A/N: Tada! I have completed my first two-shot! Thank you so much for the kind reviews, and a special thanks to LackeyHokey for pointing out that uchiwa isn't capitalized. I'll be sure to fix that! I hope everyone enjoys the final chapter.

"Come on Kohei!" Sakura coaxed, holding the spoon to the three year old's mouth, "You have to eat some of it!"

"Mama no!" Kohei insisted, shaking his head defiantly, "I want Sarda-neechan to feed me!"

"Kohei sweetie, it's Sarada, and she's out on a mission. Please eat. She'd want you to."

Sarada sneezed. Must be someone talking about me. She thought, adjusting her pack on her back. She was the captain of her first mission. Though she was still a chunin, Naruto-sama had entrusted her because of her recently fully-awakened sharingan.

"If worse comes to worse, you can always hypnotize them into doing the right thing." Sarada remembered Naruto's words before she left for the mission. Though he was right, Sarada was really hoping that she wouldn't have to resort to those measures.

"Sarada-taicho," the shortest of her subordinates started, "I can sense the Tsurigakure ninja approaching quickly. Shall we fight them?"

"According to the bingo books, they should be an easy fight." She replied, reaching for her newly acquired katana, "Why don't we indulge them?"

The the chunin assembled in a fighting position with Sarada in the front.

"Akoto," she ordered, motioning to the chunin she had previously spoke to, "Stand in the back. As the healer on this team, we can't afford having you hurt."

"Yes Sarada-taicho." Akoto replied, making her way to the back of the formation.

Sarada activated her sharingan and quickly scanned the area. She saw the Tsuri ninja and almost chuckled. Their chakra levels were ridiculously low and they were already arguing. Being a good shinobi, Sarada knew not to immediately judge ninja by their first appearance, but she was more than positive that they weren't hiding their chakra.

The sub-par ninja came into the clearing, weapons brandished in the least intimidating way possible.

"You are Konoha ninja!" The supposed leader exclaimed, "We will take your precious information now and you will fail your mission while we will triumph!"

Sarada used the shunshin jutsu to appear right behind the trio.

"Didn't you ever learn not to announce your plan before executing it?" She asked icily.

The Tsuri ninja turned their heads slowly, finally turning around and looking into Sarada's spinning tomoe.

Akoto stifled a giggle as the trio of pathetic ninja fell like sandbags to the ground.

"I should have let you guys do a bit of the fighting." Sarada apologized, "It's just that they were so easy to take down, I would have been unnecessarily drawing out the fight by not taking action."

"It's okay taicho." The tallest of the chunin, Yuji smiled, reassuring Sarada.

"We're almost at Sunagakure, let's get this scroll there and be done." Sarada took out her long braid and coiled the wavy hair into a bun. That braid kept slapping me anyway. She thought.

"Good job you four." Naruto placed their mission report on his desk and smiled, "I knew you wouldn't let me down Sarada."

Sarada grinned. She realized that today was probably the best day to ask the question she'd wanted to ask since she joined the academy. The question she'd wanted to ask since Boruto selfishly took her father as his sishou, and stole him from her. She'd moved passed the feeling of jealousy and realized that having her father as a sishou probably wasn't the greatest idea for her, since she wanted to follow a far different path.

Once the other chunin had left, Sarada took a deep breath and walked closer to Naruto. "Hokage-sama," she started, trying to make her voice as solid and confident as possible, "I was wondering if you would take me on as your apprentice. I understand that you don't have much time, but I promise to work hard and carry on the will of fire."

Naruto looked rather surprised for a second before his lips curved into a smile. "With the rapid development I've seen from you and the deep care for your comrades and your village, I would be happy to teach you."

Sarada tried her best not to scream. "Thank you so much Naruto-shishou!" She exclaimed, "I promise to never slack off!"

"I'll hold you to that." He glanced at his packed schedule and sighed, "Let's meet on Sunday at noon. I'll take you to Ichiraku's afterwards."

"I'll see you then." Sarada practically skipped out of the office. She ran back home, wanting to tell her parents and Kohei as soon as possible.

