-During the twelve hours-

While I was basically unconscious for twelve hours, I saw something. A bright, yellow light that seemed to beckon me towards it. Not knowing how to respond, I hesitantly walked towards it. A sudden flash overcame me, and I found myself sitting in a white room on a wooden chair with a second chair across from me. As I sat there, not knowing what to do, a faint figure appeared and sat in the chair across from me.

It was Rob.

"Rob, is that you?" I asked, and Rob nodded. "Hey Kenny, you did it." Rob said with a sincere voice. I felt a grin coming on, and Rob smiled back at me. "Thank you, for avenging my sister, she would've enjoyed you." A second chair suddenly appeared, and in that chair was Tiffany. "Tiffany…" I said in disbelief. "I thought you were dead."

Tiffany looked at the ground in sorrow. "We are, we all are, except you and Jenny." I tried to stand up, but found myself glued to the ground. "I'm surprised you forgave me…" Tiffany then said, with tears beginning to roll down her face. "Tiffany, you had the best intentions in mind, I can't fault you for that." Tiffany then scooted over to Rob. "By the way Kenny, I'm doing fine, me and Rob are going strong here." Tiffany proceeded to give Rob a kiss on the cheek, which he blushed at.

Another chair appeared, and Brandon sat in it. At this point, I noticed bloody marks in Rob's chest, blood on Tiffany's neck, and two holes in Brandon's head. It was tough to look at, but I mustered the courage to do so. "I saw that the coach would've loved me…" Brandon said, a smile on his face. "Yeah, I'm sorry that you died…" Brandon kept his smile.

"Don't be, we weren't prepared for an ambush." Brandon responded. "Thanks for showing off my tapes, at least I get rest easy knowing I would've made it in the NFL." Another chair, this time with Vanessa, who surprisingly smiled at me. "Hey Kenny, I'm sorry for the way I treated you, if I knew you were so capable of being so cool to watch, I would've respected you more." I smiled back at Vanessa. "It's fine Vanessa, you know I never hold grudges."

"Except when it comes to Voorhees, am I right?" I laughed a bit, and moments later, another chair, with Eric sitting in it and having numerous marks across his head and a wound on his side. "Eric…" Eric waved a bit. "I'm glad you and Jenny got out, you two deserve it."

"Eric, I'm sorry I couldn't save you…" Eric waved his hand again. "It's alright Kenny, I did what I had to." Eric paused for a moment. "By the way, nice job using my manga collection against that guy, I never thought of using it as armor." I smiled and another chair appeared with A.J. in it, with a wound in her gut.

"I'm sorry you died." I said solemnly, remembering her death. A.J. however, smiled. "Kenny, me and Chad made up, somehow, and thank you for surviving for us." A.J. said. "I never knew you were such a badass."

"Yeah, I didn't know either." I responded. A new chair came into view, and this time, Chad sat in it, hole in his gut and all. I wanted to feel anger, but honestly, I couldn't at the sight of his sullen and distraught face. "Chad?" I asked, and Chad looked at me, tears down his face. "Kenny, I'm so sorry!" Chad blurted out, his voice cracking as well. "I deserve every bit of this, having such a death, losing Tiffany to Rob, I deserve it so much…"

"Chad…" I began. "I forgive you." Chad looked at me in surprise. "Why?" Chad asked. "Why do you forgive me despite me being a terrible, terrible person!" I leaned a bit towards him. "If A.J. can forgive, I don't see why I can't." Chad laughed a bit, and another chair with Deborah appeared.

"Deborah…" I began, but Deborah quickly leaned over and kissed my forehead, causing me to blush. "I appreciate you giving up your crush for Eric." Deborah leaned towards Eric and kissed his cheek. "You know, I never thanked you for helping me after Rob died." Deborah said. "You truly are the person who deserved to be the head counselor."

The final chair appeared, and I knew who it was. I felt tears begin to well as Adam appeared with a bloody mark on his neck. "Adam…" I said as Adam smiled. "You did it man, you survived…" Adam spoke up. "You did it not only once, but twice like a badass." I smiled at Adam's words. "What's it like here?" I asked.

