Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slit mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters.


Bella Swan is Isaholt Goddess of Earth, Life, Immortally, Destinies, Ideas, and Bonds. She is the wife of Hephaestus and twin to Hades…

Chapter .1.

I am known in the mortal world as Isabella Swan. But I am actually a goddess. I am Isaholt goddess of Earth, Life, Immortally, Destinies, Ideas and Bonds. I am the twin sister to Hades. Hence being the goddess of life and Hades being the god of death. The twins were the opposite.

Hephaestus is my husband and we have an open marriage. We will always go back to the other in the end mortal love was nothing like immortal love.

I went down into the mortal world to check on some of her families children which lead her to Forks and the Cullen's and the wolf pack. I sensed a child of my husband and 3 of my own children here.

I found out all the Cullen's were demi-vampire along with their cousins the Denali Clan. Also the wolves had the blood of the gods within them. She was the patron god of shape-shifters.

She found many demigods in Forks. Mike Newton, Jessica Stanley, Lauren Mallory, Austin Marks, Conner, Tyler Crowley, Eric Yorkie, Katie Marshall, Ben Cheney and Angela Webber. With her presence, the Monsters stayed away.

Edward had been controlling as she pretended to be his girlfriend. She was sick of the son of Apollo and the little midget who was a daughter of Apollo. She had decided it was time to leave. She wanted to get back to her husband.

Made a rainbow appear and called for Chiron.
"Lady Isaholt", Chiron says

"Chiron please send people you trust to Forks there are a lot of Demigods in that town and demi-vampires. There are also shape-shifters that need to go to camp half-blood too. Protect them three of my own is with that lot", Lady Isaholt says

"Names Lady Isaholt?" Chiron asks

Isaholt gives all the names before saving goodbye to Chiron. She now disappears from Forks and too the Underworld. The Guards let her by as she is Hades twin sister.

Hades was surprised to see his sister.
"Isaholt sister it has been long", Hades says hugging her

"You too Hades. I know war is blooming. Are you going to help?" Isaholt asks

"Why should I? After everything Zeus has done to me? He killed my Maria. He tried to kill my children. And now I only have Nico who tries to convinces me to help", Hades says

"Hades you need to let that go", Isaholt says

"I haven't even a seat on Olympus and I am the oldest besides you!" Hades growls

"I know brother. But Zeus will change his mind if you help with the war against Kronos", Isaholt says

"I don't even have a cabin for Nico and any children I want!" Hade growls

"Zeus will change his mind if you help", Isaholt says

"Can you guarantee that?" Hades asks

"Destinies are changing. Please brother do the right thing", Isaholt says

"I will not follow my brother. I am sorry my sister", Hades replies

Isaholt looks at him with sorrow.

"I do hope you change your mind. Everything is riding on you", Isaholt says

"No it is riding on Jackson", Hades spits out
"And also you", Isaholt replies, "Think of what I have said dear brother. I must see my husband after so long"

Isaholt disappears from the Underworld. Leaving a brooding Hades to ponder what his sister said and what could possible happen. Could he go to battle alongside Jackson? Could he battle his father? Could he make sure his only mortal child was not killed in this battle?...

Isaholt appears at her husband's favourite forge Mount Saint Helen. Isaholt walks into the forge and sees her husband working his muscles flex with his work.

He stops as he senses her. He smiles as he sees her. He had missed her so much.

"Wife", Hephaestus says

"Husband", Isaholt says

Hephaestus goes over and hugs her tightly and kisses her lips.

"How was your vacation?" Hephaestus asks

"I found children of yours", Isaholt says, "One is a vampire"

"I will claim them. Did you find any of your children?" Hephaestus asks

"Yes. I will tell you all about my trip to Forks later but now all I want is you", Isaholt says

Hephaestus smiles and they start kissing and removing clothing and going into their bedroom ay Mount Saint Helen. They had a lot to catch up with…

Edward was frantic with worry Bella was missing and Charlie wouldn't tell him anything. Bella didn't even take any of her stuff or her truck she just disappeared and Charlie was not even worried. Edward growls in frustration.

His family watch him worriedly.

"I guess the human wasn't worth it after all", Rosalie says

Edward growls, "She was better then you"

Rosalie snarls, "She up and left you no note or nothing. She is a cold selfish bitch who only cares about herself"

Edward leaps at Rosalie and the crash into each other and start fighting. Emmett pulls Rosalie away and Jasper pulls Edward away.

"Enough! No more fighting. We need to find Bella", Carlisle says, "Victoria could have gotten to her"

Edward snarls at that thought.

"Alice have you seen anything?" Esme asks Alice

"No. And I can't see our futures now either", Alice replies worriedly

There was a knock on the door and Carlisle goes to answer it. A girl with grey eyes was standing there.

