Chapter 7: Beacon Academy

(Before the Chapter starts I just want to apologize for my 2 month absence. I was having some technical troubles and some family issues that kept me from having a clear mind to even write and I won't discuss these matters any further I just hope that you all may forgive me for my leave. I would also like to make clear that the normal 8 to 10 day per chapter schedule will begin now that I'm back. And finally I hope you enjoy Chapter 7.)


As we approached near the coast of the island I live on where Kristen said the airship landed. As the brown leaves fall from the oak trees and start to collect on the ocean's surface floating for a while before sinking into the deep blue.

"Well here it is." she points to the shiny airship that is a smaller version of a regular public airship with the Beacon Academy logo.

The two of us board the ship from the large metal platform that lowers and picks us up into it.

We walk to the passenger area of the ship with shiny seats with blue leather with tables in between two rowed seats facing each other.

I take a seat in the one nearest to the door and begins to look out of the window.

"Are you nervous."

"What should I be nervous about." I ask her.

"Well Beacon is a very prestigious academy aren't you not worried you won't be qualified of entry?"

"I'm sure whatever test they have for me I can pass it with flying colors." I say a little nervous.

"Umm what is the test exactly." I ask hesitantly

"Oh yes I forgot to inform you when we were at your home." she reaches into her bag and pulls out a folder with her name on the divider.

She opens it and looks for the information reading it with her finger.

"Ah yes here it is. So as it says here you will be taken to the academy and briefed on what you will encounter in the academies nearby training facility the Emerald Forest." she continues.

"You will be expected to survive for 3 days using what you have learned from your previous academy to deal with harsh recon situations or long missions."

My eyes widen and my jaw drops my palms and brown beginning to perspire.

"What! That's just as an entry test, I've never even been camping and it has to be in one of the most dangerous forests in Vale for 3 days."

"Well Ruby this school isn't any ordinary huntsman academy, need I remind you this one of the best in all of Remnant."

"I guess you have a point, if there not holding back on their requirements then why should I limit myself, besides how hard can camping a few days be."

"Would you like me to answer the question?" she inquires.

"You know what, maybe tell me what I have to work with." I say a bit concerned.

"What you have to work with?" she asks in a bewildered tone.

"Yeah what do I have in my advantage, do I get any equipment or food." I ask worried.

She flips through more pages in her portfolio and then sticks an empty hand into her book bag and pulls out a black folder with "ENTRY EXAM" written in bold letters on the cover.

She then opens the it and examines the writing on the pages squinting at some of the smaller details on the page.

"As it says here you will be given enough food and water rations to last 1 of the 3 days. As expected as a huntsman one should be prepared for any extreme circumstance that you may be placed in. Along with that you will be given a tent and small map of the area paired with a compass and matches."

"Well that's a little better than what I had originally thought I guess. As least I'm given something."

This is going to be much harder than I thought, how am I not even going to get a shred of help. Huh this must be the "real world" that Dad and Uncle Qrow always tell me about. I think to myself kicking thoughts around in my head.

"If you don't mind me asking is there any others taking this form of entry exam." I say looking up from staring down at the table in front of me.

"Well now that you mention it." she says rubbing under her chin. "There are a few more students applying that are taking this late form of entry exam.

"Ah yes, there are 2 more students who will part take in this activity with you." She announces in her best professional voice.

She continues, "There names are Erin O'Malley and Marianne Siluet. Two academy graduates from a school in Vacuo and Ms. O'Malley graduated top of her class."

"Thank goodness, I thought I had to do this alone." I sigh relieved.

"Well technically by default you will all be looking out for yourself they just so happen to be taking the same exam. But I do suppose you could work with them. If you find them that is."

"What do you mean by that." I inquire.

"Well The emerald forest is quite a big place and the boundaries are very broad and wide for this exam so you might not even run into each other till you have to meet on the cliff side that's west of the schools landing bay. And don't worry if you can't find the cliff side, just look for the one with white and silver colored column pedestals."

As she finished I hear the pilots voice over the loudspeaker, " We are now approaching the landing bay in Beacon academy the exits are down either halls down the left."

We both stand up from either seats slowly as the engine of the aircraft slowly hums until it completely stops.

We both step outside of the aircraft as the sun still hangs up in the sky, clear wispy clouds slightly covering the sky its colors a mixture of oranges reds and blues.

"It's about 7 o'clock sharp, and your trial will be on the early morning of 6am sharp the next day. You May spent the night in one of the vacant dorm rooms until tomorrow."

"But, I didn't bring anything with me. I thought we were going to test me and then I Would leave."

She turns back to me from pointing at a few housing units that have vacant rooms.

"Don't worry all these room's come with the bare necessities and if you want I could bring you some clothes to sleep in before lights."

"Well thanks I would really like that. Which dorms did you say were vacant again?"

"Just check the east wing of the main building and look for any vacant signs on the wall next to the door. Then just use the phone in there to call the main Building where the headmasters office is so we know your visiting to take the entry exam."

I give a half grin. "Thank you so much for everything."

"Don't mention it Ms. Rose."

"Please just call me Ruby."

"Alright then "Ruby" I hope you stick around longer than your exam date in this school, it could use more people like you."

