As you can obviously see, I am now continuing this story. It is going to be divided into 3 parts and part 2, at least, is going to have more than one chapter. Maybe chapter 3 too (I seem to be incapable of writing anything short anymore.), we'll have to see for sure. This is going to be a bit more serious than I originally planned when I wrote this story, but that's just how it turned out.

Note that if anyone has read this story before, I changed Harry's birth name to Felix instead of Sebastian. Call it author's prerogative (plus I can spell Felix so much easier.)

Living in Your Shadow, Building in Your Ruins

They land without a sound on the lawn of a Manor. It is an elegant building, gothic in style, but not overly grandiose like one might expect from a Dark Lord. It's not modest by any means, but what Pureblood Manor is? Not even the Light is saved from this particular trait. No matter how they like to believe they are above all of that - the status, the snobbery, the power trips - they aren't. Some are just better at hiding it then others. And some are just as bad, no matter how much they deny it. Hypocrites.

The Burrow might be the only Pureblood residence in existence that isn't like this. And that is more of a money issue than anything else. It's a shame because the Weasleys aren't bad people. They have nothing against Arthur, the times they have met him when the twins invited them over. He's mild mannered and welcoming, never making a fuss over them. Molly they find overbearing and a bit too much to handle. She comes on far too strong for them and is far too fond of invading personal space.

Still she means well, even if they'll never forgive her for treating the twins like she does. Like they are nuisances. It's one thing to get a bit exasperated with your kid for always getting into trouble, it's another thing that she never seems to notice just how brilliant they are. Just because school isn't there thing doesn't mean they aren't smart. It just means they are better suited for other things. It's the reason they gave them their tournament winnings. They will help them with their dream shop however they can. It's the least they can do, for being basically the only people they can stand to be around for long. So the Burrow has its own problems besides grandiose.

To find a Pureblood Manor without it alone is impressive, but for this to potentially be linked to Slytherin's bloodline? It's even more so. Because neither of them missed the Slytherin part of Voldemort's explanation. He really is related to the founder. It was never clear before if that was true or a piece of propaganda released by his followers. Not that they know for sure this is a Slytherin estate, but where else would it be? Not a Riddle, they know that from the Potters. Is this where Harry was stolen from? If so, Alec hopes that he's updated the wards since then.

Harry tightens his hold on his bag as he looks. This is it. This is the home of his Father - his real one. Or his biological one at least. Time will only tell if he's up to being an actual Father to him. To both of them. He won't accept anyone who ignores or harms his twin in any way. That is one of the fastest ways to turn Harry against them. Voldemort may have promised to not harm Alec, but those were just words then. Just like the word 'love'. Did he use it? Yes. Did he mean it? Probably. Will he mean it now that Harry has grown into a teen with too many sharp edges instead of being a cute baby? That is something that will have to wait to be answered.

As they get closer Harry can feel the magic of the Manor inspecting him, welcoming him home. It takes away some of the mystery of the origins of the Manor right there. This is an ancient magic, as old as Hogwarts if not older. This couldn't have possibly be where he was stolen from. The Manor itself would never allow it. So why wasn't he here instead of wherever he had been? Just another question on top of the ones he already has. He can feel his heartbeat pick up at the thought of entering. Of coming home. Is this home? Can it be? What if it is another trap, just like the one he escaped? Can he afford to hope that this will be different?

Alec reaches down and links their hands together. They fingers entwine and he gives a comforting squeeze. He doesn't need a bond to tell him just how nervous Harry is right now. It is written in every line of his body. He is standing too stiff, his back is too straight, his head is too high. He only moves like this when there is something bothering him, but he refuses to show it. He makes himself bigger instead of smaller at those times, refusing to show even a hint of weakness. That is what gets you hurt - showing your softer side. If you're all sharp edges then you'll cut your tormentor before they can hurt you.

It's one of the reasons they have built their defensives like they have. To cut the masses down before they drown them. They would smother Alec with their attention and hold Harry down until he couldn't stand it with their indifference and casual cruelty. But if they can cut them down first they are safe. Of course the other part just comes from being jaded and distrustful. They honestly aren't sure who learned sarcasm from who, just that by now it comes naturally to both of them.

Even the twins aren't immune from this. They have been cut a time or two, especially in the beginning when they first tried to befriend them. That they have done just that speaks more to their ability to stubbornly cling and keep clinging, no matter how much they bleed, rather then Harry and Alec's ability to trust. At this point, Fred and George are as trusted as they are because they have seen them - not quite at their worse because they would never let anyone see that - but close to it and have still stayed.

This is going to be Voldemort's real test. Just how well is he going to handle their defensives? Like the twins? Or like the Potters? They have never especially appreciated their edges, always wanting to gentle them. Or to gentle Alec's anyways. They never cared about Harry's, seeing it as another reason that there was something wrong with him. To know he was adopted from a Dark family, well. It certainly explains a few things. Would it have mattered if Alec was the Boy-Who-Lived after all? Or in the end would Harry always be the baby they 'saved' from the Dark? The boy who came from a bad family and therefore had a chance of bearing the same taint. Was Alec's title just an excuse after all instead of the reason like they always assumed?

