
I just want to let you guys know you are the best. When I said life was hitting a rough patch, so many responded offering help, advice, a listening ear and for all of that, I want to say THANK YOU. I do mean it when I say it's you guys keeping me going. So, thanks for the support, this chapter is dedicated to all of you. I hope you like it!

Don't forget to comment!

Ps: I just saw we passed the 400 followers! That is insane, I never dreamed this was possible and yet here I am staring at the numbers. Amazing, so thank you to everyone for following, favourites and reviewing. Let's go for 500!


For TheLoveOfSatan

PS: there will be a small discussion about Hitler, on whether he was a bad person. To make it clear: YES He is! (In my opinion) However, the conversation is more about: is a person who does something bad automatically a bad person if he did it for (what ha believe to be) the right reasons?

PSS: Looking for a BETA, someone who will not drop the story after 2 or 3 chapters! Send me a PM if you want to become my BETA! :)

"Nonsense? or mom-sense?

-Linda Belcher (Bob's burgers)

"The significance of my insignificance signifies my existence."

-pk (Unknown)

Chapter 9

While the morning sun was still hours away from peaking through the almost barren branches of old trees surrounding the property, the sky was slowly brightening. Shading the world with an array of colours, spreading easily between deep blue to soft yellow and bright pink and careful blending where the colours met. The birds, few in number at this early hour, were letting the world know dawn was approaching, not that others were going to head their call. Yet, here I was, witnessing nature come to life with excess energy.

My dress, now seeming overly long, and not as clean as it had been at the beginning of the evening, was getting caught on twigs and constricting my legs with each step. How had Morticia Addams worn a dress like this without falling on her face, as well as moving so elegantly on top of that?

Hollywood, a bunch of liars, all of them.

The Halloween party had been fun while it lasted but without Stefan, and Sal-Sal still stuck in the 'honeymoon' phase with Jeremy, it didn't take long for me to get over it all. Sure, I danced, had fun flirting with some guys who never would have acted in such a manner other than today, but I just didn't feel it. I had looked awesome but the ones who I wanted to see, weren't there. It shocked me how depended, for the lack of a better word, I had become. The Salvatores filled a part of me that I never expected it needed to be filled in the first place.

Annoyed with myself but primarily my dress, I headed for the door and knocked. However the tall wooden door opened slightly, it wasn't locked. Boys, everyone could just walk in whenever they'd like. I wonder how the two managed to survive for as long as they did. I really do.

Stepping inside, I followed the long hallway to the living room where the fire was burning hot and bright. Making it pleasantly warm to be there. With the weather slowly going into the direction of the winter, it became chillier by the day outside. The contrast between in- and outside was enormous and it was only now that I felt how cold I truly was. As I walked further, I saw the two brothers sleeping on the big brown lounge. Stefan's head on his older brothers shoulder and Damon's head resting against the other. It looked adorable.

Finding this too good to be true, I pulled out my phone and took several pictures. After all what if one is blurry? I will have backups. When I was satisfied, I glanced around. Through the whole room, there were books, papers scattered and maps laying open on top of each other. Clearly been studied yesterday until the late hours. On Damon's lap laid a heavy appearing book with yellowed pages and a black leather cover. Stefan's book had fallen out of his hand and was now standing slightly open on the ground. I first picked up that book before slowly and carefully lifting the other book in such a way to avoid waking the older vampire.

The book felt frail, the pages worn down until they were so thin that the slightest bit of moisture would destroy its entirety. However, I had been to expeditiously in my judgement, it wasn't a book. It was a diary and not just any diary. It was their father's. It was weird to hold the diary of an old man. Not trying to be stereotyping everything, but keeping a diary generally is such a girl thing. I don't know any guys who have one. Maybe it was popular back in the day?

Damon had said that Stefan found a lead but never went into detail about it. Perhaps he meant this journal. After all, in my own research, I found out that Emily Bennett was burned on the stake and one of the founding members had the grimoire. However, Giuseppe died around the same time. How would he be able to hide the witch's cookbook? With no other option, apart from waking the two which I wasn't playing on doing so anytime soon, I seat down in the armchair across of them, kicked off my shoes and start reading. I had to start somewhere, besides this could give me some other vision on the two brothers. If not that, maybe it would give me more information for future references.

I flipped the man's memoirs to the first page. The cursive neat handwriting told me in small letters it was already the 43the journal he had written. Because I couldn't control my curiosity, I browsed superficially through the many pages, only towards the end I saw how the last hundred or more sheets of paper were blank. Was it too hasty of me to conclude from this that the man did not make it to the end of the year? Thus, this probably being his last diary.

Since I didn't have the time or found Giuseppe interesting enough to read to from scratch, instead I looked for an important date or period. Long didn't it take to find one, I started at the month both Stefan, Damon and the owner of this journal would come to pass. However, two would shake off Death and their father would forever rot in a six feet deep grave underneath the ground.

"September 1, 1864


It brings me no joy to state that my eldest son, Damon, has once again proven to be a disappointment. The boy doesn't want to play his hand in this war, our war. That is for honour and our rights. Part of me wonders why he took so much after my wife, Lillian. He is no man but a boy who doesn't know the ways of the world. Why could he not be as his brother? Stefan-"

A noise pulled my attention away from the diary, it first came from left and then from behind. Who or whatever it was, neither Damon or Stefan were awoken by it. So Bloody Typical. Men.

The only thing I could do was wait until the vampire, I presume it's one, was done playing and would show their face. It wasn't like I had anything else to do. Note the sarcasm. I'd give it five minutes, if he or she hadn't shown their face, I would call them out. Glancing at my phone to check the time before seating myself once again.

"For a human, you remain very calm."A soft voice spoke from behind me, by the high tone of it, I guessed it belonged to a woman.

"For a vampire, you should know the risk of presuming things." As I slowly stood up and turned toward my contraonent. She was tall, lush blond hair framed her face and stood beautifully against her tanned skin. There was no denying her beauty, that was coupled with a lean body with curves in all the right places.

