In this story characters from before GoT and three characters from the future will be there as well and in this story jon will know of his true heratige

Jaime Lannister Oathbreaker

in the blackness of this space was a big screen that was turned off and everything was quite until a portal opened up and from it a group of people fell from it and it closed behind them. Once they got up they looked around and didnt know where they were but everyone there knew each other since they are from every great house of Westeros and the prince of dorne and his family are there as well. They were aboit to talk until the screen turned on and everyone was looking at it wondering what it was, words started to appear on the screen.

''you are here to see some things about the future of Westeros and essos so sit down and enjoy." As they sat down they saw the words "Jaime Lannister oathbreaker" appear on the screen and they were whispering to each other and Quitely insulted him.

The screen shows jaime Lannister and Joffery baratheon talking to each other "Ser jaime Lannister" said Joffrey as he looked at the book and saw that almost nothing was written in Jaime's paige ''someone forgot to write down all your great deeds" he said. They see Eddard stark walking towards the iron throne where he sees Jaime lannister sitting on the steps "there's still time" " is there, for a forty year old knight with one hand?" they all gasped in shocked as they see Jaime's right arm with no hand.

"Do you know what they call me? Kingslayer, oathbreaker, man without honor" they see jaime look at the book and close it "you are no knight, you have forsaken every vow that you took!" they heard catelyn stark say as they see jaime Lannister take off his Kingsguard armor "so many vows, they make you swear and swear" they saw jaime get his hand cut off and heard him scream from it "defend the king, obey the king, obey your father" they see jaime looking down as if he was soulless "protect the innocent, defend the weak" they realised that jaime was in a cage and they all were wondering why he was in one.

"But what if your father despises the king? they see Tywin Lannister looking at flames with a small smile "what about my sins?" they all gasped and were shocked that they see jaime push Bran Stark off the window, Eddard Stark and catelyn Stark looked murderos at jaime for what he did but when they look at him they see his head down.

"kingslayer" they heard people say as they see stark soldiers pulling at him "what atonement do i deserve" "the kingslayer" they see jaime pushed down and see that he is wearing a tattered cloak and see water poured on him. They see stark soldiers hitting him as they were pulling him with chains.

"kingslayer" "kingslayer, what a king he was" they see tyrell soldiers marching with jaime in front "here is to Aerys Targaryen, the second of his name, lord of the seven kingdoms, protector of the relm and to the sword i shoved in his back" they see jaime again but looking younger and is wearing his kingsguard armor while looking to the left smiling.

"What about Aerys Targaryen?" they hear a faint "burn them all" and they all shivered at hearing the voice "what did the mad king say as you stabbed him in the back?" they all leaned closer to hear what jaime says because they all feel like they might finally know why jaime killed the mad king.

"burn them all" they hear jaime says as it closes up to his face "Burn them all!" they see dothraki cavalry charging with a dragon behind them and everyone was shocked that they see a dragon "burn them all" they hear the mad king repeating it and see jaime stab the mad king, as well as see the dragon breathe fire at the Lannister soldiers.

They see soldiers on fire moving and they see wildfire exploding from the sept of baleor "burn them all!" they keep on hearing it "burn them all..." they see jaime sitting in the water with his eye's closed and see someone on fire from wildfire and was screaming.

"burn them all!" "burn them all" they see Lannister soldiers running around while on fire and see jamie on his horse "burn them, burn them..." they were all shocked when they see cerise Lannister with her hair short and smirking at the sept of baleor.

"I will burn their cities to the ground!" they all thought that she was the mad king reborn, they see ships on fire in the water with some small wildfire as well "burn..." they see the dragon burning the caravan and see cersie walking forward with the mountain and the kingsguard behind her, they see jaime looking at the battlefield to see his soldiers screaming and kneeling on the floor near the water to get rid of it.

"Burn them all!" they heard as they see cersie sit on the iron throne, she and jaime look at each other until the scene changed to see the dragon fly above him as they see Jaime's soldiers in ashes and felt sad and lowered their heads while the children were crying from what they were seeing "burn them all, he said" they heard jaime say as they see him turn his head to not look as the ashes are blown away "burn them in their home, burn them in their beds" they see tyrion Lannister standing on the hill and over looking the battle with a few dothraki behind him.

"tell me, if your precious Renly commanded you to kill your own father... and stand by while thousands of men, women, and children burned alive would you have done it?" they see jaime looking at the spear that was stabbed into a dothraki soldier early on in the battle ad they all were wondering why he was looking at it.

"would you have kept your oath then?". Right there they all realised the reason as to why jaime killed the mad king and all felt guilty for calling him kingslayer, and oathbreaker when he did it to defend innocent people "come on boy, come on!" they see jaime charge and grabbed the spear "you idiot, you fucking idiot!" they hear tyrion say as they see jaime charging the targaryen girl and they thought that he would kill her but her dragon put itself infront of her and got ready to burn him until someone jumped and grabbed jaime and pull him towards the eater and fell in as he started to sink slowly as the screen turned black.


just so you know i don't own the videos or anything related to GoT and the music videos as well