Harry honestly doesn't want an answer to that question. Being the twin to the Boy-Who-Lived is bad enough. But what if they never planned to love him like they should? What if he would have always come in second, no matter what? In a way that is even worse. Because that means they never planned on giving him a chance from the start. That their love would have always come with conditions. No, he doesn't want to know because he is afraid that he already knows the answer. No one ever really wants Harry after all. No one except Alec.

But here he is now, at his birth Father's Manor because he claims that he wants Harry. Because he invited both of them here to live. The hope is almost too much to bear because it's only going to hurt that much more when it is crushed. Because, in the end, the only person Harry has been able to cout on is Alec. That has been the only constant in his life, the only thing he can cling to at times to keep himself from sinking. And here, now, is yet another change. What will become of it?

His stomach rolls with a mixture of nerves, excitement and worry. He is grateful for Alec's hand because it is potentially the only thing that is keeping him from running as far from this place as he can. Alec and the magic swirling around him. Other than that he is ready to forget this entire idea. He isn't a Gryffindor, driven by courage and false bravo. He is a Slytherin at heart, even if he has picked up some habits from Alec. He doesn't think he can take it, having this new found hope crushed. And what are the chances that it isn't? Not very, compared to his other life experiences.

Alec squeezes their hands tightly together as they knock on the door. His own stomach is rolling uneasily in response to Harry's nerves. It's not an unexpected feeling, all things considered. Everyone assumes that Harry is completely heartless, or close to it, from the way he acts all the time. That couldn't be farther from the truth though. He has just learned to hide it too well.

The door opens, a house elf standing in the entrance. "I is being Tippy. You is being Master Felix," she claps her hands, "Master has been waiting for you. He will be happy to see you. I is being glad you are safe," she smiles brightly, "And you is being Master Alec Potter. This way please."

Well then, at least that was a good sign wasn't it? They follow Tippy to a set of double doors where she knocks. "Master Felix and Master Alec here to see you Master Marvolo," she says as she opens the door and motions them inside, before closing it behind them.

Voldemort is sitting at a massive dark wood desk, parchments spread out in front of him. He still has a quill in his hand as he looks up at them. He smiles as if he isn't quite sure how to do it. It is a little too hesitate with a bit too many teeth showing. It's the thought that counts though, right? Not usually, but in this case it might.

"Felix," he welcomes warmly, "and Potter," he adds, much less warmly. Seems although he invited him he still isn't too thrilled about the idea.

Well he is just going to have to deal. Harry isn't going anywhere without Alec. "Father," he says, cursing how clumsy that word comes out of his mouth in his head. Looks like Voldemort isn't the only one out of practice in basic social skills. And Felix. That is going to take some getting used to. Not that he particularly objects to the name - he's never had a great attachment to Harry, or Harrison technically - but it's still different. And Roman. How terribly predictable that. What is it with Purebloods and their Roman names?

"Voldemort," Alec adds, just to make sure he isn't forgotten about. Harry's nerves are still far too strong for his liking, so he plays distraction for now, "I hope you were serious about us staying here because neither of us are going back to the Potter Manor now." Ever if he has his way. As far as he is concerned his parents and godparents have officially screwed them over for the last time.

There is a betrayal in the pit of his stomach that stings. He never thought that they would do something like this to them - to him. He's obviously more affected by their blatant favoritism then he realized because what hurts the most is that they have done this to him. He is use to them ignoring Harry, hurting Harry, but not him. He never thought that they would do the same to him. How messed up is that?

Extremely and its selfish besides. How can he think of himself at a time like this? When Harry needs him more than ever. He can't get wrapped up in himself because his twin needs him. More than ever, he needs a rock to hold onto as he gets used to this change. It is Alec's job to be that rock. He wasn't joking when he said he practically raised Harry. No one else gave a damn about him, so Alec had to. It was that or nothing.

He's never minded either, never blamed Harry for it. It was never a burden to him. How much of that is the soul bond he doesn't know. It's not exactly natural, for a child to feel like this, but he never thought too much about it because there was no point. Harry needed him. He couldn't afford to end up resenting him after all. Then who would Harry have? Whether his parents realize it or not, they stole as much from him as they did from Harry.

"Oh?" Voldemort raises an eyebrow, "And why exactly as that."

"We found out how our twin bond is real," he answers cheerfully, obnoxiously cheerful, "turns out that when my real twin died instead of closing the bond they used it to create a soul bond between the two of us. So you know, it turns out that we really are a packaged deal after all if you plan on keeping Harry around."

Voldemort's face goes through multiple expressions - shock, incredulous, fury - before settling into a blank mask. "I see." His tone is soft, yet deadly, "They told you this for sure?"

Alec nods. "They didn't want to, but Remus told us. He might be a coward, but he isn't a liar. And everyone's reaction told us it was the truth too. They performed a soul bond on us and still don't seem to understand why we are so close." He sneers the last bit. How could they expect anything else? But he also watches Voldemort's reaction to the statement as well.

He snorts. "The Light are not exactly known for their critical thinking."

Neither are the Dark, Harry would like to add, but doesn't. He's too relieved that things seem to be going alright for the time being. It's true though, although it's likely because neither side thinks especially high of the other. There's enough propaganda to build another Hogwarts with. No one will admit that that is what it is, but propaganda is exactly the source of much of this so called information floating around he is sure. At least he knows it exists on the Light side. It's impossible that the Dark side is without it too. But he doesn't say any of this because, for once in his life, he is afraid of pushing too far.