"Mama, Papa, Kohei!" She exclaimed happily as she burst through the door, "Guess what?"

Sakura looked up from her medical textbook and smiled at her daughter, "Well you seem mighty happy, it must be something good!"

"Yeah!" Kohei agreed, grinning with his little toddler smile, "Sarada-nee chan is awesome!"

"Thank you Kohei." Sarada gave her little brother a hug, "Naruto-sama agreed to be my sishou!"

"That's wonderful sweetie!" Sakura beamed, "First you fully awaken your sharingan, then you captain your first mission, then Naruto decides to be your sishou, this seems to be quite the amazing month! Let's go eat something special as a family."

"You're just saying that so you don't have to cook dinner." Sasuke muttered, placing Kohei on his waist.

"I was going to go to that really fancy sushi restaurant, but if you want my sub-par cooking, it's up to you."

Sasuke looked away. "Hn."

"Anyway, freshen up Sarada-chan. Put on something nice too."

Sarada opened the door to her room, smiling at the uchiwa painted on her door. She really hoped that she made her ancestors proud.

Sarada pulled on her embroidered tunic and adjusted the back so the uchiwa was centered. Then she chose her favorite black pants and flats.

"I'm ready mama!" She called, standing in front of the door.

Sakura came bustling down the stairs, trying to put Kohei's shoes on while he kicked and flailed.

"I've got it mama." Sarada came to the rescue as she sat Kohei on her lap and slid the shoes on with ease. "Let's go get something to eat, 'kay?" She tickled her brother's stomach and placed him on her shoulders.

"Now that you three are back from your respective training excursions," Naruto started, smiling at Sarada, Boruto, and Mitsuki, "I want to send you on a mission. It's A rank, but I believe that you will be able to handle it."

"Mitsuki, you will be in charge of medical ninjutsu and healing, since Sakura's your apprentice, and as for Sarada and Boruto, you guys will just beat up the bad guys."

"Sounds good sishou." Sarada replied, "I heard that there has been some previous interaction with the village we will be going to, Jomae no Sato right?"

"Yes, back when I was a genin, they sent a kunoichi to infiltrate, but she-ehm, was good friends with Kakashi and committed suicide instead of following her village."

"Do they still feel hostile towards the leaf?" Sarada wasn't necessarily worried since she fully trusted her teammates, but it would be a lot easier if everyone was friendly.

"They haven't shown blatant outward hostility, but given the fact that we are stealing information from them, they'll be angry if they ever find out." Naruto rolled up the mission scroll and handed it to Sarada, "I will be trusting this with you. Remember, your job is to get into their information storage room, steal the scroll in question, now this is your part Sarada, I need you to make an exact replica with your sharingan. Once the replica is made, place it where you found the original and high-tail it out of there. Try not to involve in combat, but you have my permission to do whatever's necessary."

"Yes sir!" The three said in unison.

It was entirely her fault. Sarada looked at the blood soaked battlefield, where the unconscious bodies of her teammates lay prone to further damage. She wasn't able to protect them, and her replica was faulty. If her teammates, the people that lay closest to her heart, were to die, she would have practically killed them. She would have killed her best friends. As she desperately held back tears, a sharp, debilitating pain blossomed behind her eyes, forcing her to scream in agony and fall to her knees. It felt as if someone was tugging at her eyes and dicing them into pieces. All Sarada could see was a searing white; at this point she wasn't entirely sure if she was screaming anymore, for all she knew she could be dead in hell. All she could think of is her teammates blood on her hands, and the way her parents and shisou would look at her with disappointed eyes. Naruto had trusted her and she had failed. She didn't deserve to follow her dream. She didn't deserve to ever become Hokage!

Suddenly the pain subsided. Sarada opened her eyes, gasping when she realized that the world was clearer than it had even been with her sharingan. She didn't linger on that thought long though because she soon saw the figures of her assailants. They were smirking at her teammates fallen bodies, making rage bubble and boil in Sarada's body. She stepped closer to ninja, wiping blood off her face. Where that blood came from, and to whom it belonged, she didn't know, nor did she care. All she cared about was killing those sons of bitches. She wanted them to feel the pain she did, all the guilt and terror she had been subjected to in the past hour, she wanted to unleash on them tenfold. Suddenly, she realized that she could. She looked into their eyes, instinctively pulling them into a genjutsu. She marveled at the plane, embracing the blood red sky and the amount of torture she'd be able to subject them to in this new world.

