Hi everyone! This is my first fanfic, I really don't know if it will turn out good or not. The story takes place a few generations after SkyClan left the old forest. The characters are mine, but I don't own Warriors, ERIN HUNTER does! I'll start with the allegiances and the prologue right now and try to update as soon as possible! Enjoy!

On with the prologue!

Prologue :

Rain poured down on the clearing like droplets of fire. Undercover, cats were battling in the night.

"RiverClan, retreat!" yowled a muscular pale grey tom to his fellow clanmates. A pawful of cats yowled in outrage but fled nonetheless along with their friends.

A black tom with ginger spots all over his fur spat at the grey tom's face. "That'll teach you to come and attack us for no reason in the middle of the night, Icystar!"

"For no reason?" snickered Icystar. "You are so naive, Sorrelstar. But don't worry, we'll come back," he meowed before turning around. He then fled, leaving dark paw prints in the mud-splattered ground.

A dark red she-cat padded to Sorrelstar's side. "Is that a threat?" she growled menacingly.

"Yes, Redwing," replied the leader in an undertone. "Dark times are coming for the Clans. I don't know who is behind it, but we need to find out."

Redwing nodded in agreement, and the remaining warriors padded to their respective dens. Suddenly, a wail rose at the far end of the camp. "Sootflower, no!" A small grey and white she-cat was hunched over a motionless gray body, sobbing and shaking.

Sorrelstar padded to her side and licked her comfortingly around the ears. "Sad deaths happen, Fogpaw. StarClan could not have prevented this. I'm sorry. Sootflower will be a great loss to the Clan." He bowed his head and beckoned a brown and white tom, whose face was dark with grief.

"First Cloudkit and now Sootflower," he meowed while curling his tail over Fogpaw. "What have we done to you, StarClan?" he hissed to the sky.

"I'm sorry, Harefoot," replied Sorrelstar. "Your mate," he turned to Fogpaw, "and mother, will always be watching you in StarClan," he added.

"Lets prepare for the vigil," announced a brown tabby tom, quickly making his way amongst the throng of cats sitting sadly on the wet floor. "Rainpaw, go and fetch some mint and daisy leaves," he then ordered a pretty white she-cat with dappled gray spots.

While the Clan was preparing for the vigil, Sorrelstar leapt on a rock which stood in the center of the clearing. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around Highrock to hear my words!" he meowed.

At once, all heads turned to him.

"Today is a sad day. Sootflower has left us to join StarClan. Nevertheless, trouble is coming, we mustn't grieve eternally. RiverClan will want its revenge, and we can do nothing to prevent it. I want extra vigilance in both hunting and border patrols, and extra training for all warriors and apprentices. No exceptions."

The Clan yowled in approval and dispatched to clear the mess. Sootflower's body was placed in the middle of the camp, and a few cats buried their heads in her cold fur.

"May you have good hunting, swift running, and shelter where you sleep," murmured the brown tabby. He then sighed and went back to his medicine cat duties.


"Sorrelstar, may I speak with you?" came the voice of the brown tabby tom, having finished tending to all his clanmates.

"Of course, Ferntail," answered the leader. "Come on in," Ferntail padded inside the den, brushing against a lichen curtain.

"I received a prophecy two days ago, and I believe it is of great importance after what just happened," he started.

Sorrelstar pricked his ears in curiosity. "What is it?"

"The Clans will tumble like stones falling off a cliff. Pine needles and dark streams will unite, and create chaos. Only the jay will be able to save the Clans. But beware, even birds can fly a bit too high."

"What does that mean?" asked Sorrelstar. But Ferntail looked as puzzled as he was.

"I don't know, Sorrelstar. I honestly don't know."

Sorrelstar sighed. "Let's hope we will discover its meaning soon enough," he meowed. "Please don't tell anyone, yet. I don't want the Clan to go mad with fear. They are already sad enough."

"Of course," answered Ferntail. "Even Rainpaw doesn't know, and she's a talented apprentice. I will go now if you'll excuse me."

"Good night, my friend. May StarClan light your dreams."

"May StarClan light your dreams."


In a corner of the camp slept a queen, two tiny newborn kits suckling at her belly. One was black, the other gray. But little did she know what role they had to play.



Leader: Sorrelstar: ginger, brown and black tabby tom with amber eyes

Deputy: Redwing: dark red she-cat with blazing green eyes

Medicine cat: Ferntail: brown tabby tom with white paws and amber eyes



Poppyblossom: tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes

Thornfang: brown tabby tom with white paw tips and tail tip and dark blue eyes

Cloudberry: white she-cat with a grey tail and blue eyes

Shellheart: gray mottled tom with green eyes


Rosenettle: brown she-cat with rosy spots and green eyes

Sparkfire: ginger tom with amber eyes

Timberfur: gray and white tom with blue eyes


Squirrelwhisker: bright ginger she-cat with green eyes

Brackenheart: calico she-cat with dark green eyes

Harefoot: brown and white tom with blue eyes

Mallowfern: creamy pelted she-cat with amber eyes


Pinefur: dark brown, nearly black tom with amber eyes


Lionclaw: ginger tom with green eyes

Whiteslash: black she-cat with a white slash across her head and blue eyes


Rainpaw: white she-cat with grey spots and blue eyes

Hollypaw: tortoiseshell and white she-cat with blue eyes

Blackpaw: black tom with very dark grey smudges and green eyes

Yellowpaw: yellow tom with amber eyes

Fogpaw: gray and white she-cat with misty blue eyes


Finchflight: pale ginger she-cat with green eyes, mother to Sunkit, Larchkit and Seedkit, mates with Pinefur

Nightstorm: dark grey she-cat with green eyes, mother to Jaykit and Breezekit, mates with Thornfang


Greenflower: white she-cat with green eyes

Barkshade: brown tom with amber eyes

Beetlewing: solid gray tom with amber eyes


Leader: Icystar: very pale gray tom with white patches and piercing blue eyes

Deputy: Flamewhisker: ginger tom with amber eyes

Medicine cat: Gingercloud: white she-cat with golden spots and blue eyes


Leader: Cinderstar: grey tabby she-cat with long fur and green eyes

Deputy: Batwing: black tom with amber eyes

Medicine cat: Silverheart: blue-grey she-cat with green eyes


Leader: Thrushstar: white she-cat with blue eyes

Deputy: Gorsebush: ginger tom with white patches and blue eyes

Medicine cat: Molepelt: brown tom with green eyes

APPRENTICE: Weaselpaw: ginger tom with green eyes

Hope you all enjoyed! Please review ;-)