Author's Note:
Hi everyone. This is my first ever attempt at a story. I absolutely love Mike and Eleven and all of the stories I've read so far. So I thought I'd give it a go.
Please review if you can!
Mike slumped his way to the front stairs of Hawkins High. Dustin and Will lagged behind. Still preoccupied with Dustin's brand new station wagon he inherited from his grandfather. Though they all had their licenses, he was the first to actually get a car. Mike doesn't think he's stopped smiling since.
It was the first day of his junior year. The boys hadn't changed much since middle school. Mike was still the president of the AV club and the boys still very much enjoyed their regular games of Dungeons Dragons in Mike's basement. Mike didn't see much for change, the others disagreed. 'This was their year' they had told him. Lucas was trying out for the football team, since he seemed to have gotten more atheletic over the summer and finally had his chance. Dustin was committed to finding himself a girl that didn't scoff in his direction, not having much luck so far though. And Will, well he hasn't told anyone exactly what his big plans for the year are but he promised the boys it would be big.
He was still contemplating on his friends 'changes' when a strong hand gripped his right shoulder and shoved him to the side.
"Out of the way geek boy!"
Mike fell to the ground with an oomph as Billy Skinner pushed him to the side to walk through the front doors of Hawkins High. He looked down at his bleeding palms and brushed the remaining dirt from it with his pant leg, as he did a small hand reached out for his shoulder and squeezed it gently.
"Are you okay?" It was a girls voice. One he recognised quite well but had never heard spoken to him directly.
He looked up to meet soft brown eyes. Elle Hopper.
She moved to Hawkins 6 months ago and wasted no time fitting in. A cheerleader and member of the high society of Hawkins High. Beautiful people seemed to have no problem getting it right in high school. And she was the prettiest girl Mike had ever seen. With big brown eyes and matching chocolate brown hair that reached just above her shoulders, her soft pink lips always curled into a smile that brightened her whole face, she was something to look at...
He'd be lying if he said he didn't watch her intently for the first few weeks of her being here. But never got the courage to actually speak to her. And now here she was staring at home, waiting for his response.
When Mike didn't say anything she offered a hand and helped him up. At six foot two he towered over her small frame, with her head just at his chest. Although he filled out a bit through puberty, he still had the same lanky and gangly build he did as a child. It was the reason, he thinks, they knock him around so much. He tends to fall quite easily. Easy pickings for a guy like Billy Skinner; star quarterback. He pushed his long ebony coloured locks out of his eyes so he could see her.
"I'm sorry he did that. He gets a little worked up on game day" she smiled sweetly at him as she tucked a strand of her short curly hair behind her ear. It was her boyfriend, Billy, that knocked Mike down minutes ago.
"No it's fine... I mean it's not fine but it also wasn't you that did it. So basically you have nothing to be sorry for... but I'm fine anyw-"
His rambling was cut short as his friends ran over to join them.
"Dude are you okay?" Will asked conerningly.
"That was so hilarious" Dustin chimed in a moment later.
"Yeah I'm fine and no it wasn't" Mike mumbled as he shoved a cackling Dustin. His friends curly hair moving wildly as he shook with laughter.
He felt something grab his hand and looked down as Elle brought his hand closer to her.
"You should get the nurse to check this. Just in case." She smiled up at him again as she lowered his arm. "See you around Mike." She started to walk away, Mike dazed after her.
She knows my name...
"And I'll see you tonight Will!" She added quickly over her shoulder before rushing in the double doors of the school just as the home room bell rung.
Dustin and Mike looked at Will questioningly before he shrugged at them and walked through the same doors.
"And why are you seeing Elle Hopper later?" Dustin asked Will with a narrowed expression as they sat down at their normal table in the cafeteria.
Mike was just about to ask the same thing, Dustin beating him to it. He looked at Will expectantly but before the boy could answer Lucas piped in.
"Uhh am I missing something here?"
Dustin quickly explained the incident this morning, pausing midway through to allow Lucas to chuckle at Mike's expense. Mike follows him off before Dustin continued.
"Okay... Will?"
The three boys looked at Will again. Will sighed and explained quietly.
"My mom and her dad have been seeing each other since the summer break. We are now in the weekly family dinner stage." He looked down at his tray, waiting for the other boys to take it in.
"Your mom is dating the sheriff!" Dustin nearshouted. Lucas elbowed him to be quiet as Will looked around to see if anyone heard.
"Elle Hopper has been in your house!" Dustin attempted again, this time in a half yell-half whisper.
"Yeah, she's actually really cool. She asks about you guys sometimes. She asks about Mike quite a bit."
Mike snapped to attention. "She does?"
He didn't hear any response. He looked over at the popular table where she usually sits. She was sitting next Billy while he animately spoke with his football friends. She looked bored, her chin resting on her hand as she looked around the cafeteria. Her eyes met with Mike's from across the room. She moved her arm off the table and flashed him a bright smile before looking down at her lap. Mike snatched his eyes away, his cheeks turning red. A little embarrassed she caught him staring.
"Earth to Mike" Lucas repeated, this time waving his hand in front of his face.
"Huh... What" Mike quickly snapped back the conversation.
"I said are you done with the next game yet?"
"Uhh nearly. A few extra plot points to add and it will be ready by next weekend." Mike answered.
"Thank god. We've been waiting forever dude" Dustin snickered. Mike flipped him off in response.
They continued discussing their plans for the next weekend throughout the rest of their lunch period. Mike managed to sneak a couple more glances over to Elle, when she wasn't looking that is.
Mike made it to the biology lab before any other students. Taking a seat right at the front of the room. It was his favourite class.
The other students started to pile in, including Elle who took a seat in the far left corner of the room next to her friend Jennifer Hayes, fellow cheerleader and popular crowd member.
"Alright. Let's get started. Welcome to AP bio. I see some returning faces and some new ones. Now before we get started, I have been told that this year it will be mandatory seating and lab partner assignments due to some issues last year." Mr Gaunt rolled his eyes as an audible groan rolled off the students in front of him.
"Yes yes I know. What a terrible injustice. Now listen out for your name and join your new partner at a lab bench." He continued.
Mr Gaunt started listing off names and Mike zoned out, not caring who he was going to be paired with, he would end up doing all the work anyway.
He was staring down reading the new textbook they had been given when he heard someone call his name.
"Hey Mike, do you want to sit here at the front?" He looked up to find Elle standing next to him looking at him expectantly.
"Uhh sorry what was that?" He uttered back.
She chuckled slightly. His heart skipped a beat at the sound.
"I said do you want to sit at the front? As in where you are sitting now?" She smilled again at him. He swallowed the lump in his throat.
"Were lab partners?" She nodded at his question. "Uhh yeah we can sit here unless you want to sit somewhere else. I like it up the front but I'll only sit here if you want to as well. I know some people don't like the front of the class. I guess it's kind of nerdy." She started giggling again at his rambling before taking a seat next to him.
"I really don't mind Mike. I like the front too." Mike managed to return her smile before returning his attention to the front of the classroom. Mr Gaunt had started to discuss the cell processes for plant based life. Mike's arm slightly brushed against Elle's. He heart started to beat a little faster.
This is going to be a long year.
He thought to himself. Stealing one more glance at her before sighing contently.