They were tied to stakes as Sarada repeatedly stabbed them, using any material she could imagine. In her rage, she didn't notice how truly evil she was being. For once in her life, all she could think about was doing harm to people.

After what seemed like ages, she broke the genjutsu. She looked at her teammates, noticing that their blood had hardly spread, meaning that her genjutsu had lasted mere seconds, not hours.

Suddenly the implications of what she had done caught up to her. She was hit by a wave of severe nausea and proceeded to empty her stomach on the ground in front of her. Getting over her sudden sickness, she hoisted her teammates onto her shoulders and began to make her way back to the village. She ignored the searing pain that plagued every part of her body and forced herself forward.

Finally the gates were in view. She practically sobbed once she saw the beautiful village she called home, and used the last of her energy to walk into the village before collapsing.

Everything hurt. Not as much as it did before she passed out, but it still hurt. Sarada forced her eyes open, just to quickly shut them again once she saw the bright, white lights.

"Sarada, you're awake." A familiar voice said from beside her bed.

Sarada opened her eyes again and turned her head to see the person who spoke. It was Naruto. Sarada fought back the strong urge to cry. "I failed shishou."

She whispered, her throat felt like sandpaper.

"You did your absolute best." Naruto replied, patting Sarada's hand, "Boruto and Mitsuki haven't woken up yet, but would you like to tell me what happened. I already struck an alliance with Jomoe no Sato once they realized that the scroll you took originally belonged to the leaf village, so don't worry."

Sarada sighed in relief. She pushed herself up into a sitting position, trying not to visibly cringe in pain.

"The mission went well up until we took the scroll." She started, taking a sip of water from the glass beside her bed. With a far less painful throat, she continued louder, "Somehow the guard knew we were in there despite completely cloaking our chakra. When we heard his footsteps, I made the replica really quickly, and messed up a bit. The guard noticed that and sent their top ninja to intercept us. We tried really hard to fight them, but there were three of us and ten of them, all jonin or tokubetsu jonin level. Mitsuki and Boruto got hurt first, then something weird happened. For some reason it's kind of foggy, but my eyes started to really hurt. And I mean like really hurt. After that, I can't really remember what happened. All I know it that I missed only about three seconds, but the enemy ninja were dead once I regained-well, vision."

Sarada turned to look at Naruto's expression. Instead of looking disappointed, he looked slightly frightened. "I'm going to get Sasuke." He announced, "I suppose I don't have to tell you to stay put."

Sarada leaned back into the pillows and closed her eyes, drifting into blissful unconsciousness until she was awoken by someone lightly shaking her. She opened her eyes again, noting how it was substantially less painful.

"Papa." She whispered, hugging her father as tightly as she could.

Sasuke looked affectionately at his daughter before switching to a more serious expression.

"Activate your sharingan." He commanded, looking Sarada dead in the eye.

Sarada did as she was told, noting the clarity in her vision.

"Now try to do the same thing again."

She looked at her father with a confused expression, but ultimately followed his instructions. Instead of having nothing happen as she expected, her vision became clearer, and some of the pain returned.

Sasuke handed Sarada a handheld mirror. "What you see in that mirror is the next stage of the sharingan, called the mangekyo sharingan. I had hoped you would never have to get to this stage, but I will take you to the Nakano Shrine once you are discharged."

Sarada looked at her reflection, gasping when she saw that her eyes were not the three tomoe she was accustomed to, but instead a black cherry blossom in a red background. "What can I do with the mangekyo sharingan?" She asked, blinking several times to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

"From your description, it seems like you can use the Tsukiyomi like your uncle Itachi." Sasuke replied placing the mirror on the bedside table, "We will talk more about it once you have recovered, Sakura and Kohei want to see you."

