Now i'll answer one persons question about how BIG Toothless is right now in the story, he's about the size of a baby Deadly Nadder from Gift Of The Night Fury, which is a amazing short if you haven't seen it, i recommend it to any dragons fans, also, Toothless being abused was a choice i had to make, i want the reader to REALLY feel sympathetic for him, plus i wanted to give Hiccup a sorta push in order to emit that Toothless is his best friend

Now I'm gonna discuss a few things

1 : Toothless WILL Start Growing Soon, Which means you might soon get more info on dragons in this fanfic, as well as Test Drive!
2 : Hiccstrid will NOT HAPPEN IMEDIENTELY, It will happen LATER, way after Test Drive, most likely just after Romantic Flight
3 : The Government will show back up in this fanfic, but after Test Drive & Romantic Flight
4 : The Red Death, Most Likely WILL NOT Exist In This Fanfic, mainly because of the square cube law and other stuff, But because i want Hiccup to have a BIGGER challenge in making Humans and Dragons friends

Chapter 4 : School, the Worst Thing

Hiccup eventually woke up Monday morning, and it was very early, only about 3 am. Toothless is still asleep and purring softly, Hiccup smiles but knows he has to take his dragon to school, he sighs and starts getting ready. He grabs his school bag and books before walking over to Toothless, who is slightly awake now from the sound nearby

"Toothless, we need to a place called high school" Hiccup says and Toothless gives him the "I know what school is, thank you Google"

"Oh, right, very intelligent dragon. Anyways, you need to come with me to school for some overly useless reason" Hiccup says and Toothless nods, Hiccup sets his school bag down and Toothless climbs in before curling up and falling asleep. Hiccup takes his bag and Toothless, he walks outside and waits for a while until a school bus pulls up, Hiccup sighs and gets on to imediently here multiple insults

"Oh its useless!" or "Hey look, its the dweeb" or even "Look! Its the runt!". Hiccup sits down in the farthest back seat, after a few minutes, they arrive at the Berk High School Academy or BHSA

Hiccup walks inside and stops by his locker, he opens it to feel it lonely, but not anymore! Toothless takes this moment to pop his little head out of the bag and croons at Hiccup, Hiccup turns to him and scratch's Toothless' chin, causing the tiny dragon to purr. Hiccup smiles and puts some off his books into the locker before they start walking down the huge hallways, designed for people's dragons to fit threw comfortably. Hiccup eventually makes it to the assembly room, where the principle is waiting for Hiccup and his dragon

"Hah! Their you are! Come on up Hiccup!" The Principle says in a light voice, her tone comfortable and relaxed. Hiccup walks up to the stage and instantly gets 9 boo's from the crowd

"Ok, student Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third has a new dragon to share with you all, it's his new dragon so please be nice" The Principle says and nods to Hiccup, Hiccup lays his bag down and manages to pull the sleeping dragon out, he raises the little Night Fury up for everyone to see, Snotlout stands up and laughs

"Oh oh oh! Look at this Hiccup and the tiny jet black BUNNIE RABBIT! HAHA!" Snotlout jokes and some people even laugh, even though Toothless is a Night Fury dragon

"So what did you call him Hiccup? Baby Face? Suger Lips? Sweet Eyes?" Snotlout asks curiously and Hiccup feels a certain fear to say Toothless' name but he...

"His name is Toothless" Hiccup says and Snotlout laughs even more, along with some more of the audience

"TOOTHLESS? HAHAH! I like to see that you name as well as you have muscles!" Snotlout says and Hiccup starts cuddling Toothless close, like the only comfort in the world

"At least i got Hookfang, a super power Monstrous Nightmare, he's my personal dragon, probably the best pet i own!" Snotlout boasts and Hiccup sends him a death glare

"Well, at least Toothless isn't 'mine', he's his own self, he is not my 'property' if that's what you think, he's friend" Hiccup says and everyone laughs, the Principle even chuckles a bit under her breath

"HICCUP! Dragons? Friends? HAH! Their just mindless pets for us mainly men to control, after all, we are the DOMINANT species of planet Earth!" Snotlout boasts and Hiccup gets angry but holds it in

"Really, the same humans who ruin the planet every day? Control species and make other extinct for no apparent reason besides SELFISH goals? Yeah, i REALLY want to be a part of that group, i'd much rather be friends with a dragon thank you very much" Hiccup says with obvious sarcasm, Snotlout snorts and they all sit down

"Anyways! Hiccup, would you mind tell us about...Toothless, would you mind tell us about...him" The Principle says and Hiccup feels a bit happy but ignores it

"O-ok, Toothless is a...Night Fury..." Hiccup says and Snotlout laughs

"Night Fury? Seriously? Doesnt sound scary to me!" Snotlout yells and some people laugh with him. Hiccup sighs and continues going

"I don't know what kind of fire he shoots, but i know he's 14 and..." Hiccup says and Snotlout caves over laughing

"Oh this is TOO RICH! A runt has another runt as a 'friend'!" Snotlout says and everyone laughs, except Hiccup and Toothless who both look at each with the same look "I hope this is over soon"

"Oh please Hiccup, go on!" Snotlout says and Hiccup sighs before continuing

"Toothless is very intelligent, has a IQ greater then 200..." Hiccup says and Fishlegs starts getting excited but someone tells him to calm down, Hiccup continues

"He is also, um, very adorable?" Hiccup says, running out of facts to bring up about the Night Fury, that Toothless would allow at least, he didn't want Hiccup talking about his past or his missing tail fin

"A dragon? Adorable? Hah!" Snotlout laughs with everyone else, after a while, Hiccup leaves the stage with Toothless, the halls are flooded and Hiccup takes Toothless to his locker, he opens it and puts Toothless inside, Toothless curls up and stares at Hiccup with very adorable eyes, widen pupils, and curiosity

"Its ok bud, i'll be back after high school is over" Hiccup says and almost shuts the locker door when Toothless whimpers, Hiccup opens it and scratch's the tiny Night Fury's chin

"Hey! It'll be ok bud, i promise, and, do you think you could use my phone to hack Snotlout's and rick roll him?" Hiccup asks and Toothless nods, Hiccup places his cell phone down next to the tiny Night Fury before closing the door and running off to class


Hiccup walks up to the locker with multiple bruises, at least Snotlout got rick rolled! That was the highlight of the day, besides seeing Toothless of course. Hiccup opens his locker to find the tiny Night Fury asleep and snoring, Hiccup picks up the dragon and lays him in his backpack, he thinks of only one thing, school