It's ridiculous, is what this hope is. Ridiculous and useless. He refuses to let fear rule him when it never has before. So what if he has found his true Father? What does that really matter in the end, if he doesn't accept Harry for who he is? He won't change himself just so he can have a family. He has Alec - that is enough. Anything else is just a bonus in the end.

"I am sure you would like to settle in before lunch. I will have Rizzy show you to your rooms for now. Is there anything special you would like to eat?" All of his attention is on Harry as he talks, as if he still can't quite believe he is here.

"No," Harry says shortly, not used to people taking his preferences into consideration. It never mattered before. It's a good thing he isn't a picky eater or he would have been in real trouble.

"Very well. Rizzy."

A house elf pops into existence in front of Voldemort's desk. "Yes Master Marvolo?"

"Please escort my son and his guest to their rooms. We will be having lunch at the normal time in the informal dining room."

"Of course Master Marvolo. This way being please," he says to Harry and Alec. They follow the elf out the door and down a series of hallways that seem to go on forever.

"Just how big is this place?" Harry asks in wonder. And just how is he going to find his way around without getting lost?

"Slytherin Manor is holding fifty guest rooms, five ballrooms, three dining rooms and twenty five sitting rooms Master Felix," Rizzy answers promptly.

Eighty three rooms? And that isn't even counting the kitchen or the loos. That's - wow. That's something alright. Definitely bigger than the Potter Manor. It also confirms exactly where they are as well. This is Slytherin's Manor after all. He had good taste at least. Everything is dark - mahogany and ebony - with ivory mixed in for an accent. Green of course is the main color and small spots of silver popping up here and there. Despite all of that, it isn't a depressing dark, but an elegant one.

"This is being the South Wing," Rizzy tells them, "and this is being Master Felix's room. Master Marvolo had it specially prepared. We elves is being so happy that you is alive and living here Master Felix," he smiles brightly at Harry, "Master Marvolo's room is being right there," he points to the set of doors right at the end of the hall, only a door away, "And this is being Master Alec's room," he points to the door next to Harry's room. "If you be needing anything else you call. I be coming to tell you when lunch is ready." He pops away.

Well at least Voldemort isn't trying to keep them apart. That would only lead to trouble if he did. Something that should be even more apparent than before, with the information of their soul bond he has just been given. If he ever entertained a hope of separating the two before it is gone now. No one can deny a soul bond.

With a brief glance at each other they go to investigate Alec's room first. It is a decent sized room, tastefully furnished, but still generic in style. It is clear that it is just that, a guest room. But the bed is comfortable, there is a wardrobe, a desk, two chairs, a fireplace and a door to a loo attached to it. The two floor to ceiling windows give off enough light to illuminate the entire room. Cheerful enough as far as things go. Alec sets his bag on the floor and they move to Harry's room.

This room on the other hand, has been decorated with a certain purpose in mind. It is Slytherin colors for one thing, bigger and more elaborate for another. The furniture is carved into more complicated designs - with snakes as a prominent feature of course. The wardrobe, the fireplace, the loo, everything is fancier, coming with more options, better arrangements. It seems as if actual effort was put into making this room as welcoming as possible to Harry. Another good sign at least.

The view out of the windows shows that behind the Manor opens up to a large field before a pond and forest starts behind it. It looks perfect for playing Quidditch and is it likely exactly for that. What Pureblood estate doesn't have a Quidditch field after all? It seems to be a side affect of having only one main sport in their world. At least in the Muggle world, there are others, even if football is the main obsession. Here you have Quidditch or nothing. It's a shame because football would, at the very least, would adapt well to magic. Or, you know, they could come up with another sport altogether for a variety, but no. Quidditch or bust.

It's a good thing both of them love to fly, even if Harry is more into Quidditch than Alec. Oh Alec likes it fine, he'd just rather fly than chase after something or hit something. His thing is more of an obstacle course set up than a game. Harry on the other hand is a phenomenal seeker. He's the best seeker Gryffindor has had in a long time. He's even better than Charlie, who held that title before him. They know because they've played against each other before at the Burrow.

He's one of the few that knows that it's Harry and not Alec on the broom. The twins trust Charlie, so they gave him the benefit of the doubt - in this at least. Because of course the hypocrisy knows no end, so everyone else thinks that it's Alec playing for them. It was the only way - no one wanted Harry, despite his better skill, all because of Alec's stupid title. It's ridiculous. So much of their lives is tied up with that title that neither of them know how to live without it. Both of their lives are defined and shaped by it. They are who they are because of it. It's enough to make a person go mad with it.

Harry sets his bag down and collapses onto the bed. The duvet is crushed velvet of all things. He can't help the incredulous snort that escapes him. This... this entire thing is so... honestly he isn't sure how to describe it. Unbelievable maybe. The clear favoritism is one thing. It's odd, when it's so obviously reversed. But even that is hard to take in after - everything else. Finding his biological Father, the so called adoption, the soul bond, everything. It all seems like some sort of dream. Like he is going to wake up eventually and find that nothing has changed.

