A/N: I am reworking the entire fic. I am not changing the plot much, but there will be some changes. I will be pulling down ALL CHAPTERS and re-posting them once fixed. I do apologize for the confusion this will cause, however, I realized I have a lot of continuity issues to fix as well as timeline issues. Some things I moved too fast on and kinda used ships that were not yet built. So I am fixing it.
There will also be some new scenes that I should never have left out.
I have no problem with constructive criticism, but please no griping about a character living who died, or who died that should have lived, in the show. As long as you keep it polite, we are good.
I must also mention that this story is AU, meaning it will NOT follow canon. Since I am introducing a new player into the SGA universe, there will be changes (Chaos Theory).
I will be posting info on the new ship types (at the end of each chapter) as they are introduced in story. Some are going to be renamed as they are modified enough to be a separate ship class. If a ship is not shown, you should be able to find it on the wiki page for Star Wars (Legends not Canon)
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing except original characters and will be making no profit off this story. If I owned Stargate or Star Wars, and their respective franchises, you would never see or hear from me again except in tabloids and gossip shows depicting my hedonistic endeavors reminiscent of a Dionysian Bacchanal.
Now on to what you really want to see.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. {queue intro music}
(Sorry, couldn't help it.)
Glass of whiskey in hand, Elmar Hylar stood alone, staring out the observation window of the Jubilee Wheel space station in orbit around his home-world of Ord Mantell. His eyes were fixed on a point in space where his family had made the jump into hyperspace. He saw his faint reflection in the transparasteel window, a worn out man. He slumped down into the padded seat behind him, finally allowing himself to relax. As he stared at the ceiling, his mind began playing over the memories of what brought this to pass.
Elmar had come up with the idea for the Endeavor Project over twenty years ago, when he first held his newborn son in his hands before the fall of the Empire. After seeing the fall of the Old Republic, the rise and fall of the Empire, and birth of the New Republic, he knew his decision was correct. Twenty-four years of planning, designing, gathering equipment, and building had taken nearly every credit he had. Hundreds of millions of credits had been spent in secret over the years, including the money received from selling the Hylar Construction Products Corp. It had been started by his family twelve generations ago, and had become the largest and most profitable supplier of construction equipment in three sectors.
In Elmar's mind, it had been worth it for his descendants to be out of the reach of galactic politics and war. It being his sixtieth lifeday, he considered it the greatest gift he could receive, a better future for his children and grandchildren. He did not want them to grow up in chaos and despair as so many did.
The idea had been relatively simple, but simple does not mean the same as easy. If no place in the galaxy was safe and stable, then go elsewhere. He remembered the holovid news about the Outbound Flight before the fall of the Old Republic and the fanfare that had accompanied it. Elmar did not want the attention or publicity associated with Outbound Flight, and that meant most of what he had to do had been done in secret.
The planning had taken nearly a decade. Elmar spent hours each day pouring over ideas, designs, and logistical nightmares before he settled on something far easier. Since distance between galaxies was so vast, far more efficient to have everyone in stasis pods for most of the trip. Things had popped into place after that epiphany.
Being an engineer by education and trade, Elmar had decided to do what he could to make the best chance of success for the Endeavor Project. First was the ships, he couldn't buy all of them outright without creating unwanted scrutiny. He did however pay a freelance spy almost a two hundred thousand credits for the original blueprints and schematics of the Rendili StarDrive Dreadnaught class heavy cruiser. Three years of hard work resulted in a ship nearly identical from the outside as the near one hundred year old warship design. And that is where the similarities ended.
While he jokingly referred to the new design as the Ingot class cruiser, these new Dreadnaughts would have the advantages of a century of improved technology and experience in their upgraded design. Instead of massive crews or thousands of droids in their place, he redesigned the interior to be mostly automated. Most of the crew quarters were removed since the new design would run on a total crew of two hundred. The new bridge, crew quarters, and hypermatter reactor were all inside an armored central core. The space between the core and the normal outer hull was partitioned into cargo holds separated by high strength hull support beams connecting the central core with the outer hull. The fighter bay was completely removed to make room for more cargo holds. There would still need to be a maintenance crew of droids, however, there would be far fewer.
The defenses were greatly upgraded. Improved shields worthy of a Victory II Star Destroyer combined with thirty percent thicker armor plating made from newer alloys would give the project a much greater chance of success should they be intercepted.
Much had changed in the propulsion as well. The old Dreadnaughts were known for poor speed and maneuverability. They had been scrapped in favor of newer engines with much better performance. By Elmar's estimates, they would be able to keep pace with New Republic X-wings. Modern hyperspace engines would boost the speed as well with a fifty percent increase.
The weapons systems also received several modifications. The number and type of weapons had been changed, and the latest versions were employed. This boosted the punch the ship could hit an attacker and either drive them away or destroy them entirely. Part of the crew reduction meant that each turret had its own droid brain instead of a gunner. Three fire control officers on the bridge would be able to control the entire compliment of the ship's weapons. The droid brains would handle the aiming and firing once the orders had been received.
While this new design would likely be able to fight a Victory Star Destroyer to a standstill in a one on one fight, Elmar had the problem of getting them actually built. He doubted he could get any of the shipyards to work on it, since he had stolen the plans and would likely end up in prison. Which meant he had to do it himself, far away from anyone's notice.