"It's nice actually, it's like all the bad things in the world don't exist anymore." Adam said, his grin still remaining. "Kenny, thank you for surviving for us all." At that, I broke down into tears, and felt each of my old friends wrap their arms around me in a warm embrace. As they soon retracted their arms, I noticed some beginning to disappear. "Wait, when will I see you again?" I asked just as Adam remained.

"Only in time Kenny, only in time."

As Adam disappeared, I woke up.

-11:00 A.M.-

My eyes were blinded by the familiar white lights of a hospital, and I attempted to shield my eyes with my left arm, but I felt a hand hold it down. As my vision cleared, I noticed a nurse standing over me concerned.

"Don't move Mr. Riedell, you lost a lot of blood." My eyes slowly gazed at her own and I slowly nodded. The nurse proceeded to head to a counter and pick up another plasma bag and replaced the old one. "You're suffering from blood loss, hypothermia, and third degree burns, so you might be here for a while."

"Is there anyone else here?" I weakly asked. The nurse nodded. "A young woman, a biker of some kind, and someone who smells kinda bad." I recognized each of them, especially the last one.

"Can I see them?" I asked, and the nurse nodded. "I'll get them, don't move." Within a few minutes, Jenny, Mitch, and Francine entered. "Oh thank god!" Jenny wrapped her arms tightly around me, causing me to feel a bit of pain. "Jenny, ow." Jenny, embarrassed, let go of me and grabbed my remaining hand. "I'm so happy you're alright." I smiled and looked over at Francine and Mitch.

"You two made it…" I weakly said, and they both smiled. "Breaking the trope, am I right?" Francine said, to which Mitch laughed at. "Where's Shaun?" I asked, and Francine sighed. "He's fine, thankfully, but he lost a lot of blood, so he'll be here for a while." At least he was fine, and Mitch looked at me with curiosity.

"Hey, Marco took off, he went back to get you two, what happened?" I remembered Marco's final moments, seeing him sink down to the bottom of the lake along with Randall, and him not even trying to survive. "He's gone…"

Francine's and Mitch's eyes widened, then Francine tilted her head down in respect while Mitch began to sniffle as if he was about to cry. "What happened?" Mitch asked, his voice wavering. "I got attacked, and Marco swam down to save me and hold Randall down, and he drowned with him…"

Mitch let tears flow from his eyes as he sat in a chair and began to sob. Francine patted him on the shoulder as Jenny looked at me. "Kenny, we did it…" I smiled once again as I kept my gaze on Jenny, and felt the familiar warmth I felt before Marion interrupted us. I shut my eyes and felt Jenny's lips against mine, and at that moment, I knew everything would be alright.


"Hey Kenny, you're going to be late!"

I adjusted my bowtie and ran my hands through my shortened hair and rubbed my freshly shaved chin. Today was a big day, and hearing Mitch call my name caused me to panic a bit and hurry up. "I'm ready now!" I burst out of the door, remembering to take my prosthetic arm with me. I came face to face with a clean shaven Mitch, who smiled at me and guided me to the car, where a noticeably thinner and more handsome Shaun sat. Across from Shaun, sat an much older Tommy Jarvis.

"Glad you two could make it." I said as I stepped into the car. Mitch patted my back as the car took off. "How's life been since then?" I asked, and Mitch proceeded to show off a diamond ring on his hand. "I proposed to Francine last month, while we were on a roller coaster." Of course Mitch would do that, which incited a decent amount of laughter from each of us.

"How about you Shaun?" I asked. Shaun smiled. "I'm a stand-up comedian who's somehow pretty popular with the ladies." Shaun said. "Some TV producers were planning on giving me my own talk show to compete with The Tonight Show." I applauded Shaun. "Man, you got your work cut out for you, I'll be watching!" Shaun grinned. "Good, if you don't, I'll come to your house and steal all the tupperware lids."

"Hey, at least I'll actually know where to find it." More laughter ensured as Tommy turned to me. "Kenny, you worried?" Tommy asked, and I nodded. "It's a big day, I'm getting married." Tommy laughed. "Hey, getting married is one of the best things ever, just go with the flow."

Moments later, the chapel came into view and we all stepped out and went inside, where I noticed a familiar face. "Francine!" I called out, and a long, curly haired woman strolled over and kissed Mitch's cheek. "How are you?" Francine asked.

