In the original series, Pyrrha died during the Vytal Tournament. Her existence survived as a memory in Jaune's mind. The two never hooked up, but always had that chance of becoming a couple.
An alternate universe (this fanfiction) had a different scenario. The star-crossed lovers did come together - months before the destined demise. The lad was happy with his relationship except for the part where he socialized with her manager, the one who booked all advertising jobs and the like for Vale's 'strongest gal.'
Jaune already disliked this man, Brock, when he caught him checking out his girlfriend's features - chest and bottom. It didn't take long for the Juniper leader to realize the manager was a sleazeball. And yet, as someone he deemed smarter than himself, Pyrrha never minded this attention. Sometimes, the boyfriend sensed she even loved it by the nature of her reactions and words.
One day, out of the blue, Pyrrha took off for Mistral. Jaune caught wind of this from friends asking him where she was. Proof of this departure came in the form of a text message she sent that explained her presence in the past few hours. When she mentioned being in Brock's company, the leader became angry. He almost exploded after he read the final part that stated she would be gone for three days.
Although he had every right to be angry, Jaune didn't find it in him to act in a furious, jealous manner. Intent on being the supportive lover, he replied back with a message that expressed forgiveness and best wishes on her business trip - which he intended to get more details on later.
Since then, Jaune moped around the school. Even after his final class, he shut himself in the dorm to disconnect himself from the outside world. He stared at the screen of his scroll phone in hopes of receiving a message sometime soon. When one finally came, it depressed him when he found out it was not from Pyrrha, but from Ren.
The lad overcame his depression to read the contents to find out there was a party hosted by close friends. Jaune saw this as an opportunity to pull out of his funk. Hours later, he left without his armor to arrive at a dorm room someone reported was left untouched, the perfect place for discreet events (he figured that's why the doorway smelled like raw semen and fecal matter).
"What's up, bitches? Drink to this theme: today is the last day Remnant spins on its axis like a pole stripper!"
Jaune was taken aback by Ruby's wild announcement. Her cheeks were red and she held a beer bottle; the gal was drunk off her ass. The same was similar for those present, majority were from teams such as Ruby, Sun, even his own. The gathering looked nice as everyone occupied different sections of the bunk beds. With drinks in hands, they made hearty conversations and jokes that filled the area with noise.
His mood changed when he saw a gorgeous gal with snowy hair. Clothed in her usual white dress, she sat on one of the lower beds. She laughed with the room's largest group. Her delightful face, fair skin, and regal aura had smitten him for the umpteenth time, an impact that was never weaker than the last. Jaune once believed she was to be his chosen gal, an unsettling thought when Pyrrha came to mind.
Another difference between fantasy and reality was the fact that his femme fatale already had a boyfriend, Neptune Vasilias. Fit with blue hair and good fashion taste, this classmate rolled with one of Beacon's cooler teams. Most already figured he of all people had better chances to end up with the heiress, a theory Jaune wanted to debunk. Even when he was good friends with Neptune himself, that relationship didn't help him get over his crush on Weiss. This fact made it uncomfortable for him to mingle with her at all during the party.
Hours passed before the party began to die down. The Juniper leader was a bit tipsy himself - got through two bottles. He planned to leave after Weiss did, but a last-minute drinking game hosted by Ruby forced him to stay longer. When another hour passed, Jaune hobbled out of the dorm. The previous bottle he chugged down almost pushed him over the edge, but not quite there. He still remembered where his room was, planned to take a few extra corners just to get some exercise – some random, drunken idea.
Down the dim hallways, Jaune tried to walk in a straight line. He failed many times, went on a serpentine path. When he planned to lie down and sleep on the spot, he heard soft sobs. Although it was not in his interest to meddle, the lad just wanted to peek on the source before he made a quick getaway. He never ran, not after he found the crying came from Weiss, who leaned against a wall. She was far from everyone, alone to weep without the comfort of company.
Unwilling to leave her alone and sad, Jaune mustered up the courage to walk towards the heiress. He licked his dry lips, then called, "Weiss? Is that you?"