"Presuming that you are calm or that humans are easily scared?" Her head tilted to the side as she observed me, her eyes slowly moving from my head all the way down to my feet. A single eyebrow was raised as her gaze flicked around to see what she was looking for on my face. Only then I realised I had not taken my make-up off. Part of me could only envision how crazy I must be looking at this moment.

I shook my head and couldn't stop a small grin from forming, "Neither, that just because I am human it automaticity means I react like all the others."

My reaction and answer were found funny by the vampire as she walked towards me. "You are interesting."

"Thank you," I told her, the sarcasm in my voice ensured she know I actually didn't really care for her opinion.

"Lexi. A friend of Stefan." She held out a slim hand with long fingers and neatly done nails.

Alexia Branson aka Lexi

Species: Vampire

First off the Line: Elijah Mikaelson

Gender: Female

Height: 5'8


-Physical: 21 years old

-Actual: 350 years old (Turned in 1680)

Sire: Carlisle was also known as Carlisle The Kind

Known Associates:

-Stefan Salvatore, friend (America, USA, Virginia, Mystic Falls)

-Damon Salvatore, acquainted through brother (America, USA, Virginia, Mystic Falls)

Information: Fairly normal ability for a vampire except for her power of projecting illusions. Going from project thoughts, images and even whole scenes or memories. Works both on humans and on vampires. This is the closes a vampire has come to imitate the ability to compel other vampires as the Originals can.

Status: Capture if possible, otherwise kill.

I took a deep breath to focus on myself and my thoughts on the woman in front of me.

"Evelyne." Her hand seemed much larger in comparison to mine. As much as I hated to admit I happened to be vertically challenged, it was logical that with her being half a foot - maybe more - taller than me, all the rest would be balanced out as well.

The smile on her lips grows when hearing my name and she gave me a once-over again. "So you are the famous Evelyne. Heard quite a bit about you."

Stefan must have talked to her. I wondered what he could have said that would cause such a reaction. "Thanks, I guess. Nothing bad I hope."

"Like I could talk bad about you, "Stefan said, drowsy as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Dear God, that was adorable. I turned to look at Damon as he too awoke. He stretched his arms out, up in the air. Was he deliberately showing off his biceps?

"My back, how long have we been laying like this?" The older brother asked as he comped his raven black hair back with his fingers. For a second he sounded like an old man.

"Dear, you are acting like an old man." Alexia sneered at him, clearly, there was some love-hate between the two of them.

"I am old but what makes that you." Damon, that's not your best comeback, I thought. He seemed to realise too, so he switched to a new subject. "Love the crown." His eyes taking their time to take everything in, caressing over my face, following the curve of my neck, lingering ever so slightly on my cleavage before going further. Once he reached my feet, his gaze lifted to meet mine.

With an enormous smirk on my face, I said; "Told you-you should see me in one."

"Cheeky little Raven." he bobbed my nose with every word before moving away to another room. I think the kitchen.

"Lexi, what are you doing here?" Stefan asked, sitting straight and looking up at her. He too woke up.

His question made her roll her eyes so far back she probably saw her brains. "Why do you think, it's your birthday."

Wait a minute. What!? Son of a gun. He never told me and I thought we were friends! Even with all the information, I had locked in my brain, I only know in which year he was born but never the exact date.


Can't live without them, can't suffocate them with a pillow as dense as they sometimes are because that is bloody illegal. I hate this planet.

"Really?" I asked rhetorically to the younger Salvatore with my arms crossed. "If only I had known. If one a certain some would have told me."

"It never came up, besides I don't know your birthday." What kind of excuse what that? I didn't pay the bills because you never pay yours. That's not how the world works. How did he ever manage to survive this long?

Now that the boy was finally actually awake and not a half-sleeping zombie, he glanced at my face and outfit "By the way, what's up with that costume."

"I like the outfit." I heard coming from the other room. It was times like these that showed me what a good friend The blue-eyed Salvatore could be.

"I know Damon would appreciate my fashion. And for your information, it was for yesterday's Halloween party, where neither of you came to, might I add." I told him with no small amount of bitterness. I really had hoped they'd come to the party, at the very least for Damon to come. It would be a free meal type of event for the man.

"Didn't know you missed us so much," Damon said as he walked back to the couch now drinking coffee with probably some blood in it.

"Don't be cocky," I said, controlling myself not to roll my eyes.

"I will show you cocky," Damon smirked, he used that as a weapon.

Raising a single eyebrow, I asked; "Has that line ever worked?"

"You have no idea." Dear lord, the arrogance of this man is unbelievable.

"My esteem in my fellow sex has been diminished until it is so close to none existing it's concerning." Appealed was the only word to describe my feelings right now.

"Not nice." The oldest Salvatore said tutting.

"Never told you I was." Lexi was observing the interaction between de two of us with fascination. He had moved from one side to the other, like the people following a tennis match. She had the same look our prof had when dissecting a frog. Weird. Stefan, on the other hand, looked irritated, maybe because it is his birthday and no one said 'Happy B-day'? I don't know.

"Are they always this flirty?" The blonde asked her friend, pretending the objects of her question weren't in the room.

Before letting this get out of hand, I replied in his place."Why is it that people mix me being a witty and sarcastic person as flirting?"

Damon pouted before patting me on the head. "No idea, honey."

"Damon." I huffed.

"Yes, dear?"

"Shut up." Surprisingly enough he did and Stefan decided it was time to move on to a new subject.

"Why are you here?" He asked me and I pondered on whether or not I should reveal it with Lexi present. I needed to make it clear without giving too much information.

"I was working on Operation Save Damon's Cat - OSDC for short. He told me you found some clues?" I was impressed with my improvisation skills and the cool name I came up with.

"What is Operation Save Damon's Cat?" Stefan's oldest friend wondered out loud. It clearly wasn't a rhetorical question.

"Can we tell her?" the one brother asked the other. With a deep sigh, Damon made the 'go-ahead' gesture.

And so, Stefan started his tale, or well his brother's. "Apparently Damon had made a deal with Emily Bennett to save Katherine from the flames by placing her into a tomb. However, it took him some time to figure out how to free her. We, Evelyne and I, are helping him."

