I have just finished watching the last season of (Dragons Race to the Edge) and at the same time been playing (Ark Survival Evolved). And this had me thinking 'why isn't there a crossover of the two… Well there are a couple but there not what I imagined. So here is my Crossover.

Both ark and HTTYD are owned by there respective creators and as such I own nothing except for the Ark Islander OC.

Please also note that I haven't play Ragnorak, Scorched Earth, or Arberration. Only the Island so for now only the creatures for the island will exist. But that will change. Everything will be in the Notice after this chapter. Enjoy

Gate Way to a New World

The island… my home for countless years, with creatures I thought to be extinct for millions more, roam this expansive land. I don't remember… much of how I came to be stranded upon one of its sandy shores.

Nor did I know how I ended up with what appeared to be a metallic looking crystal embedded in my wrist.

The only thing I knew then was that it was a start to a long and dangerous fight for survival.

Since then I had learned that I wasn't the only one on the island as there were many different tribes that inhabited different parts of this Islands many biomes.

The Tribe that found me was one of Oldest.

I happened across them while hunting what from my knowledge was a dodo. A plump flightless bird that was used by the tribes in a way you would a modern-day chicken.

At first, they were hostile toward me which ended up with me tide to a wooden pole in the center of their Village.

I thought I was done for until their chief noticed the crystal in my wrist.

This cause the chiefs eyes to widen as he got down on his knees and bowed, this in turn cause a chain reaction as soon all the tribe members were starting to bow.

After that the chief had his guard untie me, after which he explained that I was what was know as an enlightened one.

This was a lot to take in as I've been a nobody my entire life.

So, after a feast was declared to be made in my honor. I tried to tell them they didn't need to do that, but they insisted.

That evening a row of table was set up. Upon it was an assortment of meats, berry's and soups. Each of which they insisted I try, I found each morsel to taste different but not in an unpleasant way.

After the feast was over the tribe began to sing and dance in their native language around a bonfire. It still amazed me that the knew how to speak English.

In the months to come they taught me plunder the wilderness for supplies, how to craft tools, and build shelters.

I eventually felt it was time I started out on my own. With satchel made from the hide of the local beasts I set out to find a way back home.

5 Years Later…

I had done very well for myself, over the period of time I had learned to make advanced tools and even machines like a fabricator and turrets.

But by far the most impress was a from a chest I recently found in a cave deep underground. In it contained blueprints for a type of gateway. And if I understood them right this gateway could very well be my ticket back home.

The supplies I would need wouldn't be a problem as I had quite the stock pile of raw materials, so without delay I set to work building the gates frame.

But that was just the start the blueprints also showed I would need element shards. Which from my encounters with the other tribes I learned were only obtainable by defeating the 'Great Beasts' of the Islands pylons.

It took many more months to gather the harder to acquire hard ware, but I had finally done it… the gate was finished. And soon I would be home.

Or so I thought…

And there you have I ladies and gentle men the first yet short intro to this story. Now as I mentioned above I haven't played the other expansions yet, so I can't really incorporate them myself at the time.

So that were this notice comes in. I would like to know if anyone who has played these expansions and writes and fanfiction them self to help me write this story cause in the very later hopeful chapter I would like to incorporate the lands and beasts of them. So that my oc and the eventual Dragons cast may explore these land cause… come on there's dragons in them and what certain Viking do we know likes to find new dragons. (CoughHiccupCough). So, if you would like to lend your hand in this let me know and we will set chat to discuss plans for this. Thank you.