The saddened heiress snapped her head around. When her eyes met the lad's, she rubbed off the tears with her sleeves. After she cleared her throat, Weiss answered, "Jaune? Wh-what are you doing here? You shouldn't be bothering someone who obviously wants to be alone out in this part of the school."
"I'm sorry, kind of drunk. Thinking isn't something I can do right now." Jaune reasoned he didn't lie, told at least half of the truth. "I just don't like to see my friends sad and alone, especially when they're gorgeous like you."
The influenced blond didn't mean to share the last part. To his luck, Weiss didn't call him out on it. In fact, she seemed a bit bashful with her tight lip and averted eyes. Although he wanted to say more, past experience told Jaune that too much was never a good idea.
"And I suppose you want to know why I've cried myself into this mess, don't you?"
"That's your choice." Jaune wobbled over. He managed to stand beside the heiress before he fell, landed his ass on a spot right beside hers. "Just feel free to share what you want. I'm here for you."
An awkward silence followed. Minutes in, Jaune figured it was a bad idea for him to have done this. Immediately after his panic, Weiss blurted, "I saw Neptune having sex with Yang."
This sentence set the mood as she began to go into detail on how she saw her boyfriend leave the room. Concerned that he might hurt himself in his drunken state, she followed him. It wasn't long before the heiress heard bouncing springs and wild grunts. The noise led her to a room where she saw Neptune on top of Yang naked, their crotches mashed together for raw intercourse (from her viewpoint, which Jaune hoped was wrong). This very scene prompted her to run so she nurse her broken heart alone.
"And that's before you found me weeping like some naive schoolgirl," Weiss finished. She sniffed, "I know they're drunk, but this...they had to at least have some conscious thought before thinking about fitting the block into a hole. Good thing she looked okay, Yang probably didn't feel much from his cock, those sluts. This might be good, better to break up with him now than deal with another stupid moment like this in the future."
Jaune felt nervous as he heard poison drip from his company's words. He tried to be a good friend and support the claim they made a stupid decision. A selfish motive convinced him to try out a new tactic.
"I can't disagree. If I was your boyfriend and we didn't share the same bed, that would have brought up some kind of warning for me to hightail it out of there."
"Now that is a proper response." Weiss flung out her arm, a motion that approved the remark. "See, a good boyfriend would know this. Neptune's just a playboy who thinks he can get into bed with any woman without consequences. That son-of-a-bitch, he's got another thing coming when I bring this up before class starts. He's going to rue the day he cheated on me."
Jaune noted to never cross Weiss. Although sinful, he was happy with playing for her side. During this triumphant moment, his pocket vibrated. With one hand, he reached in to take a Scroll and open it. As expected, a message arrived. Right there on the screen, he read the contents. By the last character, his hands shook from rage and his lips curved down into a frown.
"What's wrong?"
Weiss's question made Jaune aware of his current expression. Somewhat embarrassed, he sighed since it was too late to cover up his discomfort.
"I just got a text from Pyrrha telling me she'll be gone longer than a few days."
"O-oh." Weiss blinked, likely surprised as she would have heard the news about the business trip. "Like close to a week?"
"Try three weeks." Jaune didn't care about his dry tone. He was too upset and alcohol didn't help him alter his behavior. "Oh Maiden, she's going to be gone for that long with that asshole manager of hers. At least she's in good company. I wouldn't want any other man poking her their spear. Brock might even be doing it right now, that jerk."
The heiress patted Jaune's shoulder. "I'm not exactly sure what's going on. You'll need to give me some context."
"No, no, it''s fine." The blond lad tried to dismiss this case - finally understood he wasn't being cool as he desired to be in front of his dream girl. "Sorry, shouldn't have even bothered you with this."
Weiss twisted her lip into a crooked frown. After she reared her arms back, the heiress shot them forward to slam them into Jaune's side, topple his upper half towards the ground. She snapped, "I told you my issues, now tell me yours. Is she cheating on you or is this jerkoff putting the moves on her?"
The show of aggression shocked the lad; he made another note that touched on how Weiss and alcohol didn't mix well together. Her action also convinced him to spill the Dust pile, reveal doubts about his relationship. Jaune even shared how angry he was today after Pyrrha notified him about her trip on short notice. Throughout the entire time, Weiss kept an apt interest in his complaints. Her attentive gaze encouraged him to reveal details like a gossiper.
