I sadly own nothing of this story. This story is not based on any other wolf stories or something like that, I am making my own rules about the pack and stuff. The sentences in italic are Beth's thoughts.

Enjoy and let me know what you think of it!


Beth has always loved the rain, there was just something about it. Something captivating. She loved to watch from her window as the rain poured down from the sky. It could hold her attention for quite some time. And she just loved the smell of it. The smell of something so fresh but at the same time hard to describe. So Beth loved the rain. That is also why she didn't mind walking home in the pouring rain that afternoon. She was soaking wet, her cowboy boots drenched and coated with mud. Not that she minded, as she had nowhere important to be. So she didn't have to look presentable or something. Beth was just on her way home.

It isn't a long walk, about 20 minutes, the farm is located just out of town. And Beth loved being outdoors. It must have something to do with growing up on a farm she thought.

She was surprised to see a police cruiser parked at her house, when she arrived. Rick. Something must be wrong. He doesn't just stop by for a chat without calling ahead. Or maybe he did call ahead and nobody told me about it. She hurried up the front porch and opened the door. As she stepped inside she directly heads for the kitchen, knowing that that is where her mother will be.

'Mom, what is going on? Why is Rick here?' She asks worriedly. Annette who was standing at the stove, stirring in a pan, turned around to face her youngest daughter.

'Really Bethy? How many times do I need to tell you to pull off your boots before storming inside.' She signs while looking disapproving at Beth's cowboy boots. 'You got mud all over the floor.' Ofcourse cause that's what important right now..

Beth managed to look sheepish as she looked behind her to follow the trail of mud to the door. 'Sorry mom, I will clean it up. Just please tell me what is going on?' She begged her mother.

Annette sighed while trying to keep her stern face in order. 'I don't know why Rick is here, just that he needed to talk to your father and that it was urgent.' Annette said while turning around once again to stir in the same dish. 'They have been in his office for quite some time now.' She said while checking the clock on the wall behind her.

'Do you, uhm, think it got something to do with..?' Beth asked hesitantly.

Annette looked up from her dish to look at Beth sternly. 'I don't know Bethy. Stop grilling me for answers.' Beth knew that her mother wasn't willing to elaborate on the subject or maybe she couldn't because she really didn't know what was going on.

Beth sighed as she walked to the sink to wet a cleaning cloth to clean up the mud her boots left all over the floor. Just as she returned to the hallway to clean up the trail, the door to her fathers study opened and out walked Rick. 'Beth.' He said while greeting her with the nod.

Beth smiled back as greeting. He looks exhausted. 'Everything alright?' She knew it was wrong to pry but she just wants to know what is wrong.

A small pulling up on the left side of Rick's upper lip revealed that he has figured her out. 'Hopefully, it will be soon.' He said while winking at her and turning to leave for the door. Just before stepping outside he turns back to look at Hershel, who now stood in the door opening of his office. 'If you hear anything from your contacts, let me know.' And then he was gone.

Beth turned to look at her father expectantly. 'Daddy?' She asks while pouting just a little.

A soft smile appeared on his face. 'Doodlebug.. don't pull that face on me, not today.' He signed. Hershel took a step into the hallway and closed the door behind him. Annette appeared from the kitchen and tried to get a read on her husband.

Oh come on! How long is this going to take?! Beth thought while waiting for her father to finally tell them what is going on.

'Hershel?' Annette asked gently. Hmm apparently I am not the only one who is curious..

Hershel scratched his chin while trying to decide how to bring the news. 'You know about those three missing boys, and that one man who is also reported missing?' He looked at his wife and daughter, who both nodded to confirm that they saw it on the news. 'Rick finds it strange that all the people who went missing in this area in the last few weeks are all males. He thinks it might involve a feral wolf.'

And there it is, the subject that has been avoided in the house like a plague. Let me explain it to you: my father used to be an Alfa wolf. That is right I said wolf. Like with the ability to change and all that. He used to be a pack leader, until he met his soulmate (my mother, yeah wolves actually have soulmates..) and kind of resigned. That is something that is unheard of in the pack's world. I will come back on that subject later on. Nowadays he helps his replacement (Rick) out whenever he needs to and if one of the pack is injured. See a wolf can't exactly go to a doctor or hospital and since Daddy used to be a veterinarian he is their best option. Sometimes he even takes me with him. But that is as involved as my dad will probably ever get with the pack again.

Back on the kind of resigning, like I said it is unheard of. And by that I mean it doesn't happen. Like ever. An Alfa leader does not resign. The only way for the pack to get another Alfa is if the previous one dies or is killed. Then his second in command (another Alfa) will take over. The pack is more than family, once you are part of the pack you are a part of it forever.

So you see why it is very strange for my family to live apart from the pack, as they own a big property of land close to the woods. I Basically grew up without the influence of the pack and the whole wolf thing (except for occasionally patching up a wolf and babysitting Judith). But in times like this, when help is needed, my father gets involved.

I have a feeling this time it is going to change everything.

Sooo that was the prologue! If you have any questions or something like that feel free to contact me! Let me know what you think of the prologue and I probably update within two weeks.
