"I didn't mean to hurt you," Bishop bargained. "I never did." Tears threatened to spill over – she knew where he was going with this.
This was just as hard on Torres as it was on Bishop, if not harder. Even though he was the one ending things, things had just become too difficult to continue the way they were.
One of Bishop's prior colleagues from the NSA – Amber – was working a case with NCIS, and Bishop was enjoying working alongside an old friend. That is, until she started asking questions about Bishop's dating life.
Bishop and Torres had been seeing each other for 6 months, unbeknownst to anyone besides themselves. When Amber, Bishop, and Torres were all in the bullpen waiting for McGee and Gibbs to return, Amber started investigating.
Both Bishop and Torres sat at their respective desks while Amber hovered around Bishop. "So, Ellie. Are you seeing anyone?" she asked.
Bishop froze for a moment, making eye contact with Torres. She looked back at Amber. "Uh, nope… Just… haven't had the time," she lied.
"You know, I have a friend that would be perfect for you," Amber told her. "Why don't I set you guys up for drinks tonight?"
Bishop stammered, "That's – no, that's fine. I don't think that's the best idea."
"Why not? Come on, can you tell me the last time you went out on a date?" Amber pushed, persistent as ever.
Unable to give a straight answer, Bishop remained silent.
"Exactly. Look, I promise, he's great. I'll text him now," Amber said. Bishop was starting to remember why she never hung out with Amber after she left the NSA.
Bishop looked at Torres again, who looked even more helpless than she felt.
They didn't get a moment alone together the rest of the day, which meant they couldn't talk about this "date" Bishop felt pressured into. Even at the end of the night, Amber clung to Bishop's side, talking this guy up until they got to their cars. Her date was already waiting for her. She greeted him politely, despite wanting to be anything but.
Bishop and Torres exchanged looks, both feeling like they should stop this whole thing from going any further. Still, they kept up the facade that they were nothing more than friends and coworkers.
"I'll see you later, Nick?" Bishop asked, hoping for any hint that he didn't hate her in that moment.
He nodded, smiling sadly. "Have a good time," he added. He stood and watched as the woman he loved walked away with another man.
Barely an hour passed before there was a knock at his apartment door. She breezed past him, hardly in the door before she began apologizing. "That was the most uncomfortable hour of my life, I swear. I am so sorry. I got out of there as soon as I could."
Torres was silent, and she turned to look at him. He kept his eyes on the floor, unable to say what he needed to say. "I can't do this," he finally spoke up, looking at Bishop.
Bishop furrowed her brows, thrown by his words. "What? Do what?"
Growing frustrated, Torres raised his voice. "This! Us! I can't keep this up anymore," he confessed. "Bishop, do you have any idea how it felt tonight to watch you walk off with another guy?"
"I didn't mean to hurt you," Bishop bargained. "I never did." Tears threatened to spill over – she knew where he was going with this.
This was just as hard on Torres as it was on Bishop, if not harder. Even though he was the one ending things, things had just become too difficult to continue the way they were.
"I know you didn't. But you did." Tears started to form in his own eyes. "I could understand not wanting to go public at first, but six months? I want to be able to introduce you to my friends, my family, asmy girlfriend. Not my coworker. I want to take you out on dates, I want to be able to…" he stopped himself, his voice breaking. "I want to be able to spend my life with you, but I can't do that. Not with the way things are now."
Wiping away the tears falling on her cheeks, Bishop whispered, "I'm not ready."
And that was the truth. She wasn't ready to go public. She didn't know if she ever would be, and it wasn't because she didn't love Nick. She did, more than she had ever loved anyone. She worried that the moment they went public, everything would fall apart. She was desperate for Torres not to end things, but she couldn't force herself to face the fear of things turning out for Nick the way they turned out for Qasim.
And Torres didn't expect anything different. If six months didn't change her mind, an ultimatum wouldn't change it in one night. His voice almost a whisper, he walked towards her. "I know. And as much as it hurts to say this, I think the best thing for both of us is to just… take a step back from this. From us."
Torres reached for her hand, but afraid she'd break at his touch, she turned and walked out of his apartment.