belch.

Inspired, Korra roared out a deep and long guttural burp that was loud enough to silence the room.

Suddenly, the crowd cheered in response to the manliest belch ever produced by a young woman. Bolin hooted and slapped her back in approval.

"Wow! I can't believe that you beat me! I knew there was something special about you. Barkeep! Two more pints over here!"

Korra laughed and leaned onto the bar with a grin. "I haven't had this much fun in a while. Thank you!"

"No trouble at all! I'm having a lot of fun too." he said. "So Korra! I have to know! What brings you to the Earth Empire? I've never met anyone from the Southern Tundra before."

"That's a long story…" the hunter rubbed the back of her neck in hesitation. "But to put it brief, I had to leave my tribe and I've been wandering ever since. The world is my oyster. No responsibilities, no worries! Just how I like it." Korra joyfully took a drink from her new beverage. "What about you? Did you grow up here?"

"No this town has only been here for a little while now. I'm originally from the Republic Capital. My brother got a fancy job in the guard force and I just pick up odd jobs here and there to help out."

"I do the same from time to time," she announced. "In fact I've been thinking about finding some work for the winter months this year."

"Well the city has a lot of work opportunities! I got a lot of connections. What are your skills besides drinking?"

Korra laughed. "Archery. But there aren't too many jobs that aren't military that would require those skills… and me being a foreigner and a woman disqualifies me."

"I'm sure something will come along. It is rare but if you can prove yourself to the right person you might get lucky."

Korra and Bolin continued their conversation way into the evening emptying plenty of pints with their thirst. Korra found her arm wrapped over his shoulders singing horribly in a drunken attempt to teach him a Southern Tundra song.

"I'm the only gay eskimooooooaa! I'm the hic only one I knoooowwwwaaaa! I'm the only gay eskimooo… hic… in my triiiibe!"

"Iiinn myyyyy triiiiiibe!" Bolins baritone voice finished the verse followed by a belch. He swayed with his new friend to the tune. "Hey so hic Korra. I bet you can't hit that Elk head with yer hic … bow!"

"How much you wanna bet?" Korra swung her head to study the elk head mounted on the wall high past the rafters. It was a good thirty feet up, other game trophies amongst it.

"If you miss you gotta take a dare!"

"Kay! Hic … if I win then um… you pay for the rest of meh tab!"

"Deal!" Bolin cheered holding his mug up in the air with a drunken laugh. Korra slipped her bow off her back and picked up her ale. She hopped on the bartop nearly stumbling and yelled. "I'm gonna shoot that Elk right in the face! My good friend… Here said he'd pay my tab if I do! I'ma need yer support!"

All the burly patrons about the place roared in encouragement. And Bolin started a chant slamming his fist down on the bartop in a beat.

"Wolf Girl! Wolf Girl! Wolf Girl!" Everyone joined, egging her on. Korra downed the rest of her ale before throwing her mug across the room in order to draw an arrow from her quiver. She notched an arrow and drew back to take aim. Blinking rapidly to try to steady her spinning vision, her fingers ended up releasing the arrow before she was ready to. It shot crookedly to the left, bouncing off a chandelier. Miraculously, the arrow struck the elk in the cheek. Bolin couldn't believe it, his mouth hung open as the crowd rejoiced at such a shot.

"Wait, wait!" Bolin rose up in protest. "That was a lucky shot! Two outta three! I bet you can't do it again! Take the shot and I'll pay for everyone's next round! If you loose you have to do the dare!" The room went wild and screamed Korra's nickname once again.

"No problem!" she grinned and readied another arrow. But the room kept spinning and was throwing her off balance. She was a great archer, but her current state immensely handicapped her. She took a breath and fired, hoping for another miracle. The arrow flew towards the elk but it landed too short, sticking into the wooden plaque that mounted it.

She hung her head in defeat and the crowd groaned at such a close victory. One of the patron's across the room yelled over to Bolin. "She missed! Now what does she has to do?!"

Korra stumbled off the bar with a sigh and hoped Bolin would have mercy on her. She fumbled back onto her stool. "Alright, lay it on me!" She challenged. Bolin rubbed his strong chin in thought.

"A kiss!" He proclaimed.

"Seriously?" Korra snorted. "That's a lame dare just to get me to kiss you… hic."

"No, no!" Bolin smirked. "You gotta kiss the next person who walks through the door! Man or woman!"

Korra could hear the drunken party erupt in laughter at such a thought. She grinned at how stupid it sounded. She looked over to the front door in curiosity. Everyone seem to quieted down suddenly in anticipation, waiting.

Just a moment later, the door opens. A young woman walked in. Her black hair was pinned up elegantly with gold pins and her dress was dyed in a deep crimson laced with silver. She looked about the hall with confusion wondering why everyone was suddenly staring at her with such quiet intensity. She jumped when everyone in the tavern roared in laughter. The man that followed behind her was just as perplexed. Fists were pounding loudly on the tables, rattling cups and dishware. Korra smiled in relief that it was a beautiful lady instead of a saggy old man.

"DO IT!" A man screamed. Korra was awestruck at how Bolin was hackling hard, wiping tears away in his eyes. He then shoved the hunter off her stool in the woman's direction.

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" Everyone chanted swinging their fists in unison. The woman in red took a step back, feeling frightened by the scene. The man with her did nothing but watch the dark, tribal woman stumble forward. Green eyes widened when Korra pulled her into a strong embrace and looked at her with an intense, cerulean stare.