Alec gets onto the bed and wraps himself around him. Harry moves closer, taking comfort in him. They have shared a bed many times before this. Ever since he could remember really, when things got to be too much, when one of them was feeling angry or lost, they would climb into bed with one another. Their - Alec's - parents never said anything about it. He doubts that they ever knew. The house elves were always the ones to wake them up. As soon as they were old enough to be out of their cribs they had separate rooms - for Alec of course, whether he wanted one or not. And he didn't, which they would have known if they had ever asked. Which they hadn't.

For all they blatantly neglected Harry, they weren't much better parents to Alec, in the end. Yes they spoiled him, gave him everything he could ever want, but it's not as if that is a good thing. And it's not as if he wanted everything they gave him. They made as many assumptions about him as they did about Harry. They had a certain image in mind and they never deviated from it. Alec was the Boy-Who-Lived. A hero. Naturally they knew what a hero would want - especially a Gryffindor one. There was never any doubt, for them, were Alec would go. He has no idea what they thought about Harry, if they did at all. And he has no doubt, just how disappointed they would be, if Alec wasn't Gryffindor.

Harry was not the only one who suffered from conditional love. It just so happened that Alec's went in the exact opposite direction as Harry's. Not that Alec will admit as much. Oh he knows that his parents did him no real favour, but he won't admit just how far it goes. He is always too focused on Harry for that. He has the idea that he has to be strong for Harry and nothing else. That's not true, no matter how much Harry might appreciate it. He isn't made of glass. He won't shatter so easily.

Alec belongs in Gryffindor if only for his fierce protectiveness. He is as loyal as any Hufflepuff, but with a much sharper edge to it. No one is allowed to disrespect his twin and get away with it, even if everyone does. He clings fiercely to Harry, using his neglect as an excuse to find his own purpose. All of those instincts were honed in even before they fully understood just what it meant to be the Boy-Who-Lived and his twin.

The boys in their dorm made the mistake of teasing them about this habit for about a month before they learned better. It was the month that cemented their roles in Hogwarts. Alec was loyal to Harry first over everyone else. Harry was Alec's shadow, forever by his side. It was pure survival at that point in time. Both of them had been overwhelmed by it all. Before that, even with the Potters pushing, neither of them had been particularly social as kids. They would rather be around each other than others. So when confronted with an entire school filled with new people they retreated even further back from them.

Only the Weasley twins had succeeded in climbing over their defenses. No breaking through because they are very much intact still. But they were clever and another set of twins no one could tell apart. They understood better than anyone else what it was like to have one person above everyone else to count on. They had problems, different from their own, but that still meant that they understood. That was one of the few reasons they succeeded when others did not.

The pranks didn't hurt either. Neither Harry nor Alec are pranksters by nature exactly, but they heard enough stories growing up, of the Marauders. They knew how to do it, if they wanted to. The planning was interesting and there is a certain creative element to it that you have to have a brain for. But they had heard too many stories were it sounded more like outright bullying than some harmless pranks to embrace the idea entirely. That didn't stop them from listening though. From learning. So the pranks were a part of it as well, if only a minor one.

He can feel Alec cling to him now and knows just how unsettled he is. Part of that is from Harry, yes. He knows that his nerves are impossible to hide. But part of that is also from him, whether he realizes it or not. This is an even bigger change for him than it is for Harry. It is going to be a bigger adjustment. He doubts Alec realizes just how big it is going to be. He's never had to deal with the opposite side of things for long. They have switched before of course, so he knows what Harry has had to go through. But at the end of the day, he was always Alec, the hero, the wanted one. Just as Harry was always Harry, the other twin, the unimportant one.

Now their roles are going to be reversed, it looks like. Oh Voldemort may not purposefully go out of his way to isolate Alec. In fact he better not or he and Harry are going to have problems. But otherwise? It is going to happen. It is already happening, that much was made clear by the welcome they had. All of the attention was on Harry, not Alec. Alec was the unwanted one. That is going to mess with him, no matter how much he doesn't want it to.

This is too many changes, too fast, for both of them. It's bound to come with consequences. Just because they don't know what those will be, doesn't mean that they won't be there. He just hopes this doesn't end up causing more problems than it solves. It wouldn't be worth it in the end.

Alec murmurs some vague reassurance, sending a burst of warmth through Harry. It is clear that he is thinking too hard. Worrying right now won't get them anywhere. He tries to calm his own nerves to help. Worrying only ties you up in knots, making things worse instead of better. They both need to calm down. Easier said than done of course, but he at least has to make an effort. They still have the rest of the day to get through before they can really sit down and let everything sink in. They just learned about the soul bond before coming here. It's been a long day and it hasn't even ended yet.

"Sleep," he says, because neither of them have the energy for anything else right now.

"It'll look better in the morning?" Harry asks wryly.

Alec snorts, smirking against Harry's chest. "I didn't think you were that optimistic. Or has all of these new found revelations given you new perspective?"

"Arse," Harry pokes Alec in the side, "Aren't you supposed to know sarcasm when you hear it?"

"Why? Do you use it often? And here I always thought you were serious." He blinks up at Harry innocently.

Harry snorts in laughter. "Hilarious," he drawls, but he is grinning so the effect is ruined. "Do you think anyone else is going to be there or is it just going to be the three of us?"

