Chapter 9


Garfield didn't think he could ever get tired of staring at a pretty face. Boy was he wrong. Watching over the witch is actually not nearly as eventful as he anticipated, especially because she's levitating in a seal, completely unconscious.

With a groan, Garfield stands and stretches, taking this opportunity to get a good look at his surroundings.

Nightwing's base of operations is completely underwhelming. This converted warehouse is completely forgettable. He's also pretty sure Nightwing doesn't actually live here. It's fully furnished and stocked but it's also spotless.

Seriously, it's unnatural for someone to be this neat.

Nightwing has had him on witch duty for hours now--and he didn't leave him any food! Beastboy has half a mind to leave right now and go give Nightwing a piece of his mi--

The door opening and banging closed snaps Beastboy to attention. He watches Nightwing collapse on the couch opposite him and grumble about false leads, casting the witch on the hardwood floor a glance.

"Everything quiet here?"

"Yep. Hey, are you gonna wear that all day?" Beastboy asks, referring to Nightwing's full uniform. "You do you, but it looks pretty dumb in the day time."

Nightwing gives him a look.

Beastboy rolls his eyes. Nightwing is such a stick in the mud. The guy is so paranoid Beastboy wonders if he actually sleeps with one eye open. Seriously! They've been partners for over a year and the man has never taken off his mask in front of Garfield.

Totally unfair by the way because Nightwing knows Beastboy's real name. He even got him a birthday present last year which was equally cool and creepy because Beastboy didn't tell him any of this information and he still wonders to this day how he knew it.

"Why am I guarding an unconscious girl anyway? She can't do anything!"

"It's not her I'm worried about. Cyborg tried to follow me here."

"He's fixed?"

Cyborg has been out on commission for two whole days.

"And demanding to see her," he says, gesturing to the girl trapped in the seal.

Beastboy wonders why he wouldn't be allowed to but since Nightwing is agitated he decides not to ask.

"I need you to keep an eye on him for me. He might do something stupid."

"Cool," Beastboy hops up to his feet. He's always liked Cyborg. He's the toughest guy out there!

"I lost him somewhere around 6th street."

Beastboy is already wearing civilian clothing so he doesn't need to make any stops before going out and finding Cyborg. The guy being over six feet tall, he's easy to find.

"Hey, Cyborg!"

He knows Nightwing wanted him to be more of a fly on the wall but after being a T-rex he's never going small again.

Cyborg jerks his head up and marches toward him. Before Beastboy can even react, Cyborg has lifted him by the collar of his shirt and pinned him against a wall.

So cool!

"Tell me where she is," Cyborg commands, his cybernetic eye glowing beneath his baggy hoody.

"Sorry dude, can't do that."

"Listen pipsqueak, it's my job to see she stands trial for murder back in Sun City. I'm not going to let you or Nightwing stop me."

"Yeah I'm sure Nightwing is totally going to let you do that . . . But *after* she stands trial for the dozens of other crimes she committed before that."

"Besides, Nightwing has got this handled, he'll have her in a cell in no time."

"You don't understand. She's not just a meta, she's a monster. You can't see what's really there," Cyborg says, tapping his fake eye. "She has horns and talons."

Beastboy frowns, idly kicking his feet against the wall he's still pinned to. "I have fangs and green skin. Does that make me a monster? You're made of metal! Are *you* a monster?"

Cyborg flinches and releases Beastboy. "She's a murderer."

Yeah, he's still having a hard time wrapping his around that one. Not becauseshe doesn'tlook like she'd kill a man, because she totally does, but because when he first met her she kinda tried to save his life. Why would she do that if she was really the awful person Nightwing says she is?

"Heroes do a lot of killing too."

"For the right reasons and only if we have to."

"Well, like I said, Nightwinghas got it covered. He's doing his job."

"Why did you seek me out?" Cyborg asks, the question just dawning on him.

"I've been sent to keep an eye on you so that's what I'm gonna do." He scratches his ear and offers, "Anyways wanna go get pizza?"

Cyborg gives him a weird look, like he's not sure if he should be affiliated with him. Happens to Beastboy all the time but who cares? Those Justice League guys are jerks.

". . . yeah."

So thirty minutes later they're in a pizza parlor with four kinds of pizzas in front of them. Cyborg looses up a bit and Beastboy deadices for sure that he's a nice dude, except the whole meat-eating part.

He even gets Cyborg to laugh once, the victory will carry Beastboy to the end of the week.

"You don't have a disguise?" Cyborg asks, eyeing Beastboy's hair.

"No way, chicks dig this."

Cyborg shakes his head. "You're a weird little dude."

Beastboy's communicator chirps and when he pulls it out Cyborg looks at it like a kid does a new toy.

"What's that?"

"Nightwing had it made for me since I never answer my phone. It hooks onto my belt and everything. You like it?"

"I have ideas for improvement."

"Really?" Beastboy leans forward eagerly. "Like what? I've been thinking it should have it's own wifi."

"Answer it!"

"Right." Beastboy taps the screen and Nightwing appears, looking morose.

"Beastboy, I need you back here right away. Bring Cyborg with you."

"What's going on?"

"I'm going to break the seal."