Chapter Six
Temperance Brennan found her peace in the lab, more specifically in modular bone storage. She could spend days down in the basement, simply identifying remains. She had completed all of the paperwork that needed to be done and now she was simply avoiding any chances of running into Booth again.
It isn't that she didn't want to see Booth, she was beyond ecstatic that he was alive and healthy. But, she was confused, all of these feelings that she had kept at bay were now bubbling to the surface and she wasn't sure what to do. This confusion led her to hole up in modular bone storage and work on remains until she could process all of her feelings. Did she feel things for Booth? Was it just the reaction to his "death" and the way she felt when she realized that Booth didn't know how much he meant to her? Or was it both? Did his "death" make her realize that she should act and let Booth know what he meant to her before it was too late? A part of Brennan couldn't figure it out, and the other part wasn't sure she wanted to figure it out. From her spot in the basement, she could hear the lab doors open, but she didn't hear Booth's gait, she heard someone else's. She packed up her remains and decided to go see who had entered the lab.
"Hello?" Brennan uttered as she opened the door into the lab.
"Dr. Brennan?" Sweets asked, walking towards the scientist's voice.
"Dr. Sweets? What are you doing here on a Saturday?"
"Well, I was looking for you. Can we uh- can we have a word in your office?"
"Nobody is here, we could talk anywhere. But, I guess my office is the most logical choice."
Sweets nodded and followed the anthropologist. He quickly rehearsed his apology again in his head before actually speaking it to Dr. Brennan. Brennan sat down at her desk and motioned for Sweets to sit in the chairs across from her desk.
"What did you want to discuss that was so important it had to be done on a Saturday?" Brennan questioned.
"Well, uh, I wanted to see how you were, and maybe talk about Agent Booth's death, er- the faking of it all."
Brennan immediately stood up, anger entering her blood, "That has passed and I very much wish to avoid talking about it. Especially with you. Did Booth send you here? Please leave, I have no desire to consult with you about this."
Sweets stood up too, and held up his hands to try and defend himself, "You don't have to talk to me about anything, but if you are feeling things that you don't normally I would suggest talking to someone. Booth maybe?"
Brennan scoffed, and crossed her arms, looking like a stern school-teacher.
Sweets continued, "Anyways, I came here to talk to you. I just, I did something and I feel like I should apologize to you."
"I accept your apology for interrupting my Saturday and my work. Now please, I really would appreciate it if you would leave."
"No, Dr. Brennan, I need to apologize because wh-when Booth died, or when the Bureau decided to fake Booth's death, he uh, he was allowed to notify 5 of his loved ones."
Dr. Brennan was still very unsure of Sweets' motives. His words were only bringing more pain into her heart. This list sounded familiar, but she couldn't remember why or how it could possibly sound familiar. Booth had notified his loved ones, but obviously, he did not include her in that five. She took a few deep breaths, it was okay. At least Sweets had told her this before she told Booth how much he meant to her.
"Dr. Brennan? Dr. Brennan? I have that list, here," Sweets pulled Brennan out of her thoughts and was holding a small piece of yellow pad paper out towards her.
With tentative fingers, Brennan grabbed and opened the note. She felt a tear break formation and run down her cheek. Her name was first on the list, right there in Booth's handwriting. It even had multiple underlines underneath it. Booth had told her he had written her name exactly like she was seeing it now. More tears began to fall, as Brennan remembered the teary conversation she had with Booth when they were reunited. Wait, but then—
"Why wasn't I notified? My name is right here?" Brennan's confusion and sorrow were worn right on her face.
"Yes, Dr. Brennan that's why I came here. Cullen, he gave me the list to review, for reasons of national security it was imperative that the fewest amount of people knew Booth wasn't actually dead."
The pieces were coming together for Brennan and all the sadness she had just felt morphed quickly into rage. Sweets had done this. He had caused her not only pain but also caused feelings to surface that she didn't want or need to surface. Without thinking, she lunged forward and struck her hand right across the psychologist's cheek.
Booth had just entered the lab when he heard the unmistakable sound of skin slapping skin. Not knowing of anyone else in the lab besides Bones he quickly ran to her office to see if she was in danger.
"Bones? Bones? Are you okay?" Booth ran into her office, nearly colliding with a keeled over Sweets and one furious Bones.
"Sweets? Bones? What is going on here?"