Alec shrugs. "Who knows. I'd assume it be just us, but Voldemort had to have been in contact with at least some of his people by now. They'll probably show up eventually."

Harry nods. "Yeah," he says absently, staring up at the ceiling. He really isn't sure what he thinks about that. He isn't sure what he thinks about a bunch of things to be honest.

"Sleep," Alec repeats, feeling Harry begin to worry again.

"Yes Mother." Harry rolls his eyes. Overprotective lion. Really though it doesn't sound like a bad idea. Give him a break from thinking. That sounds nice right about now. A yawn escapes him at the thought. "Hush," he pokes Alec again, stopping the comment that is sure to come.

"I didn't say a word," he says, still far too innocent.

"You didn't need to. Arse."

"Love you too brother mine." Alec grins.

Harry grins back, shaking his head. Then he signs and closes his eyes. Sleep, yeah, that's a good idea.

Alec watches, satisfied as he feels Harry begin to settle. He closes his eyes too, taking his own advice. Maybe things will look better when they wake up. Less confusing. The betrayal less harmful than it actually is. Doubtful because he isn't anymore optimistic than Harry is. But you never know. Miracles have to exist sometimes don't they? He falls asleep, lulled by the motion of Harry's breathing against his head.


"Masters Felix and Alec, it is being time to wake up now," Rizzy announces from beside the bed, "Lunch is ready."

The twins wake up with a start, alert by the new person who woke them, before they blink and remember where they are. Oh. Right. They are safe. Or as safe as they can be with a Dark Lord who doesn't appear as crazy as they have been taught all their lives, when one of them is said Dark Lord's son. Right.

"Is there being something wrong with Master Alec's room?" Rizzy asks as they detangle themselves from each other and stand.

"No," Alec smiles at the elf, "my room is fine. Harry and I sometimes share a bed is all. It doesn't mean you did a bad job."

Rizzy nods seriously. "Good. Master Marvolo is wanting you to be happy here. He is being extra demanding to make sure you is liking it here."

And isn't it interesting the Voldemort's house elf is willing to share this with them. It's also an interesting claim because he didn't seem overly excited when they arrived. Then again he wouldn't have, would he? Slytherins don't wear their hearts on their sleeves - or their emotions either. It's probably something their taught in school because it seems to be a trait the House shares. Whether it's by preference or for self defense, Slytherins like to pretend they're heartless. It's funny because they are just as passionate as any Gryffindor.

Harry has seen it time and time again. Maybe they hide away their emotions because they have so many of them. He was supposed to be in Slytherin and he knows that he certainly does. Hiding your emotions means your enemy can't use them against you. It means they are safe. But that doesn't mean they are gone. He has seen some Slyhterins really get into it when they've been insulted too. Or when they are really interested in something. Not that they knew they were being observed because Harry is good at sneaking. But he's seen them and he knows.

So it's not necessarily a surprise to hear that Voldemort has been driving his elves crazy making sure everything is ready if and when he came here. It's a nice reassurance actually because Harry's own emotions are still all over the place. The kip might have helped his nerves a little bit, but his head is still swimming with emotions. What messy things they are. How very inconvenient.

They straighten their robes and follow Rizzy to the informal dining room. If this is the informal one, who knows what the formal one looks like. Obviously there are different definitions of the word because this is much different than the one at Potter Manor. That one is smaller, cozy, seating only up to seven people. Obviously when Slytherin meant informal he meant not having a kilo long table. Instead the table has enough places to comfortably seat fifteen. It's a bit much. Or maybe he just entertained frequently. Either way it is different from what they grew up with.

Three places are set, with Voldemort sitting at the head and two more on his right. No guess who is supposed to sit where. Harry glances at him as he sits down beside him. Alec settles next to him easily, bumping their legs together under the table. He bumps back and gives Voldemort a questioning look.

"I hope everything was to your satisfaction so far Felix?"

Harry nods. "Yes. I liked it." He doesn't know what else to say. What should he say? It's not as if he's any good at small talk. He's not had all that many chances to develop the skill.

"Excellent. Feel free to ask myself or the house elves if there is anything else you need."

Harry nods again, still not sure how to take this. It's still so strange having all of the attention on him - because of him. At least when he was pretending to be Alec the attention was on him because he was playing the Boy-Who-Lived. He hopes he gets use to it soon because this is downright unsettling.

Voldemort taps the table twice and the food appears on it. It is a spread of things, not dissimilar to what you would find at Hogwarts, but better without so many different people to cater to at the same time.

The meal is silent, all three of them focusing on their food instead of conversation. That doesn't stop glances from being exchanged. All of them are looking at each other when they think they won't be noticed. It's a bit ridiculous actually. Aren't at least two out of the three people here supposed to be subtle? Alec knows he isn't, but Harry and Voldemort are Slytherins. Maybe he's stereotyping, but really. He's pretty sure that is one of the things Slytherins are supposed to be.

Well he knows Harry can be, when he wants to. He just usually chooses sarcasm instead. And he has the excuse of picking up some of Alec's habits - and he isn't technically a Sltytherin, no matter what the Hat said. But Voldemort? Maybe his time as a spirit threw him off. Or maybe he can't help himself. All he knows is that eventually he rolls his eyes and blatantly stares instead.

"Yes?" Voldemort asks when he notices this.

