This is for you Kouga/Kagura fans. It does take into some consideration a section that was an omake in an earlier chapter but my editor did point out it had a nice flow.


Sesshoumaru glanced back as he neared the edge of the clearing. "Kagura, I'll be at camp." Sesshoumaru couldn't help but prompt. He noticed with increasing irritation that she was still facing the wolf and hadn't turned away from the obvious lesser of the two opponents. He didn't expect her to be instantly at his side but she should have least started to shun the weakling.

Kouga looked up weakly at the woman before him. From his vantage point, he could see her face clearly. Only resolve shone staunchly across her face.

"Kouga, I have my answer." Kagura stated. Turning quickly on her heel she ran after Sesshoumaru calling "Sesshoumaru! Wait!"

Kouga watched in horror as the stately dog youkai turned. Sesshoumaru leaned in to whatever Kagura whispered into his ear, her hands against his chest armor, his hand on her arm, holding her close.

Kouga looked away. He didn't need to hear the exact words as she stood so close to that inbred dog lord. Kouga knew what she was saying. He felt like crying.

Of course, he knew he deserved it. He was weaker than Sesshoumaru. If Kagura hadn't shown up when she did, it was likely that he would have lost. He couldn't pull a "tactical retreat," like he could when fighting Inuyasha. He would have completely lost, which in a way was exactly the situation he was in now.

Months ago, Kagome had sat him down the night after the Shikon no Tama saga finished, when he had gone to fetch what the thought was his bride. She had told him, kindly, how great a person she thought he was. For a moment, he liked to believe her. Then she went on to explain that it didn't matter how great a guy he was, or tribalistic claims, or even strength. Women cared for who they care about for their own reasons that aren't always easy to explain. They just knew the guy they wanted to be with and who they loved spending time with. Kouga didn't really get what she was saying. He only knew that she was rejecting him and her consolatory 'you'll find someone someday' wasn't much help.

But Kouga understood now what Kagome had been saying. He also knew it was nonsensical bullshit from a human girl that knew nothing about how youkai worked. He was fooling himself if he thought that all the time he and Kagura spent together meant anything or that any arbitrary affection would keep her by him.

Kouga was so down he didn't even notice that Kagura had finished what she was saying to Sesshoumaru and walked over.

"Well, that was pathetic," she smirked.

Kouga felt like dirt. It was bad enough that he just got the crap beat out of him. The bruises and scraps had already healed minutes ago, but the wounds to his ego were still fresh. And now if felt like she was pouring salt into them. On second thought, he felt worse than dirt. He wished he was mere dirt.

"You bitch," Kouga muttered. She could have just left him. She could have just left him wallowing in his misery instead of rubbing it in. He had forgotten how cruel and mocking she was. She really was the monster he once called her. It took everything in his whole body not to lash out at her.

"No need for such language. I'm just calling it like I see it. I thought you would last at least half a minute longer than you did. I guess I overestimated you." Kagura gave a long-suffering sigh as she continued. "Well, I guess there's no helping it. We'll have to practice more often."

Kouga blinked in shock. "Practice?" he questioned, as he looked up and stared dumbfounded at Kagura. Her amused smile and outstretched hand were a true indicator of her intentions as she helped him to his feet.

She ignored his question. With a disgusted grimace, she picked off a piece of dead, scabbed skin on his throat. "Ew, you need to really get a good scrubbing."

"So you choose me," Kouga whispered, looking over her shoulder to see that what she said was true. Sesshoumaru had already left. Kouga slowly paced a hand on her hip, bringing her closer.

"Yeah. So don't make me regret it," Kagura gave a wry smile, wondering what that odd soft look that was in Kouga's eyes. The moment hung in the air as Kouga closed the distance between their lips...until Kagura smacked him upside the head.

"What was that for?," Kouga yelled jumping back fists at the ready.

"Just because I decide to go with you, doesn't mean I'm about to be pawed by you," Kagura sneered. "Furthermore you've got a lot of work before I won't be embarrassed to be seen with you. We're going to have to train at least two times a day. I hope your tribe will understand."

"They'll cope if I tell them to," Kouga shot back. He hadn't told them the whole story of Kagura but he was getting around to it. Then again it would be good way to show her that he was the boss. Crossing his arms, he tried looking as impressive as he could. "And I think we should refocus our training. None of those pansy games you try."

Kagura's smile turned devilish as her finger traced a circular pattern on his chest plate. "Aw. No games at all?"

Kouga felt his resolve melting, but still tried to maintain his macho stance. "Fine. But no more Blind Man's Bluff, okay?"

"But I thought you liked that game," Kagura playfully prodded.

Kouga's blush infinitely deepened as he stared into her eyes. Looking away quickly, he conceded, "Okay, but only every once in a while."

Kouga was shocked to have Kagura reach over and turn his face toward him. He was even more shocked at her pressing her lips to his in an unforgettable kiss that was unbearably too short for Kouga.

"Only every once in a while," Kagura smiled as she agreed. And then she shoved him into a mud-puddle.

The End

Omakes and Random Epilogue in one week if you gimmie some Love (or Hate) in
the reviews.

If you want a non-romatic ending, then go back two chapters to Ending 1. If you want to see the Sesshoumaru/Kagura one, then go back to Ending 2.