By the time Jaune found nothing else to say, he stopped to take in deep breaths. The heiress didn't move an inch from her sitting pose. The current lack of dialogue worried him as it might have been a prelude for her leaving, never wanting to speak to someone who - as he thought - acted in a 'bitchy' manner.
"It looks like we both have relationship problems, don't we?"
Weiss's light giggle threw Jaune off. When he thought on the subject, it also struck him as amusing in a dark, ironic manner. He snickered, "Wow, didn't think of it that way, the two of us getting problems at the same time. Almost doesn't feel like it's a coincidence."
"Yeah, it almost doesn't." The gal's snowy face laxed into a small grin. The lad wasn't sure how to interpret this, not when her gaze focused on him (or at least in his direction, maybe she was more interested in the wall?). "It feels like Neptune and I would have made a great couple, maybe make it past graduation. That'll probably happen for you because I can't see any reason why Pyrrha would have a lover behind your back."
Jaune froze as he didn't expect such praise. He forced himself to think on one of his own, not leave the heiress hanging. "Well, you never know. I used to think the same about you because why? Why would anybody want to cheat on the most beautiful woman in school?"
"You think I'm the most beautiful?" Weiss pursed her lips. Her inability to make eye contact implied bashful behavior. "Is that something a boyfriend should say to another girl?"
Jaune grinned, "It's a compliment between friends." His lips drooped into a grimace when he added, "But the boyfriend part, I sometimes wonder if that's really the case for me. We didn't even do that much intimate stuff; I'm not even sure if our kisses are that great."
Weiss raised her head to look into Jaune's eyes. Her own pair of pupils glimmered with something, be it lust or passion.
"Then let me be the judge of that."
In an unexpected move, the heiress leaned over to press her lips against Jaune's. The lad's eyes grew into saucers as he let her tongue slide over his. Out of instinct, he moved closer to deepen the kiss. Both teens explored each other's mouths. Weiss raised a leg over his lap to straddle him. She placed arms over his shoulders and kissed harder, possibly bruised the flesh.
"W-wait," Jaune's comment made the top gal stop and lean back to make eye contact. Breathless, he huffed, "Y-you're drunk. We can't do this; I don't want to take advantage of you."
"I only had one bottle. I'm terrible at drinking. It seems like you're the same way. Won't you use that as an excuse to be with the most beautiful woman in Beacon?"
The confession flabbergasted Jaune. His heart thumped against his rib cage several times before he kissed Weiss again. His conscience and fear of the consequences tried to hold him back. Such 'annoyances' were buried by his desire to fulfill a long-time wish: be together with Weiss as her lover.
Their hands began to roam around. As the lad's pressed from the breasts down to her waist, Weiss pressed into his crotch. The fabric there was tight from the erection.
"W-wait, stop."
Weiss separated her lips from Jaune's. She whined, "Oh, what now?! Do you want this to happen or not?"
"W-we should do this in a dorm room. I know an empty one down the hall." Empowered by his horny state, Jaune pushed Weiss back, gently. When he got up, he grabbed her hand and limped towards one direction. The young blond blamed blue balls for the stiff that lasted all the way to their destination.
Once the door closed, they undressed. Down to his boxers, Jaune pulled off the pair so his penis could spring out into a horizontal stance. He tried not to be conscious of his long, yellow pubic hairs - the only patch he had since most of his body hardly grew a carpet.
All attention went onto Weiss when she had stripped down to her underwear. Jaune wondered if this was reality, to see the heiress naked. With the scrunchie off, her long white strands came down long and soft like a waterfall. By chance, she stood near a window. Moonlight shined through the glass pane onto her figure, brightened up her pristine skin until she looked like an angel from the intact parts of the moon. Her pearly bra and panties had frills and laces, details that could be used for naughty plays. Jaune's inexperience convinced him to just keep things simple and hope for the best.
"Q-quit staring." Weiss blushed and reached behind for the bra strap. The amazed male never pulled his sight away to see her breasts jiggle out into full form. The areolas were scarlet and perky, C-cup pair of fine flesh orbs.
