"Maybe we should be sparring together then."

That is what one Shouto Todoroki had said to her at lunch two days ago. Momo had made a comment about how much easier it would be to practice her fighting and bo staff techniques with a thinking, strategizing being and Todoroki had just volunteered. Out of absolutely no where because she hadn't even been talking to him. Sure, Todoroki had taken to sitting with her at meal times now but, they mostly ate in silence. It was never an awkward silence as Momo would have her nose in some new article or texbook and Todoroki preferred to focus on his food. It was comfortable. Every now and then Midoriya, Tsuyu, or Iida would join them and strike up a conversation with one or the other, or both. That day it had been Iida who sat with them and who had been deep in conversation about training techniques with Momo when Todoroki had randomly spoken up. Needless to say the class reps were totally caught off guard. Momo however, jumped at the chance to have yet another opportunity to be close to the preeminent strongest member of the class! She had begun spouting out training schedules for their sparring sessions almost immediately and Todoroki just sat back and let her. He didn't seem nearly as excited as Momo but, he never seemed excited about anything, really.

Its two days after Todoroki volunteered to train with Momo and they've decided to start right after final classes and spar on 'til dinner. Not everyday, there is homework, study groups, regular training and VP responsibilities that need time put aside for too but, so far two times a week after classes sounds like a dream come true to Momo.

As Momo rounds the last corner to the training facilities she finds Todoroki waiting for her propped up against the training enterance looking like the cover shot to some teen gossip column or magazine. Momo tries to act cool and collected, walking right past Todoroki without making eye contact as if he isn't the most handsome boy she's ever seen propped up against a wall waiting for her.

Five minutes later and both Momo and Todoroki are 8 feet apart on the sparring mats facing each other. And so they begin their sparring session...

It goes like this every session for about four weeks. Momo has mastered her bo staff technique and has even turned her partner on to using them as well. She's getting better at attacking and almost bested her partner last session. Needless to say, training with Todoroki has done wonders for Momo's form and confidence. Today, the recommended students decided they should begin to slowly incorporate their quirks. You're not growing if you're not moving forward, after all. Although Momo agrees with this statement she's a tinsy bit apprehensive and still a great deal insecure about her quirk abilities but, the goal is to become a pro hero and for that you've got to be ready to move forward. Having Todoroki's assistance was a reassuring start, too.

As always, the walking, talking teenage dream is leaning against the wall next to the entrance waiting for Momo to arrive. The facilities aren't locked so, it isn't as if he couldn't wait inside or start his warm-up until she got there. Seeing him standing there waiting for her always gets her heart pumping because he doesn't have to wait. She greets her partner with a polite smile which he acknowledges with a small smile of his own. Aaaand there goes Momo's heart, beating rapidly and sending too much blood to her cheeks creating a very obvious blush. Like it does every time he smiles at her like that, or at all for that matter.

Five minutes later and they're at the mats. Right before they start the dial, Momo opens her sports jacket to help her access her quirk as she's been doing the last two spar sessions. Shouto takes off his shirt, something he started doing when she started showcasing her bra ( for professional reasons!) When she asked why he removed his clothing Shouto responded with a simple "same as you, to help with my quirk." Momo just assumed he meant his fire but, he hadn't used fire yet...maybe he was just being sweet.