"Sorry about this, Ma'am," She slurred and leaned in. Asami's heart slammed into her ribcage, unable to process what was happening. The room fell deathly quiet. She pulled her head back but the hunter clutched hard at the nape of her pale neck. Korra mashed her mouth against her red painted lips. When Asami's gasp broke free, she found a determined tongue slip into her mouth. It swiped passionately against her own sending an electric shock down her spine and into the pit below her navel. Her knees felt weak and nearly buckled but the hunter held onto her to keep her steady. Her wide eyes slammed shut, furrowing her brow as the attack on her mouth continued. She pushed her tongue back against the hunter's to try to push it out but this only encouraged it further. A whimper of protest escaped Asami's throat but somehow came out as a moan in the end. Scents of freshly turned earth, seabreeze and campfire invaded the pale maiden's senses within the whirlwind of churning emotions. Before long, Korra finally pulled back slowly with a wet suckling sound. Asami's eyes drew back open and found Korra grinning at her.

"Wow…" the hunter breathed as her grip loosened around the woman before her. Asami's state of shock quickly evolved into rage. She clenched a fist and swung a blow straight into the hunter's cheek. Korra's body flew backwards with the impact and crashed onto the wooden planks of the floor. Laughter erupted the room once again with slapping knees and hysterical hollering. The maiden's ivy green eyes shot daggers around the room, making everyone quiet down a couple of octaves. She panted with a heated face while glaring down at the passed out form below her.

"Insolent Barbarian!" She growled and swung around to the man standing behind her. "MAKO! Why didn't you do anything! This mongrel attacked me!"

Her guard straightened his posture at the complaint with red blossoming on his bony cheeks. "I-I'm sorry, Lady Asami! I wasn't expecting something like that! I was… surprised!"

Asami groaned with embarrassment written on her features. How could someone do such a thing? She huffed in anger. "Throw her outside where she belongs!"

"Yes, Lady Asami!" Mako shot down to collect the unconscious woman on the floor. He dragged her out the front door by her boots. Asami turned to follow but halted when she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Lady Asami! Forgive me! I was the one that made her do it!" Bolin slurred with concern. Asami turned to him with a scowl making him tear his hand away from her as if her shoulder burned his fingers.

"Bolin, you are such a fool…" Asami's voice softened with disappointment as tears stung at her eyes. "We leave for the capital in the morning. Pay the savage's tab with my credit and go pack your things."

"At once, Lady…" Bolin bowed low and stumbling a bit rushed over to the counter.

Korra's limbs were full of lead as her body roused from her blacked out slumber. Her head was screaming in pain when her eyes split open to the blazing sun that hung high in the heavens. She hissed with agony as she rolled over on her side, smacking her chapped lips and dryly swallowing what felt like sand in her throat. She pushed herself off the hard ground and was immediately attacked by Naga's concerned licking at her face.

"Naga…" Korra protested with a whine and hoisted herself up to a sitting position clutching onto her brow. She reached over and unclipped a waterskin from Naga's harness and gulped down the liquid with great thirst. When she drained the skin of its contents, she weakly stumbled to her feet, gripping onto her wolf's fur for balance as the world began to spin again briefly. When she steadied herself, Korra's eyes found a wrapped parcel on the ground. She picked it up and tore off a note that was attached.

Bring this blade to Sato Smith in Republic Capital. I will service it there.

Korra unwrapped her knife from the fabric and sheathed it in its home on her waist. She tried to collect her memory from the night before but it was a hazy blur. She did remember going to the blacksmith to get her knife sharpened but after that… it was nothing but darkness. She sucked in her breath when her fingers brushed over a tender bruise on the side of her face. Whatever happened last night, she didn't go unscathed. She wouldn't be surprised if she got caught up in a bar fight. It happened a few times before with drunken bastards that wouldn't leave her to drink in peace. Her thoughts went back to the reason why she came here in the first place.

'The blacksmith must have found me passed out here.' Korra sighed, she wasn't really ready to take on a two day journey to the capital but it looked at that point like she had no choice. Her blade needed the maintenance and perhaps she could find some work to earn a few more coins. She checked her money purse and confirmed that she hadn't been robbed in her sleep. Naga took her down to the marketplace again where they could get some supplies for the journey. Korra approached a food merchant and picked out some rolls, sheep's butter and apples to take with her on the way. The merchant stared at her with a knowing grin as he took her silver.

"Some night last night, Wolf Girl!" He jested with a laugh. "Lady Asami was swept off her feet!"

Stricken with confusion, Korra raised an eyebrow. "Who's Lady Asami?" The merchant found her question to be the most hilarious thing.

"Why the only daughter of Lord Hiroshi, of course! He's owns this land and just about half of all the businesses in Republic Capital. Boy, I had no idea Lady Asami could throw a punch like that. She knocked you out cold!" he bellowed in laughter.

Korra stood there in shock before piecing the information together. She pointed to her face. "So some prissy noble did this?"

"Yeah!" he laughed. "She pummeled you good! I would steer clear of her if I were you from now on. I wouldn't be surprised if she threw you in a dungeon." Korra sighed with discontent. She wanted to ask the man why she was hit, but something told her that it was best left alone and forgotten. What would the chances be of crossing paths with her again? There were thousands of people in Republic Capital after all.

"Well, I don't think I'll be seeing her again anytime soon… Thanks for the heads up." The hunter took her leave in a rush, leaping onto Naga's back and earged the wolf in a canter to get as far away from this town as soon as possible. She would rather keep out of trouble with nobles. People with power are dangerous. Korra knew that first hand from experience. If she were to happen to look at a noble the wrong way who knows what they would do to her.

She shook away those thoughts, it was no use worrying about that at this point. She was still alive, still free to roam wherever she pleased. She would fight tooth and nail to keep that. To die for it. Her grin returned to her face when the embrace of the forest welcomed her home once again.