Alec shrugs. "I'd thought I'd save some effort since all that side eyeing was getting tiring."

Harry snickers as he stares down at his plate. He'd join Alec normally, but, well, let's just see where this goes first.

"I see. And just what are you hoping to accomplish?" he inquires mildly.

"Same thing you are," Alec answers without hesitation. He's never been one to hesitate before and he won't start now. Let's see what some artful poking can do. "You know that no one bothered to mention that you're actually attractive? All they talk about was the killing and the torturing and the insanity and all that, but they never mentioned your looks. Well, Dumbledore had a few things to say, but none of them seem to be true. Also I find that vaguely creepy you know? Why was he looking? Except for the red eyes though, you're very attractive actually. And," he leans forward, "the red is more brownish red. What is the name of that? None of that blood of your enemies red or any other rot."

Harry has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. It's true, of course, all of it. But Alec just had to put it that way. He's being blunt on purpose right now and not trying to hide the fact at all. This is exactly what he meant by Alec always playing his protector.

Voldemort blinks at that and then frowns in displeasure. "Should I be worried?" he asks snappishly, eyes narrowed.

Alec waves him off. "Of course not, I'm not the creepy one around here. That was Dumbledore, not me, remember? But I was wondering, is that how you got all of your followers? Seducing them to your side?" He smiles innocently.

Voldemort looks thunderous now.

"Also Voldemort? Flight of death? Isn't that a little, you know, pretentious? Over the top? Not nearly as impressive as you were hoping for? Because I don't know about you, but I think of something a bit different when I think flight of death. Something like fleeing in the opposite direction. Not very intimidating that."

"Leave. Now," Voldemort growls at him.

Alec smiles brightly at him. "Uninvited so soon? I just got here. Wow that was a fast record."

Voldemort's hand twitches as if he is resisting the urge to reach for his wand. If looks could kill then he wouldn't need the Killing Curse at all.

"Hate to eat and run," Alec pushes his chair out, "but it looks like that is just what I'm going to do. Have a nice day and all of that." He whistles as he walks away.

Harry looks between Alec and Voldemort. He knows what Alec was doing, but should he stay and push his luck or go?

"Stay here Felix," Voldemort says - orders. His hand twitches again.

Well that decides that then. He isn't waiting around alone for him to lose his temper. He isn't going to make himself that easy of a target. Plus he has never done well with authority figures ordering him around. It's a real problem. Drives all of his Professors mad too, but if they weren't being so stupid or condensending to him, then they wouldn't have that problem. He scrambles out of his seat and catches up with Alec, who is already out the door.

"Leaving so soon?" he asks, still far too cheerful.

Harry just gives him a look. "I didn't want to stick around to see if I was the after meal entertainment."

"He didn't threaten you did he?" Alec's fake cheer is gone in an instant as he asks.

"No," Harry shakes his head, "He wanted me to stay, but I didn't want to. It didn't feel right."

Alec frowns. "I didn't-"

"I know," Harry says, cutting him off, "you weren't being subtle about it. But I couldn't wait around to see how he was going to react. We'll just have to wait out the consequences together. I just," he shakes his head, not wanting to explain it. Not that he has to. Alec knows all about his - dislike - for waiting around for the other shoe to drop alone. He's borne the brunt of that more than once, whether it was his fault or not.

Alec throws an arm over his shoulders. "We still have our list of places to go if this doesn't work out. We'll be fine."

"If your parents or Dumbledore doesn't track us down and drag us back kicking and screaming that is," Harry adds, sick to his stomach. His meal rolls uneasily in it. Is this going to be it already? It hasn't even been a day. Then again should he have expected anything less? No.

"We'll be fine," Alec repeats, "We've planned for that too. We know how to avoid them. If worse comes to worse we know where to go for help."

"Right." The reminder of their plan does help. Their plan is to go to Luna Lovegood if all other options fail. As out of character as it is to rely on someone they aren't friends with and never really talk to for help, they know that Lovegood will. She is a strange Ravenclaw, yes, and everyone likes to call her Looney. But everyone likes to call them different things too, so they ignore that. But both of them have had a few conversations with her and while she is odd, that's not a bad thing. She isn't crazy, they know that for sure. And they get the strangest feeling that she likes them for some reason. So not only can they - probably - count on her, her house is the last place they will ever look for them. It helps that it isn't far from the Weasley's either.

But it's best not to mention her by name in case Voldemort is spying on them somehow. If this goes as badly as they fear than they'll be hiding from both sides until Hogwarts starts. Even if it doesn't it's never wise to reveal more than you should in hostile territory. That is exactly where they are. Just because they are supposed to be safe here doesn't mean it's true. That holds true for many of the places they live, so it isn't exactly new. Any place always comes with conditions. They just have to find out what Voldemort's are.

They go back to Harry's room and wait. Alec goes to get his bag and pulls out a deck of cards for them to pass the time. They decide on black jack if only because they don't feel like exploding snap and there aren't enough of them to make poker fun. The twins taught them that particular game and both are rather good at it. But it's no fun with two people - especially when there is a bond involved.

After a handful of games there is a knock on the door. They glance at each other before Harry calls, "Come in."

Voldemort enters, looking vaguely irritated that Alec is there before smoothing it over. "Felix," he nods, "are you alright?"