It took four more years for him to research and develop his own shipyard. This he had done in public, as it was a product he could sell if any planetary governments could afford it. He combined the core idea of a construction droid with a three hundred meter cargo barge. The end result was a mobile shipyard dock. It would only build one ship at a time, and was not aesthetically pleasing, but it would allow someone to build ships of their own design as long as two of three dimensions were under one hundred fifty meters. While one tug could tow it to any location in a system, it operated most efficiently when at least five tugs fed asteroids or scrap into the maw of the construction droid section.
The first twelve mobile shipyards sold paid for the development of a much more effective and versatile shipyard, Toy Maker. It was a vast improvement over the dozen mobile shipyards he had sold. Unlike it's predecessors, it was expandable and modular. Designed to be the foundation of an orbital shipyard rivaling Kuat Drive Yards, it would be able to build duplicates that could boost ship building time and ship size. Since it was completely automated, and no workers needed for the actual building of ships, shipbuilding would proceed much faster than anywhere else. Toy Maker would be able to build one of the new modified Dreadnaughts in six days. Once expanded to handle the size, no ship, no matter how massive, would take longer than two months.
Once Toy Maker was ready, he moved it to a backwater system with no inhabitable planets or moons. There it remained, in orbit of a massive gas giant, eating rock and debris from the rings in orbit of the same planetary body. The first Ingot to come off the line Elmar named Hope and the second Future. Next came the framework that would link these two ships together, and support the five others that would accompany it. Two of the ships would be simple cargo barges, one would be the mobile shipyard itself, one other would be a mobile factory for use in the surface of the planet they settled on, and the final ship would be a passenger ship.
The final assembly took place only a year before launch. The central ship being the passenger ship that would hold nearly twenty one hundred stasis pods. The framework held that ship in place with a Ingot per side, one port and one starboard. The framework was nearly four hundred meters in length from bow to stern, and would hold the Ingots almost two hundred meters outside the passenger ship. The flat barges, factory, and shipyard would attach to top and bottom of each arm of the support frame.
Other logistical issues also required attention. Supplies and equipment for the passengers to start a new life. The farm equipment and droids were easy to acquire as well as cheap. All manner of items were purchased quietly, including speeders, construction equipment, droids, food, seeds, prefab buildings, comm gear, medical equipment, mining machines, weapons, and armor. Unfortunately, there was not enough room for all of the items he wished he could send, nor could he afford or acquire some of the more expensive needs.
While Elmar was not a violent person, and disliked its use, he did understand the need for protection. For him this meant almost a thousand blasters, one hundred automated turrets, a thousand sets of storm trooper armor, as well as several armored vehicles. These items were not hard to find, but purchasing them legally would have raised red flags with local and sector government. Black market purchases cost more, however, they were not traced easily.
Educational material was also included, as much as Elmar could copy. By the time of departure, enough resources for education has been acquired that any university in the galaxy would have been envious of the library Elmar had accumulated. History, art, music, math, science, and many more subjects had entire crates of data cards devoted to individual subjects. Teaching droids were also added to the multitude of other gear stowed in the cargo holds.
The most difficult part, or so it seemed, was finding the right people to take part in this project. The first four people to be included were his son Kaden, and Kaden's wife Lin, and their two children Mira and Tabica. The numbers grew slowly at first, and they were mostly employees of his company. The requirements were simple for the most part. All participants must be married and under forty years old. If couples wanted to bring children, no child could be under six years old. The most important requirement would be secrecy. Elmar and Kaden spent nearly a decade finding the right people, good hard working people, to invite on this project. The final recruits had been found only a month before launch. Elmar was happy to have found a decent range of skills among the recruits. Almost one hundred fifty current and former soldiers would make the core defense force once they arrived at their destination. Then there were the engineers, geologists, scientists, doctors, teachers, farmers, and craftsmen.
The first passengers began arriving on the Jubilee Wheel two weeks before departure, then boarded private shuttles to the ships. As soon as their personal gear was stowed, they entered the stasis pods. The last shuttle out included Kaden and his family. It had not been easy to say goodbye. Elmar knew he would never see them again. Tears had flowed from the eyes of his granddaughters as they didn't want to leave Elmar behind.
As Elmar sat in the observation lounge, finishing off his whiskey, alarms began to sound. He opened his eyes to see hundreds of flashes out in orbit of Ord Mantell, flashes of ships weapons and explosions. Slowly he stood, still holding the empty glass. Peering out the window, he watched as ships he had never seen before approached the Jubilee Wheel. They appeared to be ships made of rock, moving swiftly through the meager defenses Ord Mantell had hastily assembled only a few months ago. The old man smiled. His family made it out before the arrival of the latest galactic problem. The Yuuzhan Vong were sweeping across the sector on a steady march across the galaxy. Billions dead, maybe trillions, and they were unstoppable.
Elmar closed his eyes as the battle moved closer. Even as the Jubilee Wheel station shook from the impacts of Vong weapons, he stood silent and already knowing of the outcome of this battle. He never saw the super heated rock that slammed into the window less than a meter in front of him.
Ship Stats (for those interested)
Ingot Heavy Cruiser:
modified Dreadnaught heavy cruiser
600 x 116 x 123 meters
15 Dual Turbolasers, 21 Quad turbolaser cannons
200 crew
39,000 tons cargo
1 shuttle
Toy Maker
mobile shipyard
125 x 500 x 100 meters (when in mobile configuration)
350 x 1000 x 250 meters (when in build configuration)
2 Crew (in command center)
1 shuttle
10 hyperspace capable cargo tugs (stored internally when in mobile configuration)