Right on cue, two pink haired, green eyed people came into the room, both rushing in for a hug.

"Sarada-neechan!" Kohei exclaimed, hugging his big sister, "You're going to get better right?"

"Of course!" Sarada said with as much enthusiasm as she could muster, "I'll better before you know it!"

"Well I can make that happen Sarada sweetie." Sakura said, ruffling her daughter's hair. "Now that you're out of critical condition when I can't operate on you because you're family, that rule is crap anyway, I can fix you up so you're good as new. Those doctors don't know what they're doing. Trust your mama!"

Sarada nodded, eager to feel at least a little less crappy.

Sakura leaned over her daughter and smiled, placing her calloused palms on Sarada's abdomen. "I'm so proud of you sweetie."

Sarada was well aware of the rules of the mangekyo sharingan: don't use it unless absolutely necessary and be careful to not lose control or you may harm those close to you, but she really wanted to stick Boruto into a Tsukiyomi of him tripping over a rock for all of eternity. It would be so very hilarious and not to mention, Sarada would be able to practice using the technique. The only way she was allowed to practice was using regular genjutsu and trying to replicate the terrain. It was far from the same though.

At the moment, she was in charge of training her favorite Shin clone named Kenji. More than anything, she wanted to help him with his mangekyo sharingan, but she was not allowed.

"The best use of your sharingan disguising it with transformation jutsu then getting your enemy to look into your eyes, effectively trapping them in genjutsu." She instructed, demonstrating the transformation technique on her eyes, "Now I want you to try it on Boruto."

"Wait!" Boruto exclaimed indignantly, "Why can't Kenji try it on you?!"

"Because I'm a sharingan weilder baka-Boruto. I might accidentally reverse the genjutsu and hurt him."

"Fine." Boruto pouted, tensing his muscles in anticipation.

Kenji looked at Boruto, his eyes a natural brown. As soon as the two had made eye contact, Boruto crumpled to the ground like a drunk.

"Have I hurt him?" Kenji asked monotonously, "Kabuto told me to feel remorse if I have injured someone."

"No, he's fine." Sarada assured, slapping the Uzumaki.

Boruto woke up with a jolt. "Damn you Sarada-teme!" He exclaimed, "You only did that to humiliate me!"

"That wasn't the only reason…" She teased, helping her teammate to his feet.

Kenji was dead. His death didn't come as a surprise, in fact, many Shin clones were dying because of some unknown illness that ran in their genes. Despite the forewarning, Sarada was still devastated. Kenji was the closest person Sarada had to an apprentice and he held a close place in her heart as a second brother, even if Kenji didn't have the capacity to love her. His blunt personality reminded her of Mitsuki, and the fact that she could get along with a Shin clone meant that she was moving on from her childhood grievances.

"Sarada-san?" One of the workers at the orphanage called her name, "If Uchiha Sarada would report to Kabuto-sama's office, he has something to tell her."

Sarada stood up and made her way through the brightly painted hallways and towards Kabuto's office.

"Ah, Sarada!" Kabuto exclaimed, motioning for her to come through the doorway, "As you've probably heard, our lovely Kenji has passed away." His unnaturally pale face dropped in sadness, "Before he died though, he did something rather uncharacteristic for a Shin clone. He showed emotion and asked if he could give you his eyes as a gift."

"H-he did?" Sarada asked incredulously, "He knew what that would imply, since we were practically siblings?"

"I believe that he did understand that if he gave you his eyes, you would achieve the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan." Kabuto replied knowingly. He swiveled around in his rolling chair and rummaged through his file cabinets. When he had turned back around, he was holding two vials filled with some kind of preserving serum and a sharingan eye suspended in the center. He looked at the vials with a melancholy expression.

"I hope they serve you well." He said, handing the vials to Sarada.

"Thank you." She replied, walking towards the cemetery.

She knew she had spent at least an hour sitting in front of Kenji's grave, thanking him profusely for the gift, shedding tears over the fact that she would never see him again, and reminiscing over his sadly brief life.