"Are you out of your mind!? You have some serious explaining to do." The blonde said with narrowed as and arms crossed. Realizing this was too much, she said down in the remaining armchair. Her dislike for both the idea and Katherine became pretty clear. What had Stefan told her for the normally level headed woman to react in such a manner?

"How did you get involved?" the older vampire asked me. Indeed, how? by befriending two vampires even though I told myself not to do so. Ignoring my own advice... that's it really. Not that I was going to tell her that. While I trusted her enough to keep Stefan and his secrets safe, I wasn't as gullible to give her mine. As kind as she may appear, she remains a stranger.

"I'm the one keeping these two dumbos in line. Damon doesn't kill anyone and Stefan won't stab him in the back." I explained.

She blows air in her cheeks and let it out with a deep and long sigh. "Sounds tedious."

"You have no idea." I laughed which in turn made the oldest vampire in the room grin.

"What's the plan?" She asked me, the glare she shot both brothers made it obvious she was still ticked by this situation.

"I'm looking for the Bennett grimoire, it was lost after Emily was murdered. Stefan found where the tomb is and Damon had to prepare all the things needed to welcome Katherine into the world of the living, well living-dead but that's a detail." While telling the details of our mission, she got a text, I could only see it was from someone whose name started with 'Le'-something.

"Don't you need a witch?" she queried while replying to whatever the other person send her.

"Yes, hence the grimoire. However, with Damon being Damon and both brothers being creatures witches generally despise, I thought it was better to wait until we have everything before talking to any witches." I told her. Stefan added quickly: "And, we are going to ask not only the Bennetts but also Bree, it's better to have some back-up just in case."

"Smart," Lexi mumbled still looking at her phone.

"Thanks," Damon said as if it was all his idea. That little shit.

Crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes, I stared at him. "It was my idea."

Damon, who was in the middle of taking a sip of his coffee mixed with blood, smirk and gazed at me from over the rim of the cup. "Are you always this needy for recognition?"


"Yes, little Raven?"

"Do shut up."

Stefan seemed to still be pondering on about something, brooding as he most of the times did. "But why were you here?"

Ah, yes I never really answered to that inquiry. "Well, your brother told me you had found some sort of lead?"

His green eyes sparked with interested and spoke. "Yes, in his journal. Both of us have read it but neither can figure out what he means?"

"What page?" I asked as I flipped through the many sheets from the little book.

"Look for the 24th of September. The day before he died. Middle of the page." It must be handy to be a vampire if you could remember everything so easily. But it must make the world boring after a time, you could never see a movie over again or re-read a book for you know what was going to happen. Humans on the other hand sometimes remembered parts but almost never everything after a period of time. Perhaps that's the reason we have the saying 'Everything fades in time.' But that is only for us, vampires, on the other hand, remain out of the chains of time.

" 'This grimoire is too valuable to burn or discard. However, the secrets hidden inside are a treat to own world and shall not ever see the daylight ever again. Just as I told Stefan, I will take it with me as all my other secrets.' Stefan, you have to know idea what he is talking about?"

"No, I don't remember. Believe me, I have tried."

"His secrets, where does one take them," Lexi whispered as we all pondered on it. That was until a light went on in my head.

"To... their grave," I mumbled and let out a moan of frustration. He practically spelt it out for us to find. "Of course. He is buried with the grimoire. You take your secrets to the grave! That's what he meant."

"Now, when you say it like that, it does seem obvious. Bloody old fool." There seemed to be some hard feelings between father and son. Not that I don't get it, from the small portion I have read, Giuseppe's perception of his son was utterly negative. Plus the constant comparing to Stefan probably didn't do good for their relationship either. Maybe it was the wood, while Katherine was the gasoline and match. Thus created the fire that destroyed their friendship as brothers.

"Well, never thought I would become a grave robber." I mussed with a smile on my face. "You two have a bad influence on me."

"What can I say, life is more exciting for the bad?" Damon said as he lifted his cup, acting like he wanted to make a toast for this moment.


"Are we really going to disgrace the burial of our father?" Stefan asked besides knowing the answer already.

"Sure, why not?" his brother shrugged, pretending there as little difference between digging up their dad and going to the mall to get milk and eggs. Stefan sighed and ran his hand through his thick brown hair.

"This is exciting, it's like playing detective only all the persons involved are either dead and buried or dead and locked in a tomb," Lexi said as she capped her hands lightly together.

"You are not entirely wrong." I agreed, "I had thought we could do the ritual or whatever it is we must do, this weekend if not perhaps on the weekend of Thanksgiving. It falls on the 26ste this year and we will have 28the and 29the to get it done. The fast the better."

"Do want me gone from here so hard?" If I didn't know better, Damon sounded almost hurt.

"No, but witches meddle and perhaps you are not the only one trying to get in the tomb."

"What?" the three vampires looked at me and asked collectively: "Why?"

Damn, I forgot I hadn't told them that. Merde. How was I going to explain that? By stretching the truth a little bit.

"When I was doing my research, I contacted an old friend of mine who just happened to know a lot of magic. He told me that the chances Emily managed to separate Katherine from the other vampires in the church were highly unlikely. Especially because she had to use so much magic. An average witch can do spells on one person without having to rely on natural phenomenons. And we all know Emily was anything but average. That means whatever she did to ensure Katherine's survival had to be something of considerable proportions. My theory, which my friend back me in, is that to save one, she had to save all. Which means there is not one but twenty-seven starved and probably vengeful vampires inside that tomb." I explained reluctantly. I would have been far easier if I could have informed them some other way. This could potentially backfire on me. Especially with Damon's mood as of late.

"When were you going to tell us?" Both Damon and Stefan look betrayed but I didn't know whether it was for the same or different reasons.

"I hadn't planted it yet. Whenever the opportunity arose, I guess." I shrugged. "Though, let me make one thing clear. Most of those vampires will never make it out."

"Why, because they are angry!? They have every reason to be that, having to suffer through 150 years of starvation!" Damon all but yelled. I could understand he would feel compassion for those creatures but I didn't have the time for those feelings.

