a/n: First of all, this is only my second Reylo fic so be gentle...or not. *wink wink*
Second, I would like to say a very special thank you to the lovely SpaceWolfQueen, Poaxath, and Benlorenlo for allowing me to vent my frustrations and concerns over this fic to you on tumblr. You don't know just how much you've helped me.
I hope everyone who reads this finds even a fraction of the enjoyment that I felt while writing it. Please take the time to leave a comment or kudos as they are the lifeblood of the fanfic author. To anyone from tumblr who has had to listen to me talk incessantly about this fic since the moment it popped into my head and you're still here, I hope this is worth it.

She commanded the attention of armies with a nod of her head. A wave of her hand and enemies were felled by the hundreds. A warrior whose battle cry was known and feared throughout the galaxy. A woman who didn't care in the slightest for the traditions of the past unless they suited the present and future she had chosen for herself.

And she was standing before him, awaiting his instructions.

The simple shift she wore left nothing to the imagination. Kylo could see the outline of her breasts, nipples already erect and begging for attention. He crossed the room without a second thought, desiring nothing more in that moment than to feel her body pressed against his as he devoured her mouth. She moaned into his kiss but kept her hands at her sides, allowing him free-reign over her body. His hands were soon ripping the flimsy cloth away from her skin, letting it pool forgotten at her feet. When his lips made their way down to her breasts, closing over one taut nipple, her hand came up of its own volition to grasp at the back of his head, to hold him closer. The entirety of her being was shaking from merely being on the receiving end of his affections that she barely registered when he switched sides. His teeth scraped at her sensitive skin once more before he returned to her mouth for one last kiss. With a grin that was made for sin, Kylo backed up so they were no longer touching.

"Shall we begin?"

A question, so simple in its articulation, that brought her to her knees.

Rey watched as he removed the tunic he wore, mouth watering at the sight of skin marred by scars, some of which she'd bestowed on him, that only she was privy to see. She darted her eyes back down to the floor before he could see that she'd looked but it didn't matter. He would know.

"Face down, on the bed."

Rey got back to her feet and walked over to the four-poster bed in the room's center. She ran her hand down one of the columns until her fingers brushed against the ropes secured there. A shiver ran through her and the thoughts from Kylo's side of the Bond leaked into her mind. While he'd been careful not to reveal too much of his plans for the night, his excitement coupled with her own eager anticipation allowed for a few of his ideas to be divulged.

Suddenly, his hand was on the back of her neck, yanking her backwards.

"Get on the fucking bed. Don't make me tell you again." The harsh bite of his words was punctuated by the gentle caress of his nose along her pulse. Her legs shook as she climbed onto the bed. Knowing that he was watching her every move, Rey made sure to arch her back a bit more than was absolutely necessary. The muttered profanity she heard from behind her brought a small grin of triumph to her face.

The second Rey flattened herself against the cool sheets, Kylo's hands were on her. She felt him smooth his fingers down the back of one leg, then the other, spreading her wide. The rope scratched at her ankles, a frisson of pleasure shooting up her limbs as they were secured. How could her sensitivity already be heightened when they'd only just begun? By all rights, it made no sense. As soon as her legs were secure, Kylo ran his hands up until they met with the soft flesh at her center. Her breath hitched as his thumbs parted her folds.

"So wet," he groaned. Rey hadn't realized exactly how close his face was until his breath fanned across her bare skin. She shivered from the contact.

The bed shifted as he stood once more so she turned her head in order to see him. The look in his eyes when he tied the rope around her wrist sent a bolt of lust through her body like lightning. Her entire body was a live wire on the edge. As soon as she was trussed to his liking, Kylo stood back to admire his handiwork. Rey could feel his gaze move across her skin in much the same way he would study a chart of star systems.

With wonder. And awe.

But Rey's patience was never her strong suit so it wasn't long before she began to tug at the ropes to get his attention.

"Keep squirming and you'll succeed only in prolonging your torture."

The voice was low in her ear, a hint of a smile in his tone that shot straight to her core. Just for good measure, Rey tugged at the restraints again.

She felt the air from his hand before the slap even landed on her ass. The sting traveled up her spine to the base of her neck, branching there to curl around her ears.

"You were warned," he said with a soft chuckle, "were you not?" Before she could answer, his hand returned to the spot on her backside that probably sported a handprint. His fingers dug into her flesh, so close to where she craved him most. "Answer me Rey," the demand was given softly but she knew better.

"Yes," came her breathless reply, unable to concentrate when his fingers were almost home. The responding slap to the other cheek caught her off guard.

