I Do Not Own DC Comics, Movies/TV, or Animation

To Infinity & Beyond!

New Warriors...

Not to be rude, but he had no idea what he was doing as he sat in New Warriors sketching, yet another image of his unwitting husband. Sometimes he wondered if his life would be simpler or easier if he had managed to remain on Earth and never selected to be a Green Lantern. Though now he was the only White Lantern, but the Green Lanterns had graciously allowed him to stay in their ranks with Guy as his partner; for which Kyle was eternally grateful. He didn't know if anyone beside Mogo knew he was married. Everyone knew he was gay, but he had kept his marriages under wraps because even his fucking husband didn't know how many fucking times they'd been married!

Sighing he closed his sketchbook when Simon called his name, which had him looking over at Hal, John, Simon, Jess, and Alan.

"What's up?" he smiled.

"Jess and I are going back to Earth, R&R time, you want to come?" Simon said.

"I haven't been to earth since…" he frowned.

"Since we had to buy another fucking fridge, and you should pick us up another one Kyle," Guy said with a reluctance, they both eyed their temperamental fridge then.

"Yeah, we should pick up another fridge," Kyle agreed with his business partner. Since opening New Warriors on Oa, he and Guy had jerry-rigged a lot of stuff to mesh with their alien clientele's tastes. But the minority of humans in the Corps; himself, John, Hal, Alan, Guy, Simon and Jess, all had made New Warriors a second home. Though Guy bitched about them and proposed they should charge Hal rent for staying over so much, Kyle had waved this off.

"You should say hi to my sister and nieces for me," John said.

"I am not going to Freeland!" Simon stated.

"Lynn and the girls would love to see you," John insisted.

"Being a Lebanese Muslim in a black community already with the highest gang activity outside of Gotham or Newark, no," Simon stated.

"I… I think I'm just going to go say hi to my sister, John, but I'll say hi to Lynn for you," Jess said.

"I'll get the fridge, go hang with the Titans," Kyle decided. It'd been an age since he had hung out with Dick, Roy, Wally, and Garth; though that was just after he'd gotten his ring and just before he had come to Oa to train. They'd been fast friends but it'd now been… damn, he couldn't remember how long, since he'd hung around humans who weren't in the Corps.

"Oh, don't forget the Council wants us to keep an eye on the Tamaranean conflict," John said.

"Right, Earth has that Tamaranean princess, what's her face, famous model now!" Hal said.

"Dude, you're literally our liaison with Earth, how do you not know this?" Kyle asked.

"Because she's with pointy ear's birds and I don't fuck with Bats," Hal stated firmly.

"You can just admit you have a crush on the man an get it over with," Kyle teased his elder.

"Watch it kid!" Hal barked the warning. "Besides, Carol and I are actually working things out now that she doesn't have the Love Ring manipulating her head. Even seeing a couple's therapist."

"That's progress," Alan said. The old timer was retired from the Corps duties, but hadn't ever felt the desire to return to Earth after a terrible train wreck had killed most of his hometown. Also, Alan's daughter Jade was a resident on Oa now, so he had stayed here.

"What else should I grab from Lowes while I'm on Earth?" Kyle asked Guy.

"Make it two fridges, and see if you can't get us a new DVD play or something, because ours is kaput," Guy said.

"Yeah, I'll pick it up," Kyle agreed, he started also mentally writing up a list of shit he and Guy would need for the living quarters upstairs. He wanted a washer and a drier, which meant he'd have to buy a bit in clothing, but that was manageable; he still had his inheritance from when his mom passed. It wasn't going to be a lot but he figured it'd be enough to get some nice things from Earth. There was also the matter of an industrial dishwasher, which he was going to have to insist on because the bar needed sterile dishes with all their clientele. Other than that, he was sure he could wing it from here to find other things that would make New Warriors a bit more earthy. He could also pick up Guy some Star Trek stuff, decorate the bar or something.

"Jade might want to go," Alan said. Kyle frowned, knowing that the old man knew about Jade's crush on him, but Kyle wouldn't encourage it.

"This is a home trip, maybe next time," Simon said. Kyle shot Simon a grateful look, but Simon didn't look at him. It was still a point of conflict for him and Simon about his being gay, but Kyle couldn't help it.

"Oh, pick up some good beer, not that microbrew shit Hal brought last time," Guy said.

"Hey, it sold!" Hal protested.

"It was shit and you know it, and I ain't selling it here again! What the fuck is wrong with you fighter pilots?" Guy demanded in disgust. Kyle shook his head in amusement at Guy's attitude about it.

"Nothing's wrong with us, you ex-cops are just wusses!" Hal snapped.

"Kyle, buy some Jeramiah Weed too," Guy demanded.

"That shit's nasty Guy!" John grimaced.

"Yeah, it tastes like fuck, right up Hal's alley!" Guy said smugly.

"Tastes like gasoline!" Hal smiled dangerously.

"When do you want to leave Simon before Viper and Guy get into it?" Kyle asked.

"In an hour," Simon said.

"You two please don't burn my bar down," Kyle said as he started going up to the living quarters to grab his contact lenses and some clothes.

"It's My Bar!" Guy bellowed throwing a towel at him, Kyle snorted.