"A bit nervous, I'm getting married." Francine smiled. "Yeah, I can tell, but hey, you survived two massacres, you can get through this." I smiled back at Francine. "Thank you." While I waited for the wedding to start, I talked with some of Tommy's old friends.

"So, you survived Pinehurst?" A black man asked me, who I later learned was named Reggie. "Yeah, it wasn't easy." Reggie nodded. "Man, I understand, but hey, good luck with the wedding." I also talked to the other survivor, Pam. "I'm sorry about everything you went through." That was her only response. Others I met involved Tommy's sister Trish, Tommy's wife Megan, and Tommy's father.

Noticing a few minutes before the wedding remained, I joined the minister and my best man up on the ceremony space, with Tommy being my best man for this occasion. On my side, I noticed Shaun and Mitch in the front as grooms, and on the side where Jenny would be, Francine and a few other women there.

The ceremony began, and Jenny looked amazing as she seemed to glide down the aisle in her white dress alongside her father. Twenty minutes later, we were on the final part, exchanging our vows. We exchanged our vows, and we kissed, and as I looked out at everyone, I saw the apparitions of the Crystal Lake counselors and the Pinehurst residents, all clapping in delight.

Tiffany, Deborah, and Brandon cried tears of joy, Rob, Vanessa, Chad, and Eric simply clapped, A.J. gave me a thumbs up, and Adam jokingly flipped the bird at me and proceeded to do a dirty gesture because of course he did, and I remembered at that point that he would usually never take anything seriously.

On the Pinehurst side, Alicia and Selena cried tears of joy, Johnny, Jerry, Sierra, and Victoria clapped, and to my surprise, Lyle, Daphne, and Marion were present, albeit they slowly clapped in distaste. I didn't care, as in the middle of them sat Marco, who had regained use of his legs and stood next to a young man and smiled brightly at me.

Seeing all these faces around me filled me with hope, and as Jenny and I stepped into the limo to the reception, I felt like everything was just fine.

I was ready to move on.


Kenny and Jenny remained together and had three sons, Adam, Marco, and Johnny.

Mitch and Francine eventually married and had a daughter named Jessica.

Shaun's talk show surpassed the Tonight Show and he married an unnamed woman and is now a multi-millionaire.

Tommy's home was converted into a summer camp, with six counselors being assigned.

The survivors keep in contact to this day.

I DID IT, THE SEQUEL IS FINISHED! It was a long road, but it's done. Now let me first say this, this will be the final Friday the 13th story, as I want to focus on other projects.

Now, like last time, golden chainsaw and dull machete

14. Benny Hummer (Dull Machete) (Offscreen deaths are usually lame, unless done well)

13. Selena Duncans (Her death, compared to the others, isn't very impressive)

12. Daphne Craigson (Same as Selena)

11. Marco McBride (Sad, but not brutal)

10. Randall Blackburne (Only reason it's higher because he is murdered)

9. Edna Grissom (A simple burning to death on a stove)

8. Sierra Losecar (An interesting way to kill someone with a wrench)

7. Victoria Sanders (It's so similar to Vera's death, and the fact that she died alive for a moment made it worse)

6. Bob Grissom (Usually, eye gouging is brutal)

5. Johnny Myers (Basically, he was struck numerous times with an axe, so that should be brutal as hell)

4. Jerry Devins (Having your throat slit on glass would be insanely brutal)

3. Alicia Olivo (Again, having a roasting stick rammed down your throat would be bad enough, but she was alive for a bit)

2. Marion Parish (Mortal Kombat fatalities are always brutal)

1. Lyle Miller (Golden Chainsaw) (He literally had his face ripped in half!)


Originally, Shaun and Mitch were meant to die with Shaun breaking his neck when being tossed out the window, and Mitch was originally going to have a flare rammed down his throat.


Alicia was originally going to be impaled on a tree branch. I changed it because it wasn't brutal enough lol.

Jerry was meant to be strangled on a towel holder after sex. I changed it because the only area where I remember there being towels would be Pinehurst, and due to literally everyone staying there, it'd be kinda weird and difficult to write.

Speaking of Jerry, his death was meant for Selena, but I changed it because I would've preferred Jerry having a more brutal death, and his death was also meant for Adam.

Originally, Sierra was meant to die after Jerry and Selena, but I changed it due to strategy involving Randall.