"Yes, don't forget Damon. This is my town, my very family belongs to the 'founding fathers'. I will do what it takes to survive." Somehow in my mind, this sounded like a mother was telling their child off.

"Survive? What gives you the right to decide that?" he sneered, his vampires was peeking through. Eyes turning dark and the vines around them raising slightly.

"Don't be a hypocrite, you take lives all the time and you don't see me getting pissed off at it. What gave you the right to kill Darren Malloy and Brooke Fenton? Are all the people before and after them? Morals are at best ambiguous and as of right now, they are guidelines rather than strict rules."

If Damon's looks could kill I'd died yesterday. I sighed, too tired to deal with this: "I know the names of the vampires locked in the tomb and did some background research. Most of them don't deserve to ever get out." Now, I gazed directly into Damon's ice-cold eyes. "However, I promised to help you get Katherine out and I will keep my word."

The older brother remained silent before he gave me a slight nod and vamped away. The younger frowned at me and let a sigh slip from between his lips. Feeling, like my presence wasn't wanted any more and having missed any night sleep, I stood up to take my leave. I texted a cabbie and began gathering my things, which wasn't a lot.

"Where are you going?" Lexi asked.

"Home, I'm going home." I told her, "I haven't slept and I need to take a shower to get all this make-up off and then rinse out the hair dye." For I second I was glad the casting around my arm had been removed a week ago. It would make the whole shower situation even more annoying.

"You don't have to go. You can take a shower or bath here and sleep in a guest room?" Stefan said. Why did he want me to stay? Besides, I had planned on calling the taxi already and my mom would start to wonder where I am. After all, it was almost 15 past 4 in the morning.

"I will ask my mom." Hopefully, she wouldn't be too pissed if I'd call her awake. "Give me a moment."

I walked to the other room, the kitchen and let the water run, as much as I liked the vampires in the other room. I didn't want them eavesdropping the conversation. Mother had the ability to always find something embarrassing to say. I think parents get a manual à la 'How to humiliate your kid; For Dummies' when said child is born.

I tipped in her number and listened as it went over; "Evelyne, why are you calling this early in the morning? Did something happen? Do you want me to get you?" the concern clear in her soft voice.

"No, no, no. I just called to let you know I'm going to sleep at a friend's place. It's his birthday and they wanted to spend the weekend together.

"His?" suspicion grew in my mother's voice.

I tried to play it off and act innocent. Why I honestly don't know. I didn't do anything wrong... much. "Yeah, Stefan's?"

"Hmmm..." God, I hated this whole conversation and where it was going.


"Is alright, just no drug or doing anything illegal." Rolling my eyes, I bit my lip to stop the grin from forming.

"Okay, mom. Bye." This wasn't as bad as I had imagined.

"Bye- Oh wait, always wear protection, you know what they say. Wrap it, if you don't want to catch it!" I was asking for it, by thinking it had gone well.

"Mom! Nobody says that, ever!" I yelled as my cheeks burned in embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, Toedels. text me if anything happens." She made kissing noises before hanging up.

That woman really needs to get her proprieties straight. I thought with a huff before stopping the water and heading back to the two old friends. They were sitting next to the other whispering. As soon as they heard me, their conversation stopped.

Too tired to wonder what they were talking about, I looked at the younger Salvatore "Mom said it's not a problem. Stefan, if you could be so kind as to show me your bathroom and where it's okay for me to sleep?"

"Sure." He gestured me to follow. Without Lexi on my heals, I climbed the stairs. He guided me to the bathroom, it was huge and modern compared to the rest of the house.

"Where is Zach, by the way?" I hadn't seen him in a while and it was strange sleeping in his house without him knowing.

"He left, probably wise with Damon. I told him I'd text when we leave until then he is staying with a friend in Florida."

Yuck, Florida (1) of all places.

"Does the Council know this?" I asked him.

"No, Damon wants to get them to come to us. So we know who they are and by giving them vervain, we will look like supporters of their course rather than the very thing they despise." Stefan explain the plan crafted by this brother.

"Smart." it was a simple but effective plan. I remembered the idea I had been playing with, at the mention of the plant.

He just hummed in agreement as he showed me where the towels were and gave me a large black tee and a grey jogging bottoms. It wasn't ideal or fashionable but I'd do. I was grateful he thought of it.

"Thanks," I said as I closed the bathroom door.

The 'vegetarian' vampire walked into the living room after hunting for preys to free their blood from. The blonde was seated in a comfy armchair sipping on a blood bag.

"She is interesting," Lexi announced to Stefan with a small grin on her face. She knows her friend well enough after all those decennials to recognise the affection he held for the young human. The older vampire could honestly say she approved of his feelings for the girl, even though they met today and spoke briefly. In that time frame, she had managed to surprise and impress the blonde and that didn't happen often at her age.

"She is more than that." her friend said as he took place across from her. After the girl had left to the bathroom, she had pulled out her baggage, several bags of blood. It was room temperature which wasn't exactly tasty but it would do.

From underneath her eyelashes, she watched Stefan observer the bags. While gently and kind now, he wasn't when the Ripper-side of him took over.

"Don't judge," she said as he kept staring at them.

"I'm not. I'd never judge you, Lexi." He let a sigh escape. "I am merely jealous of your control."

"Well, it's not too late to try it, gradually," she said emphasizing on the last word. Alexia knows already what his answer would be after all this wasn't the first time she suggests it. But it was always rebuked by him, afraid that he would lose control either way. Perhaps he was right but then they would know. Now, all she could do was speculate about it.

From afar she heard Damon approaching the house and entering. Besides the slight shift in Stefan's behaviour, there was no denying that this brother, too, had experienced a change in his deminer. The only factor that variates were the girl... and the fact that Katherine was getting out. So she couldn't conclude which one was responsible or if they both were. If so the only question was which of the two weight in the most.

"What are we doing tonight?" the 350-year-old vampire asked her friend while spilling on her blood. From behind her, Damon approached them. Calamity draped around him. The blonde was old enough to know, the raven-haired man never did something without reason.