"I-I said stop it. Don't look at me when I'm about to put my panties down."
The heiress had more to say, but the lad lost his patience. Hungry, he darted forward to kiss his lover again.
"Mph, hmph!" Weiss moaned. She then pushed the lad to break the mouth-to-mouth. "Hey, I'm not done. Wait, wait!"
Jaune kissed down her cheek's soft skin. He continued these pecks along the neck, then down the chest until the lips met a teet. Carefully, he suckled on the nipple and swirled his tongue all around the pebble.
"Holy shit, listen to me for just one second!" the heiress shrieked. Her weak pushes convinced Jaune her actions didn't match words, not when she was much stronger than this in their past sparring matches. With his own strength, the lad made sure her back pressed against a wall before he resumed this tender titjob: tonguing one breast while pinching the other between two fingers. Too fast or slow, he didn't pay heed to the timing. He just decided it was time for him to drop onto his knees so his face could hover in front of her shaved crotch, a peach bud glistening from its fluids.
"Please stop, I-I can cum at any moment."
"Anytime you'd like, go ahead." Jaune pressed his tongue against the snatch, then moved up. He gave the entire crotch a long, hard lick. He wrapped arms around her waist to get a good hold. The attentive male flicked the tip all across the vagina. He also pressed in to reach the inner folds. He found sweet and sour flavors, soft tastes that kept his appetite for pussy intact. The cunnlingus receiver moaned the entire time as she dug her hands into his hair. The scalp massage felt good, kept Jaune's own erection running. He didn't mind his own needs, instead worked harder - gave some slimy, amorous attention to the clitoris.
"Okay, you need to stop. J-just stop." Weiss's leg shook from the intense pleasure. "Stop, I'm going to cum, stop!"
A small flood of natural juices ran from the pussy's mouth. Jaune lapped it up as he continued his work. He also pushed two fingers into the vag to have them work alongside his tongue.
"Oh fuck," Weiss cursed. Another rush of fluids dripped from the vag. Jaune got his tongue off of the snatch, but not the fingers. He pumped three into the hole in and out roughly, flung droplets of the wetness all over the wall and floor.
"Damn you, Jaune. Stop making me cum!"
Weiss clawed the back surface as her insides tightened around the fingers. Her legs shook like struck bowling pins. She teetered, a sign she was about to fall. Jaune stood up to grab her upper body and steer her towards a bed. He placed her against the mattress gently like a fragile diamond. He flinched after a pillow whacked into his head.
"You asshole, look at what you did." Weiss's chest heaved as she took in deep breaths. Small tears ran down her face. A greater amount of liquid dripped from her bed, made a spot in the sheets. "I feel dirty. This feels good, but it's too good."
Jaune couldn't interpret the mixed message. This confusion forced him to ask, "So you want to stop here?"
"No you idiot, what you did is a good thing. Just...don't make it too good, alright?"
The lad wondered if Weiss told the truth about the alcohol intake; he never heard anyone express that sort of quote before (except for that one porn video that oddly matched the scenario he was in right now). He trashed this thought to focus on the heat that radiated from his own crotch.
"So we're going to put that...that inside me."
Weiss's voice trailed off as she scanned Jaune's nine-inch penis. The tip looked like a spearhead; the thickness gave it a hefty appearance. Its twitches and veins represented unbridled energy.
When Jaune placed his hands against the bed to crawl forward, Weiss gasped and inched backwards. Her fearful expression worried him. "Everything alright?"
The owner wasn't aware that the heiress felt nervous about taking such a 'beast' into her, much less believe he wielded such a formidable weapon in the first place. Weiss masked this by replacing her frown with a light smile.
"Y-yeah," she stammered. "I just wanted to make sure you were going to go...go slow because I-I'm not some cheap slut. See, you didn't even give me a chance to wet that cock because you're so eager to plow me like I'm some brood mare."
Jaune blinked before he expressed a nervous smile. "I skipped that part because I didn't take a shower. You wouldn't want to have unclean skin in your mouth, would you?"
