Here's the next chapter!
And I can already tell you that Nate the Werehog and I have a Brilliant plan up for next chapter, all set with a wide arrange of things we definitely want in the chapter and a good view on how we want what to be written in it. So you can really expect something great, that I can assure you.
Now this chapter will be very important as it will slightly hold the base on one of Harry's actions for next chapter. Also, the whole visit to Azkaban will be in one of the chapters of Harry's stay at Hogwarts as we don't want him to know of Sirius until after Remus realizes Harry can handle the full truth.
Okay enjoy,

The Venquine
Co-author: Nate the Werehog

Chapter 10
Trust gained

Harry's POV
11th of May 1991

It's been months since I have last seen my parents and grandparents, but I had vowed to myself not to visit them again until I had at least three of the Keyblade's Elements under control and I'm still, for some reason, struggling with the Ice Element – even with the fabulous instructions of Uncle Vexen.
The man has been my main mentor for the last three weeks yet we are still unable to find out why I can't control the ice as well as I do fire and Healing, an element I quickly learned thanks to Uncle Marluxia. Uncle Xemnas had been very disappointed when he had to tell me he had no teacher for the fire element.
Axel, the man that had sacrificed himself, had after all been the Fire Nobody and because he was not there with us I had to do with Uncle Xemnas and his control over the Ethereal Blades, something which really helped me in the end as it sped up my control and ability to focus on how much fire I produced.
It had made sure I learned to use and control fire the quickest and within 2 weeks and 2 days I was able to let fire surround me in a whirlpool of small flames and embers without the flames going out of order or coming too close to my person. This had been the end of my fire and the start of my healing training.

That training had been pretty hard as Healing was more than summoning leaves or flower petals and I had to learn how to meditate. It had somehow made me capable of connecting my mind and heart to that of Uncle Marluxia and had taken away a lot of my fears for them hurting or abandoning me.
I know I'm not quite there yet in this department, but I only use this method with uncle Marluxia as his mind is the calmest and he and Uncle Demyx seem to have the closest connections between their minds and hearts, something I can really use whenever I feel insecure about my future with them.

Currently I am focusing on the ice shard in front of me, a small basic form of practice Uncle Vexen has been constantly letting me start with so that we could slowly work up to harder material, the constant repeat of the same actions making me capable of getting further and further in the development.
The ice shard in front of me is about 2 inches thick and 1 inch long and my task is to first make the shard as long as it's thick before doubling them one by one, first the length then the thickness and so on and so forth. Once the ice shard would be 20 inches long and 10 inches thick I would start the next part.

But just when I have the ice shard 10 inches thick and 10 inches long do I hear the door to my room open, which is supposed to be impossible as uncle Vexen freezes it to help me focus on my room and surroundings. I lose my focus over the shard, flying in front of me and like many other times it shoots away.
I look up wide eyed as the icicle shard heads for my uncle, who seems to focused on our guest to notice and just in time do I feel a blur of human flesh shoot past me and push my Uncle out of the way, the ice shard splattering to pieces against the wall in front of me. I sigh relieved and look at the savior of my uncle.

To my shock it's Mr. Moony, who is panting and asks: "The Iced door is one thing, but what's with the ice shard? I didn't know Harry was getting defense lessons." And I answer: "I wasn't. Uncle Vexen is helping me get a better control over my strength over ice, one of the elements I as Keyblade Wielder can freely use."
The man looks shocked and I ask: "Would you have jumped and pushed me out of the way like that too, Mr. Moony?" The man smiles and say: "No cub, I would have reacted at least ten times quicker had it been you." This makes me smile at the man, my fear for him because of our first meeting finally gone.