"Look, I'm not saying that it wasn't great, I'm just saying it could've been more like the book," Jason argued with Terry sitting on his shoulders. Stephanie walked with him holding Lian, Cass had Helena, and Raven was holding tightly onto Mar'i.

"Oh really, and what oh wise one, makes you think Mary Poppins was based of a book!?" Stephanie demanded.

"The fact I read the books," Jason retorted.

"That's pathetic reasoning!" Stephanie announced.

"You hated Percy Jackson because it was nothing like the books!" Jason sputtered.

"Disney butchered Percy Jackson!" Cass and Stephanie deadpanned.

"Well Disney fucked up Mary Poppins!" Jason snapped. "Rae, back me up!"

"I'm staying out of this!" Raven announced.

"Some friend you are," he muttered.

"I am staying out of it because Disney has successfully and repeatedly butchered every single story they have take to the screen from the original source material to make it appealing to children. Do you honestly think that Disney, who has been given credit for creating fairy tales, deserves to be looked upon graciously. They are story thieves and manipulators, the only bonus of their thievery is that they twist the stories around so much that it is nothing like the source material. It is not possible to sit there and say Mary Poppins could've been better when it had deviated from the book, because Disney holds no respect for their source material to begin with. The only time this comes up though is when they butcher something so painfully, like Percy Jackson, that an entire generation notices. So yes, Mary Poppins could've been better, but if you do not compare it to the book, it was very well done on that standing alone," Raven stated.

Jason and his sisters stared at her as if she had grown a third head.

"Okay, fair, point," Jason conceded.

"That was true," Stephanie sighed.

"Thank you, oh, look! Bat Burger is open!" Raven grinned.

"I would kill for some Jokers Fries!" Jason conceded.

"No killing!" Cass snapped.

"I'm being good! I'm in Gotham, playing by the rules!" Jason retorted.

"Good baby brother," Cass grinned.

"You can't prove that I'm younger than you," Jason retorted.

"Sister knows," Cass countered.

"I'm never going to win this argument am I?" Jason sighed.

"Actually you are, because I know for a fact, from Dr. Leslie Cass and I are about the same age!" Stephanie stated.

"No." Cass shook her head.


"Wait! That means I'm older than both of you!" Raven announced. Jason snickered at the trio of girls looking at each other in bafflement as he caught the door for them.

"Girls are weird," Terry stated on his head.

"No shit duckling."

"I'm Duck Dodgers!" Terry retorted sharply.

"I thought you were Batman," Jason mused.

"No," Terry huffed.

"I Batman!" Lian shouted over Stephanie's shoulder.

"Does your dad know you're Batman?" Jason asked his toddler.

"No," Lian said.

"Oh I'm going to love having that talk with Roy," Jason sniggered at the thought.

"I hope Dick and Kori are having fun on their honeymoon," Stephanie said as they got in line for the food.

"I don't know how much fun Madeira is in October," Jason said.

"Well, it's a shame their honeymoon got postponed so much to begin with," Stephanie said.

"I'm just amazed nothing blew up," Jason omitted.

"Dick broke cameras," Cass chimed up.

"Paparazzi are parasites," Raven sneered.

"You're just mad that us kissing was caught on film," Jason mused.

"Not just that, they literally stormed the campus when I was just hanging out with Cass and Stephanie studying to get pictures, and I had that reporter stalking me, wanting to know if I was dating you," Raven shook her head. "Also, Alice wanted to know if we were dating."

"Well, the answer is the same as always, and it shouldn't have been that big of a deal to begin with," Jason shrugged.

"Mary started her new school, the Grimwood's Finishing School," Raven said.

"That's good, I didn't know magic kids even had schools to go to," Jason said.

"That is kind of cool," Stephanie conceded.

"Know?" Cass demanded.

"I learned everything I know in a different dimension so no, I had no idea that there were schools for magic kids here either, and it is cool." Raven said.

"Welcome to Batburger, what can I get you?" an employee dressed in a cowl droned. Jason rattled off their order as Raven and Cass left to find seats.

Somehow, over the course of the summer, Jason had found himself dragged into his sisters' lives; and yeah, Stephanie had dubbed herself his soul sister, which was both annoying and hilarious. Cass had made it a package deal, which was annoying and he just endured it, there was no escaping the Bats unless he was out of Gotham, or out of New Jersey for that matter. He surrendered to the fact that Bats were just a fact of life in his life now, even if he didn't want to endure them all the time.

Besides, it wasn't like he was being forced to hang out with B, that would be semi nightmarish in his mind.

Picking up their order he walked back to the table where Cass and Raven were talking about their yoga class that was happening tomorrow and he wondered how it was that would go. Raven just seemed to embrace his sister's antics.

His warship lay outside of the rings of the planet, and he stared at the moon before him. The dagger was heavy in his hand, but so was the weight of what he was about to do, if the transmissions were correct then the next heir to the throne was on that planet.

He would have to eliminate the threats to his coming reign, because it was his throne.

His eyes flicked up as he walked to the single pilot craft that would separate from his warship.

"Sire, what is the plan?" his attendant asked.

"I will go to earth alone, and handle the issue," he stated.

"And the defenders of this planet?"

"Will never know I was here," he decided.

Next up in the Hopes for a Bastard Series!

Coming In May!

That's all folks!

Enjoy To Infinity & Beyond! =)