As she was about to stand up and leave, Shizune placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Sakura told me about what happened." She wrapped the girl in a warm and loving embrace, "I know this isn't what you want to be talking about right now, but we need to plan the implant surgery."

Sarada nodded, wiping away tears. She took a shaky breath, "When's the earliest date that we can do it? I just want to get it over with."

"We can perform the surgery today if you would like." Shizune replied, placing her hands on Sarada's shoulders.

"I-I would like that." Sarada combed her long black hair out of her face and straightened her glasses. "May I go home first and spend the day with my family?"

"Of course. Report to the hospital at seven o'clock tonight."

Sarada nodded and began to walk to the Uchiha complex. She had just lost someone she considered family, and she wanted nothing but to be around the rest of her family, to make sure she didn't lose them.

"Kohei!" She called, running towards her little brother, "How was your day?"

"Mama said that she'd start training me soon since I'm gonna go to the academy next year!" He said enthusiastically, "Did ya know that I'm five now Sarada-neechan?" He held up five chubby fingers, "That's a whole hand!"

"I heard!" She walked with him to the front door, "Once you start training and get really strong, you can spar with me." Thoughts of the spars she had with Kenji flashed in her mind, causing her to frown.

"What's wrong oneechan?" He looked at her worriedly with his big green eyes, "Are ya hungry? Mama's making dinner."

"That's great. Dinner will make me feel all better." She smiled brightly at her little brother, "You always know how to fix things, don't you?"

"Yep!" Sarada couldn't resist the urge to squeeze him tightly.

"I will always love you Kohei." She whispered, her cheek right on top of his soft, pink hair.

The mission was supposed to be very dangerous. That's why Naruto had sent Sarada, Mitsuki, Boruto, and Mirai as they were the most promising ninja of their generation.

"Our job is simply to take out the enemies where they stand." Mirai instructed, looking at the new team seven with her large red eyes, "There is absolutely no time to reason or speak with the enemies. This is purely an assassination mission."

"If it's an assassination mission, why aren't ANBU members doing it?" Boruto crossed his arms indignantly, "Silent killing isn't really my style."

Sarada decided to mess with Boruto a bit. Using a simple shunshin jutsu, she appeared behind Boruto, "It is my style." She whispered icily, flashing her sharingan.

"What the hell Sarada?! That was really scary!"

"Stop messing around." Mirai said with a serious tone. "If you're not going to take this mission seriously, we can turn back right now and Hokage-sama can hear all about how his prestigious student and his son were simply too immature to handle the mission they were assigned to. As for the reason no ANBU were assigned, they're all out on their respective missions."

"Sorry taicho." Boruto and Sarada apologized in unison, glaring at each other.

"My teammates can be strange sometimes." Mitsuki spoke on their behalf, "I don't understand their behavior fully, but I believe that it is called rivalry. I am yet to find someone I would consider a rival."

"That's great Mitsuki. Let's get back to the mission now." Boruto patted his teammate on the back. "So can I come out and blow everything to bits with my flashy moves? Then the enemies will be so scared that they'll let us kill them without any hesitation!"

"You sound just like your gennin self. You really haven't changed at all." Sarada looked at Boruto disapprovingly, "And no. Didn't you hear taicho? This is a silent killing mission."

"Fine, fine." Boruto whined. "You seem like you're in a particularly deadly mood, why don't you do the assassination?"

"I think I will." Sarada hissed, pulling on the black gloves her mother had given her.

All it took was one glance from Sarada and the enemies were trapped in her genjutsu. Without sparing them a minute, Mitsuki plunged his kunai into each of their hearts, killing them instantly.

"Good job you two." Mirai commended, "Now Boruto and I will dispose of the bodies."

"Does this mean I get to burn shit?" Boruto asked enthusiastically.

"Yes." Mirai sighed, "Yes it does."

The two leaned over the corpses, Mirai incinerating them with her signature Sarutobi jutsu and Boruto just threw whatever flame jutsus he had picked up at the bodies.

"Careful you idiot!" Sarada exclaimed, dodging an errant spark, "You're supposed to incinerate the bodies not us."