Then Uncle Vexen spats, but his voice softens as he goes on: "And while I don't understand how your father's friend can't take a hint of a locked off door, would we do the same, little one. You deserve a safe and loving home and we'll ensure it no matter what." This makes tears blur my vision.
I then close my eyes and focus on my meditation, wanting to know this one last thing before I make a decision I have been doubting since my first visit to my parents. Vexen seems to understand what I want as I see him closing his eyes as well before mine fully close and I even my breathing.
Feeling my heart beat, pumping the blood through its many rooms and out to all the veins and arteries in my body, I focus on the power I feel behind it, strengthening it and giving my life's energy a purpose. Feeling that energy connected not only to the many points in my body but also outside of it makes me smile lightly.
I then focus on one of those beams leading out of my body, a dark brown one that seems to have amber and soft brown mixed with it, together with very thin lines of gray. Following it I feel the energy connecting to somewhere close and let my body reach out, feeling a strong, yet weakened form against my hand.

I open my eyes slowly and come face to face with Mr. Moony who is slowly pulling my hand around his neck and when he sees my eyes are open, he pulls me further against him. The energy now seems much stronger and I grab onto the man tightly, wanting to feel the warmth of his body and life energy.
The man embraces me with a strength I didn't believe he could have, but thanks to the energy coming from him can I tell this strength does not mean me harm and is only there to comfort, support and protect me, just like Uncle Vexen told me. I then close my eyes again and again even out my breathing.

Going back to the energy I feel within my heart I try to find those rotten dark black, dark red and dark gray lines that constantly suffocated my bonds with my family, but they actually seem much weaker now than the last time I did this, about 1 ½ months ago. This realization comes to me as a great relief.
I reopen my eyes and whisper: "I'm home." Making Mr. – No, Uncle Moony – smile at me as he and Uncle – no, daddy Vexen – chorus together: "That you are, little one/cub." They then look at each other and I smile at both of them, before turning to Uncle Vexen, wanting to tell him the wonderful news.

Just then a loud voice is heard and when we turn around we see Aunt – no, mum – standing in the doorway that now only a small layer of ice has around its frame. The woman smiles at the looks of the door and Uncle Moony says: "Just wanted to tell Harry some more stories about his birth parents."
The woman nods and I run at her, pushing my fears back and unwilling to let any kind of effects cause the return of those dark lines. I hug the woman tightly and she tenses for a second, obviously not having expected me to do so, but then hugs me as if I just couldn't make her happier than I do now.

Behind her Uncle – no, daddy Marluxia – is smiling at me and I mutter: "The Dark Lines are fading. They're almost gone." The man smiles widely and says: "Good to know that our care for you has really started to show affects on your previous upbringing and the damage it left on your person, little one."
I nod and mum says: "I'll go tell the others you are now willing to hug them. And tonight, we'll celebrate your amazing recovery. You do realize you've been with us for less than half a year, right?" I nod and daddy Vexen says: "That only further proves how well our son can grow with the right forms of upraising."

I smile at the man and Uncle Moony says: "Why don't you guys go discuss Harry's progress and then I'll let him tell his grandparents and birthparents about it with another visit to Godric's Hollow. Might be one of his last before he goes to Hogwarts school right next fall after all."
Three of my parents nod at this, but the thought of now, now that I am really connecting my heart, its energy and with it my life to my family, leaving Organization's Headquarters, here in Fairland's Estate, is something that scares me to death and makes me be against any further education the more they talk about it.
Yet I don't voice this as I can tell how much it excites Uncle Moony and while hoping my parents can confront the teachers and stop them from taking me away so they can continue my training their way and I can stay with them longer, do I happily leave to see my Potter family once again.

And that's where I end it.
Wow, that was amazing. I don't know if it wasn't too spiritual, but I just don't believe you can learn to control an element if you're not fully focused on it with both your mind as well as your body.
And I always believed that Wizards were stupid for not bringing in more exercise other than Quidditch and walking those many staircases. It makes them depend on magic more and more and weakens their bodies, thus creating weaker witches and wizards as they grow older, something I don't want for Harry.
So whenever you see something concerning Harry's training you will probably be reminded of his meditation as I will make the control over the elements both a physical as well as a mental task. And of course a Keyblade chooses its wielder by the heart, so that will be mentioned too.
Okay, enjoy,

The Venquine
Co-Author: Nate the Werehog