Disclaimer: If I really owned Inu-Yasha don't you think Sesshoumaru would have more screen-time (and occasionally less clothing. I have a lot of fangirl friends.)

By the way, I need a title! "Searching" is SO lame. Please give me your suggestions with your reviews!


Kagura gasped, surprised that she had been caught. She leaped down from her perch on a tree branch.

"How did you figure it out?" She asked while still maintaining her normal confident air. She had thought that her trick of pulling a slight breeze towards her, making her constantly downwind, had been subtle and effective. It seemed it hadn't been enough though, and she cursed herself for underestimating his tracking abilities.

Sesshoumaru dismissed her demand for an explanation as if she'd never made it. His visage showed no signs of his curiosity as he said, "Naraku has been dead for months. Why have you been following me for the last three days?"

Kagura felt suddenly very self conscious. Sesshoumaru was correct and she could tell he wanted an explanation of her unusual behavior. Of course, she wasn't going give him the truth. "I haven't been following you. We just seem to be traveling in the same direction."

Sesshoumaru didn't believe a word she said.

"If you are going to walk the same road as I, then do it outright." With that said, he turned and walked away.

Kagura blinked. She could have sworn she was hallucinating but it seemed like Sesshoumaru gave her permission to join him. . . in a cold, backhanded kind of way. She shrugged, deciding that it didn't matter as long as the outcome suited her purposes.


"Come on, Kouga!" Hakkaku begged his leader. "Shouldn't we stay here with the tribe?"

"*YOU* are staying here with the tribe. I'm going to be gone a while." Kouga said as he stuffed the last of his things into his pack. "It's just something I have to do."

"But the tribe is so much larger now!" Ginta worried his bottom lip. "What are we going to do!?"

"Your jobs! Don't you guys go on and on about being my right hand men? Then you be my damned right hand for a couple weeks while I attend to personal business!"

"But Naraku is dead!"

Kouga turned away from them as he slung his pack over his shoulder. "Not all of him."

I want to thank Mynuet, my dear beta-reader. You've listened to me rant, babble, and mumble for weeks patiently and actually figured out what I ment. My simpathies.

I'd also like to thank my RP group and shippy lists, and Thunk, who encouraged plot bunnies to thrive instead of die. Thanks a lot, I thought I was going to finally stop writing fanfics and get a life.