Hello, my viewers. Another story to begin once again! Now this is set shortly after 'Kung Fu Panda 3'. In this story, I have my theory of the 'when, where'. You have your opinions and theories, and I respect that. This is a request from my dear friend in the outside world. And so enjoy! -Traveler

-In the Year of the Water Goat, 1223 of the Southern Song Dynasty, in The Valley of Peace of the Guangxi Province-

It was a quiet morning in all of the Valley, until it was disrupted by groups of Boar Bandits. "Let's have some fun!". Laughed the leader as he pushed up a food cart, the apples and other vegetables smashed under the cart. His fellow Boars snorted, laughed as they destroyed tables, food carts, even walls as they robbed the villagers, scaring them off, while trying to find precious gold.

"Who's ready for the Thunder Fists?!". announced a plucky, excited voice as a round, fluffy panda jumped into a bandit, causing the villagers to cheer, "Dragon Warrior, we're saved!". The Dragon Warrior is the Panda named Po, and he's a student/teacher of Kung Fu, along with the Furious Five.

A growl sounded out as a black and orange female tiger called Tigress kicked the gut of a bandit, and then spinning around to punch another bandit behind her, while her comrades/friends battled the rest of the bandits. A fangless, beautiful green snake named Viper lashed her tail into the behind of a bandit, enticing him to be smacked like a kid while a brown monkey, ironically called 'Monkey', gave four simultaneous punches at four bandit's faces, grunting as he then rolled back, hitting another bandit with his hind feet.

Meanwhile, a small, but powerful green insect called Mantis flipped a bandit back and forward, then twisted him around to crash into a wall, and disappearing into the midst to distract the bandits some more, and a tall, lanky, tan/black bird named Crane flew around, twisting around some bandits, making them dizzy, then got swiped off their hooves into walls from Crane's large wing-power.

The leader of the bandits growled in anger as he ran into a building, scaring off some ducks, and tearing up the kitchen, the living room, until he stopped, finding a golden shiny sphere under a destroyed floorboard, and chortled as he ran out. Suddenly, he was nearly caught by a flying bandit who was punched by Po, and Po laughed, "That was a good one! Whoo, robbing a place for that sparkly thing? Sounds like someone needs a time-out!". He then jumped over the leader who turned to run, and crashing into the belly of Po who giggled, "That tickles. My turn.".

He then turned into a side-along kick into the bandit's gut who tumbled over, groaning in pain, yet clutching the sphere in his arms. "That doesn't hurt at all!". Po narrowed his eyes, "That doesn't belong to you. Crane, help me with this stubborn baddie!". Crane, having heard Po's call, swept over, and his claws took the bandit's shirt, and took him out into a wall.

The bandit groaned louder, stumbling and weakly getting up, and Po widened his eyes as Crane landed, "I think he isn't giving up, Po.". Po then grinned as a idea came to him, "Let's do the Twist Kick!". Crane nodded, and flew up as Po ran then jumped up, aligning his hips, alongside Crane who's doing the same, then recoiled their legs out, hitting the bandit's face, who yelled in pain, letting go of the sphere.

In spare moments as Po and Crane landed, with the bandit crashed into a food cart, the sphere crashed into the ground, right next to Po and Crane, then suddenly a gold flash appeared, showing through the village, blinding the bandits and the rest of the Furious Five. When it disappeared, leaving the bandits quickly hit by the rest of the Furious Five.

"What was that?!". asked Viper in confusion. Tigress narrowed her eyes in confusion and curiosity, "Let's find out.". Monkey, Mantis followed the girls as they ran, slithered, scrambled to the location where the flash originated from, and they laid eyes upon a strange scene. The leader of the bandits was out, unconscious as he laid upon a ransacked food cart, and the clearing was completely gone of any other inhabitants. Monkey asked, "Hey, where's Crane and Po?".

Mantis nodded, "Yeah, where did they go?". Tigress had no answer for them, until she saw something glint upon the brick road, and walked forward to lean down, putting a knee down as she picked up a broken golden sphere which had a strange white crystal peeking through the visible cracks. "I believe Master Shifu can elaborate this as this seems to be the source of Po and Crane's disappearance.". The others looked at each other, and Viper asked one vital question, "What happened to them?".

"That is one mystery we couldn't know or see now, but wherever they are, I certainly know they're alive.". replied Tigress slowly. The others nodded in agreement, wondering about their missing friends.