Harry just nods. He wasn't expecting Voldemort to come himself. If he is being honest he was actually expecting a summons of some kind. He'd have to march to wherever and hear the verdict himself there. Instead the verdict has come to him.

"You did not have to leave," he continues, "I would not have harmed you."

But would he have harmed Alec? And even if he didn't would Harry have been able to sit through the rest of the meal, knowing he was angry? No he wouldn't have. It wasn't as if he would have been able to eat anymore. He would have turned into a nervous wreck if he had. And when he gets nervous around adults he tends to be even more sarcastic than usual. It's a failing he is well aware of, but it's also something he won't change. Better to get all those thoughts out in the open where Harry knows about them rather than hidden inside their head where he doesn't.

Voldemort turns his glare onto Alec. "I know what you are doing," he accuses, "and it will not work. I suggest that you do not play games with me."

"Or what?" Alec challenges, head high, "You'll curse me? Throw me in the dungeons? Throw me out completely? Tell me Voldemort," he sneers the name, "what is the big, bad Dark Lord going to do to me? How are you planning on hurting me that won't hurt your son as well? Or do you not care about that?"

Voldemort takes a long, deep breath in an obvious attempt to keep his temper. "Do not provoke me," he says as if that isn't exactly the worst thing he could have said.

"Why?" Alec refuses to back down. They are going to work this out here and now. He won't spend his entire summer here, guessing, waiting for the dam to finally break. It won't do either of them any good. Best to work this out now.

"I have a temper," he says unnecessarily, "I will not harm you, I did mean that, but if you think I cannot come up with a suitable punishment for unruly teenagers than you are incorrect. Besides," he smiles sharply, "If I cannot than I know Severus can."

Alec refuses to show his reaction to that. Not that he's scared of Snape - he's not and he never has. Neither of them have been. But he's surprised that he would call Snape in instead of dealing with him himself. Maybe he's more conscious of his temper then they realized. All they have to go by at this point are stories. There's little doubt that those are biased too, so it's not as if they are exactly helpful.

Harry watches all of this carefully, gleaming everything he can. So Voldemort will just pass them off to someone else if they get to be too much trouble? Or is that just Alec? What about Harry himself? He isn't too worried about Snape either, although his detentions are never fun. He already knows what those are like. What does Voldemort consider acceptable punishment? And what exactly is his definition of 'unruly'? Because that's basically Harry's entire personality if he is being honest.

He won't change for anyone. He won't. He won't. If Voldemort can't accept him then - will never accept him - then he might as well leave now.

Alec glares even fiercer, feeling the shift in Harry's emotions. He's not sure what the trigger was, but something changed. He won't stand for this.

Voldemort glares right back. "Don't glare at me brat."

"I'm not the one you should be worried about right now."

It seems that that reminds him to look at Harry, who is also glaring fiercely at him. He is sitting behind Alec, not because he is hiding, but because that is how Alec positioned himself. He moves beside him now, refusing to back down. "We're both brats," he says, "or didn't you pick that up at the graveyard? Snape warned you after all. Did you think he was joking? I didn't think Snape knew how." He turns thoughtful, "I can see how he could use that to his advantage though. He'd give most of Gryffindor a heart attack and then he wouldn't have to deal with us anymore."

"You are not a Gryffindor," Voldemort corrects automatically, "You are a Slytherin."

"So?" Harry shrugs, "The Hat put me in Gryffindor in the end. What does it matter? Are you ashamed to admit you have a Gryffindor son? Disappointed that I didn't turn out right? Going to try to change me to fit what you think I should have turned out like? You won't like the results if you do."

Voldemort sighs, rubbing a finger along his nose. The motion is eerily similar to what Snape does. Is this where he picked it up from? "I am not disappointed in you Felix. I know you have been raised under trying circumstances. I meant those answers I gave to you in the graveyard. Before you were born I never saw myself as being a parent. But then you were born and I was determined to give you the childhood I never had. When I believed you dead I was devastated and I admit that this is when I became more violent in my attempts to win. Having you back is a gift from magic itself. I am not going to punish you for surviving."

Harry is struck by just how open Voldemort is being right now. Is it because he wants Harry to trust him? Or is it a way to manipulate him? He isn't sure. And how much does he know about Harry's childhood anyways? 'Trying circumstances' he said. Does that mean he knows what it was like? Or is he just assuming because he was raised by the Potters - a Light, Gryffindor family?

And just how much of this so called happiness over his return is from the idea of having his son back and not having Harry himself here? It has to be most of it. It's not as if they know each other very well. Or at all. How can he be happy about Harry if he doesn't know Harry? He doesn't even call him by his name. It's always Felix. Sure that was his birth name, but it isn't his name now. If he had a choice maybe he would change it, but he hasn't been asked. Voldemort is just assuming. Just like everyone else assumes. How is he any different? The unconditional love of a parent isn't real. Not to him.

He crosses his arms and keeps glaring. "So I'm damaged goods am I?"

"That is not what I mean," Voldemort glares back, "I mean that I know there are going to be some difficulties involved. I am not expecting the perfect son. And I know that you come with," he gaze flickers to Alec before going back to Harry, "some unexpected additions. But I do have a temper, I do not deny that, and I do not always have the best control over it. I know you are trying to purposefully provoke me, but I ask you not to." Again, it's one of the worse things he can say, "I realize that is like waving the flag in front of the bull, but please resist the temptation. This is going to be an adjustment for all of us without it. I do want to make this work."