"Hello are you Doctor Cullen? I am Annabeth Chase", Annabeth says

"I am can I help you?" Carlisle asks

"I am helping you. You are not who you think you are. Your vampires but more", Annabeth says

"How do you know we are vampires?" Rosalie growls

"It is easy. But now is not the time. Have you heard the stories about the Greek Gods going down and having children with mortals?" Annabeth asks

"Yes. But it is a myth", Carlisle says

"No it isn't I am a daughter of Athena. You are all demi-vampires. All of you have at least one godly parent. We were sent to get you", Annabeth says

"We?" Alice asks

"My boyfriend Percy is gathering the shape-shifters and another friend Grover is gathering the rest we were meeting at Camp. So come along", Annabeth says

"I am not going. I must find Bella", Edward insists

"I insist you come. Otherwise things can go wrong. Your Bella probably doesn't want to be found. Or Bella was never here to begin with. You don't know in the Greek World", Annabeth says leading them out to 5 Pegasus's.

"Those are…", Carlisle stats

"Pegasus's yes. They will carry us to camp half blood. Two to each Pegasus and hold on tight. Edward you can hold on to me", Annabeth says

They slowly and cautiously approach the Pegasus's and they didn't flinch away from them. They get up with their mates Carlisle and Esme, Emmett and Rose, Alice and Jasper and Edward behind Annabeth.

"Hold on tight", Annabeth says

The Pegasus's start to fly and Alice laughed at the feeling. Jasper was loving her emotions. They seemed to be going fast faster than anything else they had been on.

"What is your mother Athena like?" Jasper calls to Annabeth

"I met her once and she was good", Annabeth says

"Only once?" Esme asks, "But she is your mother"

"The god of the sky decreed that none of the gods could have contact with their mortal children. So me seeing my Mum was nice. I hope one day that the Lord of the Sky will let everyone see their parents", Annabeth says

"You mean Z…", Emmett starts

"Don't say his name we are in his territory. And it is offensive to the gods if you don't show them to proper respect", Annabeth says
"Could my Bella be a demigod?" Edward asks Annabeth

"I don't know as I have never meet her. I am sorry she could be anything", Annabeth replies

They fly and Annabeth tells them some Greek stories they need to know and the upcoming war.

"I can't believe these tales are not myths", Carlisle says

"Some of the stories about the gods are myths but you will learn which stories are true and which are false. Now there is Camp Half-Blood", Annabeth says pointing down below

The Pegasus's land with grace beside other Pegasus.

"Bloodsuckers are here", Jacob grumbles

"Why did you call them bloodsuckers?" Mike asks
"They are Vampires!" Embry growls

"You are werewolves", Rosalie growls

And all the others gasp. Soon a Centaur approaches.

"Enough fighting. We all live in peace here. Welcome I am Chiron and welcome to Camp Half-Blood. I take it all has been explained too you?" Chiron asks

"Most of it. But it is hard to believe", Sam says for the werewolves

"Hello Chiron", Emily says

"Welcome back Emily", Chiron say

"Emily you know him?" Sam asks

"Yes. I am a demigod daughter of Isaholt", Emily admits

"Isaholt?" Alice asks

"Goddess of Earth, Life, Immortally, Destinies, Ideas, and Bonds and twin to Hades and wife to Hephaestus", Chiron says

"Why haven't we heard much about her?" Alice asks

"Because she wanted to remain discreet. There are few tales of her. Some small tales. But they are there. Now we will show you all around", Chiron says

They were shown around camp and the cabins that stopped at 12 and jumped to 14 before stopping.

"Are the cabins sorted by gods?" Angela asks

"Yes. Cabin one is Lord Zeus's cabin he has one daughter but she joined the hunters of Artemis, Cabin two is Lady Hera's it is honorary as she would never cheat on her husband, Cabin three is Lord Poseidon's cabin he has two sons Percy Jackson son of a prophecy and Tyson who is a Cyclopes, Cabin Four is Demeter's cabin, Cabin Five is Ares Cabin, Cabin Six is Athena's cabin, Cabin Seven is Apollo's cabin, Cabin Eight is Artemis's cabin for her hunters when they visit, Cabin Nine is Hephaestus's cabin, Cabin Ten is Aphrodite's cabin, Cabin Eleven is Hermes Cabin, Cabin Twelve is Dionysus's cabin and Cabin fourteen is Isaholt's cabin", Chiron says

"Why did they skip 13?" Emmett asks

"Isaholt demanded 13 would be skipped because that number belonged to her brother", Chiron says, "She is very protective of her twin"

"Why don't other gods have cabins?" Esme asks

"That is a complicated question. We need the extra cabins for the other gods but we need Lord Zeus's approval of making them. Lady Isaholt has tried to give the gods equal rights. But Lord Zeus is stubborn", Chiron says, "As it is Lady Isaholt is on the Olympian Council while Lord Hades isn't"

"That is not fair", Kate Denali says

"And Isaholt would agree. But her hands are tired", Chiron says

"Where will we be sleeping?" Paul asks

"All humans will be sleeping in the Hermes cabin as Hermes accepts everyone the rest of you we have tents for the wolves and we know you vampires don't sleep. It is the best we can do for now. Until you are claimed", Chiron says

Suddenly a symbol appears above Carlisle, Garrett and Laurent.

"Hail Carlisle son of Asclepius, Hail Garrett son of Hercules and Hail Laurent son of Boreas!"

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)