"Yes what?" His growl reverberated across her skin and she realized her mistake.

"Yes Supreme Leader."

She was rewarded with a lingering kiss in the areas his hand had landed. His tongue seemed to trace his own handprint before she suddenly felt his teeth sink into her flesh. His bite caused her to release the moan she'd held back when his tongue had laved her sensitive skin. Pleased with her reaction, Kylo moved down to tease the lips exposed by her position. He used his nose to rub the bud he found there. He watched as her opening glistened brighter from the new onslaught of moisture his actions had caused. Slowly, Kylo flattened his tongue against her slit and dragged it up towards the tiny puckered hole nestled between the now-reddened globes of her ass.

Maker, this was the perfect woman.

Rey's whimper as his tongue circled her caused further tightening in the trousers he had yet to remove. Kylo almost missed the stealthy movement of her hips upward. As soon as he realized what she was doing, he pulled away.

"You're not being a very good girl tonight," Kylo growled. He felt her disappointment through the Bond as he stood next to the bed. Rey turned her head to address him but her eyes immediately went to the bulge at her level. Kylo chuckled lightly before shucking off his trousers. The way her eyes went wide at the action, the hungry way she licked her lips, the clutch of her fingers around the ropes that bound her, it all made him impossibly harder.

"Please," came her barely audible whisper.

"Oh, is this what you want," he asked as he gripped himself. She nodded her head with an eagerness he adored. Her eyes were glazed over from lust and she had yet to have her first orgasm of the night. Quickly, as she seemed distracted by his cock bouncing just inches from her face, Kylo grabbed the loop of her hair and pulled her attention back to his face. "Perhaps you should have thought of that before you decided not to follow instructions."

The defiant look she gave him in response was part of why he'd fallen in love with her first place.

It also made this particular aspect of their relationship that much more fun.

With a flick of his fingers, the ropes holding her wrists and ankles dropped to the bed. Rey scrambled to her knees with her newfound freedom and reached towards him. He knew exactly what she was going for however, and slapped her hand away.

She looked up at him in confusion. Another flick of his fingers and she was flat on her back, wrists and ankles secured once more. Rey stared at his cock with pure desire etched on her features.

"You'll get this when I've decided you've earned it."

From her new position, Rey found that her eyes were free to watch Kylo as he moved around the room. His nudity caused her mouth to water. The broad expanse of chest that tapered down to the V created by his hips allowed one's gaze to fall naturally to his erect member. The entire package of man before her was enough to make her fall for him all over again. So entranced was she by merely watching him, Rey had completely missed that he'd selected a crop from the wall.

Kylo dragged the end of the crop across her chest, circling her nipples in teasing strokes that left her panting. He swatted lightly at the underside of her breasts, her hiss of pleasure making a grin come to his face. The farther down her body he brought the crop, the more frantic her panting became. As soon as he moved below her navel, Rey began to breathe faster. He could taste her anticipation in the air, as if she'd released pheromones designed to cloud his mind. Of course, it was merely the affect she had on him.

Kylo ran the crop down her slit, bumping against her clit to elicit that gasp of hers he loved to hear. To her credit, Rey remained as still as possible. She worked to control her body's reactions, knowing that it was far too soon for Kylo to allow for an orgasm. He could tell what she was doing, could practically hear the gears of concentration turning in her mind. A swell of pride surged in his chest as she drew clarity and strength from the Force surrounding them. Rey was, quite literally, utilizing every resource available to her in order to follow his instructions.

Unable to keep the smile from his face, Kylo whispered above her,

"Good girl."

The crop landed hard against her thigh causing her to cry out. Kylo crawled up on the bed and situated himself between her legs. Using his thumbs, he rubbed soothing circles into her skin where the crop had made contact. Rey hummed softly at the sensation, enjoying his hands on her skin. Before she could sink too far into the feeling, the crop released its sting again. The mattress shifted with his weight so she raised her head to see what he was doing. Kylo has positioned himself up on his knees, looking, however fleeting, the perfect supplicant seeking favor from his goddess.

How odd, Rey mused, that he could manage to deify the one being restrained.

She watched him stick his hand out towards the wall the crop had come from. A second later, her breath left her lungs as the realization of exactly what floating into his waiting hand hit her.

The Wand was a new addition to their collection; new enough that aside from the initial demonstration they'd received from the shop keeper before they'd made the purchase, they had yet to test its properties. Kylo obviously planned to rectify that.

