"I love you." AN: the song at the end is "Hazy" by Rosi Golan
The wedding had gone off without a hitch in the late afternoon. When they'd said their vows, there hadn't been a dry eye in the house. Even the stalwart Elizabeth Prentiss had cried. The reception was well attended though now as it was nearing midnight, everyone but close friends, immediate family, and the happy couple themselves had departed and those that were left were on their last leg.
JJ and Emily had been on the dance floor most of the night with Henry, but now their son was half asleep in Sandy's lap and they were lost in their own little world. JJ had discarded her heels several songs ago as they were killing her feet, which Emily quietly preferred since it made JJ shorter than her again.
Emily sighed contentedly as the latest song ended. "Do you want to go sit and rest your feet?" she asked, already knowing the answer since she had asked the same question the last five songs.
JJ lifted her head from Emily's shoulder and shook her head. "One more song?"
Emily smiled and twirled JJ out in a short spin. "Whatever you want, Mrs. Prentiss." She said when she had her back in her arms.
JJ grinned and put her head back on Emily's shoulder as they swayed slowly to the music. After a few songs, the song they'd used for their first dance came on signaling the end of the playlist and they softly sang the lyrics to each other, sharing a chaste kiss as the song came to a close. They stood in the middle of the wooden dance floor smiling gently at each other for a few moments until JJ looked away first, sweeping her gaze around the room to find they were alone.
"They didn't even say goodbye." JJ said. Though she didn't sound disappointed, Emily knew she'd wanted to at least see her mom before she took Henry off to Pennsylvania with her for the next few days while they spent a quick honeymoon at home.
"We'll call him tomorrow." Emily assured, tugging on JJ's hand to lead her off the dance floor when she yawned. "Let's go home."
JJ nodded and followed compliantly. They gathered their things and headed out to Emily's car, the brunette opening the passengers side door for JJ before getting in herself. They held hands over the emergency brake well, unwilling to relinquish their contact. The ride home was comfortably quiet, both of them a little sleepy from the events of the day and the fact that neither of them had slept much the night before.
Emily parked the car and JJ followed her wife up to the front door, waiting for her to unlock it. Emily pushed the door open and looked back at JJ with a mischievous grin before swiftly scooping JJ up in her arms to carry her over the threshold, causing JJ to yelp in surprise.
JJ laughed as Emily carried her over to the couch, playfully dumping the blonde onto the soft cushions. She didn't let go of Emily's neck as she fell though which resulted in the brunette toppling down on top of her, both of them smiling. JJ ran her fingers through Emily's hair, loosening the slight curls even further, her ring catching a bit of Emily's hair and pulling it. Emily laughed at the sensation and took JJ's hand in hers, kissing the simple platinum wedding band that sat on top of JJ's engagement ring.
"We're married." She stated in awe.
"Yeah, you're stuck with me now." JJ grinned, kissing Emily softly. "I'm not tired anymore; you?"
"I could stay up."
"I insist!" Emily rose up off the couch and pulled JJ up, kissing the blonde soundly before shooing her towards the stairs.
JJ quickly made her way up stairs and stripped out of the wedding dress she'd gotten from her mother, throwing on Emily's favourite oversized t-shirt before padding back down to the kitchen. JJ stood in the entryway to the kitchen for a moment, watching Emily reach into the cupboard for wine glasses wearing a tank top and boxers from the laundry room with a wide smile which Emily returned when she turned around to find JJ staring at her.
"I love you." JJ said, taking a now full wine glass from Emily and grabbing the bottle as they went back into the living room.
"I love you." Emily returned automatically as they settled down to find something to watch on TV while they drank their wine.
It was well after two in the morning, so they settled on a terrible black and white B monster movie on a classics channel and took up trying to make each other laugh with running commentary. One movie turned into two and Emily looked down at JJ who was lying against her.
"Do you think it's a bad omen," Emily wondered during a commercial. "That we aren't spending our first night married making love the whole time?"
JJ smiled and lifted her head to kiss the underside of Emily's jaw, which was all she could really reach at that angle. "What are you talking about?" she asked, tightening the arm she had around Emily's midsection. "We are."