Disclaimer: I do not own Once Upon A Time.

Sorry for the really really late update. Also I saw the latest episode and VodooQueen is quite thrilling! I am not going to follow certain parts of canon but at the end it will be in line with the original story. I really like EvilCharming so I might just go there but yeah developing SwanQueen friendship and everything will take sometime till we get to the interesting part like the pairings.

Regina rolled her eyes and pushed the unconscious Jefferson away. She sighed deeply and wiped her hands on her pants . She stood up satisfied after her delicious meal.

"Sorry you had to walk on on this" she said.

"What?"Emma said spitefully. "You are behaving as if this...all this is SO normal" Emma said.

"Well in time it will be" Regina said huffing.

"What...?like your body stained with blood and you drinking blood?" Emma questioned raising her tone.

"Emma..." Snow said rushing into the office with David.

"Oh GOD!"Snow said on the verge of tears, burrying her face in David's shoulder on seeing Jefferson's lifeless body.

"Relax he isnt dead" Regina said.

"Worse than that look what you did!" Snow growled. "Save it, being practical isn't your department" Regina said advancing towards Snow.

"BLUE NOW!" Emma said as the blue flairy attacked Regina from behind.

"You really thought that would work again you bimbos?" Regina said before deflecting the blue magic.

"You are lucky I am full Snow" Regina grinned advancing towards Snow again. As David tried to hold her off Regina flung him across the room.

"REGINA!" Emma warned before raising her hands and sending a strong beam of white magic in Regina's direction.

Before she could pull Snow's heart out she suddenly froze. She trembeled and turned around to face Emma,then there was a moment of silence.

"This won't hold me for long" The Queen said. She stumbeled back and tripped over her unbalanced shaky legs before her world turned black.




and the burning sensation it caused was all Regina remembered.

Even for a nightmare it felt too real and she woke up but her eyelids seemed to heavy to open. Hoever she could feel a damp cloth run on her fingers in a cleaning motion .By the feel of it she knew she was in a foreign bed but her own silk night suit.

Her eyes finally opened to be met by Snow's.

"Hey..."Snow said.

"You..you are taking care of me?"the Queen asked surprised.

"Ofcourse…we weren't going to let our daughter kill you and become dark"Snow smiled.

"Self righteous right?" Regina asked grabbing Snow's hand all of a sudden.

"Are you not scared of me?of the thought that I could snap your neck any moment" she said raising her head and growling.

"Mary Margret!" David said as he entered the cell and shoved Regina's hands off Snow.

"What..how?"Regina said surprised.

"You see without your magic and newly found powers you get a bit easy to handle" he said grinning

"Yeah let me recover and I will show you easy" she said.

Snow was just too hurt that Regina threw away all acts of kindness performed for her. She stood up and left the cell.

"David lock her up" she said before leaving the Sheriff's station.

David stood up and locked the was about to leave when he swore he heard that perfect laugh he had heard when their position was rather reversed back in the Enchanted Forest.

"Oh..these bars can't keep me locked once I am back" she said walking up to the bars.

"They are enchanted Regina" he said rolling his eyes.

"Ooh I guess you'll just have to wait to see my wonderful skills" she said wiggling her fingers.

"And anyways doesn't it get boring charming?Like frankly just all the time listening to whatever your wife and daughter say?" she said squinting her eyes and holding the bar.

"What?You are just trying to get under my skin" he chuckled which soon died.

Deep down he knew she was always right even as the Evil Queen.

"Oh am I now?"she asked tilting her head.

"We all know how you are just a puppet in your wife's hand,just a useless shepherd boy who doesn't even have a spine to gloat if his wife doesn't want it" she said specifically focusing on the word 'doesn't'.

That was was all that was needed to engage charming as he crossed the room to get to the bars and strangled Regina's throat.

"Shut up! I should have killed you years ago when I had the chance!" he said his grip firm on Regina's throat.

"Yes…yes charming I always knew darkness suited you" she said smirking.

"Would have done the same if I were you but you were as bound to your wife then as you are now.." she said gasping for air a bit.

"You know that putting me in bars isn't going to help, but worsen my cravings and yet you do what? Refuse to listen to your head because you have no spine" she said.

He released his grip but Regina didn't move back nor did she show any signs of weakness.

"What game are you playing Regina?" he asked calmly panting a bit himself.

"Oh I am not playing any game"Regina scoffed.

She leaned her head forward and lowered her voice to a whisper, "I am playing you" she said before finally backing off and sitting on the bunk.

Charming turned around and this time finally walked out of the Sheriff's station where he was greeted by Emma before he walked away,he couldn't get Regina's words out of his head.

Emma walked in and looked at Regina.

"What are you here for?" Regina asked tired especially after Emma's blow to her.

"Ok so last night..I did what was necessary to stop you from…" Emma started but was cut in between.

"From drinking blood…yeah pretty obvious" The Mayor said.

"And for abusing,raping,attempt of murder"Emma continued.

"Woah! Stop!"Regina chuckled.

"I thought you were trying to change" Emma said "But I guess you will just remain The Evil Queen as always" she said.

"I am trying to change but this!this vampirism…this"Regina struggled for words she was frustrated now. Why couldn't anyone just seem to understand her and what she was going through.
It wasn't by choice that she drank from Jefferson but their constant reminder to her that she was The Evil Queen was only fueling everything.

"Yes I did what I thought right! I thought it was fine to compel him and drink from him if that's what you want to hear then! And I won't stop!" Regina snarled.

Emma closed her eyes and sighed. She knew that Regina wasn't in control and nor was she herself while accusing matter was delicate as ever and accusing her wasn't helping.

"Sorry" Emma said quickly.

"I think you should get out of here. And instead learn how to control your cravings and aggression." Emma said.

"What?You will let me out?"Regina asked surprised blinking her eyes.

"What if I don't change" she asked.

"Oh for Henry you will" Emma said smiling as she patted her shoulder.

"Yeah….keeping you in dungeons and accusing you of your past isn't going to help! We have to show you we are willing to accept you and leave your past behind" he said unlocking the gate as Emma looked at him surprised.

"You sound a lot like mom" she said.

David pointed a finger in the air and stopped her "And also we will discuss the terms of your blood feeding" he said looking at Regina.

"Good" Regina smiled proud of herself as Emma and David escorted her out.

Regina was proud of manipulating David or maybe it wasn't her manipulation that caused this but either way she was out and turning Snow's own family against her was probably the best way possible for revenge.

She would have her vengeance and she would have her son.

Should I continue?