Okay everyone, last chapter, and to all of you who are celebrating Labor Day, have a safe and wonderful day.

Ch 40. Epilogue

Raph angrily made his way into the living room and sat down on the couch, try as he might, he could not stop the tears from falling. He angrily wiped his face as April and Renet sat down on either side of him.

"Oh Raph," April said as she brought him into a hug,

"We're so sorry." Renet told him as she rubbed his shell soothingly.

"Yeah well don't be," Raph said as he slammed the ring down on the coffee table. "If he doesn't want to stay then good riddance to him!"

"Come on Raph," Casey came up behind him, "You don't mean that."

Raph again wiped the tears away from his face, "How could he do that to me!" He yelled. "How could he just leave like that and not say anything until now!" He stood and angrily paced. "How could he just break my heart and not care."

"Raphael," Splinter came up to him, "I know you are hurting my son," He put a paw on Raph's shoulder, "But do not think Leonardo does not care," He told him, "I'm sure the decision was just as hard for him to make as it was for him to try and tell you about it," He gave him a sympathetic smile, "Which is why he could not."

"It just hurts so much Sensei," Raph told him.

"Yes my son," Splinter nodded, "And it will hurt for a while but in time, with the help of your family and your friends, the pain will lessen and you will move on." He brought Raph into a hug, "Just, please, do not push us away this time," He whispered to him.

Raph nodded and looked over at his two brothers, Mikey was looking down at the floor with tears falling down his cheeks and Donnie was looking back at Raph in disbelief. He walked over to them and brought them into a hug. "We're going to miss him Raphie," Mikey whispered.

"I know," Raph whispered back, "I will too."

"But we'll be there for each other," Donnie told them, "We'll help each other out."

"And we'll all be here with you." Angel told them.

"Not the best way to end our graduation party," Casey muttered angrily,

"Casey," April looked at him with a warning glare.

"Well it isn't red," Casey said sitting down on the couch next to her. "Here we are, having a great time and he goes and does this," He let out a huff, "Why couldn't he wait till tomorrow or…or just sometime later?" he leaned his head back and took hold of April's hand, "Why do it now?"

"Because if he had waited it would have been harder for him to leave," Donnie said as he sat down in Splinter's easy chair.

The group sat or stood in somber silence contemplating Leo's sudden departure. "Hey come on everyone!" Mikey suddenly yelled out; he took a deep breath and wiped his face, "This is supposed to be a party so let party!"

The teens nodded and Splinter stood back and watched as everyone attempted to enjoy themselves. They had just started to get back into having a good time when the doorbell rang. Donnie walked over to the door and answered it.

"LEO!?" He yelled out in surprise upon answering the door and seeing the blue-eyed turtle looking back at him.

Leo looked up at him nervously then looked over to where Raph was just coming into view. He walked over and wrapped his arms around Raph's shoulder. "I'm so sorry Raph," Leo cried as Raph slowly put his arms around him. "I'm such an idiot!" The pulled away and Leo wiped his face, "The taxi was just about to get on the highway to the airport when I realized what a jerk I was being."

Raph looked at him sternly, "Plus a few other choice words I won't go into."

Leo nodded and gave a light laugh, "And I would deserve each and every one of them." He said then sobered. "Raph, there's somethings I still haven't told you," he began, "I wanted to go to California to see my mom," Leo explained, "And I want to bring her back here but the thing is, I don't know how long I'm going to be out there taking care of everything." Leo said then looked away sadly, "But, the other thing is, when I spoke with Dr. Rockwell at my last appointment, he told me that after what my father did to me with the drugs and everything, my life is on borrowed time and I don't know if because of those drugs my life is going to end tomorrow or in a year or a month or whenever and I didn't want to put you through that kind of heartache," Leo took a breath, "But I remember you told me once that you didn't care how much time we had, you just wanted to be with me and you didn't want to waste a single moment of our time together."

"I remember Leo," Raph said and looked at Leo in puzzlement, "But, what exactly are you trying to say?"

"Come with me," He urged, "We love each other and want to be with each other so come with me. Let me show you the wonders of California and show you where I grew up." He looked at Raph excitedly. "My aunt left me a ton of money and we can live off that till we come back." His eyes roamed toward the living room and landed on the coffee table where he saw the ring, he walked away from Raph and picked it up and placed it on his finger. "Yes Raph," he told him with a smile, "I will marry you if you'll still have me."

Raph slowly walked over to him, "Do you mean that Leo?" he asked, "Do you really want to be with me?"

"No matter how much time I have, I want to be with you for the rest of our lives," Leo told him. They wrapped their arms around each other and kissed deeply and hungrily as the others cheered.

"Congratulations my sons," Splinter said coming over to them and giving them each a hug.

"Alright!" Mikey whooped, "So when do you guys wanna get married?" He asked, "As soon as you get back from California or sometime after?"

Leo smiled brightly, "Well, I don't know but the taxi's waiting for us so, come on Raph, go get packed, let's go," He said excitedly.

Raph nodded and was just about to turn but stopped and looked at Leo with excitement, "Wait Leo," he said, "I got an idea," he took his hands and looked at him excitedly, "Do you trust me?"

