A/N: This entire chapter is dedicate to the user: Yuki Riki who left this review " Continue this one please o_O)" which was so cute that I couldn't say no.

Naruto ducked under a wave of sand and raced forward, his fist slamming into a wall of sand that popped up to protect Gaara's face. Naruto grit his teeth as the wall of sand exploded into a mass of sand spikes.

Ignoring the already healing cuts, Naruto's hands glowed orange as they became covered in flames before he dash forward in attack once again. The sand wall sprung up at the same time that it had last time, but this time Naruto's hands slashed right through the sand without issue. Gaara's eyes widen as he was meet with a burning fist that slammed into his face and set him skidding backwards.

Rubbing his damaged face, Gaara's mouth stretched into an insane smile that nearly went from ear to ear.

Gaara let out a purring noise and said "Is this all you have Uzumaki? I expected more, I need more. Make me feel alive so that when I grind your bones to dust and feed your blood to mother, I will be rewarded with the feeling of being alive"

Naruto shivered in disgust and blurred away, his foot clipping Gaara's head, sending the red haired sand shinobi crashing into the arena wall. Naruto followed that up with a flaming fist to the stomach of Gaara before sighing as the figure just continued that creepy smile.

"When did you have time to switch out with a sand clone?" asked Naruto as the form of Gaara he had punch dissolved into sand and rising out of the ground behind him was the real Gaara, his right cheek slightly burned but otherwise fine.

"When you first made contact with my face. I needed to see if you would be a worthy challenge" snarled Gaara as Naruto turned around to face the younger red head.

Taking a deep breathe, Naruto flared his chakra and pushed the sand that had tried to pool around his feet away before he rushed forward and bullied his way through another wall of sand. Pulling back his right hand, Naruto started to spin chakra in it, condensing the massive tornado of chakra into a palm sized orb before slamming that into the stomach of Gaara.

The attack hit Gaara and shredded straight through his sand armor and into the soft flesh of Gaara. The chakra exploded and sent Gaara flying backwards, this time crashing into a tree.

When the flash caused by the exploding orb of Chakra disappeared, Gaara was a bloody mess, his shirt destroyed as his torso was shown to be ripped apart in a spiral design.

"Winner by Knock out is Naruto Uzumaki" said the announcer after checking on the status of the red head before calling the medics.

In the Kage Box:

The Kazekage was staring down at the field, watching Naruto stand looking at Gaara, with a grim look on his face.

"You need to evacuate the people, Lord Hokage" said the leader of the Hidden Sand Village

"Why? Because your son lost" taunted A

"No, because Shukaku doesn't allow my son to sleep. If Gaara lowers his guard for a single second, the sand spirit takes over" responded the Kazekage in a cold tone

"And you brought him to a Chunin exam, what the fuck" yelled A, his muscles bulging with anger

Back on the field:

Naruto looked the crowd before his sense told him that there was danger. He looked at the shaking body of Gaara and jumped back. Sand was being pulled toward the body of Gaara from all over the arena. There was a pause before the sand erupted upwards and Naruto narrowed his eyes as the sand started to take some from.

"Ah, the form of Shukaku. The weakest of us Bijuu. Two tails of my power would be more than enough to crush this puny weakling." whispered the Kyuubi in the back of Naruto's mind but Naruto ignored the towering multi-tailed fox

Jumping onto the wall of Arena, Naruto grit his teeth as Gaara unleashed the power of his tailed beast. Summoning a pair of clones, Naruto raised his right hand as his clones poured chakra in his hand, a massive swirling 4 pointed ball of chakra, that whistled loudly every second after it was completed.

With the Jonin:

Kakashi's jaw was on the ground, Kurenai's eyes were wide in shock, Might Gai was screaming about Naruto's youthfulness, Asuma's smoke stick had fallen out of his mouth, and Anko's head had fallen on. OK, so maybe that last one didn't happen.

"H … he com … completed the Rasengan" stammered Kakashi, his hand pulling up his headband to reveal that he couldn't count the number of individual wind blades that made up the shuriken shaped rasengan.

"How did a brat like that surpass the fourth Hokage's Jutsu?" questioned Asuma

"Sons are supposed to outdo their old man Asuma" answered Kakashi before looked the younger Sarutobi and continued to say "But they do sometimes fall short of the shadow cast over them"

The bearded Jonin ignored the jab at his abilities compared to his fathers and just watched the fight.

Back in the Arena:

The massive wind styled rasengan held overhead, Naruto could only wait and watch as the form of the Shukaku finished forming.


Naruto didn't answer as Shukaku twitched his fingers and spikes of sand launched at him from all directions. Climbing up the wall, Naruto avoided the spikes and used the wall to push off and propel himself into the large torso of the sand demon.

Wind Style: RasenShuriken

Naruto's jutsu hit the form of Shukaku in the stomach and Naruto cried out in pain as the backlash of the wind chakra sliced into his right wrist tissue before he was blasted backwards into the arena wall that he had just jumped off of.