A gust of winds blows through the multi shaped pavement path causing loose clothes and hair to flow through the wind as we look at each other.

Her brown eyes more apparent in the multiple shades of autumn around us.

"What a nice girl" I think to myself, pretty funny at times but that charade of being all professional isn't a bad look either.

"Thanks again" I wave to her as I walk down the paved path towards the center square of the academy.

"Good luck tomorrow" she waves back at me as she appears farther and farther away from my line of sight.

I turn forward and keep walking down the path. Getting the smell of the flower beds scattered across the sides of the path. A large fountain up ahead with benches and lush green oaks surrounding them in a circle.

As I was told I take slow strides towards the main building only a few paces from the fountain square. There I see a large bulletin board and taking up half the space being a map of the whole campus.

Looking through I see the area of the building she was telling me about and I begin walking west down more paved paths now lined with dust lamps beginning to turn on as the sun now slowly hides under the horizon.

The building itself is a massive silver colored structure with large glass panes present of the face the towering piece of architecture. The details of the building painted in red and yellow with a cement staircase leading to the front doors.

Past those doors it felt so familiar. The main room felt like that of a living room. With the way it was furnished it could be a room someone could live in. It had a flat TV hanging from the wall and across from it was a large black couch with a coffee table in front of it. A large bookshelf to the right of the couch against the wall and paintings scattered across all 4 of the red maroon walls. The walls next to it even had vending machines and a small arcade cabinet. And on the back of one of the 4 walls in front of the door is a large circular mahogany desk with a hologram monitor and keyboard, papers scattered across its surface.

Walking towards the front desk I look around to see no one else in the room.. I soon hear a small noises and mumbled and them a bump on the underside of the desk followed by an exclamation of pain.

"Oww…" the person under the desk says then standing rubbing the back of their head in pain.

They then suddenly look ahead and see me, a confused look on their face.

"I didn't know we were still getting new students at this time of the year."

"Well umm I'm kinda here for the entry exam for tomorrow. I was told I could stay the night here until then." I tell him.

"In that case, Welcome to the Beacon Academy. My Names Korrin and I'm in charge of this dormitory building."

His facial features are well defined, chiseled cheekbones and and red eyes. A very friendly voice and silky grey hair. He's wearing a uniform of some kind, black jeans and dress shoes with a white button up shirt untucked and a nametag with his name in a well written handwriting.

"And what might your name be lovely lady."

"Ruby Rose."

"What a wonderful name." He types something into his computer.

"Ah yes here you are, Ms Rose. Your room should be on the 5th floor, go down the hall take a left and it should be room 236. Please keep in mind that there might be 4 beds in each room but the already registered students are currently still in initiation and have no assigned teams, so there should be no problem with you staying there a night the rooms aren't needed.

"Well that's good, I wouldn't want to be bursting into a teams room unannounced."

He hands me the key card to the room from a desk drawer and hands it to me with my room number on it.

"Thank you." I say to him with a smile.

"Your most very welcome Ms Rose. I hope I get to see more of you around campus and good luck on your exam."

"I means a lot, thanks again."

Waving goodbye I head straight forward towards the elevator. Pushing the button the elevator descends to the ground floor and I get in. I pushing the button to the 5th floor I stand and think to what the test awaits me. Honestly I'm not sure how I'm going to survive in the notorious Emerald Forest. I had heard about its relentless environment and sickly creatures during my time at Signal.

The elevator reaches my floor and I get off walking down the hall lit with the small amount of sunlight that just grazes the windows and the bright lights that hang above me, searching for my room number which the key card corresponds to.

Counting the numbers on the room as I pass them.


Turning the corner I see another hall of numbered doors which means I must be close.

"232...233...234...235 and 236."

Reaching in my pocket I take the key card and swipe it through the red key slot as the door makes a small and quiet click noise as the door opens wide revealing the content inside the room.

Four large windows face the room with red drapes on the sides of the windows and under those four windows are evenly spaced queen sized beds with red blankets and white bed sheets.

Small bookshelves on the sides of the walls with bookshelves above them. The walls a pearly white with brown wooden details and a door to the left to the.

I walk down the small corridor and stand in the middle of the room, completely surreal.

"I'm actually in a Beacon Academy dormitory."

I inhale deeply getting in all that Beacon air, running my hand across the drapes and pressing my cheek against the glass.

The euphoria starting to set I reach into my bag and unpack my clothes on my bed and then into one of the available dressers. Setting my folded scythe to lay against my bed post.

Reaching into my bag, pulling out my pajamas I set them on the nightstand next to my bed and begin to undress.

Taking off my cloak and setting it on the dresser I sigh and get completely undress folding my clothes and setting them on the dresser as well as turning off the lights only letting the warm glow of the lamp beside the head of my bed remain.

Slipping my sleeping top on and pajama pants I slightly unfold the covers on the bed sheets and slip in between the warm sleek red blankets and mattress as I gently lay my head on the pillow.

Reaching my right hand to turn off the maroon colored lamp leaving the room to be barely lit by the light of the moon seeping through the closed drapes illuminating the wall in front of me till me eyes soon then shut and my imagination then wonders.