Leo looked at him in bemusement, "Well, of course I do Raph, but…."

"Okay, then while I pack a bag, you send the taxi away." He said as he started toward the kitchen.

"But Raph….?" Leo began but Raph was already running out of the room.

"Just go!" He called back.

Leo went back to the cab, took his suitcase and paid the driver for his time. He then went back into the house and a few minutes later Raph ran back into the room with a small bag. "Okay everyone," He said to the group, "Let's go back to high school!" Leo looked at him in bewilderment as Raph, grabbing his hand, ran to the parking lot behind the dojo with the rest of the group following behind. While the others piled into the Hamato SUV, Leo and Raph got on his motorcycle.

"Raph, what are we doing?" Leo asked with an excited voice.

Raph smiled brightly, "You'll see."

A few minutes later, they pulled up to the high school steps and everyone ran inside and up to the third floor. Upon reaching the lockers, they were surprised to see Spike and Slash walking down the corridor. "What are you all doing here?" Spike asked.

"It's a surprise and you're welcome to be a part of it," Raph said breathlessly, "Do you know where Professor Honeycutt is?"

"Yeah, he's with Coach Leatherhead down in the gym," Slash replied as they all turned and ran back downstairs toward the gym, "Dr. Rockwell is here too, I think he's going to offer the professor a job."

"Really?" Donnie said as he and Angel ran behind the group. "That's great!"

"What are you kids doing here?" Mr. Kirby called out as he stepped out of his room, "I thought only teachers were here cleaning up."

"We're looking for Professor Honeycutt, daddy," April called back, "Come with us!" Mr. O'Neil placed his books on his desk and hurried toward the gym with the rest of the group.

"What are you guys doing here?" Mikey asked Slash and Spike.

"Now that we've graduated from high school and over the age of eighteen," Slash said, "We're too old to be at the orphanage so we're staying with coach Leatherhead till we go to school in the fall."

"Yeah," Spike said, "We're going to work here over the summer and then go to Tech school."

"That's great," Casey replied.

"Raph, you still haven't told me what's going on," Leo said.

"You said you trust me, right?" Leo nodded, "You said you love me and want to spend the rest of our lives together, right?" Again Leo nodded, "Then just wait and see."

"I bet I know what he's up to," Renet said with a giggle.

The group walked into the gym and over to Coach Leatherhead's office where they found the coach, the professor and the doctor sitting around and enjoying tea. The three looked up in surprised curiosity when the large group ran over to them.

"I am getting too old for this," Splinter said as he took a deep breath. He watched as Raph and Leo, hand in hand, walked over to Honeycutt.

"What is going on here?" He asked as he stood.

"Sorry for the interruption Professor, but are you still an ordained minister?" Raph asked.

"Raph?" Leo looked at him incredulously as Raph squeezed his hand.

"Of course I am Raphael," Honeycutt said with a wide smile as he stood and walked with everyone out into the gym, "Am I to presume someone would like to get married?"

Raph looked at Leo who was smiling brightly, "You ready?"

Leo nodded excitedly. "Let's do it," They turned to Splinter, "Do we have your blessing Sensei?" Leo asked.

Splinter stroked his long beard in contemplation, after a few seconds he smiled at them, "I am proud to call you both my sons and I will be happy to bless this union."

"Leonardo?" Dr. Rockwell stepped forward, "After everything we discussed, are you sure this is something you should do."

Leo looked at Raph and smiled widely, "Yes Dr. Rockwell," He assured him, "I'm positive it's what I want to do.'

Everyone cheered and twenty minutes later, as the ceremony concluded, Raph grabbed Leo in an exuberant hug and twirled him around. Everyone laughed happily as the large group walked out of the school and over toward their vehicles.

"When you two return from California," Mr. O'Neil was saying as he shook their hands, "We'll have a reception at our farmhouse."

"Thank you Mr. O'Neil," Raph said as they shook hands.

"Where are you guys going for your honeymoon?" Mikey asked excitedly.

Leo waved his hand in the air, "We're riding out to California Mikey," he said happily, "So we'll be honeymooning all over the country."

"You got that right babe," Raph said as he brought Leo into a hug. They hugged their family and friends one more time then waved happily to them as Raph got his bike in gear. "We'll call you every night Sensei!" Raph yelled out as the group wished them good luck.

"You know Raph," Leo said as they started off, "I think while we're traveling about the country, I'd like to write a book."

"Oh yeah," Raph looked at Leo in his side mirror as Leo wrapped his arms tightly around him, "What's it going to be called?"

"How bout…." Leo paused for dramatic effect, "The Travelers."

"I like it," Raph said with a chuckle. He got the bike on the highway and the two happy turtles headed west into the setting sun.

~The End~

And so ends another story, I must say this is so far the longest story I've ever written and I hope all who read enjoyed and a special thank you to 'Guest' and Turtlecrazy714 for the continuous reviews, They kept my fingers typing. I have many more stories to write but now that school has started and I'm back at work, I probably won't get to them till after the first of the year. Many of them are 'T-cest' so I hope no one is getting bored with those. See you in the next story. Peace :)

P.S So Turtlecrazy714, I need to know, was the epilogue near enough for you, lol :)