Her breath sped up, anticipation flaring hot and low in her abdomen. That was before she felt the gentle scrape of yet another rope against her upper thigh. Movements of deft fingers coiled the rope around her thigh a few times before he slid the Wand into place and continued upwards. The bulbous head pressed against her clit with just enough pressure that she knew it was there. He had yet to activate it but it seemed that merely knowing it was there, knowing what was to come when he chose to allow it, had her body reacting in ways that she felt it was far too early in the evening to be feeling.

But then, if Rey was being honest with herself, her body was in a constant state of arousal just from Kylo's presence.

Or the thought of his presence.

Anything concerning him, it seemed.

Suddenly, his body was covering hers. The weight of him shouldn't have felt as good as it did. His lips were at her ear, sucking the lobe into his mouth and biting down with enough force that she felt the sting of pain as it faded into that familiar tingle of decadence.

"You are mine," he growled harshly into her neck. Driving his point home for him, his cock was nestled between her legs and primed to slide home.

Rey nodded her agreement before her reply of "yours" manage to make its way out of her mouth. Her response was rewarded with an unusually chaste kiss to her lips. But then, the switch flipped and he sucked her bottom lip between his teeth. When she felt him break the delicate skin of her lip and the subsequent taste of blood on her tongue, the jolt of desire he flooded her body with was almost too much to take. How was she supposed to handle it when the Wand was activated?

She lifted her hips as much as her restraints would allow, aching for any bit of friction she could accomplish. Kylo smiled against her mouth and pressed his hand against her abdomen, effectively holding her down.

"And you were doing so well," he chastised. A rough bite landed on her shoulder, almost enough to break the skin, and she knew he'd added to the number of his marks on her body.


The thought shuddered through her body.

"That's going to cost you," he smiled. "I was going to allow you to enjoy this new toy of ours but now I'm not so sure." It wasn't an empty threat, Rey knew she'd disobeyed. She couldn't seem to help herself, even within this room of theirs, from indulging in a little bit of impudence. She liked when he made it hurt just a little.

"You know what's best, Supreme Leader," she whispered.

A promise held in his black eyes set fire to her skin as Kylo brought his hand up in front of her face. Rey watched as his fingers curled in the space between their mouths, a soft gasp leaving her as the Wand was activated. She immediately looked to the ceiling, attempting to concentrate on anything other than the vibrations centered where she wanted them most. Rey knew she wasn't allowed to come, not until he said so. But the orgasm had been building since he'd first kissed her at the beginning of the night.

Kylo could sense her orgasm was already close. Rey seemed to stay on the edge in this room, a fact he loved to exploit. She was trying so hard to control her orgasm, eyes fixed to the ceiling and breaths coming in gasps. He couldn't stop the grin from curling on his face. The ceiling was the only surface that didn't contain any hint of what the room was used for, essentially her only neutral place to look that would aid in her concentration. Kylo made a mental note to have mirrors added there to remedy that. He waited until the last possible moment to turn the Wand off again. The whimper she made at the loss went straight to his groin. Slipping into her mind, he could see that she was thinking of basic saber-staff forms to keep her mind occupied.

That simply wouldn't do.

His hand on her throat brought her gaze back to where he wanted it. As her eyes locked onto his, Kylo replayed his own memories of their previous night. He let her feel the euphoria he experienced when she sank down on him. The joy he felt that he had her in his bed, his life, his heart. She trembled beneath him.

He pressed a kiss to her temple before lifting himself back to his knees. Situated between her legs and satisfied that her mind was back to where he wanted it, Kylo turned the Wand back on. Rey instantly shifted, as though she could maneuver her body away from the device. He laughed softly before adjusting the intensity of the vibrations. It achieved the desired affect, renting a moan from her lips that echoed in his mind. When she lifted her hips as far as the ropes would allow, he noticed the tremor in her thigh muscles. Already, she was close again. He was beginning to think that allowing her an orgasm would make the rest of his plans go smoother. Just when his mind had settled on that particular solution, Rey clinched her fists and whispered a soft,


Kylo looked up to see her eyes shining brightly back into his own. She silently reminded him of her earlier disobedience and he realized that she didn't feel as though she'd earned her reward.

"That's sweet of you, but you seem to forget yourself. If I want you to come right now, what should you say?" Rey took a deep breath, still halfway concentrating on staving off her own pleasure.

"Yes sir," she replied. Kylo pinched her nipples, reveling in the soft moans she made at his touch. He trailed one hand down the smooth planes of her body before sinking two fingers into her slick heat. Pulling her higher was a flick of his fingers that turned the Wand back on at the same time as they pressed against her walls. Rey's gasp at the intrusion morphed into a growl he wasn't expecting but loved all the same. The Wand pulsed at her clit while his digits continued their onslaught, dragging her back to the edge and knowing that she would only take that last step at his behest. The feeling of control she gave him freely was ethereal.

