Nico ducked as the empusa's blade sliced through the air above him. How had everything gone so wrong? It was supposed to be a little thing, just an average capture the flag game. But a red flag now sat tattered on the ground, the game forgotten.


Pushed to the ground, Nico fought the fleeting urge to give up. His hand felt empty, and he soon realized it was because his sword was lying ten feet away from him. He halfheartedly peered up at the laestrygonian towering over him. Seeing its raised club, he sighed. So they would have to do this the hard way, then.


Nico fought his drooping eyelids as he saw the sun dip over the horizon. How long had they been fighting, now? It didn't matter. He could see the number of enemies dwindling. They were making progress. He was sure of it. But the constant use of his powers was wearing him out, and as he dipped through the shadows, slashing and weaving, he felt them weigh on him like a metal coat. Almost as if they didn't want to let him go.


He was right. The enemies were dwindling. There were now more recovering demigods on the field laid out in front of him than active fights going on. Exhausted and looking for a kind face to settle into, Nico fell upon bright blue eyes that were all too familiar.

Will smiled at him from the other side of the field, although his eyes were weary and his face was smudged with dirt and blood. Nico started stumbling towards him, as if in a trance. But before he could reach him, Nico noticed something behind Will.

Shadows. Rustling. Not unlike the ones that still clung to his arms and ankles.

Nico moved faster.


Will didn't understand. Didn't understand the expression on Nico's face, the subtle shake of his head, the sudden urgency with which he was moving. He didn't understand. And he didn't see the shadows moving behind him, the flicker of a tongue through pointed teeth, the claws clutching a raised dagger, aimed at a spot right in between his shoulder blades-


"Will!" Nico slammed into Will's shoulder, knocking him to the ground. The monster's blade, before directed at Will's back, pierced Nico's stomach instead, making him stumble backward. Numbly, Nico heard Will call his name, too, but his voice sounded like he was underwater.

Nico lost consciousness before he hit the ground.