While Daphne's death was originally going to be stabbed through the head with a pipe, Lyle's death is much different. Instead of having his head torn in half, he was going to have his throat slit and Randall was going to RIP HIS HEAD OFF.

Randall was meant to be burned alive.

Benny's death was actually going to be where he was picked up and impaled on a fence.


There were a few ideas for who Jason would be. Perhaps one of the bigger ones would be Benny, but I scrapped him due to him not being a major character. Another one was Chad's father, but again, not major.

Marco was originally meant to survive, but I changed it so Kenny's victory felt rather bittersweet.

The original survivors would be Kenny, Jenny, Marco and Francine.


Chad is my dad 2169

Well shit, Randall really is like Roy, Roy's son died by being murdered and Randall's in a car accident. Marco paid his sins by sacrificing himself for Kenny, that's some heavy shit. Well I must say this was a blast to read and I can't wait for the epilogue cuz mine is taking forever to get right. I just can't think of a good epilogue, I've finalized Creighton's epilogue in mine though just trying to do Tommy's, Kawaii's and Marco's. Kenny is a worthy survivor, and I hope that neither Kenny or Shaun die in hospital from their severe wounds. Good luck with the ending! :3

RESPONSE: The irony between them is striking, isn't it. Marco did in fact pay for his sins in a pretty devastating way, and in the words of Chuck/Mitch, it is heavy shit. BTW, I agree, Kenny is a worthy survivor, and as you can see, Kenny and Shaun survived.


this story is getting really interesting , whens the next chapter?

RESPONSE: Right now!

Chad is my dad 2169

Well shit! Randall Blackburne it was, Shaun is most probably going to bleed out :(. But YAY MORE DEATHS THAN THE LAST! (I think). Anyways I can tell this is reaching the climax already, and I wonder if Kenny is going to sacrifice himself in a way so Jenny can keep the stuff of the others. That's some heavy shit y'all. AND MITCH SAID HEAVY SHIT!

RESPONSE: DAMN RIGHT ITS RANDALL. BTW, my response from earlier confirmed that Shaun is indeed alive, and actually, there are more deaths than the last one!

Now, Finally, stat me Keith Beef!

ALIVE: Kenny Riedell, Jenny Myers, Mitch Floyd, Francine Charles, Shaun Fennick


Garth McBride (MENTIONED)

Randall's son (MENTIONED)

Alicia Olivo (CHP 3 - CHP 4)

Victoria Sanders (CHP 3 - CHP 5)

Edna Grissom (CHP 3 - CHP 7)

Bob Grissom (CHP 3 - CHP 7)

Sierra Losecar (CHP 3 - CHP 8)

Jerry Devins (CHP 3 - CHP 9)

Selena Duncans (CHP 3 - CHP 9)

Daphne Craigson (CHP 3 - CHP 10)

Lyle Miller (CHP 2 - CHP 10)

Benny Hummer (JASON'S RAMPAGE CHP 14 - CHP 11)

Johnny Myers (CHP 2 - CHP 11)

Marion Parish (CHP 3 - CHP 11)

Randall Blackburne (CHP 1 - CHP 12)

Marco McBride (CHP 1 - CHP 12)

Before I get into other topics, I'll just say that both Jason's Rampage and Back from the Grave have a combined 18,647 views! (JR's being 17,745 at the time of writing, and BFTG having 902). Additionally, both have 107 reviews, 23 favs, 28 alerts, and a total of 47,692 words. So let me say, thank you so much for everything, and also, I plan on asking a few questions, so please answer them.

Who was your favorite character in Part I?

Who was your favorite character in Part II?

Which death was the most brutal?

Which death was the saddest?

Which characters do you ship?

If you were to bring any character back from the grave, who would it be?

Who was your least favorite character from Part I?

Who was your least favorite character from Part II?

And finally...what was your favorite moment from both parts?

Now, due to me no longer writing the main story, I will say that first off, I will continue the one-shots, and also, I will reveal which story will come next...

It is The Hell that Walks: The Final Season!

After both stories finish up, I will maybe start writing shorter stories since I do eventually have to go to college, but perhaps, if I'm lucky, I can crank out not just one story, but a giant ass series that I've thought about for a while. I won't go into details, but let's just say that's it'll hit a bit close to home...no matter where you live.

Well, I'll see you later, ciao! :D