"Maybe I would." Weiss licked her lips as her eyes lowered into a sultry gaze. "Because this is not my first ride. But I guess since you went through the trouble of all this preparation for my sake, it's fine to skip right to the main attraction."
Again, Jaune was unaware of Weiss's true feelings: appreciation for his concern. His overall approach had set the mood, an environment that allowed him to touch her with little resistance. Soon, he hovered over her form after she lied down on the bed. He gazed into her pupils as the penis touched the mouth of her soaking snatch.
"I'm going in."
"Go, ugh, slow." Weiss winced as the cock worked inside. The head pressed through her slick walls. Progress made the gal twitch and groan. Jaune knew he couldn't stop, so he pushed harder to fill her faster. His last thrust placed the entire length inside the hot, tight pocket that pulsed all around the meat.
With closed eyes, Weiss whimpered, "K-keep moving."
"Are you sure?" Jaune tried to keep his breaths steady. "You're shaking hard. We can start after-."
"D-don't mock me and let loose." The heiress reopened her eyes, pupils shining from upcoming tears. "Just fuck me already."
The naughty, desperate plea flipped a switch inside Jaune. A sudden rise in aggression made him pull his cock out with a low growl. Right at the vagina's mouth, he slammed his piece back inside. The tip collided with the end; the receiver howled.
"Oh Dust, that's hard. Ha, ha, keep going."
Weiss continued to make more noise - squeals and wild comments. The lad continued the rhythm where his hips slammed into his partner's, pushed and pulled his penis out many times. Jaune's horny state prevented him from noticing the moments his partner came, when her pocket squeezed around the penis. He already felt so good, he could only focus on the instinct to mate with his ideal woman.
"Jaune, oh Jaune," the heiress moaned. She hugged his neck, kept his head close to hers as she gasped for air. "Ugh, how much longer can you go for?"
"Almost there," he grunted. The lad placed more power into his humps. The whole bed squeaked with the motions. "I-I promise I'll pull out before anything happens."
"Idiot, pre-cum alone would have made me pregnant. But go ahead and let it out, I compressed my Aura inside. You can't get me pregnant."
The permission compelled Jaune to nail the pussy with his full strength. Their bodies hopped all over the mattress. He stopped after his lover wrapped legs around his waist. She also pulled him in so they can share a dirty kiss. The lad stopped to focus on this oral contact, make out with his princess. Once his balls squeezed, their movements stopped. The pair remained still to bask in the warmth brought upon by the ejaculation. Jaune was sure Weiss quivered because despite her Aura condom, she should still feel the goo enter her womb.
Weiss retreated from the kiss. She groaned, "Mh, hmm, that's warm. Y-you give so much more than Neptune ever did."
"Really?" Sparks tingled in various parts of Jaune's body. "In what way?"
"Your dick and balls are bigger than his. Oh Dust, I don't mean to sound like a bitch, but sex with you is so much better than any I had with him. He doesn't even do that tongue think you did; his fear of water might have had something to do with that."
The last comment made Jaune wonder if anybody ever drowned in pussy. This thought didn't last long, not when the praise had presented one of the greatest joys he's felt in his entire life. This brought a wave of pleasure through his veins, one he knew wasn't created solely by the pussy he had yet to part it. It took a moment for him to realize he did not calm down despite ejaculation.
"If it's that good, can we go again? I think my erection came back."
Weiss's eyes widened as she surely felt this result in her own snatch. This show of shock melted into a coy smile. She purred, "Are you always this lively or is sex with me really that special?"
Before Jaune could reply, the heiress pressed hands against his chest. He followed this direction and pulled back until his penis slid out of the vagina. Just when he feared the worst, Weiss rolled over onto her hands and knees.
"Ravage me this way." Weiss dropped the upper half of her body and wiggled her heart-shaped ass. "And do it rough so that Neptune can't make me feel anything in here anymore."
The suggestion drove all blood back into his penis. The horned-up Jaune accepted the invitation by placing his hands on the buttocks, squeezing them to feel the firm muscle and skin in his fingers. When he squeezed his cock back into the pussy, he bred Weiss hard. The teens spent the rest of the night in each other's company fucking, kissing, and shouting through orgasms. They fell asleep right as the first rays of the morning sun touched the room's walls. The lovers slept on, unaware their first class period was to start within an hour.