Smirk locked in place on his attractive face. "Funny you should ask."

"Well I wasn't asking you." the sassy reply made the youngest vampire smiled.

With a lot of grandeur, he announced; "There's a party at the grill. You'll love it. Banquettes, Tacky wait staff, All of Stefan's friends."

Stefan's arms crossed, giving off a defensive aura. "Yeah, I don't want a Birthday party." For the life of her, Lexi never understood why he hated it so much. Maybe he was against it because it was Damon suggesting it.

"Well, It's not for you." the older brother said as he rolled his eyes. "Not everything is about you, Stefan. It's a party. No one gonna knows it's your birthday. Caroline's throwing it." the smirk on his face stretched even further.

"Damon, stay away from Caroline." Stefan's frown betrayed how he felt about it but with Damon, it was better not to provoke him. Otherwise, he will make impulsive decisions and that would do more harm than good.

It was like the man had been waiting for him to react that way. "We're friends it's cool. Besides, I have to keep my promise to Evelyne. Catch, bite, arise and release. Even I can follow 4 easy steps. Your lack of faith is disturbing. Wouldn't want her to be disappointed in me." he acted as if the very thought disturbed him.

Lexi interfered in the conversation. The idea that a 16-year-old girl could how that much power over a 160 plus vampire was astonishing. "Evelyne made you promise?" Her eyes glancing between the two brothers to fathom their reaction.

"Yes. Anyway, we should go to the party. It's important for the town to see us out and about like normal folk. We need to blend." While Damon brushed it aside, Stefan's frown deepens. He clearly wasn't happy with the arrangement and all it included.

With a sneer on his face, the oldest Salvatore glanced at the remaining blood bags. "I prefer mine at 98.6." He said as he left the two.

"Lets us go." Lexi asked excited, she added a 'please' to it after seeing his face.

"Damon, wants us to come. Why?" if it wasn't Damon who he was suspicious of, she would have called him paranoid.

"I don't know and frankly I don't care. This is the only day/night I get to have you as you. Without the brooding and frowning. Without the weight of Damon holding you down. Without you having to worry about anything. So please let us go to this party and have fun. Like we did that time with Bowie or when we got drunk on top of the Statue of Liberty."

Stefan gave in and mumbled an 'okay.'

"By the way, Evelyne can come with us, she is here after all," Lexi suggested as she listened to the steady heartbeat f the girl that somehow held some part of both brother's heart in the palm of her hand. "We should wake her, she has been sleeping for some time."

"Maybe. We can ask her if she wants to come." the idea of her there made the plan a whole lot more appealing, not that Stefan would even admit that.

Feeling victorious, Alexia grinned. "The more souls the merrier!" The Salvatore was about to react when suddenly his love interest's heartbeat speeded up and her breathing faster.

"Please, don't" she mumbled, if not for their vampires heightened hearing they wouldn't have caught it. Worried the two speeded to her side. She moved underneath the blanket, her white hair spilled around her. The frown on her face and the hard line of her lips on her face, made it seem like she was in pain.

"Stop..." Evelyne sounded distressed but to caught up in the dream to get out. Not knowing what to do Stefan moved to shake her awake. Lightly, he shocks her in an attempted to wake her.

Both vampires could hear her heart beating faster than normal, smell the adrenalin shooting through her veins. If he didn't know better, he would say she was afraid but she didn't smell like it. That harsh, acidly smell of fear, she didn't disseminate it.

With a gasp and a sheen of sweet on her forehead, she startled awake, trashing to get out of his grip. "It's me, Stefan," he said reassuringly, trying to calm her down.

As she fixed her eyes on his face, her heart rate dropped until it was beating at her normal speed, her breathing slowed down and after taking a deep breath, she freed herself from the remaining feelings of her nightmare.

"What did you dream of?" He asked.

She hesitated slightly before answering. However, she needed a moment to find the words to explain it. "Being stuck in a box, slowly filling with water and ending with me suffocating."

It sounded normal, as far as nightmares could be called normal but neither vampires could shake the feeling she was lying about it. Which made, as they glanced at one and other, they wonder what was so important to her to lie about it. What secrets was she hiding?

The vibe she gave of, made it obvious Evelyne didn't want to talk about it. So Lexi did what she deemed best and changed the direction of the conversation. "We are going to a party. You can come if you want. I will lend you something to wear."

One of the human's eyebrows went up. "Oh, where is it?"

"Mystic Grills." This made her roll her eyes.

"Why not. Let me text Sal-Sal, maybe she wants to come as well." She told the other woman. While Lexi had no clue who 'Sal-Sal' was, she presumed it was a friend from both her and Stefan. After all, he too thought it was a good idea to invite the girl.

"Don't rush, I have just taken a shower and Stefan needs to take one as well. So you have enough time to sort it all out."


The two almost century-old friends walked out of the room. Lexi turned to the brunet and said; "You, get ready. I want to leave as soon as possible." before hitting him on the butt, the gesture that said; MOVE IT!

As Stefan showered and Evelyne was texting her friend, Lexi headed downstairs to grab her luggage. She had to find an outfit for tonight and she had to give the girl something to wear as well. While comparing the outfits, she heard the white-haired girl heading her way. With light steps, she descended the staircase and came over.

"What do you think?" The 350-year-old vampire asked, pointing at the pieces of clothing she had laid in front of her. It was a black top with a gradient grey skirt, ankle-boots with a small heel, a lace necklace and some bracelets.

"Nice, although," Lexi watched the girl ruffle through her jewellery and pull out a necklace witch several metal bars on a black cord. "this will fit better with the whole outfit and provide that badass touch to it," Evelyne explained her choice as she handed it to the vampire.

Glancing at herself she nodded. "You are absolutely right."

"I do have my moments." A small smile graced her lips.

"Y-" the vampire was interrupted by the bell. "It's open. Come on in." She yelled as she made her way to the hallway. Evelyne, apparently too curious or anxious to just let someone in the house, walked toward the stranger. Not wanting to leave the girl on her own, in case it was someone or something she couldn't handle. The vampire followed behind her as they stared at the unknown.

