2 months later:

Ember ran around the room trying to get everything in place before the Mayor came home. He lit candles and slipped out of his clothes. He laid down on the bed and arranged his bow. Just as he got settled, he heard the front door open and close.

"Em?" Regina called into the silent house, then rolled her eyes at herself. Henry had finally rubbed off on her.

"Upstairs." He smiled as he listened to her heels land on each step. The bedroom door opened as she walked in.

"I hate end of the year council meeti..." Her eyes landed on the very naked body of her mate. He was bare except for a large red Christmas bow over the apex of his thigh. She smirked. "That is a very nice package you have there, Mister Swan."

"Santa delivered it just for you." She took off her jacket as she stalked toward the bed.

"Oh yeah? Do I have to wait until Christmas to open it?" Her smokey voice asked as she unbuttoned her shirt. Ember's favorite lacy red bra peeked out from the gap.

"No, he said it was a special open as soon as possible gift." She let her shirt fall to the floor along with her skirt.

"And I can do anything I want with my gift?" Ember nodded enthusiastically. She put one foot on the bed beside him and rolled her stockings down, then repeated the process for the other side. She tossed them aside. "Well then, let's see what Santa left me to work with." She yanked the bow away. Ember yelped as the sticky tab on the back of the bow took some hair with it. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, didn't count on the thing sticking did you? Let's me see."

She sat next to him, not surprised to find him ready for her. She ran her finger up to his tip and back down again. Ember held his breath.

"I've very impressed by my gift. Santa has good taste. Do you know what I would like my gift to do?"

"Tell me."

"I would like my gift to take control. I've been telling people what to do all day, it would be nice to not have to think for a while." Ember's mind when crazy with all of the possibilities.

"Strip." Regina snapped her fingers and was free of her bra and panties as well as any make-up she had been wearing for work. He rolled off the bed and entered their closet. Ember's belonging took up half of the space, now that he had officially moved in a few weeks ago. He pulled what he would need out of their toy box. "Lie down on the bed, face down." It always excited him when Regina would get into one of these moods. He proceeded to tie her arms and legs to the bed, then straddled her thighs.

He opened a bottle of apple scented massage oil and coated his hands. She moaned as he started to work the tension out of the muscles of her shoulders and back. He worked slowly until she was putty under his hands. When he reached the globes of her ass he let his fingers wander down into her wetness. His fingers slid into her from behind.

"Ember" She whined into her pillow. He landed a soft smack on the side of her butt.

"Quiet." She clenched her inner wall when the sound of his firm voice went right to her core. He pumped in and out of her until she began to pull on the ropes attaching her to the bed. Without missing a beat he covered her body with his and entered her from behind. She gasped at the fullness she was suddenly feeling. He kissed her shoulder and across the back of her neck until he came to her mark. His teeth nipped at the crescents there. A jolt of heat traveled through he body each time.

He felt his climax approaching. He angled his thrusts to hit her g-spot. His lips brushed against her ear.

"Come for me, beautiful." She swore into her pillow as he closed his mouth over her mark and sent her over the edge. He continued to thrust into her in until he felt his own release. He stayed inside her for a moment, enjoying their connection, then waved his hands to release her limbs from their bindings. He pulled out and gathered the woman in his arms.

"Did you like your present?"

"Mhmm. I have a gift for you, too, but I need a minute for my body to work again." Ember chuckled.

"Take all the time you need, Sweetheart." An hour later they both woke from their impromptu nap. Regina sat up and stretched, her body felt incredibly relaxed. Ember pulled himself up to sit against the headboard of the bed. She climbed across his lap and reached for the drawer on the bedside table. Regina tried to move to the other side of the bed, but Ember's hands on her hips stopped her. "Stay." She settled against him and bit her lip as she handed him the long rectangular package.

He scrunched his eyebrows and shook the gift next to his ear. He could make out some rattling inside, but not enough to guess what it was.

"No hints?" Regina shook her head. He carefully tore the wrapping from the outside of the box, to reveal a black velvet jewelry box. Green eyes flicked to unreadable brown as he pulled the lid of the box open. When he turned his gaze to the inside of the box, he traced the object with a single finger. Tears filled his eyes.

"Really?" Regina's own eyes mimicked his.

"Yes." He gently wrapped her in his arms and rolled them over. He looked down at her, green eyes full of pure happiness. He placed a firm kiss on her mouth then wiggled down her body, until his cheek was pressed to her stomach, his fingers stroked the smooth skin.

"Hi, baby, I'm your daddy."


Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for going on this journey with us. Your comments were always a pleasure to read. If you are sad to see this story come to and end...don't be. We have plans to make a sequel. Yay!

Even though this story is complete, please don't hesitate to leave a comment to let us know what you thought.
