Prompt: Haha lol maybe Gabriel doesn't want to be involved in yet another war. Since he could obviously turn the tide of the battle like … with a snap. *snap* XD

[reply:] That would be a very fast ending though.

This was kind of a "lol" chat I put… Harper_Malfoy and I were trying to write some cool Gabriel fiction. I mean, yeah, you'd wonder why the angels didn't help out already. But still. It would be so boring otherwise, right?

Review replies. Update May 3, 2018 (because I was lazy last time).

nafoloHrepuS: This is pretty good - I am surprised I earned the title of "pretty good". I guess it's better than "not good"?

deathnoteno1fan-codegeasslover: Love this and I might PM Later this week probably Friday or Saturday. Lol! I can think of so many ideas. - Aw and "later this week" does that mean "later this week next year"? You posed that March 6. So... yeah. :p

Harper Malfoy: I love this! I hope you write another chapter soon. It would be fun to have a chapter dedicated to Gabriel giving out Just Desserts if you need any ideas. I would write myself but I have really bad chronic laziness so I tend to try and focus on one story at a time (it doesn't work, trust me). ANYWAY, I really, really love this. You have an absolutely amazing writing style. :) - Yeah and we're still kind of unsuccessfully writing some stuff. xD

Guest: :Yay! I hardly see Gabriel in any fanfics. Great job! Please update soon - Alright you said "soon" March 19. I updated kind of soon?

young supernatural fan: I know you update this whenever you want to, but, PLEASE PLEASE ! CAN YOU PLEASE UPDATE SOON!? - Well I updated it a bit faster than I thought I would. With a shorter, weirder chapter. BUUUT yeah. By young, do you mean "younger than 16 because technically the age for it is 16 but I'm still watching it anyway"?


"Loki, please join us in this war! We could use the help of a god. Please?" It amused the Winchesters and Gabriel to see the almighty Order of the Phoenix metaphorically on their knees, begging. Well, Dean was certainly going to join them anyway. Mr. Evil Noseless shouldn't be allowed to run around without a soul. It was probably against the whatever order of... everything! He was about to reply when Gabriel talked first.

"I'll join you self-proclaiming light side guys. What is this, Star Wars?" The wizards stared at Gabriel in horror. What was a star war?

"... whatever," Gabriel sighed. Those wizards were just like his little brother Castiel. Completely ignorant of everything important. At least they had candy.

A bit later: "So any good plans yet?" One of the Order of the Phoenix Aurors asked. "Should we try to ambush them, defend Hogwarts, or what?"
There was silence.
"Are you all prepared to confront the Dark Lord?" Gabriel said Dark Lord very mockingly.
"Well duh," another Auror said. "We've trained for that ever since the original Order."
"Order sounds like a Jedi thing," Dean muttered under his breath.

A few seconds of an awkward pause later:
There was the very audible sound of someone clicking their fingers. All heads turned to Gabriel, whose hand was in the air.
"What?" he asked nonchalantly. "I thought you'd be more concerned with the Dark Lord in your midst."
The Order turned around to see their most feared nemesis on the dining table, in a taco costume, complete with sauce and extra lettuce.
Dean couldn't contain his giggles. "You should have put him in a hamburger costume instead."
The Order also wondered internally why he wasn't attacking them. No one wanted to voice this thought, for fear of Mr. Dark Lord suddenly doing that exact action.
"His magic was bound, and he's tied up," Castiel answered after a few minutes. "You know, invisible ropes?"
The only reaction from the witches and wizards was shock.
"I thought you were wizards, right, with all that magic mumbo jumbo, so what's wrong with invisible ropes?" Dean asked.
"You can't bind someone's magic!" Hermione said. "I read it, in…"

"They're freaking Angels of the Lord," Dean cut her off. "They have the mojo to do stuff like that."

"That doesn't explain anything! I thought he was a pagan god?"

"I was talking about Castiel," Dean said after a moment. Anyway, he thought that 'angel of the Lord' was a sufficient explanation.

April 30, 2018.

The original version of this story is a series of notes about a "what if" and well, it was kind of funny. Plus I haven't updated the story, and I did say I'd update it whenever, right? Happy May everyone!

Review replies added May 3, 2018.

May the Fourth be with you! (tomorrow)