Sweets stood up and in doing so revealed his now flaming red cheek, "I hope we can finish this conversation at some point, Dr. Brennan? I need to go find some ice, but maybe Monday during your partnership session?"
"That won't be necessary. I think you have said enough."
Booth was starting to figure out what must have happened between his beautiful scientist and the obnoxious shrink. Sweets' cheek was losing its red tint, but it still looked painful. The kid was grimacing as he spoke to Dr. Brennan.
"Alright. Well, I am sincerely sorry. I will see you both on Monday?"
The partners looked at each other then nodded their heads. Communicating between themselves silently was one of their best talents. Sweets just smirked, glad that the partners seemed to have worked out most of the issues.
Booth tentatively moved from the doorway towards his partner, she had turned her back and was facing her desk.
"Hey, Bones? Are you okay?" Booth was sure he would be the next victim to one of Brennan's slaps, but not for the first time since he'd come back from the dead, she surprised him.
"I will be. This whole ordeal has caused my rationality to suffer and I very much do not enjoy it." Brennan kept her back to him, trying to wipe away any stray tears before she faced him.
"And that's okay, it's okay to feel and do things that aren't rational all the time. I mean, look at me!" Booth stepped closer to his partner, hoping to elicit some kind of positive response.
Brennan turned around at his comment, "But you are you, Booth. Of course, it works for you. I'm, well I'm just me. I have to be rational, logical, it's- it's who I am."
Each part of Brennan's response hit Booth in a different place, he felt like he needed to address all of it right away, "Woah, woah, Bones, hold on here," he stepped closer to her closing the small gap that was there, "First, you are so much more than "just you" you are Dr. Temperance Brennan, world renowned forensic anthropologist, best-selling author, beautiful, wonderful partner to the charming Special Agent Seeley Booth," Booth flashed her his charm smile at the last one, "You are extraordinary in every sense of the word, rationality and all. Even if you decided to go rogue and be a little irrational, you'd still be extraordinary! Temperance, you are the most lovely, hard-working woman I have ever met, just because you are feeling things that some might consider a little irrational, that doesn't change the core of who you are."
Booth's words hit Brennan and her feelings only strengthened. She wanted to flee, avoid these feelings, avoid Booth, but something was holding her there, making her face him and the feelings. Soft tears were falling down her cheeks and Booth reached out his hand to wipe each one away. She hadn't noticed how close they were until Booth's strong hand was cupping her face. At that moment all of her thoughts of what was/wasn't rational left her mind, and she threw her arms around Booth's neck. She tugged him as close as she possibly could, breathing all of him in.
The uncharacteristic movement from his partner caught Booth off guard for a few seconds, but he quickly wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her just as tight. He could feel her walls, they were still up, but somehow they were thinner. Booth was able to see more of her, even if she wasn't aware or didn't want him to. He knew that he was crossing the "partner" line, but he couldn't help but press a soft kiss onto Bones' temple. She was so fragile and vulnerable, he just wanted to be here with her, hold her, and make her feel better.
"Bones? I am so sorry, so so sorry," Booth whispered into Brennan's ear.
Brennan pulled slightly out of the embrace so that she could see Booth's eyes, "No, Booth, this wasn't your fault. It, it just happened and it's over now, thankfully. But, this is not your fault, you meant to tell me but Sweets thought I could handle it. I thought I could handle it, but obviously, it has caused me to feel things that I had no intention of feeling."
"I am so so sorry, Bones. I understand if you want to slap me too. I got the letter I wrote to you during this whole ordeal, you can read it if you want," Booth stepped back, releasing Brennan.
He dug through his jacket and pulled out a sealed envelope. Brennan quickly noticed her nickname across the front fold. She didn't know if she wanted to read it. Should she? Booth saw that she was lost in thought and carefully moved to set it on her desk.
"I'll just leave it here, um did you wanna go catch some dinner? I could drop you back by here after so you could finish your work?" Booth tentatively asked.
Brennan looked curiously at the note and decided to leave it. She needed a break from emotions and decided a nice meal with her partner would be refreshing. "Sure, that sounds good."
The partners each had things they needed to share, and they each knew that they had plenty to discuss and process together before things could return to normal. They both also, in the far corner of their minds realized that things might not ever return completely to normal, but maybe that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.
A/N: What did you all think? Do you want more? Thanks so much for reading and replying! All of the reviews are SO wonderful and nice, they spur me on when I have bouts of writer's block. Really, thank you all! - Blue