Kylo deactivated the Wand and withdrew his fingers at the same time, deciding that perhaps she was correct and had yet to earn a semblance of a climax. But her own orgasm wasn't the only thing she desired.

Carefully, he crawled up her body until he straddled her chest. Her nipples brushed the backs of his thighs as he focused the majority of his weight on his knees. She was looking between him and his cock as though she could devour him whole. The absolutely feral look of hunger in her eyes as she licked her lips beneath him would have been enough to get him hard instantly if he wasn't already there. Rey opened her mouth with a plea in her mind, wanting the permission he'd refused her earlier. The quick nod of his head was followed by a groan of pleasure as she sucked him as deep into her mouth as her position would allow. He used the Force to keep himself upright as Rey hollowed her cheeks. The movement of his hips couldn't be helped, not when the woman knew exactly what to do to bring him to his knees.

The fact that he was already on his knees was a technicality he could overlook.

Kylo felt the vibration in her throat as she began to hum. He still wasn't sure where she'd learned the little trick she used to bypass her gag reflex, but her using it only meant one thing.

She planned on making him come like a teenager.

As her head rose from the bed, he felt the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat. Between the vibrations from her humming and the gentle squeeze of her throat muscles, he was practically done for. But she made it so hard to care.

Needing to distract her, Kylo reached out with the Force and turned the Wand on to its highest setting. The scream that escaped her lips was muffled but still served its purpose. With Rey's concentration once more solely focused on keeping her own orgasm at bay, Kylo deftly removed himself from her mouth. She still managed to swirl her tongue around the tip before he was out of reach.

Rey squirmed against the Wand as Kylo repositioned himself beside her on the bed. The way concentration mixed with pleasure across her features threatened to pull him under. Her eyes were screwed shut, hands balled into fists, toes curled as much as was physically possible. Her body tried to contort itself only for the effort to be stymied by her restraints.

She was the very picture of desire.

A soft whimper escaped her lips as her muscles began to tense. He quickly cut the Wand off before she passed the point of no return. Kylo enjoyed testing the limits of her control but at some point, it was ridiculous to expect her to be able to hold herself back. Sweat beaded across her brow as her body trembled with the effort it took to keep from coming.

The image of her impaled on his cock came unbidden to his mind and for a moment, he thought Rey was sending it. But then he realized she was too far gone to be able to use the Bond to her advantage. No, this particular fantasy was all his own.

Suddenly, his plans for the evening needed to change. And fast.

Using a combination of the Force and frantic hands borne of a sudden need to have her screaming in pleasure around him, Kylo released a startled Rey from her ropes and from the Wand attached to her leg.

"Kylo," she mumbled, half dazed by the feeling rushing back to her limbs.

It couldn't be helped. The adorably confused look on her face had no place in this room of theirs but he knew the fault was his own. Quickly, he gathered her close to his body and forced her eyes to focus on him once more.

"Remember how you're not allowed to come until I say?" Rey placed her hands on his shoulders to keep her balance and nodded, forgetting herself for a moment. His hand came across her backside with a sting that caused a moan to fall from her lips.

"Yes sir," she corrected herself. Her reward came in the form of a kiss as she felt the head of his cock nudging at her oversensitive lips.

"I need you to hold off just a little longer. Can you do that for me?"

A breathless 'yes sir' left her in a shudder as he pulled her down. Before her next breath was drawn, he was fully seated inside her. The action ripped a low growl from his throat that Rey could feel as it rumbled through his torso. His edging had taught her control but she wasn't sure how much more she could take.

"Please," she begged. Mercifully, he hadn't moved since plunging into her, allowing her time to gather herself. It didn't seem to make much of a difference. Between the Wand's constant on and off of vibrations directed at her clit and every single thing that Kylo did, her body felt wrung out. But she knew that when he decided to allow her to orgasm, she would fly.

"Not yet love," his words whispered across her cheek. He lifted her hips slowly, causing a ragged cry to leave her.

"Please please please please please," the word became a chant to complete a ritual she needed more than anything else in the galaxy. Her entire body was balanced on a razor's edge and he held the razor.

And then his voice was in her mind, the command she'd waited impatiently for the entire night was there.


As though the energy from each and every climax she'd been pulled back from had merely been stored within her body, simply building themselves stronger with each denial, there was an explosion from inside the very core of her being. Rey could feel the universe roiling around her, flecks of stardust bouncing around in the ether merely waiting for the chance to begin anew. She could see Kylo from above, bouncing her up and down on his cock like a man starved for her body.