Jaune's eyes fluttered open He looked around to see the entire area was bright from the shine of a new day. With squinted eyes, he glanced outside to see the sun high in the sky. Panic trickled into awareness as he slowly realized this placement meant it was afternoon: classes had already started.
"Don't worry, I asked Nora and Ren to make excuses for you while you were asleep."
The bedded lad turned to find Weiss fully dressed. She was also in a pearly overcoat, an attire that gave her a professional look. He couldn't admire this sight for long, not after he became aware he was butt ass naked in front of the clothed woman. He snapped out his hand to grab hold of the sheets and pull it over his crotch.
"It's alright, I already saw it last night. It seems more like a disservice to cover that up."
Weiss's giggle and bright face left Jaune in awe. He wished she could make this face more often, appear happy rather than strict ('bitchy' was the common folk's slang). Jaune felt a moment of pride to know it was he who brought this reaction out of the heiress.
This delightful moment didn't last long when the subject of interest formed a frown in silence. She sat next to the lad on the bed, close enough to where Jaune could smell her sweet perfume. This convinced him she woke up early to go back to her dorm and prep in time so she would be late for class – inhuman determination.
"Jaune, you don't have to worry about last night. I chose to be with you and no rumor or speculation is going to change that, not as long as I'm around to keep the facts straight."
The blond male nodded, "Thanks. I'm glad that happened and all, but...what about Neptune and Yang?"
Weiss didn't reply. Jaune worried he might have crossed a boundary. This notion changed after the heiress took in a deep breath through her nose.
"I talked to Yang. She apologized and told the truth. It doesn't change my feelings, but as far as I'm concerned, we'll find nothing wrong with each other as teammates. The friendship part may take a while to rebuild."
The lad understood. He even held sympathy forged by the troubles of his own relationship.
"But Neptune is...excuse my babble, but he's turning out to be a smug bastard. As promised, I just made a whole scene with him during first period so others could know what happened. It may not sound mature, but word about that blue-stained shit should be circulating around the school."
Weiss did not sound pleased with herself, as portrayed by her scrunched face and clenched fists. Jaune stayed silent to let her speak - rather than anger her enough to go Beowolf on his sore ass.
"But at least one good thing came out of this. And yes, I'm talking about you, Jaune. Last night was strange, but I have no regrets. I'm actually happy I got to wake up this morning in your arms."
The informed blond felt happy. He tried to share this joy, but he couldn't think of the proper phrase on the spot.
"And I also promise that Pyrrha will not know anything about this."
Weiss's addition put an end to Jaune's effort. He became silent as he remembered his other relationship and related troubles.
"Look, class is going to start soon. Nora and Ren said they already have you covered for a day, but no more than that so get ready to meet them soon. And don't consider lying, that might create more drama. All the Maidens would know I already have so much already."
Weiss leaned forward. This move surprised Jaune when she pecked him on the lips. A flicker of lightning ran through his head; the lad wished he was given more. He tried to say something to the departing heiress. The words started to leak from his throat until she stopped in front of a closed door.
"But once things settle down and you think Pyrrha isn't someone you're fine with...I'd be more than happy to wait for just you. Because I'm done with dating until we graduate from Beacon, good to focus on the more important issues."
Weiss never looked him in the eyes, not once before she left through the door and closed it. It came as a shock that despite her state of turmoil, the heiress made her offer to Jaune, express a willingness to give 'them' a try.
Many 'what-ifs' ran through Jaune's mind. He groaned in pain and ran hands through his hair. Images of Weiss and Pyrrha brought forth conflicting emotions that left him in limbo for a bit. This torment ended after one epiphany barged into his conscious.
"Oh Dust, I can't believe I'm such an idiot. Damn it."
Jaune moaned out his sorrow because he could not deny that Pyrrha was – in all its flaws and lies - a fallback plan. He accepted her as his girlfriend to fill the void left behind by Weiss, his true love. As destiny offered him an opportunity to follow his heart's desires, the lad was left with little time to make choices that will make his current lifestyle.