Lexi couldn't stop her surprise from forming at the sight of the person walking through the door. She looked like a copy of Katherine and not in the 'oh she kinda looks like her'. No, she could be her identical twin, her mirror image. That was how similar they appeared.

"Oh my God! How...uh- wh-...K-" Before she could articulate that ratcheted bitch her name, Evelyne grabbed her wrist, giving her a squeeze to make her hold her tongue.

"What are you doing here?" the CopyKat sneered at her friend. It was only now, Lexi heard the second heartbeat, one much faster then Evelyne's.

Not bothered by the disrespectful tone in the stranger's voice she replied. "I could ask you the same question, Elena. At least, I'm Stefan's friend."

"Well, I'm Stefan's girlfriend." She, Elena apparently, announced with a bright smirk. Totally feeling victorious towards the white-haired teen.

However, that didn't last long. Her smirk falls when hearing Evelyne's shark and spotting laughter. "We both know that is not through," she said before her lips stretched into a terrifying smile that showed all her teeth as if to show what she would use to rip her throat open with.

"It will be." her voice reflected how desperate and needy CopyKat really was.

"We shall see, Elena. You still haven't told us what you are doing here." Smile not wavering as cocked her hip out.

She glanced at Alexia for the first time since entering and at how little she was wearing. This made her purse her lips tightly together. "Like I would tell you anything, you freak."

"He-" Lexi jumped in to defend her new friend's honour. But the hand on her wrist tightened, indicating she wanted the vampire to stay out of it.

"If you don't have anything else to do here, you should leave." Even though that gaze wasn't directed to her, Lexi felt a shiver run down her spine and all her instincts were screaming 'danger'.

Elena, either not noticing the treat in front of her or simply chose to ignore it, almost spat her words out. "I was planning to do so anyway. It's not like I want to stay around a Gothic freak like you."

She stormed out. As soon as the door fell close behind her, Evelyne relaxed and so did Lexi's instincts. The two waited until her car pulled out of the parking and drove away before the old vampire turned to Evelyne. "She isn't Katherine."

"No, she is not." Lexi nodded before turning to the stairs and sprinting up them. The white-haired girl on her heels.

"Stefan!" she screamed. She stormed into his room where he was pulling on a black t-shirt. "You have some explaining to do," she stated as she held up a yellowed picture from Katherine. "I just met Elena."

If the forever 17-year-old man, could become any paler, he really would resemble a corpse. "I can explain."

"You have some serious emotional damage." Her voice made her irritation obvious and Stefan knew better than to let the older vampire simmer in her thoughts.

"No, it's not what you think. She's not Katherine."

"He is right. She is not her, she has a beating heart and I have watched her grow up. She is human." Evelyne said, defending her friend.

Lexi began applying mascara to her lashes as she spooks: "Then they're related, 'cause they can be twins."

This made the only man in the room look at his shoes before following Evelyne's movement as she took place on his bed. There had been many fantasies starting with her sitting there but this was not the situation he had hoped nor longed for to take place.

"I don't know or rather I don't want to know. I have no desire to tie Elena to Katherine." This made Lexi huff and cross her arms in disbelieve. "Ok yes, yes the resemblance is what drew me in. But that's it. Katherine and Elena may look the same on the outside but on the inside, they are completely different."

"So Elena is not a raging Bitch then, huh?" she said sarcastically, the way she acted towards her new friend indicated otherwise. In Lexi's honest opinion the girl was too similar to her vampire twin. Not only on the outside but her personality too. The cruelty and indifference towards all things that don't affect her or what she can't use for her own gain was something she could see develop in Elena. She was still young, who knows how she will be in 5 or even 10 years. Those trades which are only now coming to the surface could evolve into something permanent. She had shown Lexi how mean she could be, in her behaviour toward Evelyne. She wouldn't let Stefan make the mistake of falling for the Katherine copy.

"No. Elena is...Elena's warm and she's...she's kind, and she's caring, and she's real. but most of all she isn't connected to all of this, she makes me feel like I too am human." Stefan tried to explain.

But you aren't human and it is time for you to except that. Evelyne thought to herself.

"You're in love with her?" Part of Lexi wanted to yell at him, how could he fall for that girl when he was clearly interested in Evelyne.

"No, I'm not." Stefan glanced at the true holder of his affections as he told Lexi this with a stern voice.

"Yes he is." the only one with a beating heart said, smirk in place and mischievous in her eyes. "He totally is."

"No, I am not. She just makes me feel human for a while."

"Keep telling yourself that."

| Evelyne POV |

As we entered the Mystic Grill, bodies of teenagers dancing on music were the sighted by which we were met. Several booths were occupied by either older people or couples who were displaying way too much PDA. I get that you could be in the mood for it but not everyone had to see it. Definitely not people who were your teachers.

Lexi pointed at a table that was still free so we squeezed our way through the moving crowd to get there. Since it was Stefan's birthday, it seemed right to take the first round on me. After reassuring them that I had enough money and I really wanted to do it, they gave me their orders. A Manhatten for Stefan - who looked really good in his leather jacket - and a Sex On The Beach for the lovely Lexi. I made my way to the bar when I saw an all too familiar back. It seemed that Damon had arrived before us. He was leaning against it, looking deep in his glass and for the first time, I would disgrace him as the brooding brother instead of Stefan. Is his birthday also revered role day?

"Are you not going to offer us a drink?" I asked him teasingly and praised myself when he snapped out of this depressing mood and his characteristic smirk appeared.

"I only give drinks to ladies." His eyes were on me as he slowly tilted his head back to gulp down the last of his bourbon. By now the two women behind him were weaving themselves, I concluded that his action was incredibly hot.

"Well, I understand why you set your bar low. Both of us know that you can't afford a Queen."

"Ow, Little Raven. No need to be so feisty about it."

"Well, you know me... never one to back down," I said while leaning on the bar.

"No. I don't know you... and I don't think I even fully will."

"Maybe it's better that way."

"No, it's not."

"You are only saying that because you don't know any better."

Our conversation was interrupted by a young handsome looking fella. "What can I get you?" the bartender with the name Bert in his shirt asked?