"Every single one Rey," Kylo bit out as he laid her flat once more, "I want every single orgasm, all of them. You're going to keep coming until I tell you to stop. Do you understand?" Rey watched as he grabbed the Wand once again and held it in place at her clit. He would be able to feel the vibrations this time around right along with her.

"Yes Supreme Leader," she cried out, the voice that left her sounding far more feral than her own. It pleased him in any case.

She felt his hand snaking up her body, palming her breast along the way before coming to a stop at her throat. Knowing what he was about to do didn't hinder the feeling of pure exhilaration that shot through her when he began. His thumb pressed into her pulse as her body continued to fall apart at the seams. The stars brightened behind her eyes before exploding into the supernovas that jump-started evolutions. Gasping for air as the pressure built where their bodies joined, Rey dug her nails into Kylo's shoulders. There was a smile in his dark eyes that told her to expect something, she could only make an educated guess as to what. His thumb pressed a little more into her pulse making the already too bright stars begin to fly by in streaks of blue and white. Kylo let go of the Wand to press a hand against her stomach. The pressure became too much and a muffled scream was all the warning given before a gush of moisture coated their thighs. Kylo grinned as the nectar splashed against his stomach, loving that he could push her to that place in her pleasure where this was possible.

Rey was gone. In her place, a writhing mess of frayed nerve endings and bliss.

The muscles in her abdomen twitched against his palm. He wasn't sure how long he continued to thrust before her mind became coherent again. She blinked up at him, her eyes bright despite the darkness of the room and her sated smile hit him like a punch to the gut. As though her smile was the signal his body had been waiting for, Kylo suddenly came with a blinding intensity that had him grasping for purchase at every part of her within his reach. He wrapped his arms securely around her waist as he guided their bodies through the last waves of their orgasms.

Perhaps it was odd that, considering everything they took part in, seeing her face light up with love and satisfaction every single time was one of his most cherished parts of their activities. The way she sighed against his cheek, the dreamy giggling sound that erupted from her throat when he ran his fingertips down her ribcage, the soft kisses she lavished on his neck, all of it belonged to him. There was no one else in the universe that could complete him the way she did, and he'd made her his.

"You were perfect," he whispered, "absolutely stunning as always." Rey nuzzled into his neck but he could feel her smile against his skin. He reached up to tug on the cord holding her braid together and combed his fingers through her hair. She made a soft moaning sound when he massaged her scalp that made him grin like a fool. Knowing how overstimulated her body was, Kylo pulled out as gently as possible before standing at the side of the bed. Rey still whimpered slightly but it couldn't be helped. He stood there for a moment, just staring down her as she lay there. Her neck was beginning to show signs of bruising, her breasts were reddened from the crop and he knew her ass would match if she were to turn over. His seed leaked from her swollen cunt. No part of her seemed unscathed from his attentions. She would wear his marks with pride, he knew, as he would wear hers as well.

He tucked her body into his arms and walked into the ensuite refresher. The bath was waiting for them, a touch below scalding the way Rey liked it, filled to the brim with bubbles. Rey inhaled the scent of nlorna flowers and turned to look as Kylo sat her down in the water. Before he knelt beside the tub, he took a moment to bask in her enjoyment.

Fuck, he loved this woman.

Kylo cupped her chin as the water sloshed around her breasts. The urge to kiss her never seemed to go away so he leaned over and did just that. Rey welcomed the gentleness of his mouth on hers, fighting the urge to tug him over into the tub with her. He heard the thought as it formed in her head and laughed against her lips.

Despite the fact that she was far too wrung out to actually be able to pull him into the tub, Kylo pulled back from her face to lessen the chance all the same. He grabbed the washcloth floating at her feet and motioned for her to sit up. She did as requested, allowing him to run the soapy water over her back. He heard her contented sigh from his ministrations and lowered his lips to her shoulder. Rey lifted her head and the sleepy smile she gave him fanned the fire he already felt for her.

"You know it's my turn next," she whispered. His body responded before his mind could catch up, hand gripping the side of the tub in anticipation of the night she would be in charge.

"Yes." Kylo's voice was hoarse from desire already. She would be the death of him. She hummed happily as he continued to clean her, taking extra care on the areas reddened from his earlier attentions.

When the bath was done, he wrapped a large towel around her and picked her up, in much the same way he'd first carried her all those years ago.

"Make love to me," her soft voice echoed in the large refresher. Kylo dipped his mouth to hers once again, hefting her closer to his body.

"Yes my Queen."