Naruto stuck to the wall with chakra and watched as a massive dome of slicing wind chakra ripped apart the sand construct that Shukaku was using for his body. Hissing in pain, Naruto tried to reach for a kunai with his right hand only to be met with jolting pain. Shaking his head in disbelief, Naruto pulled out the kunai with his left hand and slapped an explosive note to it before launching the kunai into the dome of wind,

The tag denonated and Naruto watched as the massive body of sand was consumed by a fiery ball of white flames that felt like it was leaving blisters on Naruto's skin even from this distance. The flames ended and Naruto could see Gaara covered in a super tight ball of sand inside of a massive glass body.

Jumping from the wall, Naruto slammed through the glass body and into the ball of sand sending it crashing into the ground.

The ball of sand collapsed upon crashing into the ground and a very scared Gaara looked at the Naruto holding his right wrist that was slowly walking towards him.

"Give up, you pull some shit like that again, I don't hold back" said Naruto

Gaara simply dropped his head and closed his eyes, the medics being allowed to take him off the field. Well, that was the plan any way, they were sliced in half by a man in a black cloak with red clouds on it. His right hand having the kunai still dripping with the blood. Said man had appeared out of nowhere, he also wore an orange spiral mask that was heavily scratched up from the looks of it.

"Ah, nothing like the smell of death in the morning" said the man in a haunty voice, his voice carrying to everyone in the stands

He reached down and grabbed the form of Gaara, the knocked out red head putting up zero resistance.

"So, I know you might be thinking what a I doing here, it the middle of you watching a 17 year old Demi-God beating up a bunch of 13 and 14 year olds. But I have something to say" said the masked man as he lifted Gaara's body by the neck.

"There is a specific kind of Shinobi that are more powerful in the world, they are far and few in between. Between 1 and 9 are in rotation at any period of time. They are called jinchuriki, tailed beast forcibly sealed into babies so that their villages can use them as unstoppable forces of nature. Gaara here is the host for Shukaku, the sand being that you just saw. The Raikage brought brought his own jinchuriki, Yugito is the host for the two tailed cat. Naruto before you is the host of the Kyuubi, the strongest of the Bijuu."

Naruto blurred behind the man and tried to kick the man, but to his surprise and confusion, his foot just went straight through the man's body.

"What the hell, who are you?" questioned Naruto, trying to figure out why his attack would fail to have any effect on the masked man before him,

"Ah yes, thank you Naruto for bringing me to my purpose for being here today. The group known as Akatsuki is done hiding in the shadows. We've managed to capture the 3, 4,5,6, and 7 tailed beasts. Naruto here has just gift wrapped me the one tailed beast" said the Masked Man before he looked off to the left and out of the ground morphed a green man in the same black cloak with red clouds, holding Yugito over his shoulder, her body covered in seals.

"And would you look at that? My associate has subdued the 2 tails as well. We only need the 8 and the 9 tails left. Don't worry good people of Konoha, Naruto will be the last person that we need to capture." said the masked man before he rubbed his chin and pointed towards the sky.

"I almost forgot my name, my name is Madara Uchiha and this is the beginning of the 4th Great Shinobi war. You never stood a chance, the Akatsuki way is the only way. As my friend says "You shall all know Pain" said "Madara Uchiha" before he disappeared in a whirling void along with Gaara and Yugito, his associate sinking back into the ground.

Naruto struggled to understand what just happened, the man came in here, grabbed Gaara and Yugito before disappearing. He claimed to have caught 7 of the other jinchuriki and that meant that Killer Bee was next, but Bee wasn't just some normal jinchuriki, the rapping jinchuriki was easily Kage level.

"Hmm, Madara did as asked. Perfect" said a booming voice from above the arena causing everyone to leave.

There was a floating man who had bright orange hair and a bunch of piercings. He too wore the same black cloak with red clouds.

"My name is Pein and I am the leader of Akatsuki. For years, we have been forced to live in the shadows and to the whims of the 5 Great Shinobi villages, but that is no longer the case. In fact, there has never been the start of any way without a great firing shot. Allow me to give you a dose of our pain" said the man named Pein before he extended his hands outwards.

"Almighty Push"

Naruto could only watch in horror as the arena was sent crumbling to the ground around him, but as the stands of the arena collapsed, the effects of this all powerful Jutsu did not end. It continued outwards until it hit the rest of the village, Naruto sat in the one spot uneffected by the jutsu, the rest of the village being a smoking crater.

In the span of a couple of minutes, Naruto went from being a Bijuu to standing in middle of his destroyed Village.

"Remember that pain Uzumaki, I want to see it when I rip the Kyuubi out of your body" said the floating man as he sunk with gravity closer to the ground, his rippling purple eyes causing Naruto and the Kyuubi inside of him to feel a pit of fear in their stomachs before the man disappeared in a burst of smoke.

A/N: Quick little chapter to let you know that I haven't forgotten about yall. So if you are wondering why the Akatsuki would be putting their plan into action now. It is quite simple, they're still operating on their original time line, Naruto is 17. They are making their move at the same time as they did in canon, after they caught all of the Bijuu they needed to before they needed to catch Naruto.

So that's all I got for yall today, any questions feel free to leave it in a review, PM me, or hit me up on twitter, my handle is HKM_FF. Have a great day.