"A Manhattan, Sex on the Beach and a Fanta, please."

"May I see you ID?" For a second, I was thinking of ways to make the man believe I was old enough when Damon helped.

"Give it to her." Damon compelled the man.

"That will be 24 dollars." I opened my little pocket wallet to take out a 50 dollar bill, but Damon was quicker and paid for me. "Add another bourbon - no ice, in it."

"Okay." He took the money and gave 15 $ back to the vampire.

"You didn't have to do that, besides I thought you only gave drinks to ladies."

"Stefan is girly enough to be one."

"Incest is Wincest - much?" I joked and my laughter only became bigger when I saw Damon's shocked face.

"First of all, that is disgusting and this is a 160 plus-year-old vampire telling you that and Second, where do you even get that?"

"Tumblr," I said like that explained it all, which in some way did. He simply didn't know or understand it.

"Sounds dangerous." if only he knew.

"Maybe it is."

"Here are your drinks," Bert said as he placed them on the counter. Grabbing a cocktail in each hand, I mussed how I could also take my Fanta without letting everything fall.

"You need help?" Damon asked as he saw me struggle with the drinks but it was more because he wanted to watch me fail hen to really they and be helpful.

Well jokes on him. "Yes, Damon, I thought you never asked."

With disbelieve on his face he watched me wake away before taking our drinks and following me to the table where Lexi and Stefan were waiting for me. "Look who I found at the bar?" I said as I nodded in the older brother's direction.

Surprise m*therf*cker.

... Some fries m*therf*cker.

I love that vine way too much.

"Here you go," I said as I handed them their drinks before turning to Damon and pulling my Fanta from his hand. "Now as much 'fun' as it is to stand around a table what I really want to do is that came with the long sticks and the balls that have to fall in holes but not the white ball because of rules, okay?"

Stefan looked at me before slowly saying "Are you talking about pooling, right?"

"Yes..?" before pointing at the table with the green material on. "What they are playing?"

"You never played pool?" The three vampires looked personally insulted. Well, I have beter things to with my time!

"No...?" Was that such a crime? They looked like a pissed on their leg and asked if it was warm... Dear Satan, vampires have the oddest perseption.

"I am teaching her," Lexi called dibs, which made both brothers grown. Should I interpret that as a good or bad sign?

"Sure, how hard can it be?" I retaricly asked.

Oh, boy, if only I knew.

It had been almost an hour and still, I sucked at it. I knew I wasn't gifted in anything sports-related but damn, I hadn't thought I would suck this much. My oversized wand aimed at the red ball, if I hit it as I hoped I would, the ball would tap the yellow ball in the hole and I would have a point.

I think.

I could feel the stare of the three old creature resting on me as they watched me make a move. Pulling the stick back before pushing it forward to tab the red ball. It shot towards the yellow ball and with the taste of victory in my mouth I witnessed the yellow ball fall into the hole.

"Yes," I yelled, jumping up and down.

"Well done, it only took you 87 tries."

"Don't. This is Victory."


"Want to dance?" Lexi asked.

"Why not. but I need to go to the bathroom first." As I walked past the entrance I saw a familiar Elena enter the room. Great just what I need. I jumped in the crowd to not be seen by her and made my way to the tiny room.

By the time I was back Elena was talking to Stefan while Lexi was glaring daggers at the girl. What that the doppelganger has done to summon such hatred and anger out of the old vampire? Damon was at the bar getting another drink. No surprise there.

Not wanting to get anywhere near the annoying cheerleaders, I asked the vampire if she wanted to dance. with her vampire hearing, I know he would here me even from so far.

"Thank God you are here, I want to rip that girl hair out," Alexia whispered in my ear, venom dripping through her voice.

"Well, I aim to please ... and hold back semi-aggressive vampires." How has it come to this? What is my life even..?

"She was talking shit about you. Even Stefan was getting irritated by her behaviour. Preach the Lord, he didn't I would have killed him too."

As I spun around I was the Sheriff approaching Damon. What was she doing here?

"Lexi, can listen to what Damon and the woman with blond short hair are talking about?"

"Sure..." Eavesdropping " Vervain, she is thanking him for the vervain he has given them today and that there has been a new vampire attack. Two death."


"She thinks that the vampire is looking for more people to prey upon. She suspects the vampire is or will come here to get his next meal ticket."

"Double shit."

"Lexi, I think it is best that as soon as the Sheriff walks out the door or in the worst case scenario towards us that you go to the Salvatore mansion. She is too eager to kill a vampire to think twice."

"Perhaps you are right., I will warn Stefan."

"Don't. Stefan is not in danger unless Damon is. Their promise made it so, but that doesn't include you."

I saw Damon glance our way and knew he was listening in on our conversation. Not breaking eye contact with the man I told Lexi: "Go towards the toilets but don't enter, take the door before it. That is the back entrance. Text Stefan once you are safely in the house. Now go." I gave her a small push to get her moving before making my way to Stefan who seemed to know something was up. Not that it was hard, with him being a vampire and thus having supernatural good hearing.

"Listen, the Sheriff is questioning Damon. it could be that they are asking for vervain but it could also be that they are looking for a vampire. Either way, we have to stay calm. Lexi is already heading home and she will text once she is there." I whispered in his ears, looking around the room to make sure nobody moved towards us without me noticing. His cologne found it's way too my noise and distracted me for a minute.

A handsome man is a thousand times hotter if he smells good.

Stefan's head turned slightly, indicating he was paying attention to whatever Damon and Caroline's mother were talking about. "She is now asking if he has seen any persons he suspects of being a vampire but her first intention was to thank him for the vervain."

The air I unknowingly held in my longes was exhaled. "Okay, we are going back to the pool table and act like nothing is wrong," I told Stefan before saying Damon's name loud enough to grab his attention. When we made eye-contact I knew that he could hear what I was saying: "Damon, when you are done, meet us there."

"No, You are going to go home and so am I, that's safer. We will talk about this tomorrow." I eyed the younger brother before nodding. Perhaps, it was for the best. This way we could all calm down and collect ourselves. Besides, I really need to go home.