Well at least he knows he's saying the wrong thing. That still doesn't make it much better. In fact in almost makes it worse. Why tell the enemy where to attack? Or is this supposed to be another show of trust? It doesn't make any sense. Why? Why is he going through all of this trouble? Why does he care at all?

There is a swell of warmth the runs through him. Already he can associate it with the magic of the estate and Voldemort's magic. He's heard of Family Magick before of course - every Pureblood child learns about it and it's one of the reasons family is such an emphasis for them - but he has never felt it before. Just another reason that he never fit in with the Potters. It is far too easy to stop thinking of them as his parents because they never felt like that to begin with, did they? There always seemed as if there was a barrier between him and them. Never between him and Alec though.

Now he knows why. Even blood adoption cannot change Family Magick if there is not a complete acceptance of the parents. Obviously no matter how much the Potters wanted a replacement kid, they didn't want one badly enough that his origins didn't matter. He came from a Dark family after all. What a terrible thing. Honestly, the hypocrisy knows no ends.

But learning about it is one thing - feeling it is another entirely. It's like nothing he has ever experienced before. And he doesn't know if he should be experiencing it now. Is it trying to reassure him? Comfort him? Should he be expecting it to surge at random times? He just doesn't know. It is comforting yes, but unfortunately for it that only makes him wary of it. Anything too comfortable is something to be suspicious about. What if it's a trap? It's definitely his trust issues talking here, but when that particular issue never really belts up it is hardly a surprise. Jaded might be a bit of an understatement.

"Right," Harry says shortly. Everything else he could say sticks in his throat. He has no idea what he is doing. He has no idea how to be anyone's child. That involves a level of vulnerability that he doesn't show people. It's too dangerous. How is he supposed to make this work?

Alec reaches beside him and entwines their fingers together. It helps steady him.

There is a pause before Harry adds, "Father." it sounds clumsy in his mouth. Unyielding. It is nothing like the first time he said it in the graveyard. Hell he even managed to hug Voldemort then. Where is that confidence now? Then again he was also riding on the high of the discovery. He would have hugged anyone at that point - even Dumbledore. Well, no, not Dumbledore. That is taking things a bit too far. Snape would be a better example. Given the opportunity he would have probably have done so. Oh the look on his face would have been worth it too.

"You may call me Marvalo if you are uncomfortable with Father," Voldemort tells him, "Both of you may," he adds, "Voldemort is rather pretentious for people trying to form a family," he raises an eyebrow pointedly at Alec.

Alec raises one back. Yeah, alright, he can play nice for now. This is a better reaction than he could have imagined anyways. Best give it a couple of days before he begins poking again. Lull him into a false sense of security if he is stupid enough to buy it.

"I will leave you to your game now. I will be dining in my study for supper so I will not be joining you tonight. The Manor is open for you to explore. If a door is locked then it is locked for a reason - a safety one and not a challenge," he adds, still looking at Alec when he says this, "Otherwise it is open for your curiosity. The house elves will assist you if you get lost. Have a nice night Felix. Potter." With that he turns and leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

Harry and Alec exchange a look.

"Well then," Alec says what they are both thinking, "so far so good?"

"Seems like it," Harry shrugs. He considers asking some of his questions now, but then decides against it. This day has been exhausting enough already. He doesn't need to add any more new information on top of it.

"But really though, now I want to find a locked door just to prove a point."

Harry laughs because he noticed how Vold- Marvalo was looking straight at Alec when he said that too. "And have me open it instead?" he asks knowingly.

"You know me so well," Alec winks.

Harry grins, shaking his head. "Let's save that for later. Why waste all of our tricks on one day?"

"True," Alec nods solemnly, "things might get boring otherwise."

"Merlin forbid," Harry mutters, collapsing back onto the bed. "Ugh I'm about ready for another kip. Why are emotions so exhausting?"

"Because they live to inconvenience us?" Alec joins him, stretching out so their linked hands are in a comfortable position.

Harry sighs. "Sounds about right."

Alec hums in agreement. "You can sleep if you want to."

"Then I'm going to be up all night."

"How is that different from any other night?" Because Harry has terrible insomnia. It's one of the few things they don't share. Alec has always slept through the night fine. Harry on the other hand, was up and wandering at all hours, hoping that his walk will tire him out. It never really works, but it doesn't stop him from trying.

Harry sighs again in defeat. There is nothing worse than lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, because his body won't function like it should. He envies Alec's ability to sleep whenever and wherever he wants. That's nearly impossible for him. When James gave Alec his invisibility cloak he likely never imagined it would be Harry who used it more. Especially not for something so innocent as roaming Hogwarts in the middle of the night. A bit tame for his tastes.

He closes his eyes though because sleep is sleep. So what if it is barely afternoon? At least he is able to today. That's not an occurrence that should be taken lightly.

"I'll guard against boggarts," Alec teases.

Harry sticks his tongue out, but doesn't move more than that. "Arse," he mutters, already half asleep.

"Love you too brother mine," Alec says softly. It's the last thing Harry hears as he drifts off.