Though we're tethered to the story we must tell

When I saw you, well I knew we'd tell it well

With a whisper, we will tame the vicious seas

Like a feather bringing kingdoms to their knees

She gave him many sons, and many daughters.

Kagome was the sun, Sesshomaru the moon and their children the stars.

Their love was written down and made it to the history books. With her kind words and his blind power, they ruled far and wide. Just being in their presence made many fall to their knees. The love was blinding, leaders feared them, the mighty bowed to them.

Kagome counted "1, 2, 3, 4…"

"Woman, what are you doing?"

"Counting the stars"

"And how many do we have?"

She smiled at him "23, our oldest is 222 and our youngest is 16."

"Care to make it even Mrs. Tashio?" He asked his hands in pockets and a cocky smile on his face.

Kagome blushed "Only if you catch me Mr. Tashio."

Challenged accepted, Kagome bolted down the shrine stairs and her husband mate after her.

Behind them everyone shook their heads

"You two need to get a TV!" Inuyasha shouted.

"Sango?" Miroku wiggled his eyebrows

"Not a chance in hell Monk!" Sango and Miroku had 6 and she was not giving him anymore, or so she said, but they had forever...

"Looks like we will be adding another name to the list soon grandpa." Her mother said with a warm smile.

That night he took her under the stars and for everyone she counted, he gave her a kiss.

"I counted three million, two hundred and forty-seven. You may begin." She told him with a bow. Even though he knew it was a fib, he started kissing her.

"1, 2 ,3..." And he counted each and every one as the moon began to rise.

Their loved turned the pages of time...

The End.