Hello! Yeah, published another story while I have others to attend to. I get it. I plan to publish the original GOT series when hype gets back up or if George R.R. Martin finally drops the book. As much as I love 3%, I will post unless the new season drops. I already have the chapters ready to go for the series but I'm to reluctant to post them because of timing.

Anyways, why the hell am I posting this when this series ended? Well I am a devout Bonnie worshipper, she is an undervalued character, and she's black. I'm black btw, but I feel as if she fell flat in the television series. I see it as for people in charge of production wants to meet a diversity quota to keep POC or even LGBTQ or disabled etc. people satisfied, even if a POC character falls flat. There is numerous amounts of possibilities to whereas the storyline could go post-season 4 but I felt like after that season everything was blargh. Terrible. I didn't watch but eventually found out what happened via internet, but it's sad. I'm just upset at lazy screenwriting and such.

Which is why there is a reason for fan fiction. Anyways, proceed on to read. This and three or four other chapters are dropping tonight-I was about to post on Mardi Gras last week because it would be perfect-but no my computer had to shut down in the midst of me writing the best ever summary. Currently, the summary is in construction but this one will suffice as of now.

"Ugh." Bonnie was carrying a medium sized box up several flights of stairs. There was no elevator in the building whatsoever, it may be a bummer to the physically disabled people but for Bonnie it was a steal for her at the cost of $850 for the unit at the Broseaux Complex.

Bonnie immediately dropped the box on the ground in front of the doorway. Exhausted. There were approximately a handful of other boxes scattered about the apartment, but that was not the last of her belongings. In the main foyer was her dining room table set and living room set, all wrapped up safely and soundly in bubble wrap.

I wake up feeling like you won't play right
I used to know, but now that shit don't feel right
It made me put away my pride
So long
You made a nigga wait for some, so long
You make it hard for boy like that to go on
I'm wishing I could make this mine, oh~

Bonnie went on to search for her phone. She looked on top of boxes, on the kitchen bar, the bedroom, before realizing she left it in the restroom. Bonnie grabbed it from the sink, and answered it.

"Hello Caroline."

"Hi Bonnie. Glad to actually hear you, it sounds like you've made it. How's the moving process for you?"

"Yeah I got here 6 hours ago. The movers came here before me and put the Pod thing outside. All I am doing is the boxes for today, the tough part is doing the dining room and living room sets since there is about 2 ½ flights of stairs.

"Ah I see," Caroline bemused in understanding, "but why can't you just ask someone to help you and all?"

"Well, I'll figure it out, Caroline. I'll get them up sooner or later." Bonnie leaned over the sink, closer to the mirror looking at her reflection. I look like shit. "How's Houston for you?"

"Oh, my god Bonnie. Now that you move we can finally hang out together again!" Caroline screeched. "Houston is beautiful as always, the workload at the court is overwhelming for me I'm kinda thinking of another career path but at the same time I like doing the law and all but…"

Bonnie continued on listening about Caroline working under the district judge, having cold-feet about law school, studying for the LSAT and etcetera. Meanwhile, Bonnie brushed her hair back a little bit, then decided to do a crown braid-but then the crown braid ended up looking ratchet so she took it down. Now, Bonnie's hair is just a hot mess, she sighed. Now I am shit. In the end Bonnie put her hair up in a hair-tie.

"—your new job?"

It took two beats for Bonnie to realize that Caroline asked her a question. "What? What did you say?"

"Okay, I'll rephrase that. How's your new job for you? Like were they accommodating with your move and all that jazz?"

"Yeah, I was told that I'll be reimbursed half for the move, and that I will start this Wednesday."

"Wow, reimbursement and two more days off?"

"Same," Bonnie says, "the company is a startup that offers VPN services to the local area."

"How local we're talking about?" Caroline countered. "Is this job worth the move? Because you know startup-culture is kinda sketchy Bon. . ."

"I'm talking about state at the max. Also I did not just move for the job, I have some family out here, and the job is in my area of interest. I'll wait and see what the office atmosphere looks like, Care, I'm a bit nervous about the job but if all else fails then I'll find something else to do." Bonnie says, pacing around the bathroom. "I'll talk to you later Caroline, I have some unpacking to do."

"Okay, goodbye Bonnie."

"Yep. Goodbye."


Bonnie and Caroline have known each other since undergrad at Cornell. Bonnie was majoring in computer science while Caroline was an economics major, they met through mutual friends and similar interests in on-campus organizations. After undergrad, Bonnie immediately enrolled into an MBA program in Columbia University full time while Caroline received an offer in Houston to be an assistant for a court judge. Bonnie graduated recently back in May, beforehand Bonnie was an associate at a VPN firm in SoHo part-time while she was in school for her MBA. Bonnie and Caroline both stay connected in their original friend group and graduating class of 2013 via Facebook and LinkedIn.

Bonnie was finishing up stocking kitchen utensils when she realized something. I can bring up the furniture upstairs. Bonnie raced downstairs to the foyer where all her stuff is around. She used hand motions, chanting. "Motus liberi." The furniture vanished, leaving traces of dust in it's place.


Behind Bonnie there was a old woman at the top of the flight of stairs. Creases and wrinkles decorated her face and excess skin weighed down her arms. Her skin is dark, a reminiscent of her years, she was short and her hunched back made her shorter. She was dressed in a cotton floral nightgown with fuzzy socks and pink slippers.

The assistance cane was all the support she had. When the old lady descended down the stairs creeks erupt from the wooden steps.

Bonnie stared at her, annoyed at the noise. Did she see anything? "Good morning, ma'am."

She should've waited until the old woman came down the steps, "Oh, why hello, miss." She drawled out. "I ain't recognize you from anywhere? Who are you?"

"My name is Bonnie. What is your name?"

"I'm Ida." Ida slowly walked down the wooden stairs, creeks followed behind and filled the void in the foyer.

"Eh, I have just recently moved here in the past 24 hours." Bonnie said over the noise. "I'm in apartment 3A."

The elder lady proceeds to continue on her journey downstairs. Bonnie's statement went through one ear and out the other on her part. She even walked around Bonnie, ignoring her.

Bonnie just shrugged it off. She is old after all. She doesn't know how senile she is.

Sighing in annoyance, Bonnie went back up to her apartment. There, all the furniture from downstairs is scattered about. The sofa landed on top of the boxes, while the dining table is flipped over against a wall, an armchair was on the ground, most of the chairs are lying on top of the kitchen bar counter. The dining and living room furniture made the unit more of a mess, Bonnie stared. I'm totally done with this shit.