"Sorry Sarada-teme." Boruto said with mock remorse.

Finally, a mission had gone without a hitch.

"Great, so we finish an S class mission successfully, but return to a goddamn attack?" Boruto exclaimed incredulously, "Nothing can ever go right can it?"

"No it can't." Sarada agreed, making her way through the rubble that was the west side of the village. "Did the civilians evacuate?"

A jonin stepped towards Sarada, "I believe that most of them have exited the village, but there might be some people left behind."

"I'll find them and evacuate them." Sarada replied, "I'm sure my parents would be happy to take out the enemy."

"Sasuke and Sakura-sama are already on it." The jonin replied. A look of horror passed over his face, "Sakura-sama was in the middle of a load of laundry when she was called to defend the village, so she's-well….irritated."

"And their son, Kohei?" Sarada asked worriedly, roundhouse kicking on of the enemy's subordinates into a building.

"He evacuated safely with the rest of the Konoha Academy underclassmen."

"Thank god. I'm going to scour the village. Boruto, you deal with these annoying pests." She motioned towards the dozens of Tsurigakure ninja that had decided to attack the leaf village. "I think they're bitter about that time my team took out their 'best' shinobi."

Sarada hoped that this attack would be as easy to stop as the one all those years ago, but a nagging voice in the back of her head told her differently.

Running through the damage, Sarada spotted a congregation of people. Upon arriving, she noticed that the civilians were circling around someone. After she pushed her way to the center, she noticed the nanadaime.

"Sarada!" He exclaimed with relief, "I'm glad you, Boruto, Mitsuki, and Mirai made it home safely. As you can see, we're in a bit of a tight-"

Naruto was interrupted by a falling boulder. In the split second before it hit, Sarada had to make a decision. Judging from the size and angle of the rock, it would hit mostly civilians, but still injure the nanadaime. Sarada knew her duty was to protect the hokage with her life, but she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she was responsible for the deaths of a myriad of civilians. Confident enough that Naruto could protect himself, Sarada activated her cherry-blossom pink susanoo for the first time and shielded the civilians.

Just as she had hoped, Naruto flash-stepped out of the way just in time, leaving everyone unharmed.

"That was an impressive maneuver." Naruto commended his student, "I'm glad you made the right choice."

After the Tsurigakure ninja had been dealt with and subsequently severely punished, Naruto called Sarada to his office.

"Since you have been my student, you have proven that you possess all of the traits necessary for the ideal Konoha shinobi. The will of fire seems to run very strongly in you and you never fail to protect a comrade. You wield your sharingan with grace and use your chakra enhanced strength expertly. I have no doubt you'll represent the village spectacularly as the next Hokage." Naruto gave Sarada a warm smile.

Sarada felt faint. Really, really faint. She was going to be the next Hokage. Oh god. The next Hokage. Like the. Next. Hokage. "Naruto-sama…" she began shakily, "I can't believe-oh my lord, thank you! I promise to never let the village down and to protect it with my life! I mean it!"

The rosy hues of morning filled Sarada's bedroom, bathing her bed in a soft light. She opened her eyes and smiled with anticipation since today was the day she'd become Hokage.

Stepping off her bed, she put her red glasses on and moved towards her wardrobe, knowing exactly what she would wear.

You should look formal but not overdressed. Sarada remembered her mother's words, picking out her burgundy tunic, soft, black pants, and of course, her Hokage robe.

"Sarada!" Sakura called from downstairs, "Breakfast's ready. You don't want to be late for your big day!

"Coming Mama!" She replied, walking out of her room and to the kitchen. A warm plate of eggs, toast, and fruit sat waiting for Sarada at the table.

"I can't believe my girl has gotten so grown up." Sakura sighed, squeezing her oldest child, "Eat up sweetie. You want to be well fed so that you can show everyone how great the Uchihas are!"

"Thank you for always being there mama." Sarada said sincerely. "I promise to be the greatest Hokage."

"I have no doubt darling." Sakura fought back tears of joy as she saw her daughter walk out of the house, white robe fluttering behind her. The first Uchiha Hokage.