"Okay..." I said reluctantly.

"Come, I will drive you home." Stefan throws his arm around my shoulders, it's warm weight made me feel things I refused to name. As we moved through the crowd, we passed the doppelganger. She was glaring daggers at me and suddenly I couldn't stop my lips from forming into a smug, coy smirk. This only infuriated the young girl even more.

Oh, how I loved messing with people. Now, I understood why Damon always teased others. Their reactions are too amusing not to do so.

The brunet held the door open for me, like a true southern gentleman. While I was I die hard feminist, this didn't bother me. There was such a thing as chivalry, which needed to be preserved and encouraged instead of hated.

Stefan pulled his keys from a pocket in his leather jacket. Without removing his arm from my shoulders, he opened the car door. Only when I moved to get in the car, was when he removed it. Swiftly he closed the door and with to the driver's side.

As I fasted my seatbelt, I heard the door open and close. Effortlessly, he turned the engine on and start driving me home. He seemed to remember my address from that one time, he and his brother came over and started all this.

"I think we need to give you two a way to get in the Council. The best way is to kill a vampire. So what I suggest doing is letting Lexi go to the nearest big city and pick up a despicable human being. She takes him or her to us and that person will be turned into a vampire. We call the Sheriff and one of you, preferably Damon with being the eldest and the only one who is old enough in their of the law. She will see it and believe you to be people supporting her cause and tada, you are in the Council." I told him what was my plan for the future.

"You are willing to condemn a stranger?"

"Did you not listen? Not just a stranger, more in the terms of a criminal, rapist, child murderer... something like that. A person who doesn't deserve to live."

"Who are you to decide if he or she is worthy to live?"

"I'm not, but I don't really care." I looked him in the eyes, "I'm not a good person, I generally don't care about what happens in the world unless it affects me and mine. Besides, no one is completely good or bad."

"Not even Hitler?"

"Not even him. While I totally do not agree with what he did, I do think he believed it was the 'right' thing to do. Even though it absolutely was horrible and wrong. The question is; can you call someone bad simply because he did something that is wrong while believing it was good/ the right thing to do?"

"Well, there is a reason why they say Ignorance is a blessing..."

"Anyway, we need to get one of you Salvatores in the Council, with Zach gone. It should be easy with the vervain you have at your disposal and if you kill a vampire."

"Why would e want to get in the Council."

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

"Should we give them what the very thing that can harm us?"

"Yes, it will make them think that they have an advantage. Thus unintentionally they will become sloppy. The more self-assured they are, the better. That is part one of the plan. Part 2 is to get you two or three if Lexi wants, used to vervain. Starting with small watered down amounts to get used to it and not be as vulnerable to it. So you can drink glass vervain and not collapse."

"Okay." He said as he parked the car in front of my house. "See you this weekend?"

"No, I have to go babysit. So, you will have to miss me until Monday."

"The horror."

"Yes. Thanks for the drive." I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. Quickly I turned around and gave the vampire a kiss on the cheek. "Happy birthday," I whispered before rushing out the car and closing the door behind me. I didn't wait long enough to hear or see his reaction, speeding to the door of my house and stepping inside.

My life with vampires will never be boring, that I can tell you.

(1) I have nothing against Florida! Never even been there, it's just a joke :)

Scores of the possible relationships:

Evelyne/Elijah, Stefan, Damon, Klaus, Kol, Finn, Elijah: 96

Evelyne/Mikealsons: 38

Evelyne/Stefan, Damon, Klaus, Elijah: 32

Evelyne/Salvatore brothers: 22

Evelyne/other pairing: 10 or less.

The poll is still open so if you want to, go vote!

That was it for today! Leave a review if you like!

I can't reply to all reviews but I did my best!

The Jabberwocky High Priestess I hope it was worth the wait!

BrookeWorm3 It's such a big compliment to hear you can't sleep because of me/this story! Hopefully, this chapter will give you some rest :)

AwesomeFangirlOtaku01 Thank you for your kind words, I won't forget them.

Azera-v No you can't vote more than once but I like your enthusiasm!

Angelicsailor Thanks for the kind review! Let e know what you thought of this one!

Utau54 You will be pleased to know that I recently got a beta, so normally there will be fewer mistakes in my chapters! There will be chapters with other POV's, like in this chapter (even if it was briefly).

ThePerfectLostGirl87 Thanks for all the compliments, you make me blush! I hope you find this chapter equally good as the previous one!

guadadominguez4 Yes it will be a poly!fic. They are my own guilty pleasures :)

xrysatsan That combo will probably happen ;)

aurora,starr,w20 Thanks for the review, let me know what you though of this one.

princess-snow510 Sorry the boys only saw her outfit so late but hopefully you still like the chapter!

GhostCastle16 Your wish is heard.

simbacurls I find Elena also annoying. Plus, I can't relate to her in any way. Evelyne's eyes are both different, one is white with a red outer edge, while the other is cloudy black.

VeronicaG145 Gracias por la revisión! Estoy tan contenta de que te haya gustado!

Lo siento si este texto está completamente equivocado, usé un traductor. Thank you for the review! I am so happy you liked it! Sorry if this text is completely wrong, I used a translator.

Dex-Halo Twitches You are right but don't spread the word! ;)

Lea Authoress It will take some time before they fully realise the extent of their feelings and for the others to join but we will get there!

Faery66 You asked and I delivered!

Snickering Fox she is not albino, also I didn't mean to offend even if I did.

Guest Your ship has been seen!

Guest I am not going to add Enso to the mix because he was cute with Bonnie...

Guest Indeed it was! A Sherlock homes reference, that is.

SaiZ3overkill Noted!

MamaChele81 Good, stay intrigued and tell me all about it!

kimy16 Okay, that is noted! thanks for reading!

Sara khan I can't tell you a lot but thank you for the review, let me know your speculations!

SorayukiChinatsu The poll is open so go vote! Thanks for the kind review!

Scarlet Rose You found the reference! Nice!

To everyone: thank you for your patience! Hopefully this chapter made you happy!